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Travel through the desert for a week and discover valley with lost hold. Find small settlement of Jackal tribe and notes about downfall of hold<BR>
Travel through the desert for a week and discover valley with lost hold. Find small settlement of Jackal tribe and notes about downfall of hold<BR>
Travel up valley for 1 1/2 days, fight undead near barrows. Swim up river to gain entrance to dwarven hold.


Revision as of 06:27, 4 October 2020

Scribe Notes


GM: Bernard
Season: Spring 820 WK
Night: Wednesday
Location: Online
Level: Medium-Highish, please use the 1.4 level assessment or consult with GM if unsure.

GM is unlikely to be around for Guild Meeting due to work, please Email or use alternative contact at or after Guild Meeting time.
If there is not a party of this level, may be possible to do a different level adventure with different plot.

  1. Aaron L - Military scientist
  2. Sabastian D - Party Lawyer and scribe
  3. Pierre_the_Halfling D - breakfast cook and responsible user of magic
  4. Rayne L - Cloud summoner
  5. Grizelda D - Dinner cook
  6. Jaycey D - Food taster
Belgond du Beorht. A travelling dwarf
To follow up on clues Belgond has discovered to an old dwarven stronghold in Thonia in the hopes of recovering some family & cultural artefacts.
10,000sp each, reasonable preparations covered before leaving by negotiation, a fair share of recovered artefacts & value.

Scribe Notes


The mission is to recover dwarven smiths research from a lost Dwarven hold in Thonia. The party fly to Thonia and obtain caliphants as transport to the hold.

Travel through the desert for a week and discover valley with lost hold. Find small settlement of Jackal tribe and notes about downfall of hold

Travel up valley for 1 1/2 days, fight undead near barrows. Swim up river to gain entrance to dwarven hold.


Getting started

Belgond , and his two companions Astroc and Jorga, meets us in the guild tavern. As Pierre picks up a second wheel of cheese form the mound of food Belgond explains, after years of researching, he believes he has located a lost Dwarven hold and is seeking to recover the works of three famous master smiths, whom he has familial and clan ties. His research has not identified the layout of the hold or where the workshops are located within the hold.

The party, through mouthfuls of food, show great interest in the mission and Jayce even stops eating her third loaf of bread to approve. Sabastian, over the next hour, masterfully negotiates a contract with Belgond. Belgond has rights over the notes and specialist items from the master smiths and the party can obtain the rest. The party may negotiate to obtain copies of notes or prototypes. The Dwarven party depart once the deal is agreed in order to conduct some trading. Pierre, Jayce and Sebastian create a mountain of empty plates as the party we complete the guild paperwork and planning. Over the rest of the day supplies are purchased, spells and rituals cast and other preparations completed.

Thonia excitement

The bleary eyes party and the Dwarves depart on Reynes Cloud the next morning. The three days of cloud travel pass without incident, other than Sabastian flying through lighting, and the party arrive in the lands of Thonia and land outside a tent city that is many miles wide, various birds (some clearly illusions) fly up from the market to briefly examine the party. Belgond explains the market is neutral ground for the local tribes, where they trade, negotiate and exchange information. Belgond leads the party through the bustling market, different languages fill the air as the seller hawk their huge variety of wares, and we eventually meet our desert guide at the centre of the camp in the Sharmen tents. The Shamen tents are surrounded by a strange magical field and we learn the Sharmen have recently completed their ritual of Spring. The party sensible don’t play with the unknown magic but another foolish member of the camp accidentally summons a hell hound, which is welcomed by a camp. The party shake their heads in disappointment, none more outraged that Pierre with the irresponsible magical experimentation. The shamen use their magic to duplicate Jayces desert goggles, so all the party have a set.

Our guide explains the land warps and changes, so we much travel on land and at low speeds. The route is precarious; there are rumours of dragons in the mountain and vicious goblin tribes that roam the planes. It will taken about a week to get to our destination and we will be travelling on caliphants, monstrous creatures that are a cross between and elephant and camel, that large enough for a platform and tower to be build upon their backs – anyone threatening the caravan will have a fight on their hands. We make ourselves comfortable on the platforms as the caliphants are lead to the river to drink, for over an hour, before we depart.

Desert Travels

We travel the desert trails for week, passing through sandstorms and avoiding various creatures, including a dragon and sand worm. Fortunately, our guides are prepared, and we avoid the dangers. We do pass a Wyvern tribal village, but they are simple and ignorant people, so our visit is brief.

At the end of the week we travel off the trail and encounter many distance distorting folds, and a few days later we locate a wide valley mouth blocked by an enormous serpentine wall, it looks heavily besieged and sand dunes rest against the wall. The doors of the 100 ft wide gatehouse are open, with one hanging off. There is a small trail of smoke rising up behind the wall (inhabitants) and we can see a 70 ft tower rising behind the walls. The corridors of the gatehouse are layered in sand and all the iron work rusted, the masterwork traps we encounter are broken.

