Sabastian's Eleven

Set Up

A dwarven crafter, an inhabitant of Ildrisholm, was captured a number of years ago by the Gargoyles. Proving to be too problematic they has their pet basilisk turn him to stone.
A Hobbit with a Plan
Sabastian Silverfoot begins choosing a specialized team of eleven heist men to rob the Gargoyles mountain top lair of their prized statue. The elaborate heist involves stealing the stone figure of the Dwarf and replacing it with a sculptured replica.
Having consulted the stars the successful plan, whatever this is, will only work if there are 11 people fulfilling specific roles, any more or less and it is doomed to failure. At least four must come from Ildrisholm.
The stars also contain an omen, they foretell of a double cross from someone in the team.
Assembling a Team

Are You In Or Out?
1. Sabastian Silverfoot - The Ringleader
2. Brother Zephyr - An inside man
3. Vapour - The Rookie; the talented newcomer with a legacy to live up to.
4. Belladona - A Pryo.
5. Uzi Urksome - The Grease Man
6. Sean - A Fuse
7. The Big Juju - A Wet Roller
8. Benny and the Maggot - Some Muscle
9. Dalran - The Eye in the Sky
10. Mortimer - The Maker of Toys
11. Ishamael - A Getaway
The group meet up to discuss the heist.
The Plan (tm) #1
- The Real Plan
I will Shadow Walk into the cave, itemise the state and replace this with a replica I have sculptured, and shadow walk out. We require either Sean or Brother Zephyr to tell us about the cave so Sabastian can shadow walk in.
- The Fake Plan
The Gargolyes have a particular dislike to Heinz, I suspect he killed one of their peer. We create a hybrid clockwork creature and send it into Ildrisholm and allow the goblins to betray our secret to Heinz. Heinz will want the unique blood on the creature. We forewarn the Gargoyles and they can ambush Heinz when he appears.
It critical that the roles of the astrology reading are fulfilled once we have a plan.
General information on Ildrisholm
Infomation gathered for the Heist
What Happened
The team assembles at Hugler's Ferry for lunch and refreshments, provided by the a master distiller Ishamael, to discuss the Heist. Over the next few hours Sabastian lays out the plan.
All the player are in and they layout they begin work. Vapour and our partners in crime, Benny and the Maggot, arrive. We explain the "plan" of attacking Heinz and all are enthralled by the plan, our trap is set and
With the information Delrans provides from him monitoring of the Gargoyles Sabastian, Uzi and Ishamel fly to their mountain lair to propose the plan to them. The thought of extracting revenge on Heinz appeals and they sign up, sealing the deal with a bottle of fine spirits.
Sabastian next flys to visit the Kraken, our wet roller. He agrees, but need a cart made to allow him to ride on so he can travel on the land - his enslaved Troll will act as the draft house.
Mortimer has completed the fantastical mechanical contraption and Vapour slides himself in, assisted by the grease provided by Uzi. Loaded with Tulips alchemical concoctions this living mechanical bomb is ready for deployment. In the cover of noon this contraption is moved to 'Castle Hill', and to everyone relief, including Vapour is stays intact.
Observed by Delran we watch the Gargoyles depart and, waiting a short glass of gin, Sabastian flys close with Ishamael and shadow walks to the entrance of the cave and sneaks in, avoiding the basilisk. With the information provided by Brother Zephyr the room containing the status is quickly located, and it contains dozen of status, not just the Dwarves. Quickly switching the statues and a recon of the cave complex Sabastian sneaks out consumes the shadow walks potion, he never arrives at the rendezvous point.
Meanwhile the trap set for Heinz is carried of perfectly. As expected our traitorous goblins informed Heinz and he arrives at moonrise to steal the device - only to be blown apart by the device and boom sticks. His smoke form attempts to retreat to the towers to reform in his coffin, but to everyone's surprise is sucked into a bottle held by the Kraken.
Vapour made it back to the Guild, escaping the explosion. We're all pleased his he got the timing correct!
When Sabastian shadow walked from the mountain he was appeared on the top of a Ziggurat in the flooded city beneath the mountain. The only way out is to climb through fissures that lead to the Tunnel, and the spiders. After a few days and fruitless searching the Kraken appears as the flooded city is his lair. After some trepidation Sabastian talks to the Juju and learns he swapped the capture vampire for the status of the dwarf, the same status that Sabastian replaces with a fake.
Following much sweating on Sabastian part a deal is cut; the Kraken with safely take Sabastian through the sunken tunnels to the surface if Sabastian assist with changing the status back to flesh.