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Loot - Percy
Restorative Potion Rk 8 x 0
When drunk, inflicts 10 EN and restores 20 FT.
Love Philtre Rk 12 x 7
When drunk, Resist or fall in love with the first entity you gaze upon. Effects lasts for 8 weeks.
Fertility Potion Rank 18 x 11
When drunk, a female entity must Resist or have their fertility increased by 85% for 19 weeks.
Toadsweat Potion Rank 13 x 7
When drunk, an entity can remove 14 blemishes. This may increase their PB if it has been detrimentally affected by the blemishes.
Ales & Beers
Pint of Red Beer x 6
This pint of beer weighs, inclusive of the bottle, 1lb 14 oz. When it is drunk after a long day's march, it leads to a state of satisfaction lasting 15 minutes. In this time, anything other than conversation and eating is too much trouble. All perentile values have 20 added to the result on the die inside this period. Those who retire within an hour of drinking this beer will recover 1 point of EN per hour of sleep to a maximum of 8.
Pint of Pale Ale x 3
This pint of ale weighs, inclusive of the bottle, 1lb 14 oz. It has a strong, yeasty taste, and makes whoever drinks it more alert, adding 15 to their PC checks until they would likely have their next meal (i.e. no more than 4 hours). In addition, upon first drinking the ale, they take 7 EN damage, restoring 15 FT.
Pint of Dark Ale x 0
This pint of ale weighs, inclusive of the bottle, 1lb 14 oz. It is quite bitter, tastes strongly of molasses and hops and increases EN by 4. This lasts until they would likely have their next meal (i.e no more than 4 hours). This will not stack with Strength of Stone, but while duration remains it will immediately heal 3 EN when the first EN damage is taken.
Witch Skins
The underside of the witch skin must be held against an entity for 30 seconds before the transformation will take effect.
The user of the skin may use any Skill or Ability that the form would naturally allow. While this includes most Talent magic, unless the form is human-like, spells and rituals may not be performed. If an animal has a range of Ranks next to one or more of their natural weapons, then the user may apply their Unarmed Combat up to the maximum listed.
Little Mary Sixpence
PS: | 6 | MD: | 14 | AG: | 16 | MA: | User | EN: | 8 | FT: | User |
WP: | User | PC: | User | PB: | 18 | TMR: | 5 | NA: | None |
Little Mary Sixpence is 8 years old and the very picture of cheery innocence. She has blond curls that hang in ringlets, blue eyes and the kind of freckles little girls get for being good-hearted and friendly.
Harry the House
PS: | 23 | MD: | 18 | AG: | 18 | MA: | User | EN: | 23 | FT: | User |
WP: | User | PC: | User | PB: | 11 | TMR: | 6 | NA: | None |
Harry the House is a particularly hairy, 6ft 6in tall man of hulking presence. His hair is dark brown and it grows down his back in great, masculine tufts. He smells of sweat and honest labour.
- Description
- The asp measures up to 2½ feet in length. It has a triangular head, flattened towards the rear, and a short, thin tail.
- Abilities
- Asps have no talents, skills or magic.
- Movement Rates
- Crawling: 150
PS: | 2 | MD: | None | AG: | 16 | MA: | User | EN: | 1 | FT: | User |
WP: | User | PC: | User | PB: | 8 | TMR: | 3 | NA: | None |
- Weapons
- Asps may bite. Poison occurs after effective damage.
- Bite: BC 65%, [D – 3] penetration only, Close, Rank 0.
- Poison: 2 DP per pulse.
- Description
- Eels are long, thin, grayish fish up to 7 feet in length.
- Abilities
- Eels have no special talents, skills, or magic.
- Movement Rates
- Swimming: 300
PS: | 18 | MD: | None | AG: | 14 | MA: | User | EN: | 8 | FT: | User |
WP: | User | PC: | User | PB: | 6 | TMR: | 6 | NA: | Skin absorbs 3 DP |
- Weapons
- Eels may bite.
- Bite: BC 50%, [D + 2], Close, Rank 0.
Red Stag
- Description
- Stags are wild creatures, like thin, agile horses with large racks of antlers.
- Abilities
- Stags have no special talents or skills and use neither tools nor magic.
- Movement Rates
- Running: 750
PS: | 20 | MD: | 19 | AG: | 22 | MA: | User | EN: | 15 | FT: | User |
WP: | User | PC: | User | PB: | 12 | TMR: | 15 | NA: | Hide absorbs 3 DP |
- Weapons
- Stags may either use their antlers or kick into their rear hex.
- Antlers: BC 30%, [D + 5], Melee & Close, Rank 1-4.
- Kick: BC 50%, [D + 3], Melee Rear, Rank 0.
- Description
- Ravens are large black birds, standing two foot high, with a 5 foot wingspan..
- Comments
- A sentient in raven form can use any language they are familiar with.
- Abilities
- Ravens may fly upside down for up to a mile.
- Movement Rates
- Flying: 800
PS: | 6 | MD: | 18 | AG: | 17 | MA: | User | EN: | 6 | FT: | User |
WP: | User | PC: | User | PB: | 8 | TMR: | 16 | NA: | Feathers absorb 2 DP |
- Weapons
- Ravens may attack with beak or two talons without penalty. They will Close in great numbers, or attack the eyes if alone.
- Beak: BC 45%, [D – 3], Close, Rank 0.
- Talons: BC 75%, [D – 2], Close, Rank 1-4.
Ginger Tom
- Description
- Ginger Tom is 24 inches long and weighs 12 pounds. He is a large, muscular, somewhat disreputable tom cat, who holds the world in cynical disregard.
- Abilities
- Ginger Tom's Stealth is 120% (+ 5 per User's Rank).
- Movement Rates
- Running: 450
PS: | 4 | MD: | 21 | AG: | 24 | MA: | User | EN: | 5 | FT: | User |
WP: | User | PC: | User | PB: | 7 | TMR: | 9 | NA: | Fur absorbs 1 DP* |
- Weapons
- Ginger Tom cannot Melee, but he will happily enter Close where he gets 1 Bite and 4 Claw attacks.
- Bite: BC 45%, [D10+1], Close, Rank 0.
- Claw: BC 40% [D10-1], Close, Rank 0-4
Mouse x 11
- Description
- Mice are small brown, white or grey rodents. They are shy of almost all creatures, most especially cats, dogs and men.
- Abilities
- Mice have no special talents or skills, and they are not tool users.
- Movement Rates
- Running & Climbing: 150
PS: | 1 | MD: | 12 | AG: | 18 | MA: | User | EN: | 1 | FT: | User |
WP: | User | PC: | User | PB: | 4 | TMR: | 3/3 | NA: | Fur absorbs 1 DP |
- Weapons
- Mice may bite.
- Bite: BC 20%, [D – 7], Close, Rank 0.
- Demonskin Charm x 3

This scrap of parchment weighs ¼ lb and contains three charges of the The Demonskin Charm. It does not need to be read out, in fact the phrase must be memorised and uttered once a Pulse for 3 Pulses. This will require a Free Act. The parchment itself might be kept in the owner's backpack, or even at home and it may not be uttered again until after the next dawn.
When the charm is spoken aloud for the third time, the number of charges is reduced by 1 wherever they are. The phrase must be spoken by the character's player in a clear voice without hesitation, stumbling or unnecessary pause. The phrase is:
'That is not dead which can eternal lie'
This is a Free Act but cannot be combined with a Cast Action. If it succeeds, the utterer's armour and damage reduction (except for his Natural Armour) fades away. At the same time, his skin (but not his hair) turns black for the duration of the charm, which is 6 Pulses.
While under the charm's effects, the utterer cannot suffer Specific Grievous Injuries, nor may their head and limbs be torn off by creatures with enormous strength.
Damage is not subtracted, however a square root function of each discrete source of damage is taken instead. This means that if 5-9 damage was taken, 3 would be inflicted, from 10-16 damage, 4 inflicted, or from 82-100, 10.
- Justice Charm x 3

