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<div style="float: right; font-size: smaller; margin-left: 10px; ">[[Scribe_Notes#Spring_822_WK|Scribe Notes]]<br/>__TOC__</div>
<div style="float: right; font-size: smaller; margin-left: 10px; ">[[Scribe_Notes#Spring_822_WK|Scribe Notes]]<br/>__TOC__</div>
[[Category:Chris|User:ChrisC]][[Category:Scribe Notes]]
[[Category:Chris|User:Chris C]][[Category:Scribe Notes]]
== Summary ==
== Summary ==
'''Adventure''': Salve Rex<br>
'''Adventure''': Salve Rex<br>
'''GM''': [[User:Chris|Chris]]<br>
'''GM''': [[User:Chris Caulfield|Chris]]<br>
'''Season''': [[Spring]] 822 wk<br>
'''Season''': [[Spring]] 822 wk<br>
'''Night''': Thursday<br>
'''Night''': Thursday<br>
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The Guild has been retained to undertake a mission on behalf of a wealthy family in Cauldersfield in that they wish to locate some lost tombs in the [[Corwyrn Highlands]] (also known as the Corwyrn Swamp due to its inundation of water which only seems to be getting worse) in the East of the realm.  The wealthy Cauldersfield family seeks to locate the tombs and if possible, enter and extract some missing unique Cauldersfield Relics to help restore Cauldersfield to greatness.
The Guild has been retained to undertake a mission on behalf of a wealthy family in Cauldersfield in that they wish to locate some lost tombs in the [[Corwyrn Highlands]] (also known as the Corwyrn Swamp due to its inundation of water which only seems to be getting worse) in the East of the realm.  The wealthy Cauldersfield family seeks to locate the tombs and if possible, enter and extract some missing unique Cauldersfield Relics to help restore Cauldersfield to greatness.

In order that the party can find these tombs, the local Bishop, [[Bishop Ladislaus Khan]] must be ‘encouraged’ to undertake research in his library to help discover the lost tombs.  To that end a shipment of holy relics and a new holy altar has been shipped to [[Freetaun]] and from there upriver towards the last navigable point of [[Westmarch|Wesmarch]] from whence it will travel on wagons to its destination in the Cauldersfield mountains to the NW some 300m away.  They are to also keep the bishop happy and undertake any tasks he asks of them until they accomplish their goal.
In order that the party can find these tombs, the local Bishop, [[Bishop Ladislaus Khan]] must be 'encouraged' to undertake research in his library to help discover the lost tombs.  To that end a shipment of holy relics and a new holy altar has been shipped to [[Freetaun]] and from there upriver towards the last navigable point of [[Westmarch|Wesmarch]] from whence it will travel on wagons to its destination in the Cauldersfield mountains to the NW some 300m away.  They are to also keep the bishop happy and undertake any tasks he asks of them until they accomplish their goal.

So, the party are to:  
So, the party are to:  
Line 29: Line 29:
# Ingratiate themselves with the bishop and keep him alive and cooperating until they get the information they require.
# Ingratiate themselves with the bishop and keep him alive and cooperating until they get the information they require.
# Locate the Tombs or recover what they can for their employer.
# Locate the Tombs or recover what they can for their employer.
# Ideally not kill any members of the Streshnyva family.
; Pay
; Pay
: $10k each plus neg loot options
: $10k each plus neg loot options
Line 61: Line 62:
We head to the local pub, the Golden Sheath.
We head to the local pub, the Golden Sheath.

Cassie catches up with an old friend, [[Artzdorf and Flugelheim#Royal Family|Mary]], Princess/Heiress of something something (Artzdorf/Flugelheim). 3 guards (1m2f), ladies: Jane, Katerina, Anya.
Cassie catches up with an old friend, [[Princess_Mary_Jacqueline_Elizabeth_Apfelherd|Mary]], Princess/Heiress of something something (Artzdorf/Flugelheim). 3 guards (1m2f), ladies: Jane, Katerina, Anya.

We drink, chat, Celeste is assaulted by a courtier with a comb.
We drink, chat, Celeste is assaulted by a courtier with a comb.
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Sea Hag Loot:
Sea Hag Loot:
* Spear
* Spear - +15% +3 & Puffer Fish Toxin
* Belt
* Belt - Water Breathing & Bonus Protection - powered by dying fish
* Necklace
* Necklace - Extends duration of charm to a month, provided they stay close.
* Fish armour is made of living fish, not magical.
* Fish armour is made of living fish, not magical.

