Guild Meeting June 2020
From DQWiki
DQ Guild Meeting 14th June 2020
12:00 GMs Meeting
Online on Google Meet - GM's Meeting
- 11:30 to 12 to give participants a chance to sort out connecting and have a chat.
- 12-12:30 to sort out campaign and adventures as usual.
Adventures Going Out
Current GMs may book themselves on adventures at this time.
Rules Issues
Campaign Report
What's going on and what's coming up from the campaign committee (that we need to know). And what other people could help with or contribute to.
General Business
1:00 Guild Meeting
Venue: Online on Google Meet - Guild Meeting
- 12:30 to 1pm to give everyone a chance to sort out connecting and have a chat.
- 1pm usual guild meeting
Adventure Summaries
- Nobody dies there...probably - GM IanA
- The Bottle of Spirits - GM: William
- Into the Sky Rock - GM: Bernard
- Brave new world - DM: Jim
- Novadom Road North - GM Stephen
Adventure Announcements and Sign-up
- Candyland - Low - Wed - GM Anne
- East Hindia TC - Low-Med - Thu/Wed - GM Stephen (Mostly Online)
- Looking Glass Lost - Med - Fri - GM Michael P
- Coral Sea Colony - Low-Med - Tues - GM Keith (Online)
- Smartest
- No Vote -
- Bravest
- No Vote -
- Stupidest
- No Vote -
- Best Death
- No Vote -
- Star of Alusia - No nominations
- Jammiest B'stard
- No Vote -