This scrap of parchment weighs ¼ lb and contains three charges of the Justice Charm. It does not need to be read out, in fact the phrase must be memorised and uttered, requiring a Free Act, the parchment itself might be kept in the owner's backpack, or even at home.
When the charm is spoken aloud, the number of charges is reduced by 1 wherever they are, and it may not be uttered again until after the next dawn. The phrase must be spoken by the character's player in a clear voice without hesitation, stumbling or unnecessary pause. The phrase is:
"Let justice be done though Heaven falls!"
A number of thunderbolts fall from the sky equal in number to the utterer's base EN. No thunderbolt may be more distant than the utterer's Size Factor x 10 Hexes. Each thunderbolt inflicts 5 x the utterer's base WP Lightning damage (Spell Armour and Damage Reduction protect against this) upon everything in each of the target Hexes, unless they Break 100 + AG + WP. Everything within 5 Hexes must Break 100 + PS + AG or take 2 x utterer's base WP Thunder damage (Protection and Damage Reduction protect against this) and be thrown prone. Finally, they must Break 100 + PC + MD or be deafened for 4 Pulses.
No thunderbolt may fall within 10 Hexes of another.
Although a truly frightening display, the Charm does no direct harm to innocents (most children and animals) but adults, even the saintly, are not, similarly, immune.
Scroll of Blessing on Unborn Child
This scroll contains an invested Spell of Blessing on Unborn Child Rank 16. The Base Cast Chance is 68% + the reader's MA bonus (or penalty) and when cast upon an expectant mother, will increase one Primary Statistic of her unborn child by 7, exceeding racial maximums.
Elemental Sceptre
One end of this nightwood rod holds a tiny sapphire, while the other holds a large quartz. It weighs 1 lb, requires 9 PS and 9 MD and may be wielded as a mace.
It has a base Strike Chance of 61% and inflicts 1 rollup D10 + 4 C Class damage.
The wielder may Cast a fire spell through the sapphire, converting the damage to frost and destroying the gem. Alternatively, they can Cast a fire spell through the quartz, converting the damage to lightning and destroying the stone.
Gorgon Talons
These brazen talons weigh 1 oz each and are attached to a crow's feet. This will penalise Steatlh by 5, increases the base Strike Chance 11 and the DM by 3 to the creature's claw attack. It increases the Rank of a weapon spell cast upon them by 3.
Flanged Mace
The head of this mace is an inverted tetrahedron made of blackened bronze on a nightwood shaft. It weighs 5 lbs, requires 16 PS and 9 MD to wield.
It has a base Strike Chance of 61% and inflicts 1 rollup D10 + 4 C Class damage, and has 2 points of Penetration (i.e. it ignores 2 points of Protection).
It acts as a Spell Lock for the Short Weight Incantation.
Ogre Glaive
This large glaive has a haft made of yew, a blade made of hardened obsidian and weighs 10lbs 8oz.
When it is wielded by someone of ogre size or larger, it has a base Strike Chance of 67% and inflicts 3 rollup D10 + 8 B or Class damage. In the hands of someone whose size is 5 or 6, the base Strike Chance is 61% and inflicts 2 rollup D10 + 4 B Class damage.
It holds one charge of Converse with the Dead. This may be used to ask three question of the dead. On rare occasions, the target may agree to teach the wielder an ability they know, in which case no other questions are answered.
Once used, it may only be recharged by plunging the blade into the heart of a sentient, thus slaying them.
Light Crossbow
This crossbow is made from goshen wood bound in the sinews of a bear of the North and weighs 4 lbs. The PS required to wield this weapon is 10, and MD is 18. It will only accept yew quarrels with glass heads which can only be bought from a Rank 6 Artisan Fletcher who will charge 1 gold schilling each. If the wielder is the Fletcher, they must donate 1 gold schilling for each brace of quarrels to a poor house.
It has a base Strike Chance of 67%, inflicts 1 roll up D10 + 7 A Class damage.
If the wielder spends 2 FT, the crossbow will automatically load a quarrel without requiring an Action. In this case, however, the shaft of the quarrel will burn to ash once it hits.
Quarrels | ||||||||||||
13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Ticker Sticker
This slender, needle-like dagger, weighs 7 oz, has an Individual True Name and may be worn in the hair by a woman without attracting particular attention. She has a base Strike Chance of 53%, inflicts D10 + 3 A Class thrusting damage and is not balanced for throwing.
If a possible Specific Grievous injury is generated, 2D10 are rolled and summed. If the result is 11, then it is applied. If it is not, then the percentile result is taken, reading the dice to the wielder's advantage.
- Example
- The wielder has rolled a possible Specific Grievous injury, then rolls 2D10, getting a 1 and a 2 which sums to three not eleven, so instead, the result is read as twelve (not twenty-one) and applied.
This spear is made of a blade attached to an ebon haft. The Individual True Name of the blade is Ascalon, and it is under the effects of a permanent Rank 20 Weapon of Cold which may be triggered once a day (Base Chance 88%, +21 to Strike Chance, +6 cold damage for 25 minutes. This ability resets at the Hour of the Wolf, each day.
As a Free Act it may be converted to either a lance, broadsword or spear. The base Strike Chance is 67%, the lance inflicting A Class injuries, whereas the broadsword inflicts B Class injuries and the spear inflicts either A or C Class injuries. Base damage is 1 rollup D10 + 6, rising to 3 rollup D10 + 6 when wielded against a dragon, drake, wyvern or other dracoform (but not serpents or lizards). Those entites against which it inflicts greater damage will know that it is a dragonbane weapon once they see it.
If the wielder is human, then
- the wielder's Rank in broadsword, spear and lance are cumulative
- the spear inflicts A or C Class injuries
- the wielder reduces any fire damage by their Rank in Warrior
- the wielder increases their Magic Resistance versus magic cast by dragons by their Rank in Warrior
Bec de Corbin
This war pick is lighter than normal, weighing 3 lbs, requires 15 PS and 13 MD to wield. It's base Strike Chance is 53% and base Damage 1 rollup D10 + 4 A Class damage. It may be thrown 6 hexes.
It is a cumulative weapon. When it is mounted on top of a staff, then the wielder's Ranks in quarterstaff, war pick and war hammer are combined. The base Strike Chance is 57% and base Damage becomes 1 rollup D10 + 6 A or C Class damage.
If a bonding cost of 1 Permanent Power is paid:
Attaching the bec to a Runestaff automatically adds the Darkness and Air Rune to it and do not count against the wielder's total.
They attract a Crow spirit as their totem which provides +5 bonus to spells that deal in Secrets, Knowledge or Crows and improves their chance of attracting luck by 5.This spirit is not native to the region around Unterkiel.
The Adept may learn this Special Knowledge spell of the College of Rune Magic.
Dagger Set of Okhers
The daggers in this set are varied, although they have the same base Strike Chance of 57%. Warrior Rank does not help with these weapons, although Troubadour Rank will, if juggling is taken more than once. The wielder's Initiative Value is the same, regardless of whether they are delivering a Melee, Close or Ranged attack.
The following schedule is consulted when considering the wielder's Rank:
Rank | Ability |
3 | Wielder may summon a dagger to their hand from up to 12 hexes away, requiring a Free Act. |
5 | Wielder may make two attacks per Pulse with prepared daggers against one or two targets within range |
9 | Wielder may make three attacks per Pulse with prepared daggers against one, two or three targets within range |
Excess PS may only be employed when wielding a dagger in close or melee, and may be added to bonuses from Skills and Weapon Ranks. The daggers have no chance of breaking unless the PS is in excess of 37.
The wielder's Player must call out each dagger's name as they strike or summon them, and no dagger may be thrown more than once a Pulse.
Opener is a heavy mithril dagger with a dragonbone hilt. It weighs 1 1/2 lbs. It inflicts 2 rollup D10 A Class damage and may be thrown without penalty up to 12 hexes.
- Special Ability
- The first time Opener hits a target, it reduces the Protection value of their armour by 1/2 (round up) the wielder's Rank in Dagger. This only applies to attacks from daggers and lasts for 12 Pulses. If Opener hits the same target again, this will end the effect.
Witch Bite
Witch Bite is a silver dagger with a stag horn hilt. It weighs 14 oz.It inflicts 1 rollup D10 + 2 A Class damage and may be thrown without penalty up to 12 hexes.
- Special Ability
- If damage is taken, the wielder rolls a D10 and consults the table:
D10 | Result |
1 | Wasting disease causes -1 Strength and -1 Endurance per day until stopped by Cure Disease. The Strength and Endurance lost will be recovered at 1 point per day, or by being treated by Repair Muscles. |
2 | Recurring migraines cause a loss of 2 Magical Aptitude and 2 Willpower. Each minute of concentration requires a 4 * Willpower concentration check. The effects can be treated by Soothe Pain and cured by Repair Vital Organs. |
3 & 4 | Creeping senility will cause a loss of 1 Magical Aptitude every two days until treated by Regenerate Vital Organs. |
5 & 6 | Arthritis causes -4 Dexterity, -4 Agility and increases by 1 per hour the Fatigue loss due to exercise, until treated by Repair Tissues. |
7 & 8 | Enfeeblement causes -4 Strength, -4 Endurance and doubles the Fatigue loss due to exercise, until treated by Repair Muscles. |
9 & 10 | Asthma causes TMR to be halved, doubles the Fatigue loss due to exercise, and the target cannot perform strenuous exercise until treated by Repair Vital Organs. |
Wraith Blade
Wraith Blade is a leaf-shaped dagger made from the scraped bone of a elven wraith's thigh and weighs 9oz. It may be thrown up to 12 hexes without penalty. It inflicts 1 rollup D10 A & B Class damage, and entirely ignores the Protection value of armour. This damage is also considered undead drain and may only be repaired by the arts of a Healer.
- Special Ability
- It inflicts 3 rollup D10 A & B Class damage against insubstantial creatures but this will drop to 1 rollup D10 damage the next Pulse.
Tinker's Folly
Tinker's Folly is a crescent shaped dagger of white metal with an ivory hilt and weighs 12 oz. It inflicts 1 rollup D10 + 3 A & B Class damage and may be thrown up to 12 hexes without penalty.
- Special Ability
- If effective damage is taken, the target's Defence is reduced versus daggers by 30. This lasts until the target takes a Pass Action (+1 for every three Ranks the wielder has in dagger).
Serpent's Tooth
Serpent's Tooth is carved from the pale green fang of a sea serpent, and has been attached to a bronze hilt. It weighs 1lb, inflicts 1 rollup D10 + 5 A Class damage and may be thrown up to 12 hexes without penalty. It inflicts a blow directly to EN on 20% of the modified Strike Chance and a Possible Specific Grievous Injury on 10% of the modified Strike Chance.
- Special Ability
- When it is anointed with blade venom from a snake or reptile, a roll greater than 70 + MD is a miss, any other miss is a hit, a hit is a blow directly to EN, a blow directly to EN is a possible Specific Grievous Injury, and on a possible Specific Grievous Injury, 2D10 are rolled and summed to generate one. Blade venom is applied as appropriate, and this will wipe Serpent's Tooth clean.
Wooden Lamellar Armour
This wooden banded mail is made from lengths of lacquered, hardened wood. It has a Weight Factor of 4, provides 6 Protection, penalises AG by 1 and Stealth by 5.
Orichalcum Elbow Cop
This orichalcum cop for the right elbow is chased in silver figures of lightning and weighs 12 oz.
If it is worn with mail or plate armour, it improves its Protection by 1, reduces Lightning, Electrical or Particle Beam damage by 2, and reduces the penalty to resist such attacks by 10.
An armourer of at least Rank 6 is required to fit the cop, and take them three Sundays of their time. They will charge 120 gs for each of these days. If the wearer is also the Armourer, they must donate these funds to an orphanage of the guild of smiths.
Bronze Buckler Vambrace
This bronze vambrace weighs 1 lb but replaces 2 lbs of the wearer's left forearm armour if that armour is scale, chain or plate. A buckler 8 inches in diameter is attached to the back of the wearer's wrist, and provides 2 points of Defence for each Rank in Shield, although leaving their left hand free to hold a weapon.
Mild Steel Plate Armour
This armour is made from mild steel, is sized for an ogre and weighs 72lbs. It provides 6 points of Protection, 6 points of Spell Armour, reduces AG by 3 and penalises Stealth by 20.
This armour may be improved by an Armourer of sufficient Rank.
Mild Steel Chainmail
This chainmail is made from mild steel, is sized for an ogre and weighs 63lbs. It provides 5 points of Protection, 6 points of Spell Armour, reduces AG by 2 and penalises Stealth by 10.
This armour may be improved by an Armourer of sufficient Rank.
Ogre Skin x 17 sizes
sell for 50gs each
This ogre skin can be made into leather armour that provides a base of 4 Prot and Spell Armour 1. It has a weight factor of 3 and does not inflict an AG penalty. If the wearer is targeted by a Healing spell, then three Ranks will be added to the spell, making it easier to cast and more effective.
To make it will require the arts of a Rank 4 Armourer or greater, who will charge at least 20% more than cost.
Brazen Pauldron
This pauldron weighs 1lb and must be worn on the left shoulder for its magic to be effective.
It adds 1 point to Protection, 1 to Spell Armour and if the wearer rolls 66 or less on percentiles, may ignore the effects of a Specific Grievous injury to the shoulder, including the result 68-69.
Kobold Chain Mail of Buoyancy
This chain mail reflects pale metallic blue light, is size 9, provides 7 Protection, penalises AG by 2, Stealth by 15 and has a Weight Factor of 8. It may be improved by an Armourer who knows how to make chain mail.
The wearer has a Base Chance of 74% of casting the Buoyancy spell on themselves at Rank 3 and a Base Chance of 48% of casting Water Breathing on themselves at Rank 2. These values may be modified by the wearer's MA bonus.
Kobold Chain Mail of Swimming
This chain mail reflects pale metallic blue light, is size 9, provides 7 Protection, penalises AG by 2, Stealth by 15 and has a Weight Factor of 8. It may be improved by an Armourer who knows how to make chain mail.
The wearer's Swimming Rank is increased by 3, and they are considered to have the Aquatic Affinity Talent at Rank 11.
Witch Robes x 3
These robes have been made from canvas boiled in the oil of a singing whale then bound to a frame of thin laths of spruce to form a corset. It provides 4 Prot and Spell Armour 5. It has a weight factor of 2 but inflicts an AG penalty of 1 and increases the wearer's PB by 3 to a maximum of 19, but only with respect to male humanoids.
It may be cut down by an artisan tailor of Rank 6 or higher who will charge at least 10 gold shillings.
Black Dragon Scale x 13
There are a number of Dragon Scales of varying sizes and properties, which are listed below:
7 Inch Scale
This inky black scale is matte, 7 inches across and weighs 11 oz. It may be made into a pauldron by an Armourer who can work Dragon Scale. There is only one, so a decision must be made as to which shoulder it will protect.
The work must be begun on a Thursday and will take 6 days without interruption, and this will cost 2,750 sp in materials.
Once completed, the pauldron will protect that shoulder from the Specific Grievous Injury results 68 & 69, and either 85-87 or 88 & 89 depending on which shoulder was protected.
5 Inch Scale x 3
These inky black scales are matte, 5 inches across and weigh 7 oz each. They may be forged into crescent discs with wicked edges which may be thrown as if they were darts. This require the arts of a Rank 7 Weaponsmith, and each require sufficient aqua regia to cover a gold shilling which will cost 600sp. It will take 3 days to make each crescent disk.
The base Strike Chance of the first disc is 47%, the second disc is 53% and the third disc is 57%. The base Damage of the first disc is D10 +11, of the second disc D10 +13 and the third disc D10+17. They inflict B Class Injuries, but are otherwise treated as darts. The discs will return to whoever they have bonded with on the stroke of the next midnight.
It requires 1,000 Experience to bond with each disc. If three people bond to the discs, they are always treated as first discs. If two people bond to the discs, 1 person has a first while the other has a first and a second disc.
3 Inch Scale x 2
These inky black scales are matte, 3 inches across and weigh 5 oz each. They may be made into brooches and attached to the left forearm of the wearer. This will requires the arts of a Rank 7 Jeweller who will take 3 days to craft them and each will require 300 sp in materials.
A spell of the College of Rune Magic may be written on these scales in the blood of the wearer. This will cost the same amount as if the Rune Mage were Investing a scroll, although they need not know the Ritual. The Rune Mage's MA bonus is ignored, as are bonuses for using blood. Instead, the wearer's MA bonus (or penalty) is applied.
Finally, the scale only requires that the wearer use a Cast Action to Trigger it, not 10 seconds as is usual with Invested Scrolls.
These scales may be re-Invested.
2 Inch Scale x 7
These inky black scales are matte, 2 inches across and weigh 3 oz each. They may be set into clothing or armour with little effort and no cost. Using these scales marks the wearer's soul in a way that is obvious to any dragon. The wearer may use them as a Free Act to absorb damage. The first time a scale is used by a character, it will reduce damage they take from any source by 2. The next time, it will reduce it by 3, then 5, 7, 11, 13 until the 7th scale is used, when it will reduce damage by 17.
Gorgon Feathers x 35
These feathers may be woven into mail or plate armour to fortify it against blows directly to EN. This will require the arts of a Thaumaturge and an Artisan: Weaver of Rank 4 or better, who may be the same person.
One feather is required to fortify by 1, then two more for a second point, then four more for a third point, doubling each time for each bonus. Armour may be fortified to no more than half its base Protection value. Each feather weighs 3 oz.
Silk Gambeson
This quilted silk gambeson may be worn underneath leather armour or heavier, adding 0.5 to the armour's Weight Factor, and adding 1 to its Protection. In addition, if an A Class missile lodges in the wearer's body (by a blow directly to EN or better), then it may be removed without requiring a Check. The infection from such wound's is reduced by 20, stackable with other bonuses.
Deck of Thoth
This deck of painted ivory tarot cards weighs 4 oz.
When it is used by one who knows how to Read the Tarot, 10 is subtracted from the Cast Check.
When worm the hat enhances the effects of purification; 1 MA/4 ranks. 1MR/rank + 1 more per 4 ranks
Palm Leaf Scroll