=== Session 3 ===

; Monday 7th Thaw
D'Artagnan spends some time composing a courtly ballad to impress the noble ladies with our derring-do:
Upon the barge of ice, we steamed towards the fog,
Cassandra sounded caution: "We need a plan of attack."
But we all already had a plan: Attack!
As we pierced the fog, we saw the foe,
The Sea Hag and her minions snarled,
With no time to talk, the battle commenced.
With Godlike Strength, Celeste swung her weapons: one a Halfing, my good friend Oz,
With his Golems of Clay, Sprokett threw a gear into the Hag's Plan and paid a blood price,
Haedric brought the Hag to her Knees and made the Skyfall,
  while Quentin tended to Sprokett who had been dismantled.
I taunted the Hag "Come at me!" and stole her attention,
As she dealt me a blow with her dagger, she would find one in her back.
We returned from the battle triumphant; the Evil Hag was slain.
=== Ship and Barge ===
During the voyage Quentin divines the artefacts:
* Prepuce of Fertility
* Bones of Protection
* Skull - research & knowledge
* Statues - Martial Protective: Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel
* Rare Healing Herbs
* Altar - Protection from Undead/unholy
; Moonday 7th Thaw
About midday, old wreckage of a ship is sighted.
We scout around for survivors or clues and find nothing living. We see remains of humans who died about 3 days ago.
Dart spends the rest of the day in ritual to recite the story of some wreckage:
: Lady of Dreams
: receive me under moonlight
: Galahad's last ride
: returns upon the tide
Ship name was possibly ''[[Gringolet's Wake]]''
; Duesday 8th Thaw
We get to [[Freetaun]] late but a storm keeps us out of the harbour overnight.
; W'nsday 9th Thaw
Pull into dock, offload the relics onto 4 heavy wagons.
Our river barges haven't arrived yet.
The barge ([[The Raucous Salmon]], skippered by Trevor, first mate Lizelle) arrives later in the afternoon.
We load up but they don't want to head out until morning.
We fortify the dock and barge for the night.
We're told of Dire Wolves in the area, organised, armoured, Mil Sci's, spell users, 4,000sp bounty per head.
; Th'rsday 10th Thaw
Early morning departure.
Ice berg towed, we make 50 miles that day, pulling in at [[Westmarch#Zebrin|Zebrin]].
; Frysday 11th Thaw
Berg-towed another 50 miles to [[Westmarch#Wesmarch|Wesmarch]].
7 wagons, Byron Gibson and 8 mounted guards waiting for us, we load up then roll into a warehouse for the night.
Food and drinks from the ''Dock Wive's Rest''.
Horses for Quentin and Dart.
=== Too Many Ozzies ===
Caravan Leader: Byron Gibson
; Wagons and wagoneers
# Able & Ann
# Blanche & Byron
# Carmel & Cliff
# D
# E
# F
# H
# I
# J
; Reapsday 12th Thaw
We see Harbourmaster [[Hemsworth|Colin Hemsworth]] to arrange shallow barges to take the wagons further upriver.
It takes the rest of the day to prep and load the barges.
; Sunday 13th Thaw
We head up river on our berg towed barges with Celeste and the horses riding up the side of the river.
At [[Westmarch#Olmert|Olmert]], we meet Colin's brother, [[Hemsworth|Kristof Hemsworth]] the  Harbourmaster. Celeste distracts him so we sort details with his second, Bryan.
; Moonday 14th Thaw
Next morning we continue up the east branch to [[Westmarch#Darston|Darston]], getting there about midday.
A quick stop while Harbourmaster [[Hemsworth|Lyam Hemsworth]] finds us a guide, [[Hemsworth|Luc Hemsworth]] to guide us up the next section of the river.
We take a left and head north up river to [[Westmarch#Twnsvyll|Twnsvyll]] where we offload from the barges.
; Duesday 15th Thaw
The Wagons trundle north 10 miles on the west bank, over a ford to the east bank to avoid a swamp, another 10 miles north.
Byron points out the ruined [[Westmarch#Galson Abbey|Galson Abbey]] on the hill that is often used by bandits. We scout from the air and spot armed people who appear to have malign intent.
After a lot of discussion we settle on subtle fortifications to give them the opportunity to prove themselves bandits before we attack.
When they sneak up, scout, and are about to attack, we stop restraining ourselves.
One of the six survives. When he comes around we encourage him to tell us about who is left behind - their wives and comrades.
12 in total, 5 other fighters, a Wicca, some children. There were more of them but some left and some fell prey to something around the abbey
* 4 x Leather Armour 6AP
* Battle Axe, Bow,
* Chain mail
* Pouch with 7 Grenados
=== Graveyard Fight ===
We fly up to the Abbey, landing near the graveyard we scout around and are found by a dozen Skeletons, 4 Hobgoblins and a Necromancer who flees via wings and Teleport after we kill all of her minions.
From them and the stuff they had unearthed:
* 2 Necklaces with 3 Rune Shields each.
* 2 x Calcification Poisons
* 2 x Scimitars, rank 4 Weaponsmith
* 4 x Hobgoblin sized scale mail
* Admiral's Bicorn Hat, +1 effective sailing rank, +3 AG on ships, magnified ship, +10% SC/MR/....
* Song Bow, Singing ability adds to SC & damage.
* Troubadour Cloak -
* Sewer Pipes, summon rats.
* Haunting Pipes, Fear/Awe Cause or protect.
Scouting further, we find an old well that had been concealed that goes down at least 400'. Signs of claw marks about 2 weeks ago, probably from a Ghoul, scent of brimstone.
We re-conceal the well head and cover our tracks.
Plan is to get the priest to ask us to come back and deal to the evil.
=== Demon Spiders ===
Old wardings against undead and 'evil' around the graveyard, abbey grounds, and abbey. They appear to have been anchored by the statues and rune covered stones, several of which look to have been deliberately broken to weaken the protections.
Tracks and claw marks around abbey, a skin fragment is from a Demonic Arachnid, of Alusia, associated with Loth - Evil Drow Demon Queen.
We warn the remnants of the bandits to depart in the morning, find somewhere safer to live and take up legal occupations. Then we track the spiders.
Tracks show two of them came out of the well, tried to get into the abbey, then headed down the steep part of the hill.
Following, we spot a web line (living, GTN: spider web, Magic: 'Knowing', ritual, awareness of intruders, their plane of origin, GTN, aura strength and their thoughts) across their trail, we follow it to one side, scout out a 600' web on the ground, it looks like the lair is in the middle.
While Quentin divines the web, Celeste summons a goat for an important duty.
We set up in ambush upslope and side-windwards, sending the sacrificial white goat into the web.
A big spider approaches with 8 2' spider babies, we welcome them with a Siege Grenado & Solarflare, they die (as does the goat).
Itemise her corpse, track back to her lair, where we find corpses she laid her eggs in.
* 100 gold, 2 gold statuettes worth about 1,000sp
* 1 magical one worth 10k - weekly cleansing flame rk 10, can protect a dwelling 30'x30' from undead.
We follow tracks of the other large spider which heads west across the plain towards the Pagan Mountains, too far ahead and moving too fast for us to catch.
; W'nsday 16th Thaw
We rejoin the caravan for breakfast, and nap on the wagons while we travel.
Celeste acquires a pregnant white goat - it wandered out of the woods, following the previously summoned one at a slower pace.
Arrive at village of [[Westmarch#Crompdon|Crompdon]]. Tavern called '''Rock's Rest'''.
; Th'rsday 17th Thaw - Sunday 20th Thaw
North east across plain for a day then north for 3 days to [[Westmarch#Frandon Forest|Frandon Forest]].
; Moonday 21st Thaw
North along trail through the forest.
; Duesday 22nd Thaw
West along the northern edge of the forest to [[Westmarch#Stranok|Stranok]] by [[Westmarch#Lake Kathryn|Lake Kathryn]].
; W'nsday 23rd Thaw - Th'rsday 24th Thaw
Northwest along the trail for 2 days to [[Westmarch#Lynd|Lynd]].
=== Mountains and Swamps ===
; Frysday 25th Thaw
Leaving Lynd, we head along the trail into the mountains, 20 miles.
A snow storm blows in with dusk. Chest thumping noises from the mountains during the night.
; Reapsday 26th Thaw
Snow shovel to clear the road, we make about 12 miles.
Find a large cave that seems to be part of a larger complex, we block the way deeper in while we spend the night.
Scent of precious metals from further in, too far away for now, noted for later.
; Sunday 27th Thaw
Snow shovel again to clear the road, we make about 8 miles, the elevation when we stop is about 10,000'.
Tracks in the snow from Yetis who check us out from a distance during the evening.
; Moonday 28th Thaw
On through the snow for just over half a day to the mountain settlement, [[Pagan Mountains#Kelestor|Kelestor]].
Local inn is the '''Icicle Drop'''.
'''Garsen''' the Master Mechanician, maker of sled-wagons.
* 20' Magical tent purchased from Garsen for 1,000sp.
; Duesday 29th Thaw
Head west, down through [[Pagan Mountains#Nosfera Pass|Nosfera Pass]] towards the swamp, make about 20 miles, back down to 10,000'.
