Loot - Muse
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Brave new world - loot
Loot - Muse
Loot - Logan
Loot - Naimon
Love Philtre Rk 12 x 1
When drunk, Resist or fall in love with the first entity you gaze upon. Effects lasts for 8 weeks.
Fertility Potion Rank 18 x 2
When drunk, a female entity must Resist or have their fertility increased by 85% for 19 weeks.
Toadsweat Potion Rank 13 x 2
When drunk, an entity can remove 14 blemishes. This may increase their PB if it has been detrimentally affected by the blemishes.
Ales & Beers
Pint of Red Beer x 2
This pint of beer weighs, inclusive of the bottle, 1lb 14 oz. When it is drunk after a long day's march, it leads to a state of satisfaction lasting 15 minutes. In this time, anything other than conversation and eating is too much trouble. All perentile values have 20 added to the result on the die inside this period. Those who retire within an hour of drinking this beer will recover 1 point of EN per hour of sleep to a maximum of 8.
Pint of Pale Ale x 1
This pint of ale weighs, inclusive of the bottle, 1lb 14 oz. It has a strong, yeasty taste, and makes whoever drinks it more alert, adding 15 to their PC checks until they would likely have their next meal (i.e. no more than 4 hours). In addition, upon first drinking the ale, they take 7 EN damage, restoring 15 FT.
Lesser Trumps
Magician - Talent
Play this lesser trump to convert a magical endeavour that has failed to a success
Reverse this lesser trump to roll again if a magical endeavour has succeeded and take the worse result.
Seven of Cups - Gifts
Play this lesser trump to force someone to offer you a gift that reveals what they think of you
Reverse this lesser trump to convince them that the gift you offer them is a reflection of how you feel about them
Ten of Swords - Betrayal
Play this lesser trump to force a target who has the right to expect loyalty from you to be surprised and lose all Actions except Reflex Actions for a Pulse
As a Reflex Action, you may force someone who has performed an Act of Betrayal against you to lose all Actions for a Pulse
The Hermit - Guiding Light
Play this lesser trump when alone to review something you were told or read
Reverse this lesser trump to distract a target who is alone
Witch Skins
The underside of the witch skin must be held against an entity for 30 seconds before the transformation will take effect.
The user of the skin may use any Skill or Ability that the form would naturally allow. While this includes most Talent magic, unless the form is human-like, spells and rituals may not be performed. If an animal has a range of Ranks next to one or more of their natural weapons, then the user may apply their Unarmed Combat up to the maximum listed.
Little Mary Sixpence
PS: | 6 | MD: | 14 | AG: | 16 | MA: | User | EN: | 8 | FT: | User |
WP: | User | PC: | User | PB: | 18 | TMR: | 5 | NA: | None |
Little Mary Sixpence is 8 years old and the very picture of cheery innocence. She has blond curls that hang in ringlets, blue eyes and the kind of freckles little girls get for being good-hearted and friendly.
- Description
- The asp measures up to 2½ feet in length. It has a triangular head, flattened towards the rear, and a short, thin tail.
- Abilities
- Asps have no talents, skills or magic.
- Movement Rates
- Crawling: 150
PS: | 2 | MD: | None | AG: | 16 | MA: | User | EN: | 1 | FT: | User |
WP: | User | PC: | User | PB: | 8 | TMR: | 3 | NA: | None |
- Weapons
- Asps may bite. Poison occurs after effective damage.
- Bite: BC 65%, [D – 3] penetration only, Close, Rank 0.
- Poison: 2 DP per pulse.
- Description
- Eels are long, thin, grayish fish up to 7 feet in length.
- Abilities
- Eels have no special talents, skills, or magic.
- Movement Rates
- Swimming: 300
PS: | 18 | MD: | None | AG: | 14 | MA: | User | EN: | 8 | FT: | User |
WP: | User | PC: | User | PB: | 6 | TMR: | 6 | NA: | Skin absorbs 3 DP |
- Weapons
- Eels may bite.
- Bite: BC 50%, [D + 2], Close, Rank 0.
Red Stag
- Description
- Stags are wild creatures, like thin, agile horses with large racks of antlers.
- Abilities
- Stags have no special talents or skills and use neither tools nor magic.
- Movement Rates
- Running: 750
PS: | 20 | MD: | 19 | AG: | 22 | MA: | User | EN: | 15 | FT: | User |
WP: | User | PC: | User | PB: | 12 | TMR: | 15 | NA: | Hide absorbs 3 DP |
- Weapons
- Stags may either use their antlers or kick into their rear hex.