This scrap of palm leaf has writing in an odd script on it and weighs 2 oz.
It must be memorised, although it is not necessary to understand the language.The owner of the scrap may learn a Discipline that is similar in many ways to a Talent. It doesn't require a Prepare Action and neither does it cost FT. The Experience Multiple is 50 and is Ranked in all ways as if it were a Talent.
To activate this magic, the leaf must be wrapped around the hand in the same kind of way that a bandage might be tied to protect a wound on the palm. The script must be legible and read as the hand is passed across the user's field of view requiring a Magical Cast Action. This will create an immobile pane about 2 feet wide and as high as the user's hand. Walking Unseen of any Rank is revealed, as is Invisibilty, Blending and similar magic of equal Rank or less to anyone looking through the pane.
In addition, viewers may Break 100 + PC +3/Rank to see distortions of reality like middlemarches, dimensional portals, nexes, gates and similar magic.
The pane will last for a number of Pulses equal to the owner's MA or until they create another one, whichever comes first.
Fur Cloak of Protection
The fur of this cloak is black shot with silver and weighs 5lbs. It has the following properties:
- the first 12 Damage Points the wearer receives are ignored each Pulse. This ability resets at the beginning of the next Pulse. This does not apply to damage caused by poison, disease, Disruption, Putrid Wound, Hand of Death, Necrosis, Torment or similar magic.
- the wearer subtracts 12 from the result of their Magic Resistance check. This does not increase Magic Resistance.
- the wearer increases their Defence by 12.
- the Rank of a Resist Cold spell is increased by 3 when the wearer is the target.
Scaled Ephod
This garment is like a tabard, and weighs 10 oz. If it is worn over mail or plate, it provides 1 point of Damage Reduction, which applies to all incoming damage.
Once a day, requiring a Pass Action, the wearer may transform into a mundane scaled creature that they have encountered. The transformation may be ended by also taking a Pass Action. This ability resets at noon.
Shoes of Orichalcum
This pair of orichalcum objects are about the size of napkin rings and weigh 10 oz, each. When both are attached to the ends of a quarterstaff, it acquires the following benefits:
- the base Strike Chance of the quarterstaff is 67%.
- the base damage of the quarterstaff is increased by 1, and this is magical
- the quarterstaff gains an extra spell matrix
- a Spell Prepare Action may be stored in the quarterstaff by Purifying with it after dawn. This may be released as a Free Act on or after the bearer's Initiative
Rabbit's Foot
This rabbit's foot weighs 1 oz, and must be carried but need not be displayed.
It increases the bearer's capacity for Luck points by 3.
Black Scale
This scale is the size of a baby's palm. It must be openly displayed for its virtue to be effective.
The wearer reduces the damage from each corrosive attack by 1 roll up D10.
Crystal of Vision
This crystal sphere is 4 inches across and weighs 2.5lbs. It may be used to experience visions (usually precognitive in nature) concocted by the DM, or to to spy into an area up to 140 miles distant for 19 minutes. The Adept must remain in the same place and take no other action. The crystal ball will only look at the location specified. It can not then be commanded to move around. If the user cannot form a clear mental mage for the ball to focus on, or command it to focus on an unambiguously defined point in space, then it is the DM's discretion as to what the ball will show. These are mystical devices, not telescopes or x-ray machines. It is not possible to use detection talents (such as Detect Aura) through a crystal of vision.
Rucksack of Lightness
This leather pack weighs 8 lbs. It may be opened to a maximum aperture of 14 inches by 8 inches, and has an internal volume of 3 cubic metres. Anything carried in the pack is reduced to 30% of its original weight. An entity with MA that has an aversion to entering the pack cannot enter it, willingly or not. Sentient entities that enter the pack will lose 1 point of MA permanently each day. If their MA is reduced below their racial minimum, they fall into a coma,. At zero MA, they lose their Individual True Name and become as the beasts of the fields.
Violet Stola
This stola of violet silk is embroidered with flowers in silver and blue thread. It must be draped around the back of the neck, the tails to hang down to the wearer's waist, and weighs 4oz.
When the command word is uttered, requiring a Free Act, the stola becomes a lariat with a base Strike Chance of 57% and base damage of D10-2. In the hands of an Assassin, it is a cumulative weapon with Ranks in Garotte also applying.
Wand of the Ogress
This wand is made from the thigh bone of a hill giant and is 30 niches long. It is dry but has been preserved so that it is as strong as oak. It weighs 4lbs. A hobbit may treat this as a quarterstaff.
In the hands of a witch, it is a spell rack that will hold three one use spell matrices at no cost.
In the hands of a wizard, mage or sorceror, it is a spell rack that can hold a single one use spell matrix, which must be a General Knowledge attack spell. If the spell does not have range, then it will gain range of 15 feet (+5 feet for every 2 Ranks in the spell). The spell matrix resets at midnight except on nights of the new moon.
Book of Vile Darkness
This large tome is 18 inches x 12 inches by 2 inches and weighs 4lbs. It has wooden covers and the pages are made from baby vellum.
If a Dark Celestial reads this book, the book will crumble into a pale dust and their General Knowledge magic will be changed in the following way.
Speak to Creatures of Darkness (T-1)
Range: 10 feet + 10 / Rank
Duration: Immediate
Experience Multiple: 50
Resist: None
Effects: This talent allows the adept to communicate non-sentient creatures of darkness. The reaction of the targeted creature is improved by 5 (+1 per Rank).
Fear (G-2) replaces Light (G-2)
Range: 15 feet + 15 / Rank
Duration: 15 seconds + 15 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: Active, Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Entity
Effects: The target of this spell is seized by uncontrollable fear and must roll on the Fright table. At the time of casting, the Adept may choose to modify the Fright Table roll up or down by an amount up to the rank of the spell. On a double or triple effect this modification may be doubled or tripled respectively.
This spell does not need be Prepared before it is Cast.
Armour of Darkness (G-4) replaces Shadow Form (G-4)
Range: Self
Duration: 30 minutes + 30 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 150
Base Chance: 10%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment, Ward, Potion
Target: Entity
Effects: The Adept is enveloped in dark, fearsome, baroque armour which increases their defence versus physical Melee or Ranged attacks by 2 (+ 3 for every 2 Rank) and their Prot value 1 point for every 4 Ranks.
Eye Worms (G-5) replaces Wall of Starlight (G-5)
Range: 15 feet + 15 / Rank
Duration: Special
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 20%
Resist:' Active, Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Entity
Effects: Unless successfully resisted, the Adept summons nightworms to infest the victim's eyes and blind them. They will remain blind until they take 2 Pass Actions (+1 per 5 Ranks) to clear their vision. If the spell is successfully Resisted, the target must spend a Pass Action to shudder before they can do anything else.
This spell does not need to be Prepared to be Cast.
Binding Darkness (Q-1) replaces Reading the Night Sky (-1)
Duration: Special
Experience Multiple: 150
Base Chance: MA + 4% / Rank
Cast Time: 1 hour
Effects: The Adept may gain control of a volume of darkness by using this ritual. They may bind all darkness within a 10 foot radius (+ 15 feet / Rank). They may do anything with it except form an elemental. This ritual may not be used over an area occupied by an elemental and cannot be used in any way to control an elemental
It contains this incantation:
Darkness - Night Terror
Effects: This incantation of Darkness creates a volume that is eerily gloomy, wherein hideous and unpleasant things seem to lurk just beyond the corner of the eye. Aside from making anyone in the volume uncomfortable, it has these effect:
Magic Resistance vs Fear, including Terror, Horror or similar effects (but not Awe or the like) of anyone in the volume is halved.
The volume of darkness so created is a legal target for a Fear spell (or similar magic), and anyone inside it must Resist (with the penalty noted above).
Halving is applied before additions or subtractions from other modifiers.
Experience Cost: 500
Constraints: 1 FT, unracks the spell
Ring of Jasper
This gold band has a bezel holding a lozenge of jasper, and weighs 1 10th of an ounce. It must be worn on the middle finger of the right hand for its magic to be effective.
While it is worn, the bearer experiences no discomfort if the temperature drops as low as -40 ° and they halve damage from cold (but not the impact of ice).
Rebounding Ring
This band is quite small and is made from a dull, red resin that can only be worn on the least finger of the left hand of a creature whose size is less than 5.
While it is worn, the bearer halves non-magical C Class damage (including from most falling damage). In addition, it allows the bearer to advance this adventuring skill:
Scarab Ring
This bronze band has a casting of a small beetle with blue enameled wing cases, and weighs 1 10th of an ounce. It must be worn on the middle finger of the right hand for its magic to be effective.
While it is worn, the bearer improves their chance of attracting luck by 5 and their luck pool by 3.
Crown of Mentacles