Ruined castles perched on mountains, a couple potentially occupied, lots of bats at night.
; W'nsday 30th Thaw
Further west towards the swamp, another 20 miles, back down to 7,000'.
Camp at waystation, '''Fredricka's Tavern and Stables'''.
; Th'rsday 1st Seedtime - Duesday 6th Seedtime
Trudging through the swamp, about 20 miles a day.
The less said, the better.
; W'nsday 7th Seedtime
The road improves a bit, occasional copses of trees.
We finally reach the small city of [[Cauldersfield#Corwyrn|Corwyrn]].
Built over the junction of two rivers, three segments of the town.
Cathedral-fortress on an island in the middle.
Cemetery, going back a few hundred years. Notable graves of: a Necromancer (crystal skull chained down), Witches, a Local Hero.
Family Crypts.
Tall old guy (The Bishop, likes to be called Father Dumas) comes out to welcome us, he and Father Francisco greet and chat, words, kissing of rings, mutual fawning.
Check into our inn, '''The Pitchfork Arms'''. Baths, beers, beds.
; Th'rsday 8th Seedtime
Dressed up a bit we head into to meet the Bish.
Speeches, rituals, about 200 local VIPs (referred to as marks by some of the party).
Official presentation of the gifts.
We confirm he's a follower of Michael, human, slightly strengthened aura, not controlled by any powers, has blessing magic, last affected by Wiccan magic.
We tell some teaser tales about our trip and get a dinner invite to discuss more.
We wander town, shop for amulets against insects and other unusual Wiccan amulets.
* Purchased Amulets
Dinner, positive stories, show and tell with the Demonic Spider and Hag corpses, we gift the two (non-magical) gold statues.
Share some details of our quest, encourage the Father to offer help in finding the tombs, in return he'd like us to look into some graveyard raiding outside of the city.
We agree. We'll meet in the morning to discuss details.
=== The Story of Farmer Hagar ===
We visit a few bars at the top and bottom ends of town to see if anyone has loose lips around grave robbing activities. No leads but some potential contacts established.
; Frysday 9th Seedtime
Breakfast with the Bish (its an austere event - unlike the any other clergy known to the party) and a briefing about the grave robbing, he'd like us to investigate, solving would be a bonus.
The tomb info is being looked into by Marcello & Mau - his librarians
There have been 7 stolen corpses since a month ago, most recent 3 days ago. Bodies average 10 years old.
Locations: North Cemetery, East Cemetery, a private crypt, Gadok farm family plot, east of town (3 days ago).
We track the most recent body (Hagar Gadok), it crawled (was caused to dig itself) out of the grave, headed east 1 mile, south 1 mile, west 3 miles, then more shenanigans to lose tracks heading north, stopped at a road/track heading west then turn and walked into a 25' deep bog adjacent to the road.
We freeze and mine the bog, find 4 bodies down there including the one we tracked.
They were turned into Zombies and impacted by communicate with dead.
Three of them have been here 3 to 6 months (by a spell starting at low rank but getting better with use (ranking)) - so the body grabbing has been going on longer than the Bish knows about!
We track the person we think questioned the dead, they came from the east, we track them 5 miles west before losing the tracks.
Scouting around, there's an intact tower (with functional high walls) 2 miles north, home of '''Jansen''' the silversmith and his family.
He hasn't noticed anything odd, I buy a jeweled silver necklace from him for 6,000sp (potentially worth 10k in Seagate).
Scout a couple of less intact towers, unoccupied and no sign of recent use.
Quentin divines Hagar, confirms the pattern of magic: Wiccan ritual to raise him, a farsensing talent, an hour of communication just before being dumped. Nothing magically significant in his life before then.
Dart does Recitation on him, He raised his family well, he was a god fearing man, he did his civic duty, he attended church regularly, blah blah farmer, good man, part time guard.
Return to the family farm. Talking to his family again confirms this.
Return to the town for the night
=== Four points of interest in the swamp ===
On the way back to town we glimpse a falling star through a gap in the clouds, falling somewhere towards the north. We make a wish.
We go to report to the Bish, there's another gathering for religious ceremonies. We check them all for ability to raise dead.
: Jarrod, Necromancer raise dead rk 14, speak to dead at rk 14, older man, thin greying hair, human. A wealthy local.
: Lizelle, Magician, raise dead rk 10, speak to dead at rk 6, young looking red-haired woman, long-lived sentient human. Works in the church.
Afterwards we make our report to the Bish over drinks and hand over the bodies we rescued.
One of his researchers has identified that one of the tombs we're after is near '''The Floating Skull''', an interestingly shaped 100' mound in the swamp.
Zardoz has a delivery of 7 large bales of cotton - to protect those he cares about.
; Reapsday 10th Seedtime -  Th'rsday 15th Seedtime (Equinox)
Over breakfast we learn that I now have subtitles - I wished to be better understood.
Dart, Celeste and I scout the town, checking for anyone else with the ability to raise dead, especially in all of the pubs and taverns.
Zardoz, Cassandra, Sprokket & Quentin help the researchers.
: Grandfather of dead Gadok was burned for Necromancy (in the town square) about 80 years ago, he may have been secret police and knew of weapons of old doom.
: Viscary family were opponents/enemies of the Streshnyva family.
: Another two landmarks for the tombs: '''Red tree of faces'''. Willow tree (Jubokko) that consumes bodies, showing their faces in the paupers graveyard (3 miles north of town).
: '''The Sage Stone'''. A 400' tall hill to the north west, monolithic stone at the top, carved sleeping face, rumoured to talk to people who sleep the night near it - especially on holy nights and storm nights. About 10  miles north west of town.
Bish got his old mate Jarod, the reformed necromancer to talk to the bodies.
: He finds the names of the other bodies we recovered.
: Old Necro Gadok was a guardian of a store of cursed weapons. He used to talk about a white roc that had faces. A Lake to the north (due east of the Sage Stone) had an island in the middle with a white statue of a Roc.
; Frysday 16th Seedtime
We fly north to the Paupers Graveyard, the fog is too high to be able to usefully scout above it and too low to fly under.
GTN Jubokko Tree, Sentient Tree, aligned to Gaia/Nature/Cycles, withes have properties of rest. Celeste chats to it, it doesn't know where the tombs are but it gives us a withe when we ask.
* GTN Jubokko Withe, mostly formerly living, properties of eternal rest through strangulation, 13' long, coilable.
We (except me, I'm flying/scouting) trudge the 10 miles to sage hill, Rock on top is magical, GTN: Sage, associated with Wotan.
While Celeste is near the rock, lightning strikes it, we ask and it tells us the floating skull is North East about 6 miles. We head that way.
Swamp gas area. Spongy yellow-green floating ground, living plant, GTN Swamp Sponge, omnivorous, 2 years old, large with a sweet scented pool in the middle. We go round it.
Get to the skull hill, covered by Swamp Sponge, white coloured, about 70 years old.
=== Tomb with Dark Dwarven Raiders ===
Taking a bearing, we start trudging through the swamp for the midpoint.
Dart steps on something that makes noise, so he does it again, the swamp 'gator objects, things are about to get snappy until Celeste smacks it on the nose, successfully chastising it.
An hour later he finds a deep mucky pool to fall into.
Further trudging until we come to an area of darkness in about the region we're seeking, it's a 75' thick 600' square box of Necromantic noxious darkness.
People patrolling within, talk about completing excavation.
We sneak in and attack:
: 5 Dark Dwarves killed (including the necro), 4 captured (including 1 earth mage).
Down their diggings, Wards of Necro & Wicca supressed then the door opened by Cassandra pressing it open.
Corridor, secret door with Binder Wards, opens into long room lined with statues.
=== Securing the Artefacts ===
4 rooms, golems, grey ooze, traps, wards, traps and more traps.
In the last room we find:
* Banner of Zagboro the Elder
* Osszekottete Orbs
* Scimitars and Sabres
* Armour
* Chest of stuff
Outside, we let the Dwarves go, there's a 20' Swamp Mummy looming just outside of the tomb's protection from undead field.
We kill it from range and take the noose that created it.
We send Quentin & Dart to say our goodbyes.
Fly 100 miles west to get out of the swamp and camp by the mountains.
; Reapsday 17th Seedtime
Fly 200 miles then iceberg down river.
; Sunday 18th Seedtime - Reapsday 24th Seedtime
Sail back to Seagate by commercial ship.