- Antlers: BC 30%, [D + 5], Melee & Close, Rank 1-4.
- Kick: BC 50%, [D + 3], Melee Rear, Rank 0.
- Description
- Ravens are large black birds, standing two foot high, with a 5 foot wingspan..
- Comments
- A sentient in raven form can use any language they are familiar with.
- Abilities
- Ravens may fly upside down for up to a mile.
- Movement Rates
- Flying: 800
PS: | 6 | MD: | 18 | AG: | 17 | MA: | User | EN: | 6 | FT: | User |
WP: | User | PC: | User | PB: | 8 | TMR: | 16 | NA: | Feathers absorb 2 DP |
- Weapons
- Ravens may attack with beak or two talons without penalty. They will Close in great numbers, or attack the eyes if alone.
- Beak: BC 45%, [D – 3], Close, Rank 0.
- Talons: BC 75%, [D – 2], Close, Rank 1-4.
Mouse x 11
- Description
- Mice are small brown, white or grey rodents. They are shy of almost all creatures, most especially cats, dogs and men.
- Abilities
- Mice have no special talents or skills, and they are not tool users.
- Movement Rates
- Running & Climbing: 150
PS: | 1 | MD: | 12 | AG: | 18 | MA: | User | EN: | 1 | FT: | User |
WP: | User | PC: | User | PB: | 4 | TMR: | 3/3 | NA: | Fur absorbs 1 DP |
- Weapons
- Mice may bite.
- Bite: BC 20%, [D – 7], Close, Rank 0.
Scroll of Blessing on Unborn Child
This scroll contains an invested Spell of Blessing on Unborn Child Rank 16. The Base Cast Chance is 68% + the reader's MA bonus (or penalty) and when cast upon an expectant mother, will increase one Primary Statistic of her unborn child by 7, exceeding racial maximums.
Elemental Sceptre
One end of this nightwood rod holds a tiny sapphire, while the other holds a large quartz. It weighs 1 lb, requires 9 PS and 9 MD and may be wielded as a mace.
It has a base Strike Chance of 61% and inflicts 1 rollup D10 + 4 C Class damage.
The wielder may Cast a fire spell through the sapphire, converting the damage to frost and destroying the gem. Alternatively, they can Cast a fire spell through the quartz, converting the damage to lightning and destroying the stone.
Light Crossbow
This crossbow is made from goshen wood bound in the sinews of a bear of the North and weighs 4 lbs. The PS required to wield this weapon is 10, and MD is 18. It will only accept yew quarrels with glass heads which can only be bought from a Rank 6 Artisan Fletcher who will charge 1 gold schilling each. If the wielder is the Fletcher, they must donate 1 gold schilling for each brace of quarrels to a poor house.
It has a base Strike Chance of 67%, inflicts 1 roll up D10 + 7 A Class damage.
If the wielder spends 2 FT, the crossbow will automatically load a quarrel without requiring an Action. In this case, however, the shaft of the quarrel will burn to ash once it hits.
Quarrels | ||||||||||||
13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Dagger Set of Okhers
The daggers in this set are varied, although they have the same base Strike Chance of 57%. Warrior Rank does not help with these weapons, although Troubadour Rank will, if juggling is taken more than once. The wielder's Initiative Value is the same, regardless of whether they are delivering a Melee, Close or Ranged attack.
The following schedule is consulted when considering the wielder's Rank:
Rank | Ability |
3 | Wielder may summon a dagger to their hand from up to 12 hexes away, requiring a Free Act. |
5 | Wielder may make two attacks per Pulse with prepared daggers against one or two targets within range |
9 | Wielder may make three attacks per Pulse with prepared daggers against one, two or three targets within range |
Excess PS may only be employed when wielding a dagger in close or melee, and may be added to bonuses from Skills and Weapon Ranks. The daggers have no chance of breaking unless the PS is in excess of 37.
The wielder's Player must call out each dagger's name as they strike or summon them, and no dagger may be thrown more than once a Pulse.
Opener is a heavy mithril dagger with a dragonbone hilt. It weighs 1 1/2 lbs. It inflicts 2 rollup D10 A Class damage and may be thrown without penalty up to 12 hexes.
- Special Ability
- The first time Opener hits a target, it reduces the Protection value of their armour by 1/2 (round up) the wielder's Rank in Dagger. This only applies to attacks from daggers and lasts for 12 Pulses. If Opener hits the same target again, this will end the effect.