This appears to be a crystal diadem but is, in fact, an organ ripped from the body of a creature not known to mortal men. It weighs 2 lbs. If it is worn then it provides the following bonuses:
- +5 to the Base Chance of any spell of a telekinetic nature (Telekinesis, Levitation, Telekinetic Rage, Force Shield, Disruption, Transmutation).
- Telekinesis costs 1 less FT to cast.
- 5 is subtracted from the die roll when casting Disruption.
- Telekinetic Rage may be cast as a cone 15 feet + 5 feet per Rank long, 5 feet + 5 feet per 3 or fraction Ranks wide. Anyone caught in the area must resist versus Mind College Special or take D10 + 2 per Rank damage. Those that resist take half damage. Those who fail but are still alive must roll under PS + AG or fall prone.
- Force Shield gains an extra point of Defence for every two Ranks.
- Mentacles
The Adept may manifest tentacles of telekinetic force, or mentacles, by casting Telekinesis on the crown. There are five of these mentacles and they are unseeable to anyone except a Mind Mage, to whom they likely appear rather unnerving. The mentacles have a reach in feet up to the Adept's Rank in Telekinesis.
- By means of the mentacles, the Adept can levitate up to a height equal to the reach of the mentacles. TMR is calculated replacing AG with MA and PS with WP, and any racial bonuses or penatlies are ignored.
- The Adept may climb at up to half this TMR. The DM may apply any other penalty to climbing TMR they see fit.
- If an attempt is made to grapple or to get out of close, then the Adept may improve their chances by adding their WP to their PS.
- Mentacles lack the dexterity to wield weapons effectively, but they can easily manipulate solid objects about the size of a cigar box or bigger. For the purpose of calculating their maximum lifting capacity, the PS of a mentacle is the same as the Adept's WP. If a second mentacle is used then half the Adept's WP is added to the PS, and so on.
- Example
An Adept has 21 WP, so one mentacle has 21 PS for the purposes of lifting a stone block, two mentacles raise the PS to 32 (+11), three raise it to 38 (+6), four raise it to 41 (+3) and the fifth mentacle would make PS 43(+2).
When the Adept is targeting a volume, object or themselves, they may increase the Cast Chance of magic of the College of Sorceries of the Mind by 1 for every point of WP greater than 15.
Force Gauntlet of the Right Hand
This bracelet has two lengths of delicate orichalcum chain. One chain runs between the index and middle finger, the other running between the ring and small finger. Both join to a setting that holds a cabochon blue quartz about the size of a silver penny on the back of the wearer's hand. It weighs 6 oz.
It is inactive and does nothing unless the wearer channels a point of FT into it, requiring a Free Act, which will cause a force construct to appear around the hand in the shape of a gauntlet. This will last until the next dawn, dusk, noon or midnight and is unseeable except by those who can cast Telekinesis or the like. The wearer must sleep with it, allowing it to drain 1 point of FT for every four hours they sleep or the construct will fail and die.
While active, the gauntlet raises the wearer's PS to the value of their WP on their right arm, only. This does not affect the Encumbrance calculation, nor does it qualify them to use two-handed weapons, although it may allow them to learn and advance one-handed weapons they normally lack the PS to wield.
The duration of Force Shield is tripled and 11 unseeable pentagonal planes of protection surround the Adept, increasing their Defence by 2(+3 for every 2 Ranks) against all attacks at any range or from any direction. In addition, the spell deflects the first Rank DP per Pulse, minimum 1. This only applies to physical damage and has no effect on magic, blows directly to EN or Specific Grievous Injuries. It can, however, be applied to damage from spells like Diamond Javelins, Earth Hammer, Ice Bolt or Ice Projectiles.
Amulet of Amethyst
Wards bad dreams and assists the wearer in achieving a restful sleep. Increases the wearer's Fatigue recovery during sleep periods by 10% (round down).
Amulet of Beryl
Increases the wearer's ability to detect traps and ambushes by 5.
Amulet of Betony
Decreases the Base Chance of infection by 15.
Amulet of Bloodstone
Prevents miscarriage and decreases Base Chance of infection by 20
Amulet of Carbuncle
Decreases damage done by poison by 2 points of damage per pulse or day.
Enhanced Amulet of Chalcedony
This amulet, when it is worn openly around the hilt of a dagger, will glow with a pale blue light that only the wielder can see when they are within 25 feet of the lesser undead. This light makes it possible to see in total darkness out to a range of 3 hexes, but is too dim and indistinct to make out colours or normal text.
Amulet of Diamonds
Increases all of the wearer's Strike Chances by 2
Amulet of Elder Flowers
Makes the wearer proof against the Evil Eye
Amulet of Hypericum
Increases the wearer's Magical Resistance by 10 to any magical act performed by a Demon or Daemonic being
Enhanced Amulet of Iron
This amulet, when it is worn openly around the left wrist, will grow warm when the wearer is within 25 feet of a half devil or imp. Wearing this amulet prevents the wearer from using non-racial magic.
Enhanced Amulet of Jade
This green jade amulet, when it is worn openly around the neck, increases the wearer's Initiative by 8 versus the undead. In addition, any Cast or Strike check vs the undead that ends in an 8 will be treated as ending with a 1 and any damage roll of 1 on a D10 becomes 8.
Enhanced Amulet of Jet
This polished jet amulet, when it is worn openly around the neck increases the wearer's Initiative by 8 versus demonic or diabolic entities from any plane. In addition, any Cast or Strike check vs these entities that ends in an 8 will be treated as ending with a 1 and any damage roll of 1 on a D10 becomes 8.
Amulet of Luck
Made from tiger's or alligator's teeth. It increases the wearer's Magical Resistance by 3 and adds 2 to the wearer's defense
Amulet of Black Amber x 2
This amulet when it is worn openly in the left ear increases the wearer's Initiative Value by 7.
- Description
- Glaukus is a slate crow, 18 inches in length with a wingspan is of 2 ½ feet. His plumage ranges from dark grey to pale grey to blue and weighs 20 oz.
- Talents, Skills, and Magic
- 1 Glaukus can colour shift his feathers so that he is less noticeable against the sky, clouds, mists or stone. This means that he can attempt Stealth so long as he can match the colour of his background and he has not been observed. H his movement rate drops to 450 yards per minute, however.
- 2 Twice a week, resetting at dawn on Saturdays, Glaukus can increase his size.
- 3 Crows tend to go for the eyes, so Glaukus' beak attack adds 4 points to the damage calculation, purely for the purposes of determining armour Penetration.
- Movement Rates
- Flying: 1,000
PS: | 4 | MD: | 19 | AG: | 20 | MA: | 13 | EN: | 5 | FT: | 14 |
WP: | 17 | PC: | 21 | PB: | 11 | TMR: | 18 | NA: | Feathers absorb 1 DP |
- Weapons
- Glaukus can only attack in Close Combat with his beak (BCÂ 50%, D10-5 damage). This attack adds 4 points to the damage calculation, purely for the purposes of determining armour Penetration.
- Increased Size
- As a Pass Action, Glaukus grows to 26 inches in length, 5 foot wingspan, and weighing 70 oz. This effect lasts for 17 Pulses.
- Movement Rates
- Flying: 800
PS: | 9 | MD: | 20 | AG: | 19 | MA: | 13 | EN: | 9 | FT: | 14 |
WP: | 17 | PC: | 21 | PB: | 10 | TMR: | 16 | NA: | Feathers absorb 2 DP |
- Weapons
- Glaukus may attack with beak and two talons without penalty.
- Beak: BC 55%, [D – 2], Close, Rank 0. This attack adds 4 points to the damage calculation, purely for the purposes of determining armour Penetration.
- Talons: BC 75%, [D – 1], Close, Rank 0, max Rank 4, advances as Unarmed Combat.
Glaukus has these Skills at Rank 0, which may be advanced at the usual cost:
- Stealth
- Thief
- Spy
Swedish Axemen
PS: | 19 | MD: | 19 | AG: | 15 | MA: | 7 | EN: | 24 | FT: | 23 |
WP: | 16 | PC: | 12 | PB: | 12 | TMR: | 5 | NA: | Chain absorbs 6 DP |
Attack | SC | DM | Rg | Class | Use | Rk |
Battle Axe | 108% | +6 | 6 | B class | RM | 5 |
Crossbow | 79% | +3 | 80 | A class | R | 0 |
Large Round Shield | 68% | +2 | - | C class | M | 4 |
His Defence is 47 and his Magic Resistance is 36%.
He will fight loyally, always succeeding when forced to make a morale check.
PS: | 19 | MD: | 19 | AG: | 15 | MA: | 7 | EN: | 24 | FT: | 23 |
WP: | 16 | PC: | 12 | PB: | 12 | TMR: | 5 | NA: | Chain absorbs 6 DP |
Attack | SC | DM | Rg | Class | Use | Rk |
Battle Axe | 108% | +6 | 6 | B class | RM | 5 |
Crossbow | 79% | +3 | 80 | A class | R | 0 |
Large Round Shield | 68% | +2 | - | C class | M | 4 |
His Defence is 47 and his Magic Resistance is 36%.
He will fight loyally, always succeeding when forced to make a morale check.
PS: | 19 | MD: | 19 | AG: | 15 | MA: | 7 | EN: | 24 | FT: | 23 |
WP: | 16 | PC: | 12 | PB: | 12 | TMR: | 5 | NA: | Chain absorbs 6 DP |
Attack | SC | DM | Rg | Class | Use | Rk |
Battle Axe | 108% | +6 | 6 | B class | RM | 5 |
Crossbow | 79% | +3 | 80 | A class | R | 0 |
Large Round Shield | 68% | +2 | - | C class | M | 4 |
His Defence is 47 and his Magic Resistance is 36%.
He will fight loyally, always succeeding when forced to make a morale check.
- Description
- Evening has soft fur of deepest black, is 16 inches long and weighs 2lbs. She is slim, and utterly vicious with cold, calculating eyes.
- Comments
- She is very curious, and has very basic drives, including the desire to breed and raise a family. She is promiscuous and unlikely to pair with another sable for any length of time, but if mating is successful, there is an 80% chance her litter will number 4-8 young. She is quite bloodthirsty, and will gladly take on much larger creatures. Lacking an opposable thumb, Evening is not a tool-user, but this is something on her list of things to get.
- Abilities
- Evening can withstand the gaze and breath of the basilisk, and is immune to fear from any source. Once a week, resetting at midnight on a Friday, Evening can massively increase in size for one minute.
- Movement Rates
- Running: 250
PS: | 5 | MD: | 29 | AG: | 29 | MA: | 16 | EN: | 7 | FT: | 12 |
WP: | 23 | PC: | 17 | PB: | 12 | TMR: | 8 | NA: | Fur absorbs 1 DP |
- Weapons
- Evening may bite.
- Bite: BC 108%, [D – 4], Close, Rank 0.
- Enlarged
- Movement Rates
- Running: 250
PS: | 23 | MD: | 29 | AG: | 29 | MA: | 16 | EN: | 23 | FT: | 12 |
WP: | 23 | PC: | 17 | PB: | 4 | TMR: | 8 | NA: | Fur absorbs 3 DP |
- Weapons
- Evening will bite and claw twice with no penalty.
- Bite: BC 122%, [D + 4], Close, Rank 2-4.
- Claw: BC 93%, [D + 2], Melee & Close, Rank 1-3.
Ogre Oarsmen
- Number
- 8
- Description
- Ogres are large, ugly, 8 foot tall humanoids. They have flattened noses and large, sharp teeth. These ones wear leather armour and wield Giant Clubs.
- Comments
- Ogres eat those travellers that they waylay and take their treasure. These have been trained as oarsmen and have Rank 4 in the Sailor Artisan Skill and the Advenuring Skill: Swimming. Part of their ongoing training has been to break them of the habit of eating people, and are trying to learn Common when they can be bothered.
- Abilities
- Ogres generally shun magic, although these may acquire a college if forced to advance a language to Rank 8 and become literate in it but must meet its other requirements. They wield small round shields as if they were bucklers: 3 Def per Rank, 5lbs, no MD penalty.
- Movement Rates
- Running: 450
PS: | 28 | MD: | 12 | AG: | 10 | MA: | 10-15 | EN: | 23 | FT: | 30 |
WP: | 20 | PC: | 14 | PB: | 9 | TMR: | 9 | NA: | Armour & skin absorbs 9 DP |
- Weapons
- Giant Club: BC 50%, [D + 8], Ranged & Melee, 9 hexes, Rank 0 - 5.
- Bite: BC 65%, [D + 4], Close, Rank 0.
- Punch: BC 45%, [D], Melee & Close, Rank 0 - 10.
- Shield: BC 40%, [D - 4], Melee, Rank 0 - 4.
Book of Shadows
This book has been written on the skin of a cat's shadow, and can only be read in a single sun-cast shadow. Reading is difficult and removes the reader's Literacy in one language each week spent studying it. Literacy recovers if the book is not read for two consecutive Mondays and all the days in between.
Invoking one of these demons is an utterance that requires a Free Act and cannot be combined with Casting a spell, unless such a spell is Silent.
This demon's name takes 10 days to learn. If a brooch is made from bloodstone weighing at least 1 ounce, a Rune of Control and the Name carved into it, then it can be invoked for one hour in twenty four to increase the protection of the wearer versus A or B Class weapons. The improvement to protection is 5 and stacks with other armour. Once used, the ability is lost until the next dusk. Invocation requires a Free Act and either an utterance if the ITN is used or a gesture in the case of the Rune.
The demon has no Magic Resistance versus spells that Compel, Bind, Charm or Control from a caster who pours the juice from seventeen poppies over the gem on Sunday at dusk. If this is not done, it is allowed to resist the magic that binds it, MR being 25. If it succeeds, it will instantly vanish back to the Abyss.
When the demon is Called, the summoner increases their Abyss mark by 1.
This demon's name takes 7 days to learn. If a bezel is made from sardonyx and set into a silver ring weighing ⅓ ounce, a Rune of Control and the Name carved into it, then it can be invoked for 5 Pulses from dusk to dawn or dawn to dusk. It forms a snake 30 centimetres long with bands of orange, black and ochre, weighing 1 lb. It will wrap itself around the Caller's hand that is holding a dagger, main gauche or sword. If that weapon inflicts damage, then it will inflict 5 damage from venom each Pulse until it is forced back to the Abyss.
The demon has no Magic Resistance versus spells that Compel, Bind, Charm or Control from a caster who bleeds 5 EN of their own blood over the sardonyx bezel at noon on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. If this is not done, it is allowed to resist the magic that binds it, MR being 20. If it succeeds, it will instantly vanish back to the Abyss.
When the demon is Called, the summoner increases their Abyss mark by 1.
This demon's name takes 15 days to learn. If a black pearl the size of a baby's thumb is hung from a golden earring weighing ¼ ounce, a Rune of Control and the Name carved into it, then once the demon has been invoked, it cannot be used again until dusk of a Monday, Wednesday or Friday. It appears as a dark vortex around the Caller, who may instantly move to a position within direct line of sight that is fewer then fifty feet away, without covering the intervening space.
The demon has no Magic Resistance versus spells that Compel, Bind, Charm or Control from a caster who sprinkles the ash of a cat's heart over the pearl at midnight each Saturday. If this is not done, it is allowed to resist the magic that binds it, MR being 35. If it succeeds, it will instantly vanish back to the Abyss.
When the demon is Called, the summoner increases their Abyss mark by 1.
Enchiridion of the Boar's Tusk
Only a Rank 4+ Warrior can learn this stance, and it costs 1,000 Experience.
The Warrior takes a stance, holding a pole weapon rated for A or B Class damage, a sword, warhammer or a warpick, pointing it towards the ground on their right. If they take an Action of any kind, including a Reflex Action or a Free Act, the benefit of the stance is lost.
The Warrior gains +15 to Strike Chance with a Charge that is delivered in a straight line, and increases damage by +3.
Once the attack has been completed, the Warrior rolls for Initiative again, the new roll standing.
Enchiridion of the Lady on the Left
Only a Rank 4+ Warrior can learn this stance, and it costs 1,000 Experience.
The Warrior takes a stance, holding the point of a sword or A Class pole weapon downwards over their left arm (or shield, if they're holding one). If they take an Action of any kind, including a Reflex Action or a Free Act, the benefit of the stance is lost.
The Warrior gains +15 to Defence from any attack arising out of their left and front hexes. In addition, the Warrior may increase the Defence of an ally who is standing to their immediate left. This only applies to attacks that are delivered to that ally's right front hex.
If the next attack the Warrior delivers in a Specific Grievous injury, then they may add or subtract a value equal to their Warrior Rank if that would make the injury one to the head.
Amulet of the Scorpion
- Requires Rank Astrology
"It is a most excellent Remedy against all Poyson and Diseases thereby infected. It is excellent and admirable for Souldiers, Captains, and such as are in daily Controversies: Also, if such an Animal as follows be made of pure Iron, when Mars is Lord of the yeer, and the Sun enters the first degree of Scorpio; afterwards when Mars is in his own House in Aries, let it be engraven as follows. Then let it be applied in the hour of Mars: the House wherein it is hanged, it defendeth safe from all Scorpions; and all Serpents that are alive will flie out of it: it is a most excellent Remedy against all venemous bitings: mightily helpeth Souldiers in Fights: and is very good against the Leprosie to be worn, and the Patient to drink potable Gold."
This amulet is a most excellent Remedy agaynst all Poyson and Dysease thereby sufferred. It is excellent and admirable for Souldiers, Captains and such are are in daily Controversies: Also, if such an Animal as follows:

