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Other Editions

Editorial Room for the Summer 807 Edition

Quotable Quotes

All this training in Military Scientist, wasted. I should of taken up brewing. - Saydar

Darien: What happens if you die?
Kit: If anyone shows up, please take their name.

Kit: They're Powers of Light people, they'll be reasonable.

Ithilmor: I was always an advocate of forgiveness
Kayseri: Why did you stop?

Silverfoam: "Kit puts the 'provocateur' into Agent"

Ithilmor: You do realise that being against the Dark Circle doesn't make those vampires good!?

Captured vampire, stalling for time: I could build a church!
Various white-hatted party members: To who?!!

Kayseri: "I'm keen on ANY play that does not have us attacking in a jolly boat"

Sir Kit: Hell's a one-way trip - ask anyone who's been there!

Silverfoam: No, that's Manavore as in magic eater, not Mana-whore as in Guild Member!

Serena to Axis: Are you big enough to ride?

Starflower to Lizette: I think I’d prefer you didn’t banish our only decent sized piece of evidence.

“We have a hyper Binder - Stand well back” - Phaeton.

"Throwing up is always difficult" - Starflower.

Starflower - "Oy! Stay with the party." Phaeton - "Hey! You were the ones that moved."

Insidious Rumours

Sir Kit traded a Urielite monastry and accompanying vineyard for the skill of getting lost in fae forests.

Is it true that Engalton acquired the Sea Goddess Haven to compensate for certain deficiencies? Sympathies are expressed for Lady Liessa.

What's Hot, What's Not


  • Being hidden from the fates
  • Cream buns


  • Being Hidden from the fates
  • Cream bun vomit statues of Mary-M

Recent Adventures / News in Brief

A Royal Wedding

It is with much pleasure and rejoicing that the peoples of Asheth welcome Teeanna d'Elenassay, as consort to their ruling Prince Dramus. The wedding is to coincide with the midsummer celebrations of the plane. Teeanna is the only daughter of Trinida Elenassay and Captain Alethia Talton, from the well respected merchanting family in Alfheim's Eidolon. Prince Dramus, heir to the kingdom of Aer Cyr, has been nursing Asheth back to health having been granted sovereignty by the Fae King 2 years ago.

Teeth Extracted

At great cost to himself (anyone going to Hell soon?), the Mayor of Horsham (in Waterford) begged a Guild party's assistance in freeing his town (and the nearby Mickleton) from the control of vampires. A group of volunteers, keen to thwart Undead, got a pleasant surprise when they found that the vampires were under the control of Maandar'rik (the cult following a jumped-up ex-underling of Malthus). A few smitings later, both towns are free to choose their own paths. Local merchants and nobility demonstrated their appreciation (but not very much).

Guild News

Guild members known to either Teeanna d'Elenassay or Lord Dramus are invited to join them on Midsummers eve for their Wedding and Coronation.

Transport to the plane will be available three days before the eve at midday from 9a Potters Lane New Seagate.

Columns and Articles

*** Two Storm Masada! ***

The siege of Masada, projected to take at least a few years, ended on the first day after a daring raid by two guild adventurers eliminated virtually all the defenders. Masada was the impregnable fortress of the late Rashak the Destroyer. It was built into a mountain and comprised three seperate subfortresses, defended by undead, drow sorcerors, three dragons and weapons from the dawn of time itself. The Alliance, led by Knight Commander Gaius amassed 16,000 troops, angelic guardians, and awesome siege weapons moved in on the 6th and prepared for a lengthy investment of the colossal fortress.

It took Engalton and Boulder less than an hour to almost completely annihilate the defenders. Reports of how they achieved this are vague and contradictory. "I'm sure there were more of them, I'd swear I saw an orc mooching about. And some humans... But now I'm not so sure." said one eye witness. "Elementals." asserted another, "Everyone knows Engalton has a giant elementalist who summons mighty elementals. That must be it." "Demons I tell you! Engalton has signed hideous pacts with the Powers of Darkness. A dark knight and a grey lady follow him and slay his enemies!" shrieked another.

Engalton and Boulder were sure they left the guild with other members but are unsure what happened to them, if they were there and what they did.

"Sure we had help." claimed Boulder "We definitly brought, um you know, wears black, good in a fight, master assassin type. You know, thingy. And we had a nasty scummy orc with us, damned if I can recall his name. And, um one or two others." "This is just typical of the guild!" stormed Engalton obviously annoyed "It's all ok with looting and pillaging but when a bit of bravery is called for you run, hide or find business off plane. It was only an assualt into the teeth of the most heavily defended fortress around. I expected better and frankly, I'm disappointed."