Witch Bite
Witch Bite is a silver dagger with a stag horn hilt. It weighs 14 oz.It inflicts 1 rollup D10 + 2 A Class damage and may be thrown without penalty up to 12 hexes.
- Special Ability
- If damage is taken, the wielder rolls a D10 and consults the table:
D10 | Result |
1 | Wasting disease causes -1 Strength and -1 Endurance per day until stopped by Cure Disease. The Strength and Endurance lost will be recovered at 1 point per day, or by being treated by Repair Muscles. |
2 | Recurring migraines cause a loss of 2 Magical Aptitude and 2 Willpower. Each minute of concentration requires a 4 * Willpower concentration check. The effects can be treated by Soothe Pain and cured by Repair Vital Organs. |
3 & 4 | Creeping senility will cause a loss of 1 Magical Aptitude every two days until treated by Regenerate Vital Organs. |
5 & 6 | Arthritis causes -4 Dexterity, -4 Agility and increases by 1 per hour the Fatigue loss due to exercise, until treated by Repair Tissues. |
7 & 8 | Enfeeblement causes -4 Strength, -4 Endurance and doubles the Fatigue loss due to exercise, until treated by Repair Muscles. |
9 & 10 | Asthma causes TMR to be halved, doubles the Fatigue loss due to exercise, and the target cannot perform strenuous exercise until treated by Repair Vital Organs. |
Wraith Blade
Wraith Blade is a leaf-shaped dagger made from the scraped bone of a elven wraith's thigh and weighs 9oz. It may be thrown up to 12 hexes without penalty. It inflicts 1 rollup D10 A & B Class damage, and entirely ignores the Protection value of armour. This damage is also considered undead drain and may only be repaired by the arts of a Healer.
- Special Ability
- It inflicts 3 rollup D10 A & B Class damage against insubstantial creatures but this will drop to 1 rollup D10 damage the next Pulse.
Tinker's Folly
Tinker's Folly is a crescent shaped dagger of white metal with an ivory hilt and weighs 12 oz. It inflicts 1 rollup D10 + 3 A & B Class damage and may be thrown up to 12 hexes without penalty.
- Special Ability
- If effective damage is taken, the target's Defence is reduced versus daggers by 30. This lasts until the target takes a Pass Action (+1 for every three Ranks the wielder has in dagger).
Serpent's Tooth
Serpent's Tooth is carved from the pale green fang of a sea serpent, and has been attached to a bronze hilt. It weighs 1lb, inflicts 1 rollup D10 + 5 A Class damage and may be thrown up to 12 hexes without penalty. It inflicts a blow directly to EN on 20% of the modified Strike Chance and a Possible Specific Grievous Injury on 10% of the modified Strike Chance.
- Special Ability
- When it is anointed with blade venom from a snake or reptile, a roll greater than 70 + MD is a miss, any other miss is a hit, a hit is a blow directly to EN, a blow directly to EN is a possible Specific Grievous Injury, and on a possible Specific Grievous Injury, 2D10 are rolled and summed to generate one. Blade venom is applied as appropriate, and this will wipe Serpent's Tooth clean.
Ogre Skin x 1 sizes
sell for 50gs each
This ogre skin can be made into leather armour that provides a base of 4 Prot and Spell Armour 1. It has a weight factor of 3 and does not inflict an AG penalty. If the wearer is targeted by a Healing spell, then three Ranks will be added to the spell, making it easier to cast and more effective.
To make it will require the arts of a Rank 4 Armourer or greater, who will charge at least 20% more than cost.
Witch Robes x 1
These robes have been made from canvas boiled in the oil of a singing whale then bound to a frame of thin laths of spruce to form a corset. It provides 4 Prot and Spell Armour 5. It has a weight factor of 2 but inflicts an AG penalty of 1 and increases the wearer's PB by 3 to a maximum of 19, but only with respect to male humanoids.
It may be cut down by an artisan tailor of Rank 6 or higher who will charge at least 10 gold shillings.
Power Stone
This crystal is about the size of a billiards ball and weighs 9 oz.
It may be charged after midnight on a Wednesday at a rate of 1 spell casting FT ber hour until midnight Thursday. This loss may "rested" back. The stone may not be charged again until it is completely empty.
FT is drawn off to pay for the casting cost of spells or rituals and attracts a backfire roll. Backfires which increase the FT cost draw from the stone before the user, other backfires are applied to the user who is entitled to a Magic Resistance check.