== Places and People ==
== Places and People ==
=== Quotes ===
''Quentin:'' I'm married, so I don't get any "quality time".
''D'Artagnan:'' Why are you guys making me embrace the stereotype!? I'm a halfling bard; I'm already annoying enough.
''D'Artagnan:'' Does anyone want to hear some music now?
[General groaning]
''Sprokett:'' I'm just so tired...

== Loot ==
== Loot ==
Line 344: Line 695:
| class="calMoon" | [[Image:moon3.jpg]]
| class="calMoon" | [[Image:moon3.jpg]]
| class=day |    || <b>[[Candlemansa]]</b>
| class=day |    || <b>[[Candlemansa]]</b>
| class=day |  1 || <i>Guild Meeting</i>
| class=day |  1 || <i>Guild Meeting</i> Seagate
| class=day |  2 ||  
| class=day |  2 || Shopping, Rituals.
| class=day |  3 ||  
| class=day |  3 || Fly to north Ranke
| class=day |  4 ||  
| class=day |  4 || to Ormondton
| class=day |  5 ||  
| class=day |  5 || Sail west
| class=day |  6 ||  
| class=day |  6 || Sea Hag & Co.
| class="calMoon" | [[Image:moon0.jpg]]
| class="calMoon" | [[Image:moon0.jpg]]
| class=day |  7 ||  
| class=day |  7 || Sailing, remnants of Gringolet's Wake.
| class=day |  8 ||  
| class=day |  8 || Storm near Freetaun.
| class=day |  9 ||  
| class=day |  9 || Freetaun
| class=day | 10 ||  
| class=day | 10 || Barge up river to Zebrin.
| class=day | 11 ||  
| class=day | 11 || to Wesmarch.
| class=day | 12 ||  
| class=day | 12 || Wesmarch
| class=day | 13 ||  
| class=day | 13 || Up river to Olmert
| class="calMoon" | [[Image:moon1.jpg]]
| class="calMoon" | [[Image:moon1.jpg]]
| class=day | 14 ||  
| class=day | 14 || to Darston, Twnsvyll.
| class=day | 15 ||  
| class=day | 15 || Wagons north. Galson Abbey.
| class=day | 16 ||  
| class=day | 16 || to Crompdon.
| class=day | 17 ||  
| class=day | 17 || north east
| class=day | 18 ||  
| class=day | 18 || north
| class=day | 19 ||  
| class=day | 19 || north
| class=day | 20 ||  
| class=day | 20 || north to Frandon Forest
| class="calMoon" | [[Image:moon2.jpg]]
| class="calMoon" | [[Image:moon2.jpg]]
| class=day | 21 ||  
| class=day | 21 || Frandon Forest
| class=day | 22 ||  
| class=day | 22 || West to Stranok
| class=day | 23 ||  
| class=day | 23 || North-west
| class=day | 24 ||  
| class=day | 24 || ... to Lynd
| class=day | 25 ||  
| class=day | 25 || NWN into Mountains, Snow Storm.
| class=day | 26 ||  
| class=day | 26 || ... Cave
| class=day | 27 ||  
| class=day | 27 || ... Yetis
| class="calMoon" | [[Image:moon3.jpg]]
| class="calMoon" | [[Image:moon3.jpg]]
| class=day | 28 ||  
| class=day | 28 || to Kelestor.
| class=day | 29 ||  
| class=day | 29 || West, Nosfera Pass
| class=day | 30 ||  
| class=day | 30 || West, Fredricka's.
| class=day |  1 ||  
| class=day |  1 ||colspan=7| Swamp road...
| class=day |  2 ||
| class=day |  3 ||
| class=day |  4 ||  
! colspan=15 | '''Spring: [[Seedtime]] 822 (11)'''
! colspan=15 | '''Spring: [[Seedtime]] 822 (11)'''
| class="calMoon" | [[Image:moon0.jpg]]
| class="calMoon" | [[Image:moon0.jpg]]
| class=day |  5 ||  
| class=day |  5 ||colspan=5| ... to Corwyrn.
| class=day |  6 ||
| class=day |  8 || <i>Rites of Thunor</i> Corwyrn
| class=day |  7 ||  
| class=day |  9 || Corwyrn, Hagar Gadok, Falling Star
| class=day |  8 || <i>Rites of Thunor</i>  
| class=day | 10 ||colspan=3| Research and town patrol ...
| class=day |  9 ||  
| class=day | 10 ||  
| class=day | 11 ||  
| class="calMoon" | [[Image:moon1.jpg]]
| class="calMoon" | [[Image:moon1.jpg]]
| class=day | 12 ||  
| class=day | 12 ||colspan=5|.. Research and town patrol ..
| class=day | 13 ||
| class=day | 15 || <i>Equinox</i> .. in Corwyrn.
| class=day | 14 ||  
| class=day | 16 || Swamp: Jubokko Tree, Sage Stone, Floating Skull, Tomb.
| class=day | 15 || <i>Equinox</i>  
| class=day | 17 || <i>Eostre</i> Fly & 'berg to the coast
| class=day | 16 ||  
| class=day | 18 || Ship to Seagate...
| class=day | 17 || <i>Eostre</i>  
| class=day | 18 ||  
| class="calMoon" | [[Image:moon2.jpg]]
| class="calMoon" | [[Image:moon2.jpg]]
| class=day | 19 ||  
| class=day | 19 ||colspan=11| Sailing to Seagate. Arrive afternoon of the 24th.
| class=day | 20 ||
| class=day | 21 ||
| class=day | 22 ||
| class=day | 23 ||
| class=day | 24 ||  
| class=day | 25 ||  
| class=day | 25 ||  