Past the wall there an abundance of plant life in the valley and a small settlement of people, the Jackal Cry tribe who are masters of illusion, live there. The valley is filled with a noxious iron thorn bushes, the vicious spikes are sharp enough to pass through most armour. The tribe welcome us in and explain they have lived there for many generation, as they are in the deep desert they don’t travel much due to the dangers, and the valley allows them to be grow what food they need. They have very few visitor, some Adventurers arrived many decades ago and went up the valley, but never returned. Sabastian spends the evening mending their broken goods and Pierre examines the nasty plant life.

Golem Tower

The next day the party decide to explore the tower. There are two 6 ft iron golems guarding the entryway that block our passage. Fortunately, Pierre is fluent in Dwarven and explains our mission, the mention of Belgond and the dwarven master smiths obtains us entry. The building, like the rest of the structures, is masterfully made, and we later discover it’s a non sentient golem. The basement is empty, anything there has long perished. Higher in the tower we locate an office and, after disarming some masterwork traps, discover a few remaining notes. It talks of the troops retreating and the release of the Destroyers(!). The walls at the top of the tower have been made transparent and the walls offer a magnificent view in all directions. Rayne discovers the spirit of a dead guard and we learn that the Destroyers are dwarven constructs that seek out and destroy anything offensive; siege weapons, people in armour with weapons, mages etc. Most of them don’t discriminate between friend and foe, however the guards on this building do.

Grizelda and Sabastian spend the rest of the morning divinating the golems on the gate and we learn they are immensely powerful constructs that would be fearsome in combat. They can also be possessed, but this is a skill that is granted by a power/avatar. These golems have also been effected by elemental chaos (not part of the original construction) and now contain powerful elemental magics

Skeletal Surprise

The following day the party departed the Jackal camp and travelled up the valley, weaving through the iron thorn bushes. The journey came to a halt a day and a half later as they encountered a wall of iron throne than crossed the entire valley, it was almost 80ft deep and extremely high. Following some expert application of blackfire, meteorite shower and some labours hours with axes a path was calved through the wall and the party emerged in a part of the valley that matched Belgonds notes.

Working our way around more iron thorn and through a shallow river the party spotted an old barrows, and a number of insubstantial and skeletal figures. Our opponents fought very intelligently, pinning up down with arrow and meteorite showers. They eventually retreated as their losses mounted, with the skeletal figures exploding into toxic gas (our vapor breathing saved us) and black spirits flying back into the burial mound. Investigating further we found there were two mounds in his part of the valley. Nothing remained of the skeletons that were defeated or exploded.

Hold ahoy

Following some investigation, we decided the barrows were built by goblin some hundreds of years after the hold was abandoned, so probably weren’t the entrance to the hold. Which was good as the inhabitants were tough! Belgonds notes indicated we needed to follow the 'Smooth way' to access the hold. Following some hours of carefully examining the valley wall, with no discoveries, we decided in investigate the stream the went into the valley wall with Aarons wizard eye, it followed the river for 30 ft then hit a scry guard. Grizelda and Jaycey were able to water breath and explored underwater further, finding an opening to a large cavern 100ft up the river. Too far for most of us to swim without magic, the party mechanician build a crude device that would act as an air pocket and allow the party to all make the swim. With the party assembled we began out exploration of the dwarven hold.

People and places

  • Belgond - dwarven employeer
  • Astroc - companion of Balgon
  • Jorga - companion of Balgon

Lost Dwarven hold

Situated in valley, vast wall protects valley entrance. Everything we encounter is masterwork level.

Dwarven Masters

  • Master Helecia (f) - master armoursmith
  • Master Bostnal (m) - master armoursmith, not fond of plate
  • Master Hadmac - master weaponsmith

Tower of Waygeth the Giant form
A huge tower and military post, that is also a non sentient golem. A high mana zone

Iron Golems that are dwarven constructs that seek out and destroy anything offensive; siege weapons, people in armour with weapons, mages etc. Most of them don’t discriminate between friend and foe, the guards on this building do. Have weapon of destruction - amalgamation of shatter (bard), Disintegrate (binder) and disruption (mind) that do massive damage and break through most things, including walls. Effected by elemental chaos after creation (an accident?) that provides them every elemental beneficial spell permanently.


Daily pattern

‘’How much time does the party spend sleeping, eating, traveling, doing rituals, etc each day’’

Aaron needs at least 2 hrs to renew any enchant armour/weapon spells usually I do over night.

Travel Magics

‘’What travel magic options does the party have, how far per cast/or per day if duration is longer than usual travel time.’’ ‘’Can the party eat/sleep/etc on the mode of transport.’’