be made of pure Iron when the Warrior is Lord of the year, and the Sun enters the first degree of the Scorpion; afterwards, when the Red Wanderer is in the House of the Ram, let it be engraven as follows:
Then let it be applied at the hour of Skittering; The House wherein it is hanged, it defendeth safe from all Scorpions; and all Serpents that are alive will flye out of it: it is a most excellent Remedy against all venemous bitings: mightily helpeth Souldiers in Affraies: and it very good against the Leprosie to be worn if the Patient drink potable Gold.
If an amulet is made from 3oz of pure iron and cast in the shape of the Scorpion when the Warrior is ascendant and the Sun enters the first degree of the Scorpion (three days after the Eostre Sacrifice).

If the amulet is engraved with the sign of the scorpion, and it is hung in a home, it will slowly drive out scorpions and serpents over a period of a fortnight.
The wearer subtracts 7 from the die roll when Resisting the poison of a scorpion or serpent.
Once a season, their Initiative die roll becomes 100, modified by their PC and Military Scientist bonus, if applicable. This ability resets at the next end of season festival.
If the wearer suffers from Leprosy, and if they drink Potable Gold, then their next Recovery from Disease check will be considered 10 or less on percentiles.
Wearing the amulet prevents the wearer from using non-Racial Magic.
Copper Scrolls
The Name of the Atlas Gryphon

This is the Individual True Name of a unique entity. There are only 21 Ranks available. In other words, every Rank this Name is raised by one individual, reduces someone else's Rank by the same amount amount.
However, if the Spell of Name Change is known, and their Rank in the Generic True Names 'Lion' and 'Eagle' are Ranked to 10 or higher, then they may assume this shape:
- The Atlas Gryphon
- This creature has the body, hindlegs and tail of a tawny lion, and the head and foreclaws of a golden eagle. It has a wing span of 5 metres. Its feathers are brown, although the primaries are the colour of bronze.
PS: | 30 | MD: | 15 | AG: | 15 | MA: | Adept's | EN: | 25 | FT: | Adept's |
WP: | Adept's | PC: | Adept's | PB: | 7 | TMR: | Special | NA: | Special |
- Weapons
- The gryphon can batter opponents with each wing in Extended (up to 1 hex away) or Melee Combat
- BC: 45%, D10+2 damage, without penalty.
Wings inflict C Class injuries, and may be Ranked to 10 using the same Experience Point cost as Unarmed Combat
- Every 4 Ranks in this ITN increases PS, MD, AG, EN and PB by 1. This stacks with bonuses for the Generic True Name of 'Lion' and 'Eagle'.
- The Protection value of the gryphon is 2 (+1 per 4 Ranks in the ITN).
- Spell Armour value of the gryphon is 1 (+1 per 5 Ranks in the ITN)
- The shape provides 1 point of Damage Reduction against all known forms of damage + 1 for every 10 Ranks in the ITN.
- The gryphon has a land TMR of 4, and a flying TMR of 6. Land TMR increases by 1 per 5, whereas Flight TMR increases by 1 per 4 Ranks in the ITN. At Rank 20, the flying TMR becomes 12.
- The gryphon has the following flight properties:
- flying requires a clear space of about a hyper-megahex.
- the gryphon must maintain an airspeed equivalent to TMR 4 to avoid stalling and beginning to fall.
- maximum rate of climb is an angle of 45°, and each Pulse climbing like this costs 1 FT. Climbing at a rate of 1 hex per 2 horizontal hexes does not cost FT.
- the gryphon may ride a sky current at altitudes of 15 metres or higher, the current's direction can be determined at will. The movement rate is 880 yards per minute (30 mph), plus 30 yards per minute (+1 mph) for every Rank in the ITN.
- Battleform
A Battleform may also be assumed and changing between this and the gryphon form

requires a Pass Action. Spectral eagle's wings emerge from the Adept's back, passing through clothing and armour. The wings let the Adept fly at their normal TMR +1(+ 1 per 5 Ranks). At Rank 20, the bonus to flying TMR is +10. These wings do not provide the Adept with a flying movement rate.
The Battleform provides 1 point of Damage Reduction (+1 for every 10 Ranks in the ITN) against all known forms of damage.
- The wings have the following flight properties
- flying requires a clear space around the Adept of about a megahex.
- the Adept must spend 1 FT at the beginning of every Pulse that they intend to fly.
- the Adept must maintain an airspeed equivalent to TMR 4 to avoid stalling and beginning to fall.
- maximum rate of climb is an angle of 45°, and each Pulse climbing like this costs an additional point of FT. Climbing at a rate of 1 hex per 2 horizontal hexes does not cost additional FT.
In addition, wings may be used to batter opponents in Extended (up to 1 hex away) or Melee Combat
- BC: 45%, D10+2 damage. Two wing attacks may be made without penalty unless the Adept is using other weapons, in which case only one wing attack is allowed.
Wings inflict C Class injuries, and may be Ranked to 10 using the same skill as Unarmed Combat. They may Strike at spectral or insubstantial creatures and will not conduct a draining attack.
Once a copper scroll is read, it crumbles to greenish dust.
- Scroll of Building a House of Life
This building contains a resurrection chambers. Although those who are Death-aspected can build such a chamber, they may never return to life by means of one, their spirit being drawn off to the Valley of Death.
The House itself is octagonal in shape, and must have a diameter equal to 10 feet per chamber and cost 500sp per ft of radius. It will take two weeks per chamber to construct. The time to build the House is reduced by one week per Rank of the most advanced Artisan: Mason and one week per Rank of the most advanced Artisan: Carpenter. The minimum time may be no less than a month.

Each chamber must be built by the hand of the intended user, and no particular Skill is required, the process happening magically to some degree (although still requiring the time and hard work of the user). It will take a month to build the chamber itself and cost 10,000sp in materials. Counter-intuitively, the more money spent on the appointments of the chamber, the faster it will be built. If an extra 1,000sp is spent on decorating it, the chamber will be completed in one less day. The time taken, however, can never be less than a week, although, of course, it can be made ever more beautiful.
Once completed, then the user may prepare the chamber to receive their spirit and regenerate their form should they be so unfortunate as to require it. The following conditions apply:
- The user must sacrifice 3 EN to the chamber. Once sacrificed, the EN are converted to points of their Aspect (the most unusual part, otherwise it will be the Element part).
- Subsequently, if they die, then their spirit will travel back to the House of Life, resurrecting uninjured a year and a day later unless they are resurrected earlier by other means.
- Obviously, the resurrectee's itemry will be lost unless other means supervene.
- In the event that the resurrectee has succumbed to a Dark Sphere (not a Light Sphere), then a number between 1 and 10 is nominated by the player, and a D10 is rolled. If the number is equal to a 1, 2, 3 or the one nominated, then they will be resurrected. Otherwise not.
- The place of death must be proximate to a plane that is proximate to a plane that is proximate to the location of the House of Life for the spirit to be able to find its way to the resurrection chamber.
- For example
- if the resurrectee dies on Tanuel, which is adjacent to the Astral, which is adjacent to the Abyss, which is adjacent to Alusia, then they are close enough to resurrect.
If this special resurrection is used, the House of Life and the chamber itself remains. However, until 1 EN is sacrificed it is simply magical architecture.
- Note
- Upon Resurrection, a point of EN is not lost, since the House will not work unless it is charged with the appropriate life energy (1 EN).
- Formula of the Black Iron Grenado
Rank 4 Alchemy
This operation may only be begun on a Thursday or a Sunday and takes at least three days.
This means it can only be attempted twice a week, and sometimes only once.
The Alchemist must gather 3 lbs of wood from a lightning-struck tree. The wood must be steeped in sufficient drake's urine to completely cover it, and left to stand over a slow fire from noon until dusk (the process being somewhat swifter in winter by virtue of the well-known property of drake's urine to capture fire as the sun falls from the sky).
The wood must be steeped for two consecutive dusks, and then the wood transmuted to charcoal by slowly burning it over sufficient flowers of sulphur to fill a giant's tankard of ale and takes at least two consecutive dawns to complete. A cup of iron ore must be finely ground and the powder thus obtained vigorously mixed with the still-hot embers. Many Alchemists prefer a bronze pestle in a stone mortar, but the passionate use iron pestles on flint mortars.
This labour will produce enough reagent to fill [D10 + Rank - 5] grenados.
If the result is less than 1, no reagent is produced at all.
Results less than -1 indicate that there has been a catastrophe, and the smaller the number, the greater the catastrophe.
If the result is -2, 1 Specific Grievous Injury is rolled and applied, if the result is -3, then 2 such injuries are inflicted, and so on. They may avoid harm by Breaking 100 + MD versus each such catastrophe.
The formula is teachable, but whoever teaches it must expend 4,350 Experience for each Alchemist taught.
- Black Iron Grenado
- Rank 4 Alchemy
- This grenado contains an alchemical incendiary device. It is usually thrown at a hex within range (15 hexes). The hex has no Defence, but the thrower's SC is reduced by 3 per hex beyond the first. Any Strike Check greater than 70 + MD means that the thrower dropped the grenado at their feet, or, if the roll is 99 or 100, has gone off prematurely.
- If the Strike Check result is high enough to indicate a miss but not high enough for a catastrophe, then a scatter D10 is rolled.
- On a 1, it was thrown 1D10 feet beyond the target hex.
- On a 2, it was hrown 1D10 feet beyond and to the right of the target hex.
- On a 3, it was thrown 1D10 feet to the right of the target hex.
- On a 4, it was thrown 1D10 feet short and to the right of the target hex.
- On a 5, it was thrown 1D10 feet short of the target hex.
- On a 6, it was thrown 1D10 feet short and to the left of the target hex.
- On a 7, it was thrown 1D10 feet to the left of the target hex.
- On an 8, it was thrown 1D10 feet beyond and to the left of the target hex.
- On a 9, it was thown 2D10 feet beyond the the target hex.
- On a 0, it was thrown 1D10 <bold>hexes</bold> short of the target hex.
- On detonation, the grenado inflicts 2 Specific Grievous Injuries on anyone who it shares a hex with, while those in the surrounding hexes suffer 1. The grenado inflicts A, B or C Class injuries, so all results are applied.
- Targets are allowed to Break 100 + 2 x AG + Rank in Sense Danger to avoid each wound.
- Scroll of Finding Familiar