Latest revision as of 19:52, 8 February 2024


Adventure: Salve Rex
GM: Chris
Season: Spring 822 wk
Night: Thursday
Location: Various but starting at Deans on 14th Sept
Level: Medium

  • Haedric - Dwarven Ice Mage - played by Stephen Scribe
  • Sprokett - Dwarven Binder - played by Ciaran
  • Celeste - Half-Elf Barbarian - played by Dean
  • Cassandra - Human Celestial - played by Michelle
  • Quentin - Orc Namer - played by Sean Mil Sci
  • Zardoz - Halfling Celestial - played by Martin PL
  • D'Artagnan Took (Dart) - Halfling Bard - played by Alex
Klaus von Turgen from a wealthy Cauldersfield Family

The Guild has been retained to undertake a mission on behalf of a wealthy family in Cauldersfield in that they wish to locate some lost tombs in the Corwyrn Highlands (also known as the Corwyrn Swamp due to its inundation of water which only seems to be getting worse) in the East of the realm. The wealthy Cauldersfield family seeks to locate the tombs and if possible, enter and extract some missing unique Cauldersfield Relics to help restore Cauldersfield to greatness.

In order that the party can find these tombs, the local Bishop, Bishop Ladislaus Khan must be 'encouraged' to undertake research in his library to help discover the lost tombs. To that end a shipment of holy relics and a new holy altar has been shipped to Freetaun and from there upriver towards the last navigable point of Wesmarch from whence it will travel on wagons to its destination in the Cauldersfield mountains to the NW some 300m away. They are to also keep the bishop happy and undertake any tasks he asks of them until they accomplish their goal.

So, the party are to:

  1. Meet up with the Relic shipment at a location when they can get across The Great Western Sea
  2. Guard the wagons traveling to Corwyrn to ensure the relics get to their destination intact.
  3. Ingratiate themselves with the bishop and keep him alive and cooperating until they get the information they require.
  4. Locate the Tombs or recover what they can for their employer.
  5. Ideally not kill any members of the Streshnyva family.
$10k each plus neg loot options

Scribe Notes

Seagate to Ormond

Duesday 1st Thaw - W'ansday 2nd Thaw

Don't kill any members of the Streshnyva family.

Shopping List:

  • Book of Great Leadership
  • Standard(s) - Holy Banner of Zagboro the Elder, Banner of the Brave, War Banner of Zup, War Banner of Shreshnyva, Tizenegy Banner, Ezer Banner, Otven Banner, Balszarny Banner and the Ezred Banner
  • Sword(s) of Lazlo and Levente
  • 64 Orbs (eye sized) and 1 large one - known as The Osszekottete Orbs and associated Helms
  • Shield of Horgan

All of these items require Cauldersfield Noble blood to use.
Anything else is ours.

Shopping for Healing Potions, Restoratives, Astrology, Greaters.

Th'rsday 3rd Thaw

We get Shadow Wings from the guild and head out just after dawn, flying north-ish to the coast north of Sanctuary.

Rest for the afternoon, camp in an igloo. Celeste performs dentistry on a bear.

Frysday 4th Thaw

Iceberg up the coast, land near Ormondton and walk the last few miles into town.

6sp gate tax. Find our ship at docks in Ormondton, she's The Sylvan Tide, a 130' 4-mast Carrack, due to depart at dawn. We head to the local pub, the Golden Sheath.

Cassie catches up with an old friend, Mary, Princess/Heiress of something something (Artzdorf/Flugelheim). 3 guards (1m2f), ladies: Jane, Katerina, Anya.

We drink, chat, Celeste is assaulted by a courtier with a comb. I get engaged to Anya.

Reapsday 5th Thaw

There is a dawn departure planned and Mary & co are also coming on the ship too.

2 Days at Sea

As the boat pulls out there's a shout to wait from the docks, a small shadowy figure swings out on a rope, misses the boat then is dragged in by Celeste. Zardoz identifies him as a friend, D'Artagnan Took.

Dart entertains the princess with folk songs and his lute. The rest of us scatter around the ship.

Celeste climbs the walls, well masts, and distracts some of the crew.

Father Francesco (Human Michaeline) invites us to join him and the other priests in prayer with the artefacts, it seems most of us are busy, Quentin willingly represents us. Others are: Gregor (Human Michaeline), Mikhail (Human Michaeline), Torrence (Orc), Virginia (Orc), Ricki (Elf), Bella (Elf), Brett (Dwarf), Hollister (Human), Anya (Human). Quentin checks out the artefacts.

Captain of the boat: Jacques Rackham, human, 7', red-head. Invites Mary and entourage to dine at his table, Anya and I get dragged into it too. The Captain feeds me a beer that increases my height by 3". Cassandra stays after dinner to pump Jacques for more information.

Sunday 6th Thaw

We are falling into normal sailing routines.

Just before lunch a fog bank starts chasing us, moans and cries for help coming from it, Wiccan charm effect trying to summon us in, we board an iceberg and charge.

Sea Hag riding a killer whale, half a dozen accompanying whales, a dozen Nixies. Charging in close we hit the hag hard and take her down within half a minute, kill one Nixie, wound several others, they all leave.

Sea Hag Loot:

  • Spear - +15% +3 & Puffer Fish Toxin
  • Belt - Water Breathing & Bonus Protection - powered by dying fish
  • Necklace - Extends duration of charm to a month, provided they stay close.
  • Fish armour is made of living fish, not magical.

D'Artagnan spends some time composing a courtly ballad to impress the noble ladies with our derring-do:

Upon the barge of ice, we steamed towards the fog,
Cassandra sounded caution: "We need a plan of attack." 
But we all already had a plan: Attack!

As we pierced the fog, we saw the foe,
The Sea Hag and her minions snarled,
With no time to talk, the battle commenced.

