Talk:Sasha's Manor in Ormond

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1 square mile is equal to 640 acres.
So two square miles is 1280 acres do you mean a two mile square?
A two mile square is 4 square miles which is 2560 acres, much closer to your arable land area of 2400 acres.

--Helen 14:51, 25 Oct 2007 (NZDT)

It's directly from text by the GM, which I didn't even look at. Just checking my spreadsheet, I have gross land area of 1200acres

--Kelsie 21:39, 25 Oct 2007 (NZDT)

Since the sp income value is 2400, my guess is the GM had 2400 on the brain and mistyped the text.
Nice to see another of these lands & titles getting added to the wiki particularly along with what is owed in return for the land and title.
--Helen 00:10, 28 Oct 2007 (NZDT)