This copper scroll teaches the reader this ritual as if it were part of the General Knowledge of their College:
- Ritual of Finding a Familiar
Range: 1 mile + 1 mile / Rank
Duration: Concentration: No maximum
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 40% + 4 / Rank
Resist: None
Storage: Investment
Target: Entity
Cast Time: 1 hour
Material: A piece of food acceptable to the familiar being summoned
Concentration Check: Standard
Effects: The Adept may attempt to summon a small animal that will serve them as a familiar. The type of animal is chosen by the Adept and may be a small creature about the size of a cat, dog, bat, rat, toad, weasel, falcon, owl, goat, monkey, trout, etc, and must be native to the area where the summoning is performed. If the summoning is successful, the potential familiar will arrive at the Adept's location in (25 - Rank) minutes. The ritual allows the Adept to communicate with it when it first arrives. The Adept must promise to feed and protect the familiar. The GM should roll a reaction check for the creature. If the result is Enraged, it attacks, if Belligerent it leaves immediately.
If neither of these results are achieved, the familiar agrees to serve the Adept. Regardless of the result, the Ritual confers no further ability to communicate with the animal. If the Adept fails to feed the familiar on a regular basis, or mistreats it in any way, the familiar may run away, and a new familiar must be found. The familiar will serve the Adept to the best of its ability, warning them of danger, and so forth. If the Adept is unable to communicate with the familiar magically it will attempt to warn them by tugging at their cloak, whimpering, or whatever, as appropriate. If the familiar is killed, the Adept suffers [D + 5] points of damage in the form of a magical backlash. This damage may not be resisted. An Adept may only have one familiar at any one time. A familiar is not an enchanted creature. The range of the summoning caused by this ritual is 1 mile (+1 / Rank).
As the ritual is Ranked, the familiar gains abilities according to the following schedule:
Rank 0 - While it is in contact with the Adept, the familar is considered out of range of most magic and beneficial spells that are cast on the Adept apply to the familiar as well
Rank 2 - The Adept may cast spells that target themselves on their familiar
Rank 4 - The Adept may see through the familiar's eyes once a day
Rank 6 - The Adept may draw upon the FT of their familiar to pay the FT cost of a spell or ritual. In addition, they can add to their familar's FT at a rate of 2:1
Rank 8 - The Adept must spend 10 minutes communing with their familiar to store the Prepare Action of a spell, which they may use as a Free Act at a later time
Rank 10 - The familiar can hold 1 spell matrix. This will not unrack unless the spell or incantation specifies that it will. The Adept must be in contact with the familiar to use the matrix
Rank 12 - The Adept may now sense through their familiar twice a day, plus they can hear as well as see
Rank 14 - The Adept must spend an additional 10 minutes communing with their familiar to store a second Prepare Action
Rank 16 - The Adept may see & hear through the familiar's eyes a third time a day
Rank 18 - The familiar stores a special pool with a maximum capacity of 5. This may be used to reroll a failed Magic Resistance or Casting check. It costs 1,000 Experience to add 1 to the pool
Rank 20 - The spell matrix becomes a spell lock, which the familar can Cast on the Adept's behalf. This will not unrack unless specified by the spell or incantation
- The College of Thaumaturgy and Animating Devices (Ver 1.2)
Members of the College of Thaumaturgy and Animating Devices
specialise in magic that animates, shapes, creates or destroys
non-living matter; they are commonly
known as Tinkers. Tinkers tend to be less concerned
with the theory and philosophy of magic than members
of the other Thaumaturgical Colleges, and are
usually more inclined to fiddle around with something
until it works. They are often accused of lacking
empathy, because of the amount of time they spend
associating with inanimate objects. However, many
Tinkers cultivate an impish sense of humour, which
their College gives ample opportunity to develop.
The College is not well known. Much of the Tinker's
knowledge was lost many years in the past. They are found
almost exclusively in highly developed and civilised
Most Colleges are scornful of Tinkers, due to their
reputations as tricksters and their lack of direct combat
magics. They are also mocked for their strong
association with the artisan trades, such as Carpentry,
Jewel-Crafting and Smithing. Many Tinkers possess at
least one such skill, Mechanician, or Philosopher specialising
in engineering, mechanics and the like, as all of these abilities complement the College's style of magic.
Traditional Colours
Tinkers do not have traditional colours, but tend to wear practical work clothes, usually with a leather apron anchored in place, and bedecked with tools.
Traditional Symbols.
The College's traditional symbol is that of many cogwheels,
each turning others, in an endless chain.
- 13.1 Restrictions
A Magical Aptitude of 17 is required to join the College. Members of the College of Thaumaturgy and Animating Devices may operate without restriction.
- 13.2 Base Chance Modifiers
The following modifiers are cumulative with all other
modifiers (including those specified in §7.4).
Per 10% extra spent on Ritual materials +1
Per hour of Ritual Spell Preparation +3
Per Rank in Mechanician +1
- 13.3 Talents
Detect Enchantment (T-1)
Range:1. 30 feet (+ 5 / Rank) 2. Touch
Experience Multiple: 50
Base Chance: 1. PC + 3% / Rank 2. PC + 5% / Rank
Effects: This talent determines whether an item, person,
or area in line-of-sight and within range is currently
under an enchantment or magical effect. The
Adept can tell whether the enchantment is a current
spell or ritual, a warded, invested, or permanent effect,
is contained in a trap or is a curse. A double
effect will reveal the general nature of the spell (eg;
defensive, summoning, damaging) and the effective
Rank or remaining duration of the enchantment. In
addition, a triple effect will tell the Adept the exact
name of the magic (eg; Wall of Bones, Hellfire), or
the College of the spell.
Once the initial, most recent, magical effect has been
successfully detected, older enchantments on a target
with multiple layers of magic may also be detected.
This may be continued while the Adept continues to
succeed in detecting Enchantments. However, only
one attempt per quarter may be made to detect any
given enchantment. If a new enchantment occurs,
the Adept may attempt to detect it, though this in no
way affects the status of the old layer. If an old, unsuccessfully
detected enchantment expires, the Adept
may attempt to detect any newly revealed magic beneath
If the Adept is in contact with the target then the base
chance of this talent is higher.
- 13.4 General Knowledge Spells
Adhesion (G-1)
Range: 10 feet + 10 / Rank
Duration: 5 minutes + 5 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 175
Base Chance: 35%
Resist: Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Volume
Effects: The surface of a non-living solid, up to 1
cubic foot (+ 2 / Rank), is magically enchanted to adhere
to any objects coming into contact with it. Once
stuck, an object is released when the spell's duration
expires, or the applied PS + D10 exceeds the spell's
PS of 10 (+ 2 / Rank), which tears the object free (the
durability of some objects may be less than the force
required to tear them free from the spell). Several
individuals may combine their PS to free an object.
Being broken free of the area of the Adhesion, or resisting
a particular contact, in no way protects the object
from becoming stuck if brought into contact with
the affected area again; nor is the spell in any way
broken by having an object torn away; the area remains
as adhesive as before. Except for the crowding
of the area, there is no limit to the number of objects
that may be stuck with this spell. The chance of a
person coming into contact with an adhesive portion
of a hex is 10% / Rank applied to that hex.
Animating Objects (G-2)
Range: 10 feet + 5 / Rank
Duration: 10 minutes + 10 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 300
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Object
Effects: This spell may be used to animate any one
object, of up to 10 pounds (+ 10 / Rank) in weight.
By taking a pass action the Adept may control the
actions of 1 (+ 1 / Rank) previously controlled animates
within range. Once set in motion, the animates
will attempt to carry out the action until ordered otherwise.
The animates will move about in a manner
applicable to their shape. Their TMR will not exceed
Animates have a nominal PS value of 5 (+ 1 / Rank)
though this will have limited effect on objects made
of flimsy materials. Their strike chance will be no
more than 20% (+2% / Rank), with a maximum of
D+2 damage. The animate will cease to function if
the object is destroyed, or a Tinker General Knowledge
Counterspell is cast on it. An animate is an object,
but may also be targeted as an Entity. If an animate
is created through the use of a Ward or Magical
Trap, it will receive one command determined when
first cast.
Bound Speech (G-3)
Range: 1 foot + 1 / Rank
Duration: 1 day + 1 day / Rank
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 40%
Resist: Passive
Storage: None
Target: Object, Area of Object
Effects: This spell allows the Adept to record a verbal
message in an object, and defines the conditions
under which the message will be replayed. This spell
operates in most respects similarly to the Ward ritual,
except that the range is the range of this spell or
touch, and a message is stored instead of a spell. The
message is replayed exactly as the Adept recorded it,
and may contain any verbalisations that the Adept is
capable of. The message may not exceed 5 words (+
3 words / Rank). Unlike the Ward ritual, the message
may be triggered one additional time per two
full Ranks.
Durability (G-4)
Range: 10 feet + 5 / Rank
Duration: 10 minutes + 10 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 25%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Object
Effects: One object weighing up to 2 pounds (+ 2 /
Rank) may be made more resilient and less susceptible
to damage. The item becomes almost as strong as
steel of the same thickness, without losing any flexibility.
The item cannot be broken unless exposed
to stresses beyond that which steel could withstand,
given the object's size and shape. The strength is improved
with rank to a maximum of slightly stronger
than steel.
This spell does not protect against soiling, corrosion
or fire or any forms of damage other than physical
A weapon treated with this spell allows the wielder
to add 2% per Rank of the spell to any roll to save
the weapon from breaking. Armour protected by this
spell will have 2 extra Protection ( + 1 / 10 full ranks)
to a maximum of the equivalent Steel armour. At
Rank 20, 1 may be added to this maximum.
Note that the added Protection replaces (rather than
adds to) any other Protection bonuses due to a material's
strength (eg Armourer bonuses). If the item
is broken, or armour suffers damage from a Specific
Grievous, the magic is dispelled.
Mending (G-5)
Range: Touch
Duration: Immediate
Experience Multiple: 150
Base Chance: 40%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment
Target: Parts of an Object, Golem
Effects: Any single object weighing up to 10 pounds
(+ 10 / Rank) becomes exactly as it was before it
was broken or deformed. Any pieces missing when
the spell is cast will remain missing when the object
is mended. Mending used to fix objects with an effective
Artisan Rank greater than that the Adept possesses
will degrade the object's effective rank. Magical
items made mundane through breaking will remain
mundane even after the use of a Mending. The
Spell of Mending may be used on a living creature
that has been transformed into stone, and subsequently
broken. This requires that the Adept be
a Sculptor of at least Rank 8. A Spell of Mending
may be used to repair one of their animates. It may repair either
a Specific Grievous injury, or all general Endurance damage.
Modify Aura (G-6)
Range: 5 feet + 5 / Rank
Duration: 1 hour + 1 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 100
Base Chance: 30%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Object, Entity
Effects: This spell allows the Adept to able to modify
the aura strength of any one object or entity. The
target object may be up to 20 cubic feet (+ 20 /
Rank).The strength of the aura increases or decreases
by up to 1 + (1 / 4 Ranks) on the table below. This
spell does not alter the target's aura in any other way.
Aura Equivalent
0 No Aura
1 Magic (magical wall, illusion)
2 Formerly Living Composite (chair, stew)
3 Formerly Living (dead orc, log)
4 Non-Sentient Animates (stone golem)
and Non-sentient Undead (skeleton)
5 Living Plants (rose, oak)
6 Living Animals (dog, cat)
8 Sentient Animates (flesh golem)
and Sentient Undead (vampire)
9 Living Sentient (human, sphinx)
10 Long Living Sentient (dragon, titan, elf)
15 Avatar (material form of a Demon, etc.)
Minor Creation (G-7)
Range: Touch
Duration: 15 minutes + 15 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 40%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment
Target: Object
Effects: The Adept may create a simple, common
object from a larger source of its constituent substances
by reaching into the source and withdrawing
the object. For example, the Adept may reach into
a tree and produce a staff. One (+ 1 / 5 full Ranks)
different substances may be combined into a single
finished object with this spell. The substance sources
are in no way damaged or reduced by the spell. The
created object will be a common example of its type
and may not exceed 1 cubic foot (+ 1 per Rank) in
volume, nor 1 lb (+ 1 lb / Rank) in weight. The object
is physically real with all normal attributes. The object
may not be created enclosed by or enclosing anything.
Complicated or fine quality objects may not be
created without the appropriate artisan skill. No alchemical,
herbal or other quasi-magical objects may
be created. Created food provides no sustenance. At
the end of its duration the item vanishes. The object
is a magical construct and will have a magical aura,
regardless of its constituent materials.
Preservation (G-8)
Range: 5 feet + 1 / Rank
Duration: Special
Experience Multiple: 100
Base Chance: 40%
Resist: Passive
Storage: Ward, Investment, Magical Trap
Target: Volume, a dead / undead Entity
Effects: This spell preserves and protects one animate,
dead or undead entity, of up to 100 pounds (+
100 / Rank) or a collection of small objects of a total
weight not greater than 1 pound (+ 1 / Rank) against
the effects of time, decay, rust, erosion or wave action.
It does not confer any protection against magical
attacks. It will not suspend time with regard to
resurrection, poisons, curses, etc. Duration is 4 (+
Rank squared) days, but is permanent at Rank 20.
Transparency (G-9)
Range: 10 feet + 5 / Rank
Duration: 10 minutes + 10 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 175
Base Chance: 30%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Volume
Effects: This spell causes a volume of non-living
solid material to become as transparent as high quality
glass, but to otherwise retain its original characteristics.
One (+ 1 / Rank) adjacent 1 foot cubes may
be affected. The Adept may cause the volume to be
transparent from only a single direction, by reducing
the BC by 10.
Bubble of Force (G-10)
Range: Self
Duration: 20 minutes + 20 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 15%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion
Target: Sentient Entity
Effects: The spell causes an iridescent bubble of force to appear around the Adept, adhering vaguely to their form. The substance of the bubble reduces the first Rank damage from any source, calculated after any saving throw (e.g. Magic Resistance, etc.) but before any other form of damage mitigation. Damage that inflicts damage directly to the Adept's body, i.e. poison, disease, Putrid Wound, Disruption, Necrosis, Hand of Death, Torment or similar effects are unaffected by the spell. The Damage Reduction resets at the beginning of each Pulse.
The spell never regenerates more Damage Reduction than 20 in any given Pulse.
- 13.5 General Knowledge Rituals
Linking Lifeforce (Q-1)
Duration: Permanent
Experience Multiple: 300
Base Chance: 40% + 4% / Rank
Resist: Passive
Target: Object, entity
Cast Time: 1 hour
Material: Object
Concentration Check: Standard
Effects: This ritual allows the Adept to bind an object
to the life-force of an entity. The object will reflect
the entity's physical condition. If the entity is
well, the object will be in perfect order; if the entity
is sick or wounded, the object will appear appropriately
damaged; and if the entity dies, the object will
seem ruined. There is no limitation on the size or
type of object, but it must remain the entity's possession
during the entire ritual. Traditionally, apples,
roses, statues, paintings or diamonds are used. The
Life-force Link may be broken by destroying the object,
or by the object being beyond 100 miles (+ 100
/ Rank) from the entity. The death of the entity will
not break the Link. If 10,000 (-500 / Rank) is spent on
ingredients, the range is unlimited and the entity and
object may occupy different planes without breaking
the Link.
Petrifaction (Q-2)
Duration: Permanent
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 55% + 3% / Rank
Resist: Active & Passive
Target: Entity
Cast Time: 1 hour
Concentration Check: Standard
Effects: This ritual allows the Adept to either change
one entity to marble-like stone, or turn one magically
petrified entity back to flesh. The entity must
be present for the entirety of the Ritual. Any possessions
of an entity are (un)petrified with the entity.
A petrified entity is not aware of their surroundings,
and has time stopped for the purposes of poison, resurrection,
curses and ageing. Petrifaction is not fatal,
although a dead entity may still be petrified. If an
entity is damaged after petrifaction, they may be repaired
with the Mending Spell if the Adept is a Rank
8 Sculptor. Any damage will be applied when the entity
becomes flesh. A petrified entity weighs 3 times
their normal weight.
Ritual of Thaumaturgical Assembly (Q-3)
Duration: Until the following dawn
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 55% + 3% / Rank
Resist: None
Target: Disassembled device(s)
Materials: Blueprint(s)(not consumed)
Cast Time: 1 hour
Concentration Check: Standard
Effects: The Adept targets the dissassembled parts of devices they have learnt how to make. These devices have a value which is, generally, a reflection of its size. No device may have a value less than 1, and values greater than 20 may not be created by this Ritual. An Adept who has advanced it to Rank 6 may create 6 devices of value 1, or 1 device of value 3, 1 of value 2 and 1 of value 1, or any other combination which sums to 6 or less. The Ritual may be performed any number of times, but the total of device value assembled in a day never exceeds its Rank. A disassembled device of the kind that may be targeted by this Ritual must be learnt from a blueprint, or researched and a blueprint created by means of the Mechanician Skill. Such a blueprint will define the device's abilities, value and weight.
Once the device is assembled, it is a legal target for the Animating Objects spell if it does not exceed the spell's weight limit. As previously noted, the device's properties will likely differ from the spell's.
Item Divination (Q-4)
Range: Rank feet
Duration: Immediate
Experience Multiple: 150
Base Chance: 2 x MA + 3% / Rank
Resist: None
Target: Object
Cast Time: 1 hour
Concentration Check: Standard
Effects: Through this ritual, the Adept discovers
the exact nature of all enchantments, mechanisms,
curses, side-effects, etc. placed on an item. If an item
has been imbued with an Individual True Name, the
name will not be revealed, but its existence will be.
This ritual cannot backfire.
- Invocations
An invocation is an imprecation to an otherworldly Power or Force to alter magic in some way. These invocations are expressed when a spell is being Prepared. For it to be legal, the Adept's player must speak the imprecation in a loud, clear voice, and this reflects how obvious the invocation is to others. Generally speaking, anyone within 10 hexes will hear it, and therefore may be aware of what it does.
Invocations call upon the properties of an artefact of some kind, a demi-power, a power (but not a deity), a place (on an alternate plane, usually) or some other thing, and these are marked in the description. A Philosopher who has the Magical World realm and the appropriate field has a 40% chance (+3 / Rank) of identifying the invocation and what it does. This value is halved if they do not have the appropriate field, and halved again if they do not have the Magical World realm.
In general, it takes seven half days of meditation (magical training) to learn an invocation, although some may take longer, the Adept must pay the listed Experience Point Cost and they will attract an influence, of which a record must be kept. For each season that the invocation is not used, 20% of the Experience Points are refunded, to a maximum refund of 80%.
Once used, the Invocation is lost until is learnt again (i.e. the Experience point cost is paid again).
- "By sky-striding Sarennan!"