With Godlike Strength, Celeste swung her weapons: one a Halfing, my good friend Oz,
With his Golems of Clay, Sprokett threw a gear into the Hag's Plan and paid a blood price,
Haedric brought the Hag to her Knees and made the Skyfall,
  while Quentin tended to Sprokett who had been dismantled.

I taunted the Hag "Come at me!" and stole her attention,
As she dealt me a blow with her dagger, she would find one in her back.
We returned from the battle triumphant; the Evil Hag was slain.

Ship and Barge

During the voyage Quentin divines the artefacts:

  • Prepuce of Fertility
  • Bones of Protection
  • Skull - research & knowledge
  • Statues - Martial Protective: Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel
  • Rare Healing Herbs
  • Altar - Protection from Undead/unholy
Moonday 7th Thaw

About midday, old wreckage of a ship is sighted. We scout around for survivors or clues and find nothing living. We see remains of humans who died about 3 days ago.

Dart spends the rest of the day in ritual to recite the story of some wreckage:

Lady of Dreams
receive me under moonlight
Galahad's last ride
returns upon the tide

Ship name was possibly Gringolet's Wake

Duesday 8th Thaw

We get to Freetaun late but a storm keeps us out of the harbour overnight.

W'nsday 9th Thaw

Pull into dock, offload the relics onto 4 heavy wagons. Our river barges haven't arrived yet.

The barge (The Raucous Salmon, skippered by Trevor, first mate Lizelle) arrives later in the afternoon.

We load up but they don't want to head out until morning. We fortify the dock and barge for the night.

We're told of Dire Wolves in the area, organised, armoured, Mil Sci's, spell users, 4,000sp bounty per head.

Th'rsday 10th Thaw

Early morning departure. Ice berg towed, we make 50 miles that day, pulling in at Zebrin.

Frysday 11th Thaw

Berg-towed another 50 miles to Wesmarch.

7 wagons, Byron Gibson and 8 mounted guards waiting for us, we load up then roll into a warehouse for the night.

Food and drinks from the Dock Wive's Rest.

Horses for Quentin and Dart.

Too Many Ozzies

Caravan Leader: Byron Gibson

Wagons and wagoneers
  1. Able & Ann
  2. Blanche & Byron
  3. Carmel & Cliff
  4. D
  5. E
  6. F
  7. H
  8. I
  9. J
Reapsday 12th Thaw

We see Harbourmaster Colin Hemsworth to arrange shallow barges to take the wagons further upriver. It takes the rest of the day to prep and load the barges.

Sunday 13th Thaw

We head up river on our berg towed barges with Celeste and the horses riding up the side of the river. At Olmert, we meet Colin's brother, Kristof Hemsworth the Harbourmaster. Celeste distracts him so we sort details with his second, Bryan.

Moonday 14th Thaw

Next morning we continue up the east branch to Darston, getting there about midday. A quick stop while Harbourmaster Lyam Hemsworth finds us a guide, Luc Hemsworth to guide us up the next section of the river.

We take a left and head north up river to Twnsvyll where we offload from the barges.

Duesday 15th Thaw

The Wagons trundle north 10 miles on the west bank, over a ford to the east bank to avoid a swamp, another 10 miles north.

Byron points out the ruined Galson Abbey on the hill that is often used by bandits. We scout from the air and spot armed people who appear to have malign intent.

After a lot of discussion we settle on subtle fortifications to give them the opportunity to prove themselves bandits before we attack.

When they sneak up, scout, and are about to attack, we stop restraining ourselves. One of the six survives. When he comes around we encourage him to tell us about who is left behind - their wives and comrades. 12 in total, 5 other fighters, a Wicca, some children. There were more of them but some left and some fell prey to something around the abbey

  • 4 x Leather Armour 6AP
  • Battle Axe, Bow,
  • Chain mail
  • Pouch with 7 Grenados

Graveyard Fight

We fly up to the Abbey, landing near the graveyard we scout around and are found by a dozen Skeletons, 4 Hobgoblins and a Necromancer who flees via wings and Teleport after we kill all of her minions. From them and the stuff they had unearthed:

  • 2 Necklaces with 3 Rune Shields each.
  • 2 x Calcification Poisons
  • 2 x Scimitars, rank 4 Weaponsmith
  • 4 x Hobgoblin sized scale mail
  • Admiral's Bicorn Hat, +1 effective sailing rank, +3 AG on ships, magnified ship, +10% SC/MR/....
  • Song Bow, Singing ability adds to SC & damage.
  • Troubadour Cloak -
  • Sewer Pipes, summon rats.
  • Haunting Pipes, Fear/Awe Cause or protect.

Scouting further, we find an old well that had been concealed that goes down at least 400'. Signs of claw marks about 2 weeks ago, probably from a Ghoul, scent of brimstone. We re-conceal the well head and cover our tracks. Plan is to get the priest to ask us to come back and deal to the evil.

Demon Spiders

Old wardings against undead and 'evil' around the graveyard, abbey grounds, and abbey. They appear to have been anchored by the statues and rune covered stones, several of which look to have been deliberately broken to weaken the protections.

Tracks and claw marks around abbey, a skin fragment is from a Demonic Arachnid, of Alusia, associated with Loth - Evil Drow Demon Queen.

We warn the remnants of the bandits to depart in the morning, find somewhere safer to live and take up legal occupations. Then we track the spiders.

Tracks show two of them came out of the well, tried to get into the abbey, then headed down the steep part of the hill. Following, we spot a web line (living, GTN: spider web, Magic: 'Knowing', ritual, awareness of intruders, their plane of origin, GTN, aura strength and their thoughts) across their trail, we follow it to one side, scout out a 600' web on the ground, it looks like the lair is in the middle.

While Quentin divines the web, Celeste summons a goat for an important duty.

We set up in ambush upslope and side-windwards, sending the sacrificial white goat into the web. A big spider approaches with 8 2' spider babies, we welcome them with a Siege Grenado & Solarflare, they die (as does the goat). Itemise her corpse, track back to her lair, where we find corpses she laid her eggs in.

  • 100 gold, 2 gold statuettes worth about 1,000sp
  • 1 magical one worth 10k - weekly cleansing flame rk 10, can protect a dwelling 30'x30' from undead.

We follow tracks of the other large spider which heads west across the plain towards the Pagan Mountains, too far ahead and moving too fast for us to catch.

W'nsday 16th Thaw

We rejoin the caravan for breakfast, and nap on the wagons while we travel. Celeste acquires a pregnant white goat - it wandered out of the woods, following the previously summoned one at a slower pace.

Arrive at village of Crompdon. Tavern called Rock's Rest.