  • Rapid Road (Pierre) + 17Mph road speed, 390 minutes, approx 130 miles per cast
  • Thigh high club (ogre club) (Aaron) travel 30 mph use plus Milsci rk squared followers
  • Shadow Wings (Sabastian) - R14 44mph 7.5 hrs

Watch Order

Day Watch. ‘’Used when stationary, or on a larger transport such as a ship’’
First - Grizelda, Pierre
Second - Jaycey, Sebastian
Third - Aaron, Rayne

Night watch
First - Grizelda, Pierre
Second - Jaycey, Sebastian
Third - Aaron, Rayne

Marching Order

Skirmish Formations (Front)
Double File

Rayne, Grizelda
Sabastian, Pierre
Jaycey, Aaron

Single File



General Buff Notes

Buffs listed in the table don't need to be detailed, other buffs not on the table must be mentioned at the time they are cast.
Y means always on, N/- means never on, 'Sit.' means when the party has time for buffs before a fight.
Weapon Spells which weapon/s it is going on normally should be noted also

Long duration buffs

Magic Rk Effects Dur A S P R G J ?
Disguise (Pierre) 16 ???? 17H/ 8 Days ? ? Y ? ? ? ?
Enchant Armour (Aaron) 14 30 def +1 Armour 7.5 Hours or 21


Y ? Y ? ? ? ?
Enchant Weapons (Aaron) 10 11 SC +4 dam 15 min or 21 days Y ? ? ? ? ? ?
Greater (Aaron) +15 per area Seasonal or 21 days Y ? Y ? ? ? ?
Vapour Breathing Ra?) 9 ???? 5/9.5 Hours ? ? Y ? ? ? ?
Waterproofing (Ra) 8 ???? 27 Hours ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Rune Shield (Grizelda) 12 +17 def +2 FT protection +2 EN protection and small round shield of force 13 Hours ? ? Y ? ? ? ?
Greater Heart Rune (Grizelda) 6 Heals 6 EN 7 days ? ? Y ? ? ? ?
Willow Healing (Grizelda) 7 Heals 3 EN per pulse for 9 pulses 14 Hours ? ? Y ? ? ? ?
Name (??) ## ???? ? Hours ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Short duration buffs

Magic Rk Effects Dur A S P R G J ?
Invisibility (Pierre) 17 Invis 90 Mins ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Witchsight (Sabastian) 20 10.5 h ? ? N ? ? ? ?
Strength of Darkness (Sabastian) 11 7 str 2 hr ? ? Sit ? ? ? ?
Scales (Aaron) 12 44 pt ablative physical 22 Mins (32 enhanced) Sit ? Sit ? ? ? ?
Smite (Grizelda) 12 One D10 counts as 10 for 5 attacks or casts 17 Mins ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Shadowform (Sabastian) 9 20% 5 hr ? ? N ? ? ? ?
Invisibility (Jaycey) 10 ???? 55 Mins ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Heroism (Jaycey) 10 11% Def on Target, 11 to fear checks in line of sight 100 Mins ? ? Sit ? ? ? ?
Arrow Flight(Rayne) 6 +7% SC, +2 DM, 5 Targets, Weapon must have an R(##) use. 11 Mins ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Create Rune Weapon (Grizelda) 6 Additional D-5+2 acid damage for D10 pulses 11 Mins ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Enhance Enchantment 10 up to 10 ranks to.... 60 sec ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
?? (??) ?? ?? ?? Mins ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Loot and Expenses

Party Carrying Capacity

‘’How much loot can each person in the party carry, and by what means’’

Strength of Darkness R11 - +7 str

Pierre-- With Itemisation and cart building a few substantial pieces. Otherwise 20 or 30lbs

Sabastian - 14 str. Also has itemisation

Aaron - leather bag of holding plus a handy haversack probably got 100 lbs spare.

Jaycey - Handy haversack (100lbs spare space), Small cart plus 5 horse's (350lbs each) and a donkey (250lbs)

Grizelda - Handy Haversack

SP & other cash value loot

Significant Items



Minor Items



Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
Thaw (10)
  1 Guild Meeting 2 Cloud travel to Thonia 3 Cloud travel to Thonia 4 Cloud travel to Thonia 5 Desert Travel 6 Desert Travel - spot dragon
7 Desert Travel - sandstorm 8 Desert Travel - sandstorm 9 Desert Travel - Sandworm, Wyvern village 10 Desert Travel - off trail, many folds 11 Desert Travel - off trail, many folds 12 Desert Travel - off trail 13 Desert Travel - find valley
14 Examine tower 15   16   17   18   19   20  
21   22   23   24   25   26   27  
28   29   30    
Seedtime (11)
  1   2   3   4  
5   6   7   8 Rites of Thunor 9   10   11  
12   13   14   15 Equinox 16   17 Eostre 18 The Seagate Spring Ball
19   20   21   22   23   24   25  
26   27   28   29   30    
Blossom (12)
  1   2  
3   4   5   6   7   8   9  
10   11   12   13   14   15   16  
17   18   19   20   21 Floralia 22   23  
24   25   26   27   28   29   30 Walpurgisnacht