Dragon Horn Shield Brooch
This brooch is about four centimetres high by two wide and is in the shape of a heraldic shield. If a device is developed and applied to the brooch, then registered with a college of heralds, the wearer increases their social rank by one but may not advance to the level of royalty by this means.
This spell rack may be used for spells or incantations where fire, either inflicting or protecting against it, features in the magic.
Bandolier Strap
This blue-black leatherlike strap is 18 inches long and weighs 5/16ths of an ounce. It may be attached to a bandolier and will hold three items no larger than a dagger, sap, phial or similar. It is psychoactively responsive to the needs of its wearer and allows an attached item to be Prepared with a Free Act if it required a Pass Action, or a Reflex Action if it required a Free Act.
Flying Kettle Drum
This small drum is made from the skin of a lion stretched tightly across a wooden frame, which is 15 inches across, 5 inches high and weighs 5lbs 5oz. It is a legal target for the Instilling Flight, whereupon it will increase in size by a factor of 12, and provide sufficient space to bear 2 sizes of entity per Rank of the spell. When so enlarged, the drum intercepts 20 points of damage from below (+5 for every 3 Ranks). While the spell is cast upon it, the vehicle moves at the Adept's TMR, so long as at least 1 TMR is used per Pulse.
Once this damage capacity is exceeded, the drum collapses back to its instrument form and may not be used again until after noon on a Wednesday.
Cloak of Vermin
This tattered cloak appears to be made from patches of black, grey and brown leather. It weighs 3lbs 3oz, and provides a bonus of 7 to Stealth. It is, in fact, cursed so that if the wearer is under attack, they will have to make Concentration checks or be afflicted by mites, ticks, fleas or other vermin, which will defeat their attempt to execute a Cast or Fire Action. However, the cloak is a legal target for a Control Animal spell, and while the spell is in effect, they may ignore the first Rank points of physical Damage per Pulse.
Silk Gambeson
This quilted silk gambeson may be worn underneath leather armour or heavier, adding 0.5 to the armour's Weight Factor, and adding 1 to its Protection. In addition, if an A Class missile lodges in the wearer's body (by a blow directly to EN or better), then it may be removed without requiring a Check. The infection from such wound's is reduced by 20, stackable with other bonuses.
Deck of Thoth
This deck of painted ivory tarot cards weighs 4 oz.
When it is used by one who knows how to Read the Tarot, 10 is subtracted from the Cast Check.
When worm the hat enhances the effects of purification; 1 MA/4 ranks. 1MR/rank + 1 more per 4 ranks
Shoes of Orichalcum
This pair of orichalcum objects are about the size of napkin rings and weigh 10 oz, each. When both are attached to the ends of a quarterstaff, it acquires the following benefits:
- the base Strike Chance of the quarterstaff is 67%.
- the base damage of the quarterstaff is increased by 1, and this is magical
- the quarterstaff gains an extra spell matrix
- a Spell Prepare Action may be stored in the quarterstaff by Purifying with it after dawn. This may be released as a Free Act on or after the bearer's Initiative
Rabbit's Foot
This rabbit's foot weighs 1 oz, and must be carried but need not be displayed.
It increases the bearer's capacity for Luck points by 3.
Crystal of Vision
This crystal sphere is 4 inches across and weighs 2.5lbs. It may be used to experience visions (usually precognitive in nature) concocted by the DM, or to to spy into an area up to 140 miles distant for 19 minutes. The Adept must remain in the same place and take no other action. The crystal ball will only look at the location specified. It can not then be commanded to move around. If the user cannot form a clear mental mage for the ball to focus on, or command it to focus on an unambiguously defined point in space, then it is the DM's discretion as to what the ball will show. These are mystical devices, not telescopes or x-ray machines. It is not possible to use detection talents (such as Detect Aura) through a crystal of vision.
Rucksack of Lightness
This leather pack weighs 8 lbs. It may be opened to a maximum aperture of 14 inches by 8 inches, and has an internal volume of 3 cubic metres. Anything carried in the pack is reduced to 30% of its original weight. An entity with MA that has an aversion to entering the pack cannot enter it, willingly or not. Sentient entities that enter the pack will lose 1 point of MA permanently each day. If their MA is reduced below their racial minimum, they fall into a coma,. At zero MA, they lose their Individual True Name and become as the beasts of the fields.
Violet Stola
This stola of violet silk is embroidered with flowers in silver and blue thread. It must be draped around the back of the neck, the tails to hang down to the wearer's waist, and weighs 4oz.