Th'rsday 17th Thaw - Sunday 20th Thaw

North east across plain for a day then north for 3 days to Frandon Forest.

Moonday 21st Thaw

North along trail through the forest.

Duesday 22nd Thaw

West along the northern edge of the forest to Stranok by Lake Kathryn.

W'nsday 23rd Thaw - Th'rsday 24th Thaw

Northwest along the trail for 2 days to Lynd.

Mountains and Swamps

Frysday 25th Thaw

Leaving Lynd, we head along the trail into the mountains, 20 miles.

A snow storm blows in with dusk. Chest thumping noises from the mountains during the night.

Reapsday 26th Thaw

Snow shovel to clear the road, we make about 12 miles.

Find a large cave that seems to be part of a larger complex, we block the way deeper in while we spend the night. Scent of precious metals from further in, too far away for now, noted for later.

Sunday 27th Thaw

Snow shovel again to clear the road, we make about 8 miles, the elevation when we stop is about 10,000'.

Tracks in the snow from Yetis who check us out from a distance during the evening.

Moonday 28th Thaw

On through the snow for just over half a day to the mountain settlement, Kelestor.

Local inn is the Icicle Drop. Garsen the Master Mechanician, maker of sled-wagons.

  • 20' Magical tent purchased from Garsen for 1,000sp.
Duesday 29th Thaw

Head west, down through Nosfera Pass towards the swamp, make about 20 miles, back down to 10,000'.

Ruined castles perched on mountains, a couple potentially occupied, lots of bats at night.

W'nsday 30th Thaw

Further west towards the swamp, another 20 miles, back down to 7,000'.

Camp at waystation, Fredricka's Tavern and Stables.

Th'rsday 1st Seedtime - Duesday 6th Seedtime

Trudging through the swamp, about 20 miles a day.

The less said, the better.

W'nsday 7th Seedtime

The road improves a bit, occasional copses of trees.

We finally reach the small city of Corwyrn. Built over the junction of two rivers, three segments of the town.

Cathedral-fortress on an island in the middle.

Cemetery, going back a few hundred years. Notable graves of: a Necromancer (crystal skull chained down), Witches, a Local Hero. Family Crypts.

Tall old guy (The Bishop, likes to be called Father Dumas) comes out to welcome us, he and Father Francisco greet and chat, words, kissing of rings, mutual fawning.

Check into our inn, The Pitchfork Arms. Baths, beers, beds.

Th'rsday 8th Seedtime

Dressed up a bit we head into to meet the Bish. Speeches, rituals, about 200 local VIPs (referred to as marks by some of the party). Official presentation of the gifts.

We confirm he's a follower of Michael, human, slightly strengthened aura, not controlled by any powers, has blessing magic, last affected by Wiccan magic. We tell some teaser tales about our trip and get a dinner invite to discuss more.

We wander town, shop for amulets against insects and other unusual Wiccan amulets.

  • Purchased Amulets

Dinner, positive stories, show and tell with the Demonic Spider and Hag corpses, we gift the two (non-magical) gold statues. Share some details of our quest, encourage the Father to offer help in finding the tombs, in return he'd like us to look into some graveyard raiding outside of the city. We agree. We'll meet in the morning to discuss details.

The Story of Farmer Hagar

We visit a few bars at the top and bottom ends of town to see if anyone has loose lips around grave robbing activities. No leads but some potential contacts established.

Frysday 9th Seedtime

Breakfast with the Bish (its an austere event - unlike the any other clergy known to the party) and a briefing about the grave robbing, he'd like us to investigate, solving would be a bonus. The tomb info is being looked into by Marcello & Mau - his librarians There have been 7 stolen corpses since a month ago, most recent 3 days ago. Bodies average 10 years old. Locations: North Cemetery, East Cemetery, a private crypt, Gadok farm family plot, east of town (3 days ago).

We track the most recent body (Hagar Gadok), it crawled (was caused to dig itself) out of the grave, headed east 1 mile, south 1 mile, west 3 miles, then more shenanigans to lose tracks heading north, stopped at a road/track heading west then turn and walked into a 25' deep bog adjacent to the road.

We freeze and mine the bog, find 4 bodies down there including the one we tracked. They were turned into Zombies and impacted by communicate with dead. Three of them have been here 3 to 6 months (by a spell starting at low rank but getting better with use (ranking)) - so the body grabbing has been going on longer than the Bish knows about!

We track the person we think questioned the dead, they came from the east, we track them 5 miles west before losing the tracks. Scouting around, there's an intact tower (with functional high walls) 2 miles north, home of Jansen the silversmith and his family. He hasn't noticed anything odd, I buy a jeweled silver necklace from him for 6,000sp (potentially worth 10k in Seagate). Scout a couple of less intact towers, unoccupied and no sign of recent use.

Quentin divines Hagar, confirms the pattern of magic: Wiccan ritual to raise him, a farsensing talent, an hour of communication just before being dumped. Nothing magically significant in his life before then.

Dart does Recitation on him, He raised his family well, he was a god fearing man, he did his civic duty, he attended church regularly, blah blah farmer, good man, part time guard.

Return to the family farm. Talking to his family again confirms this.

Return to the town for the night

Four points of interest in the swamp

On the way back to town we glimpse a falling star through a gap in the clouds, falling somewhere towards the north. We make a wish.

We go to report to the Bish, there's another gathering for religious ceremonies. We check them all for ability to raise dead.

Jarrod, Necromancer raise dead rk 14, speak to dead at rk 14, older man, thin greying hair, human. A wealthy local.
Lizelle, Magician, raise dead rk 10, speak to dead at rk 6, young looking red-haired woman, long-lived sentient human. Works in the church.

Afterwards we make our report to the Bish over drinks and hand over the bodies we rescued. One of his researchers has identified that one of the tombs we're after is near The Floating Skull, an interestingly shaped 100' mound in the swamp.

Zardoz has a delivery of 7 large bales of cotton - to protect those he cares about.

Reapsday 10th Seedtime - Th'rsday 15th Seedtime (Equinox)

Over breakfast we learn that I now have subtitles - I wished to be better understood.

Dart, Celeste and I scout the town, checking for anyone else with the ability to raise dead, especially in all of the pubs and taverns.

Zardoz, Cassandra, Sprokket & Quentin help the researchers.

Grandfather of dead Gadok was burned for Necromancy (in the town square) about 80 years ago, he may have been secret police and knew of weapons of old doom.
Viscary family were opponents/enemies of the Streshnyva family.
Another two landmarks for the tombs: Red tree of faces. Willow tree (Jubokko) that consumes bodies, showing their faces in the paupers graveyard (3 miles north of town).
The Sage Stone. A 400' tall hill to the north west, monolithic stone at the top, carved sleeping face, rumoured to talk to people who sleep the night near it - especially on holy nights and storm nights. About 10 miles north west of town.