Spells: Bolt of Energy, Illusionary Bolt, Bolt of Starfire, Bolt of Fire.
Sub-Field: Power.
Experience Cost: 750.
Attracts:1 Astral.
Effects:The Adept's spell becomes a javelin of lightning (or levin bolt) that they cast at a target or object. It will inflict 1 rollup D10 (+1/Rank) Lightning damage on the first entity or object that the bolt encounters unless they Break 100 => AG x 2. Any living entity that does not avoid the levin bolt loses any unused Actions for the rest of the Pulse and suffers a penalty of 20 to any Action until they spend a Pass Action to recover, which requires a Break 100 => WP x 2.
If the target is holding or wearing more than 5 lbs of metal, no Protection, Spell Armour or Damage Reduction may be applied.
- "Regard the discs of the Crimson Harpax!"

Spells: Bolt of Energy, Illusionary Bolt, Bolt of Starfire, Bolt of Fire.
Sub-Field: Power.
Experience Cost: 1,000.
Attracts:1 Abyss.
Effects: The Adept's spell creates a number of crimson discs equal to 1 (+1 per 3 or fraction Ranks) that will inflict 1 rollup D10 (+ 1 per Rank) B Class damage (for what it's worth). A target of an initial disc takes full damage, but the damage of each subsequent disc is halved, truncating all fractions to a minimum of 1. Discs may be sent one at a time or all at once. So, an Adept has 5 Rank 10 discs, which, having rolled a "5" on the D10, will inflict 15 damage. The Adept chooses to spend them one at a time. The first target fails to Resist so takes the 15 damage modified by Spell Armour. The next disc inflicts 7 damage but the target seems only to take 1 or 2 points. The Adept considers that a disc that inflicts 3 points of damage would be a waste, so switches to someone else, assuming that if they fail to Resist, they will take 15 damage (again, less Spell Armour).
Observe that a target Resists the spell but once. If they fail, then they will fail against all of the discs, if they succeed, they succeed against all of them. Spells that inflict half damage on a successful Resistance check do not benefit from this Invocation.
Personal Ricochet
Experience Multiple: 150
Base Chance: (base EN + AG + PC) + 12 x Rank
Effects:This Skill lets the bearer manoeuvre as they bounce around, From time to time, the DM may require the bearer to make a Ricochet Check to determine if they could have avoided obstacles, landed upright or executed a particularly difficult activity while careening around terrain features. In general, the Ricochet Check is penalised by the bearers movement rate in MPH. Further penalties may be assigned depending on how difficult the task seems.
In addition, it allows the bearer to deliver a Charge attack by bouncing off terrain features in a bewildering and potentially acrobatic way. This increases their Strike Chance and Defence while executing a Charge attack. Penalties for not using a weapon rated for Charge are ignored, although bonuses are not, and they may move their full TMR and deliver the Charge with any weapon. They must bounce off a number of different surfaces, each such bounce increasing their Strike Chance and Defence by +5. Subsequent bounces on the same surface do not count, the bearer must bounce off different ones. For example, they bounce off the floor (1) then the left-hand wall (2), the ceiling (3) and the right-hand wall (4) for a bonus to Strike Chance and Defence of +20. They could bounce off these surfaces again, provided they have the TMR, but they no longer contribute to the bonus.
The Base Chance is halved for each subsequent bounce, so Base Chance x 1 for the first bounce, Base Chance x 0.5 for second bounce, Base Chance 0.25 for the third, and so on. The bearer's course is plotted before they execute it, and if any bounce fails, the entire attempt fails, potentially quite catastrophically, depending on the sadism of the DM (who is encouraged to be vindictive).
Murder of Crows
Range: Sight
Duration: Concentration: No maximum
Experience Multiple: 400
Base Chance: 5%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment
Target: Entity
Effects: The Adept conjures to this plane a spectral murder of crows, and directs them to hunt down and slay one target, who must be within sight when the spell is cast. The murder is completely insubstantial and invisible except to its intended victim. It may be seen by others with Witchsight. It appears as a darksome flock of night-winged horrors with beady red eyes and flashing beaks. The murder will continue with its mission until the Adept's concentration is broken, its intended victim dies, or it is dissipated or slain. The murder can unerringly locate its intended victim and will always move towards them at its full movement rate, and engage them in melee combat. The murder has a single, combined, Endurance and Fatigue Characteristic with a value of 20 (+ 5 per 3 full Ranks). It automatically hits every Pulse for [D - 4] (+ 1 / Rank) damage. Its Initiative is 30 (+ 2 / Rank) but has no defence or armour value, although it may not be Stunned. The murder's movement rate is 650 yards per minute, and its TMR is 13. The murder may move in any direction without restriction, including through the air, walls, water, etc. Upon first encountering a Rune Special Counterspell cast on an area, the murder must spend a Pass Action to dissipate it before it can enter. The murder may not be dissipated by having a Rune Special Counterspell cast on the area it occupies.
Range: Range: 60 feet + 15 / Rank
Duration:Immediate, during Pulse
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 10%
Resist: Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Volume
Effects:When the moon is in the sky (not necessarily visible), the Adept may call down from the heavens a beam of pale, silvery light which will affect a volume 5 feet across (+10 feet at Rank 10 & Rank 20) and 60 feet high (+15 feet / Rank) which will arrive at the end of the Pulse. Anything within the volume must Resist or take [D10 - 4] (+1 / Rank) damage and suffer a penalty of 10 (+10 at Rank 10 & Rank 20) to Magic Resistance (vs magic that affects the personality only) and Strike Chance. The targeted hex will have a magical aura until the beam arrives (or is counterspelled by the Adept). This spell will have no effect if it is targeted on a hex which is already a target of this spell. Note that a solid surface (such as 10' of earth) will prevent the moonfire from reaching its target hex.
- Ladybird Automaton

