Air Bastards of the Shattered Queen

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Scribe Notes


Adventure: Air Bastards of the Shattered Queen
GM: William Dymock-Johnson
Location: William's house
Season: Spring 817 wk
Night: Mondays
Level: Medium. No, really.

Anghamrabad, a clerk.
Flying ships. Shadow demons. Complete bastards.


What? You need more?


Oh very well. Raiders from the Shadow Realm have appeared demanding payment, often in the form of lifeforce / souls and then taking it when people won't cough up. Find out what the bloody hell is going on and stop it. Oh, and they have made off with a High Lady of Alfhiem. That may be important too.

Scribe Notes

Session 1 - meet, brief, etc

We met at the guild and ... ... all got eaten by demons.(nearly)

Our erstwhile employer seemed to be worried about the shorter end of the party. Apparently, he has the idea that we might borrow some of his things. At least he didn’t eat our dwarf this time. Our Mission is to rescue the high lady of Alfhiem by next Tuesday week. This to stop the involvement of Isil Eth who if she becomes involved will cause severe repercussions. Discounted tactics to delay Isil Eth include starting a major land war in Asia - somewhere near Hindia (note this was one of the more sensible suggestions), kidnapping her, shopping expeditions etc. After interviewing Mayhem’s prospective father in law, we make our though a portal to Ladlaugh. The place is busier than I remember it.

There is a shipyard for floating ships. They look pretty. Inside one that hadn’t been completed there was an unreal clock that some elves were singing to. Mayhem locked the door to keep it safe and we were ushered out on suspicion of being hobbits. We decide to go under cover of darkness to borrow the unreal clock, if we haven’t already. The search of the closets proved inconclusive. Henric bravely 'occupied' the elvish female guard while the rest of us used a warping of the wood on the bottom of the vessel (a previously unnoticed - lower entrance) to enter the ship. We put in a temporary illusionary replacement clock and borrowed the original for some 'servicing'.

In the morning, we found out that some runes said that the Lady was taken but not why she in the grove where she was taken. We also do not know what music to play to the clock. It is decided that we will go out into the forest and that we will play with some levers on the clock.

After some lever pulling we go back into town and we find sick elves attending a party at the palace. A plague from the Marquis of Archers. It is the 8,000th year of Glorath rule (1600 after Panjari). We find and CURE Lady Heleria. We liberate some artifacts to preserve them for future use and leverage

Back to the woods and more lever pulling. In town, there is a 30-foot-tall black pyramid. Rapid backing off ensues. Should we take some hoard? Some more fiddling with levers. There is a deserted village. When are we? There is a 14-year-old elf. He is to become the 23 legion. He is not beaten on principle (i.e. he will catch up to us eventually) Henric gives him a prophesy for his future which gives him a glorious warrior path to follow with the love of his life at the end.

Some for lever pulling and we find the remains of a huge city. “Here is the site of the rebirth of the Elves. If you look to the left you will see the remains of the place” – a very chatty Gollum. When are we now?

Session 2 - More Time

Some questioning of the gollum lets us know two things. One he is the last one because there are no more binders and two it is 807,204 years since Panjari. Also there are elves hiding in the trees that are being hunted by the tree squids. The elves are shorter than I remember and they are short lived now. Quentin tells us that the furry tree squids are Squibbons(They carry straws). The tree squids tell us they are Engineers. Given what I our long term human was doing to them at the time I tend to believe them.

We are grateful that we made it out of the squid era so after some careful study by our resident philosopher buttons are pushed. The trees are now rotten and there are lots of webs. A dead person who had a wiggly dagger told us that his stop the living trick didn't work and he promptly died when he got here. We are we believe in the shadow lands. A shadow hunter called Narell tells us of drow that did not pay after asking for help.Narell is hunting trackers (9 armed starfish with tentacles) and would like us to stop scaring his prey. Also ghoul jelly goes well with trackers. He tells us of a magic grove where the there is life magic.

From the grove there are the tracks of five entities. 2 with claws, 2 with hooves and a person. we follow them to a clearing and find the tracks stop. Popping up above the trees revealed a massive light plume towards the north east. We decide to back to the grove. Once there we talk to an elvish herbalist for ages and discover the entire grove is a magic symbol.

In town the Lady we are trying to rescue is not so much missing as not here. Some invisible vulture men come through and steal some stuff from the council chambers. We decide it is time to eat so we seek out food. while there I check if I have left/will leave a note for myself. Apparently I have / will do so we take off in hot pursuit with some light meals.Back through the grove and there is screeching and the Vulture men are surrounded by undead white apes. After some messy fighting stuff we talk to the vulture men and find out they have stolen paper and ink to make peace.

Places/Planes visited

People Encountered

  • Exarel: Air Bastard owed money for his services to Rashak
  • Vulture Man Helmsman: A vampyre, not too pernicious.

Buffs & Mil Sci

Lucky Numbers
Player1 Player2 Player3 Player4 Player5 Player6
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Astrology (??)
?? ??, ??, ??
?? ??
?? ??
?? ??
?? ??
?? ??

Long Term (assumed always on)

Magic (caster) Rk Effects Dur An Ev HH My Pr Qu
?? (R) ?? ?? ??
?? (R) ?? ?? ??
?? (R) ?? ?? ??
?? (R) ?? ?? ??

Short Term

Magic (caster) Rk Effects Dur An Ev HH My Pr Qu
Witchsight (Mayhem) 12 See in darkness 150'/75', penetrate Invisibility < Rank 13 6½ hrs
?? (R) ?? ?? ??
?? (R) ?? ?? ??
?? (R) ?? ?? ??

Watch Order

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Player1 Player2 Player3 Player4
Player5 Player6 Player1

Marching Order

Skirmish Formations (Front)

Player1 Player2 Player3
Player4 Player5 Player6

Double File

Player1 Player2
Player3 Player4
Player5 Player6

Single File



  • Some stuff we lifted from an elf party at Ladlaugh when they were all krrfed up to buggery;
Cash and equivalent


Spring: Thaw (10) 817wk
Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
Candlemansa 1 Guild Meeting 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Spring: Seedtime (11)
28 29 30 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 Rites of Thunor 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 Equinox 16 17 Eostre 18 Seagate Spring Ball
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 1 2
Spring: Blossom (12)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 Returning Home 18 19 20 21 Floralia 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Walpurgisnacht