When the command word is uttered, requiring a Free Act, the stola becomes a lariat with a base Strike Chance of 57% and base damage of D10-2. In the hands of an Assassin, it is a cumulative weapon with Ranks in Garotte also applying.
Book of Vile Darkness
This large tome is 18 inches x 12 inches by 2 inches and weighs 4lbs. It has wooden covers and the pages are made from baby vellum.
If a Dark Celestial reads this book, the book will crumble into a pale dust and their General Knowledge magic will be changed in the following way.
Speak to Creatures of Darkness (T-1)
Range: 10 feet + 10 / Rank
Duration: Immediate
Experience Multiple: 50
Resist: None
Effects: This talent allows the adept to communicate non-sentient creatures of darkness. The reaction of the targeted creature is improved by 5 (+1 per Rank).
Fear (G-2) replaces Light (G-2)
Range: 15 feet + 15 / Rank
Duration: 15 seconds + 15 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: Active, Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Entity
Effects: The target of this spell is seized by uncontrollable fear and must roll on the Fright table. At the time of casting, the Adept may choose to modify the Fright Table roll up or down by an amount up to the rank of the spell. On a double or triple effect this modification may be doubled or tripled respectively.
This spell does not need be Prepared before it is Cast.
Armour of Darkness (G-4) replaces Shadow Form (G-4)
Range: Self
Duration: 30 minutes + 30 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 150
Base Chance: 10%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment, Ward, Potion
Target: Entity
Effects: The Adept is enveloped in dark, fearsome, baroque armour which increases their defence versus physical Melee or Ranged attacks by 2 (+ 3 for every 2 Rank) and their Prot value 1 point for every 4 Ranks.
Eye Worms (G-5) replaces Wall of Starlight (G-5)
Range: 15 feet + 15 / Rank
Duration: Special
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 20%
Resist:' Active, Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Entity
Effects: Unless successfully resisted, the Adept summons nightworms to infest the victim's eyes and blind them. They will remain blind until they take 2 Pass Actions (+1 per 5 Ranks) to clear their vision. If the spell is successfully Resisted, the target must spend a Pass Action to shudder before they can do anything else.
This spell does not need to be Prepared to be Cast.
Binding Darkness (Q-1) replaces Reading the Night Sky (-1)
Duration: Special
Experience Multiple: 150
Base Chance: MA + 4% / Rank
Cast Time: 1 hour
Effects: The Adept may gain control of a volume of darkness by using this ritual. They may bind all darkness within a 10 foot radius (+ 15 feet / Rank). They may do anything with it except form an elemental. This ritual may not be used over an area occupied by an elemental and cannot be used in any way to control an elemental
It contains this incantation:
Darkness - Night Terror
Effects: This incantation of Darkness creates a volume that is eerily gloomy, wherein hideous and unpleasant things seem to lurk just beyond the corner of the eye. Aside from making anyone in the volume uncomfortable, it has these effect:
Magic Resistance vs Fear, including Terror, Horror or similar effects (but not Awe or the like) of anyone in the volume is halved.
The volume of darkness so created is a legal target for a Fear spell (or similar magic), and anyone inside it must Resist (with the penalty noted above).
Halving is applied before additions or subtractions from other modifiers.
Experience Cost: 500
Constraints: 1 FT, unracks the spell
Ring of Fire Resistance
The wearer gains increased resistance to damage from fire, whatever the source.
This would apply to a fiery breath weapon or Hellfire (from a Wiccan or Fire Mage) or from a bonfire. The wearer takes no harm from fire if the number rolled on the damage D10 is a 9 or 10.
If multiple D10s are rolled, any that are 8 or higher (including roll ups) are ignored.
Rebounding Ring
This band is quite small and is made from a dull, red resin that can only be worn on the least finger of the left hand of a creature whose size is less than 5.
While it is worn, the bearer halves non-magical C Class damage (including from most falling damage). In addition, it allows the bearer to advance
- Personal Ricochet
Experience Multiple: 150
Base Chance: (base EN + AG + PC) + 12 x Rank
Effects:This Skill lets the bearer manoeuvre as they bounce around, From time to time, the DM may require the bearer to make a Ricochet Check to determine if they could have avoided obstacles, landed upright or executed a particularly difficult activity while careening around terrain features. In general, the Ricochet Check is penalised by the bearers movement rate in MPH. Further penalties may be assigned depending on how difficult the task seems.
