Sasha's Manor in Ormond
Sasha was one of several guild members who were instrumental in helping Count Mollan to get invested. ("Raiders of the Lost Torc" Feb 95).
She received a knighthood and fief near Worksop in Ormond.
The fief is not of the best quality, being inland on the South Ffen river some twenty miles North of Worksop and some sixty miles by road East of Cairmond, although only about forty miles as the crow flies. For the most part, the land is good, but fewer people live or are interested in living in such an out of the way area.
The manorial fief has about 100 tenants, and contains roughly two square miles (1,200 acres) of arable land and forestry. It provides a middle class household and a yearly 2,400 sp income, plus the rank of lesser nobility. However, she is required to decide disputes between tenants fairly and equitably, keep the peace, protect tenants from bandits and monsters, and provide the Count with a lance of troops (normally, a mounted soldier, two military yeoman or squires and three militia who are also normally the knights servants) two months of the year. The cost of a mercenary substitute for the mounted soldier (if the character is unable or unwilling to serve) roughly equates to 2,400 sp.
In order to increase the profitability of the land Sasha and Ithilmor imported families who had been dispossessed in the war. These people came from two different areas, which led to some minor friction in the community. Lady Sasha's fief turned a profit for a short while, until a group of dwarves took up residence under the manor, and took to raiding the local sheep (which they now have permission to do).