Bish got his old mate Jarod, the reformed necromancer to talk to the bodies.

He finds the names of the other bodies we recovered.
Old Necro Gadok was a guardian of a store of cursed weapons. He used to talk about a white roc that had faces. A Lake to the north (due east of the Sage Stone) had an island in the middle with a white statue of a Roc.
Frysday 16th Seedtime

We fly north to the Paupers Graveyard, the fog is too high to be able to usefully scout above it and too low to fly under. GTN Jubokko Tree, Sentient Tree, aligned to Gaia/Nature/Cycles, withes have properties of rest. Celeste chats to it, it doesn't know where the tombs are but it gives us a withe when we ask.

  • GTN Jubokko Withe, mostly formerly living, properties of eternal rest through strangulation, 13' long, coilable.

We (except me, I'm flying/scouting) trudge the 10 miles to sage hill, Rock on top is magical, GTN: Sage, associated with Wotan.

While Celeste is near the rock, lightning strikes it, we ask and it tells us the floating skull is North East about 6 miles. We head that way.

Swamp gas area. Spongy yellow-green floating ground, living plant, GTN Swamp Sponge, omnivorous, 2 years old, large with a sweet scented pool in the middle. We go round it. Get to the skull hill, covered by Swamp Sponge, white coloured, about 70 years old.

Tomb with Dark Dwarven Raiders

Taking a bearing, we start trudging through the swamp for the midpoint.

Dart steps on something that makes noise, so he does it again, the swamp 'gator objects, things are about to get snappy until Celeste smacks it on the nose, successfully chastising it. An hour later he finds a deep mucky pool to fall into.

Further trudging until we come to an area of darkness in about the region we're seeking, it's a 75' thick 600' square box of Necromantic noxious darkness. People patrolling within, talk about completing excavation.

We sneak in and attack:

5 Dark Dwarves killed (including the necro), 4 captured (including 1 earth mage).

Down their diggings, Wards of Necro & Wicca supressed then the door opened by Cassandra pressing it open. Corridor, secret door with Binder Wards, opens into long room lined with statues.

Securing the Artefacts

4 rooms, golems, grey ooze, traps, wards, traps and more traps.

In the last room we find:

  • Banner of Zagboro the Elder
  • Osszekottete Orbs
  • Scimitars and Sabres
  • Armour
  • Chest of stuff

Outside, we let the Dwarves go, there's a 20' Swamp Mummy looming just outside of the tomb's protection from undead field. We kill it from range and take the noose that created it.

We send Quentin & Dart to say our goodbyes.

Fly 100 miles west to get out of the swamp and camp by the mountains.

Reapsday 17th Seedtime

Fly 200 miles then iceberg down river.

Sunday 18th Seedtime - Reapsday 24th Seedtime

Sail back to Seagate by commercial ship.

Places and People


Quentin: I'm married, so I don't get any "quality time".

D'Artagnan: Why are you guys making me embrace the stereotype!? I'm a halfling bard; I'm already annoying enough.

D'Artagnan: Does anyone want to hear some music now?

[General groaning]

Sprokett: I'm just so tired...


Mil Sci

Watch Order
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Zardoz Haedric Sprokett Cassandra
Celeste Dart Quentin

Skirmish Formations (Front)

Haedric Quentin
Zardoz Sprokett
Cassandra Dart

Double File

Haedric Quentin
Zardoz Sprokett
Cassandra Dart

Single File



Long Duration Buffs
Magic Rk Effects Dur Ca Ce Ha Qu Sp Za Da
Resist Cold (Ha) 12 +4 Temp Gauge, -4 Cold Dmg. 7 hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Weapon of Cold (Ha) 15 +16% SC, +6 Dmg. 20 mins Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Shadow Form (Za/Ca) 6 +14% Def 3½ hrs Y Y - Y Y Y Y
Greater Ench 20+ +21 on one area Season M R M A M
Short Duration / Situational Buffs
Magic Rk Effects Dur Ca Ce Ha Qu Sp Za Da
Shadow Wings (Za/Ca) 6 36 mph 3½ hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Durability (Sp) 11 +3 Armour 2 hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Ice Traversal (Ha) 12 4 targets, +5 tmr over level ice/snow. 4h 20m Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Self Only Buffs
Magic Rk Effects Dur Ca Ce Ha Qu Sp Za Da
Ice Armour (Ha) 15 9 hrs Y
Quentin's Allies
+1 Damage, +4% SC, +8% vs Fear & to Reaction Rolls
Mil Sci Raise Morale
+2 WP
Golden Ale nightcap - +1 FT per hour of sleep
Stoneybrew, Dur 1 Hr - +7 WP
Fighting Ale, Dur 1 Hr - +7 EN, +5 PS, +4 FT, No Stun.
Porter Ale, Dur 1 Hr - +7 PC, Death Aspect, +15% MR vs Charm/Hypnosis, +10% MR vs Illusion, -15% MR vs Necro/Wicca, Fearless.


Lucky Numbers (Rahne)
Cassandra Celeste Haedric Quentin Sprokett Zardoz Dart
43 46 88 68 34 16 78


Spring: Thaw 822 (10)
Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
Candlemansa 1 Guild Meeting Seagate 2 Shopping, Rituals. 3 Fly to north Ranke 4 to Ormondton 5 Sail west 6 Sea Hag & Co.
7 Sailing, remnants of Gringolet's Wake. 8 Storm near Freetaun. 9 Freetaun 10 Barge up river to Zebrin. 11 to Wesmarch. 12 Wesmarch 13 Up river to Olmert
14 to Darston, Twnsvyll. 15 Wagons north. Galson Abbey. 16 to Crompdon. 17 north east 18 north 19 north 20 north to Frandon Forest
21 Frandon Forest 22 West to Stranok 23 North-west 24 ... to Lynd 25 NWN into Mountains, Snow Storm. 26 ... Cave 27 ... Yetis
28 to Kelestor. 29 West, Nosfera Pass 30 West, Fredricka's. 1 Swamp road...
Spring: Seedtime 822 (11)
5 ... to Corwyrn. 8 Rites of Thunor Corwyrn 9 Corwyrn, Hagar Gadok, Falling Star 10 Research and town patrol ...
12 .. Research and town patrol .. 15 Equinox .. in Corwyrn. 16 Swamp: Jubokko Tree, Sage Stone, Floating Skull, Tomb. 17 Eostre Fly & 'berg to the coast 18 Ship to Seagate...
19 Sailing to Seagate. Arrive afternoon of the 24th. 25
26 27 28 29 30 1 2
Spring: Blossom 822 (12)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 Floralia 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Walpurgisnacht