However they did do it Engalton and Boulder are well renowned heroes with the alliance forces although there are rumours of several who are suspicious of their suspiciously easy victory.

Duke of Ranke killed by Pirates

Duke Abakithis of Ranke has been killed at sea while travelling on his flagship the HGS Imperious. While details have yet to be confirmed, early reports assert that His Grace was travelling in convoy to meet with Aladarian & Brandenburger nobles at Freetown, when a number of black pirate vessels appeared out of a sudden storm, and sunk the flagship. Duke Abakithis was immediately located, but all that was found were his signet ring and jewellery -- from the stomach of a giant White Shark.

The line of succession in Ranke is not clear. Abakithis' brother Kadakithis of Sanctuary is still in quasi-exile, and his bastard sons have shown no signs of interest in the responsibilities of rulership. His only legitimate child, Princess Meredith, is a sickly child of 12. Meanwhile, the Black Fleet have been blamed for this attack, and Sanctuary is fast-tracking it's recent plans for a merchant navy to patrol Confederation Bay and the Aladarian coast. Rumours abound that Ilsig may push for independance again, and obviously, Mordeaux will have little reason to cease it's occupation of Southern Ranke. Abakithis' death could trigger the final break-up of Ranke.

Classifieds (Selling Services and Stuff)

Wanted to Buy

Daggers of magical or unique nature. Very good prices paid. Please let Dalran know by email


Riddles and Puzzles


Dear Editors,

Please publish this letter .....

To all past patrons and staff of the Sea Goddess Haven.

It is regret that I inform you that it is now apparent that the Sea Goddess Haven will not be resuming normal business after the Dark Circle is gone but, will instead remain in service to the Elven Armada. I hope that those who served on board are able to find, or have found, alternative employment as it is still not clear at this stage what compensation, if any, will be offered or, if even, business will be resumed at an alternate location.

Thank you to all our patrons who supported us while we were in business.


Aqualina ex co-owner of the 'Sea Goddess Haven'


Special Notices

Festival of the Arts

Come One, Come All, to the Greatest Show on Alusia

Acrobats Actresses Stilt Walkers
Musicians Puppeteers Operetta
Fireworks Mimes Morris-dancing
Bohemians Nouveau Arte Exotic Animals
Magicians Circus Freaks Minstrels
Troubadours Singers Religious Plays
Sculptors Poets Fire Eaters
Perversity Costumes Dancers
Painters Chorus Girls Competitions
Cabaret The 3 Castratii Parades
Happenings Installations Parties
Jugglers Carnivalé Street Theatre

Only between 8th & 14th Meadow, Silberton, Sanctuary

Western Kingdom Royal News

New Duke of Aladar

Baltmond Alagaad of Zumular has been made Duke of Aladar and invested in Zumular in front of the Aladarian Congress of Lords held in Zumular on 3rd of Blossom 806. Duke Baltmond has elevated Xavier Sartoris to be Viscount of Zumular and has decided to make Neueranfang his Ducal seat.

Duke Baltmond had the unanimous support in the Congress of Lords and the news was met with popular acclaim across Aladar as he has been a well known and inspirational leader since the Baronies war, always campaigning for peace, reconciliation and reconstruction.

Duke Baltmond and his wife, Duchess Briana traveled to Castle Festung near the town of Neueranfang and celebrated for the week of 10th to 16th Blossom which shall be hence called Coronation week in Neueranfang.

New Viscount of Zumular

The elevation of Viscount Baltmond of Zumular to Duke of Aladar has seen the elevation of Baron Xavier Sartoris of Zumular to Viscount of Zumular as of 3rd Blossom 806. Viscount Xavier stated that he would continue the works started by Baltmond and endeavor to progress reconstruction efforts across Zumular and in particular rebuild trade with neighboring realms.

Aladarian Congress of Lords held in Zumular on 3rd of Blossom 806

The first meeting of the congress since the end of the Baronies war in Spring 794 was held in Zumular and attended by all the senior nobles of Aladar. Much important work was conducted during this time that included a number of trade agreements, some important border realignments and agreements of future cooperation.

The Congress was concluded on the 6th of Blossom after a 2-day carnival celebrating the Congress and its achievements. The Congress voted for this to be an annual event held on the 5th of Blossom and hosted in a rotating roster Aladarian towns.