Materials: Coloured glass
Cost: 10 gold schillings
Value: 3
Mechanician Rank: 4
This small, jewel of a ladybird weighs 1 oz and is a legal target for the Animating Objects spell.
When it is thus animated, it may be worn as a brooch on the chest, and will provide the Adept with warning on the first occasion that it senses the approach of danger. It will detect this danger by Breaking 100 + Adept's PC + Rank in Animating Objects.
- Wasp Automata

Materials: Citrine or Ruby
Cost: 100 gold schillings
Value: 2. initially, then 1 for each extra automata
Mechanician Rank: 3
These small, jewels of wasps weighs 1 oz each and are legal targets for the Animating Objects spell. When they are worn as brooches on the chest or cloak, the spell need not be Prepared, however wearing them makes the Adept look unusual and memorable, and no more than 5 may be worn at a time. A Pass Action is required to attach each wasp.
When one is thus animated, it will fly to an object or entity who is within range (of the spell) and inflict [D-4]+ Rank magical damage unless they Resist.
Once they have delivered their payload, the wasps will fly back to the Adept unless otherwise prevented, whereupon the animating magic will dissipate.
- Butterfly Automaton

Materials: Amber & gem chips
Cost: 500 gold schillings
Value: 5
Mechanician Rank: 6
This small, jewel of a butterfly weighs 1 oz each and is a legal target for the Animating Objects spell.
When it is thus animated, it will fly with a movement rate of 700 yards per minute. When it is
- stationary
- in a natural environment
it may Blend (at the Rank of the Animating Objects spell). If the Adept is within 15 feet (+15 ft/Rank of the spell), then the butterfly will send them visual images of what is in its field of view. It may only send Rank minutes of visual imagery back to the Adept. Although this does not have to be continuous, parts of a minute are considered to have taken a full minute.
At any time, the butterfly can be directed to retrace its route when the Adept wants it to return, so long as the duration of the Animating Objects spells remains.
- Scorpion Automaton

Materials: Bronze
Cost: 10 gold schillings
Value: 5
Mechanician Rank: 5
This bronze casting of a scorpion is a foot long, 9 inches wide, weighs 3 lbs (unloaded) and is a legal target for the Animating Objects spell.
When it is thus animated, it will have a movement rate of 250 yards per minute along the ground, vertical surfaces, walls but not ceilings. Its TMR is 5.
It is hollow, and its abdomen contains a space into which a grenado may be placed.
PS: | 6 | MD: | 15 | AG: | 18 | MA: | None | EN: | 15 | FT: | 18 |
WP: | 15 | PC: | 11 | PB: | 4 | TMR: | 5 | NA: | 0* |
*Note that the natural armour is solid bronze and therefore reduces all damage by 6.
- Weapons
- Bite: BC 25%, [1 rollup D] , Close, Rank =1 per 2 Ranks in spell.
- Claw: BC 50%, [1 rollup D] , Melee, Close, Rank =1 per 2 Ranks in spell.
- Sting: BC 40%, Varies , Ranged, 15 hexes, Rank =1 per 4 Ranks in spell (treat as a missile attack).
"Sting" damage depends on the payload of the grenado. The scorpion has no special protection from the consequences of this activation, although being made from solid bronze, it is reasonably robust and will be unlikely to suffer any harm from the workings of Greek Fire or Methane. The DM will have to adjudicate when the preparation is of a more excitatory nature.
Telekinesis - Remote Sense of Touch
Spell: Telekinesis
Effects: The Adept may extend their sense of touch out to the range of the spell. They can "see" by means of this sense, but cannot detect changes in light level or colour. They can, however, detect textures and such changes in pressure and temperature that a hand might. This is a targeting sense.
The sense penetrates smoke (if not too hot), mist, fog, water and dust, but is confused by sandstorms, underbrush, hedges, etc. In addition, intense heat, cold and pressure will cause feedback, damaging the Adept by 1 D10 and then cause the incantation to end.
- Note
- Normally reduces FT value by 2, however, Quizzing Glass acts as required material component.
Cost: 2500
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1, requires material component: Quizzing Glass, not consumed.
This incantation is not teachable.
Telekinesis - Triple Strength
Spell: Telekinesis
Effects: Multiplies the amount lifted by the Adept's Telekinesis spell by three.
- Note
- Normally reduces FT value by 1, however, Force Gauntlet acts as required material component.
Cost: 750 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, requires material component: Force Gauntlet, not consumed.
This incantation is not teachable.
Blackfire - Black Lightning
Name: Black Lightning
Spell: Blackfire
This incantation of Blackfire inflicts half damage on those that succeed on their MR, and any who have failed are treated as if they had been touched by a Dark Sphere.
Any entity in the area of effect may Break 100 + 2 x AG or fall prone if they are in a state to care about such things.
Its effects on objects is devastating, the ravening arcs of the lightning tearing all non-metallic structures apart, leaving only ruin behind.
Cost: 3000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.
Murder of Crows - Spectral Armour
Target: Self
Duration: Concentration, no maximum
Effects: The Adept dresses in the spectral form of a knight in heavy, baroque plate wielding a pennanted lance. The armour is not Dissipated by having a Special Knowledge Counterspell of the Rune College 'Counterspell cast on them or the area it occupies and may happily such an area. It will absorb 20 (+4 / Rank, 150 at Rank 20+) damage on behalf of the Adept before it is Dissipated. This is applied before any other damage mitigation is applied, except a Circle of Protection.
Cost: 1,500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
Murder of Crows - Chariot of Crows
Spell: Murder of Crows
Duration: 30 minutes (+30 minutes per Rank)
Effects: The Adept summons a chariot and murder of crows to draw it for the duration of the spell or until they dismiss it, which requires a Free Act. The chariot has a movement rate of 650 yards per minute on the ground, and 860 yards per minute (+30 yards per minute per Rank) or 30 miles per hour (+1 mile per hour per Rank) in the air. TMR is 8 whether aerial or on the ground, rising to 9 at Rank 10 and 10 at Rank 20. It's Defence and Magic Resistance are the same as the Adept's, but its combined EN and FT is 20 (+5 per 3 full Ranks). Although it is not Dissipated by having a Sorceries of the Mind Special Knowledge Counterspell cast on it or the area it occupies, it will not enter such an area.
The chariot may move in three dimensions, it does not fly in the accepted sense so Horsemanship is used instead of Flying, and this incantation provides the Adept with a bonus of 1 + 1 per 10 full Ranks of the spell for these purposes.
Cost: 2000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
Murder of Crows - Oxen Force
Spell: Murder of Crows
Duration: 30 minutes (+30 minutes per Rank)
Effects: This incantation of the the spell allows the Adept to summon a visible force construct in the shape of a pair of oxen that will pull or push an object for the duration of the spell. Its TMR is 4, it's Movement Rate is 200 yards per minute and it exerts a force as if it had a PS value of 60 (+1 per Rank).
Cost: 1500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
Increased Gravity - Short Weight
Spell: Increased Gravity
Range: Self
Duration: 20 minutes (+20 minutes per Rank)
Effects: The Adept's weight and Encumbrance is reduced so that:
- TMR is increased by 1 (+1 for every 10 Ranks).
- The weight of Encumbrance is reduced by 5% per Rank to a minimum of 5%.
- The Adept's weight can be increased or decreased by 10% per Rank, requiring a Free Act.
The Adept can end the magic by means of a Free Act while duration remains.
Cost: 1000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
Eyeworms - Migraine
Spell: Eyeworms
Duration: 10 seconds (+10 seconds / Rank)
Target: Entity
Resist: Active & Passive
Effects:Unless successfully resisted, this incantation causes the target intense pain for its duration of the spell. The target must check to see if their concentration is broken and must subtract 10 (+ 3 / Rank) from their Strike Chances whilst suffering the pain.
The difficulty multiplier for the Concentration Check is dependent on the Rank of the spell:
Rank | Multiplier |
0-5 | 3.0 |
6-10 | 2.5 |
11-15 | 2.0 |
16-19 | 1.0 |
20 | 0.5 |
No actual damage is inflicted as a result of this spell.
Note that Mind Mages will be somewhat unaffected by this spell, and may halve the reduction to their Strike Chances.
Cost: 750 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, FT cost of spell increases by 1.
Walking Unseen - Invisibility to the Undead
Spell: Walking Unseen
Effects: Renders the target Invisible (as the spell of the same name) with respect to the undead that are no closer than 25 feet less the Rank of this spell. Witchsight, Wizard Sight or Enhanced Vision of lesser Rank will not reveal the target to an Undead observer.
Cost: 1000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
- Spell Components
Each of these copper scrolls shows the reader how to make use of particular spell components. They must be bought from the appropriate artisan who will charge the base price plus whatever else the market will bear. Once it has been made, an Alchemist will treat the product and similarly charge what the market will bear. The Adept, Artisan and Alchemist may be the same person, to the Adept's pecuniary advantage
Material Components
Each component will take the appropriate craftsman the indicated amount of time to produce. An Alchemist will take 8 hours to empower it.
Dark Oil
Rank 3 Miner | 3 days |
Cost | 250sp |
Weight | 4 oz |
Rank 4 Alchemist | 200sp |
Oil that has never been exposed to sunlight may be processed by a Rank 4 or higher Alchemist who will charge no less than 200sp. It must, thereafter, be stored in opaque containers. If it is attached openly to a belt or bandolier, then it need not be produced from a pocket or pack etc, which normally require 1 or more Pass Actions to prepare. However, if the Adept receives a blow to the torso, then a %ile roll greater than 70 indicates that the phial is shattered and the contents lost.
If it is used, then the entire process of Casting a Spell of Darkness is silent, although the Adept may make noise by other means (e.g. dropping the phial, sneezing, tripping noisily down a flight of stairs etc.).
Rank 4 Armourer | 10 days |
Cost | 16gs |
Weight | 5lbs |
Rank 5 Alchemist | 3tsg |
A small round shield by an Armourer of at least Rank 4 must be covered with a thin layer of blackened silver. An Alchemist of Rank 4 or higher may prepare the shield, and will charge no less than 200sp. If the Increased Gravity spell is Cast upon whoever bears the shield, then the shield will absorb 30 points of damge (+3 for every 2 Ranks). At Rank 20, the absorption is 70. A record must be kept of this damage, which may be of any kind. When the spell ends, all of the damage is applied to the target instantaneously.
The shield need not be replaced, but the Alchemist's preparation will have to be.
Obsidian Hand
Rank 6 Jeweller/Sculptor | 10 days |
Cost | 12tsg |
Weight | 8oz |
Rank 5 Alchemist | 3tsg |
A figurine of a hand six inches long carved from obsidian costing at least 12 tsg must be anointed with the Adept's blood and rose of attar by a Rank 5 or better Alchemist, for which they will charge 3tsg. It may be worn about the neck on a length of string but when detected, will attract inquisitorial attention. If the Adept receives a Specific Grievous Injury to the torso, shoulder or neck, then a %ile roll greater than 60 indicates that it has been shattered. If it is carried in a pocket or pack, at least 1 Pass Action (if it is in a pocket, four if in a pack) but must be spent to produce it. If the Adept receives a Specific Grievous Injury in the region where the figurine is held, then a %ile roll greater than 90 indicates that the figurine is destroyed.
If it is used, then the Rank of a spell of Sacrifice is increased by three, the figurine shattering into shards of black glass whatever the result of the Cast Check.
Ring of Flint
Rank 3 Jeweller | 3 days |
Cost | 12gs |
Weight | 4oz |
Rank 4 Alchemist | 200sp |
A ring knapped from flint by a Rank 3 Jeweller must be prepared by a Rank 4 or better Alchemist. They will charge at least 200 sp to etch the band with glyphs of fire. It may only be worn on the smallest finger of the Adept's left hand. If the Adept receives a Specific Grievous Injury to the arm or hand where the ring resides, then a %ile roll greater than 90 indicates that the ring is destroyed. Even if not destroyed, the component will not be useable if the limb is not.
When it is used, the ring bursts into flame and inflicts five point of unavoidable fire damage but the entire process of Casting a Bolt of Fire spell is silent, although the Adept may make noise by other means (e.g. by sneezing, tripping noisily down a flight of stairs etc.).