In addition, it allows the bearer to deliver a Charge attack by bouncing off terrain features in a bewildering and potentially acrobatic way. This increases their Strike Chance and Defence while executing a Charge attack. Penalties for not using a weapon rated for Charge are ignored, although bonuses are not, and they may move their full TMR and deliver the Charge with any weapon. They must bounce off a number of different surfaces, each such bounce increasing their Strike Chance and Defence by +5. Subsequent bounces on the same surface do not count, the bearer must bounce off different ones. For example, they bounce off the floor (1) then the left-hand wall (2), the ceiling (3) and the right-hand wall (4) for a bonus to Strike Chance and Defence of +20. They could bounce off these surfaces again, provided they have the TMR, but they no longer contribute to the bonus.
The Base Chance is halved for each subsequent bounce, so Base Chance x 1 for the first bounce, Base Chance x 0.5 for second bounce, Base Chance 0.25 for the third, and so on. The bearer's course is plotted before they execute it, and if any bounce fails, the entire attempt fails, potentially quite catastrophically, depending on the sadism of the DM (who is encouraged to be vindictive).
Ring of Hobbit Gigantism

This gold ring weighs 4 oz and has a carnelian intaglio set into it. For its magic to work, it must be worn on the least finger of the left hand for 1 month per size category they want to increase by. For example, if the ring is worn like this for six months, they will be able to increase their size category by six. Maximum size category is six. Increasing size also increases PS and EN by a similar amount.
The bearer's current gear is stored in a personal space that is attached to them, when they are transformed, they will whatever gear they have assigned to the new form.
They must pay 1 FT per hour or part thereof that they remain transformed. This cost doubles every time the pass a dusk, dawn, noon or midnight.
Charm Bracelet
This bracelet is made from links of star silver and weighs 4 oz. It must be worn on the left wrist for its magic to be effective.
A Lucky Charm costs about 200 sp + 1 Luck, and takes a week in which no other activity can be undertaken. Copies of the same Charm cannot be attached to the bracelet, although one that is different but has the same ability is allowed.
It has these Luck Charms attached to it:
- Lucky Coin
This coin can be used to store Luck points, however, they may not be used by the wearer. Instead, the coin can be given or traded to another entity, whereupon the wearer can make a new coin in the usual manner.
This coin holds 3 Luck.
Once the Luck in the coin has been exhausted, it assumes the form of local coinage and finds its way into the currency.
Apple of Health
This figurine of an apple may be eaten as a Pass Action to do two of
- heal 2 rollup D10 Damage
- allow an extra Recovery check versus disease
allow a 3 x EN check to counter the effects of poison
- Heart
This figurine of a silver heart can be used to Charm an entity by using a Free Act and rolling under their Love Philtre Cast Chance. The target is allowed a Magic Resistance check to avoid the effects.
Once it has taken effect (it may be attempted many times until a target fails to Resist, however this effect can Backfire on a result 30 points higher than the Success Chance.
Once used, the heart breaks with a faint tinkle, and somewhere, a tear is shed.
- Lucky Star
This silver star is set with a small diamond. When it is used, requiring a Free Act, it releases a burst of good luck over a hypermegahex around the wearer. They and their allies get a 10 point bonus to ability checks, Strike checks, Cast checks, Resistance checks and Skill checks for 1 Pulse.
Once used, the charms arcs across the sky, leaving a sparkling trail behind for a couple of seconds.
This silver ladybug has a red enamel carapace with seven blue dots. While the ladybug is attached to the bracelet, it gives the wearer a chance of detecting an ambush or danger. Once it successfully alerts the wearer, it flies away home.
Charms that are struck through have been used, but can be made by someone willing to spend the resources and Luck.
Amulet of Amethyst
Wards bad dreams and assists the wearer in achieving a restful sleep. Increases the wearer's Fatigue recovery during sleep periods by 10% (round down).
Amulet of Beryl
Increases the wearer's ability to detect traps and ambushes by 5.
Amulet of Betony
Decreases the Base Chance of infection by 15.
Amulet of Bloodstone
Prevents miscarriage and decreases Base Chance of infection by 20
Amulet of Carbuncle
Decreases damage done by poison by 2 points of damage per pulse or day.
Enhanced Amulet of Chalcedony
This amulet, when it is worn openly around the hilt of a dagger, will glow with a pale blue light that only the wielder can see when they are within 25 feet of the lesser undead. This light makes it possible to see in total darkness out to a range of 3 hexes, but is too dim and indistinct to make out colours or normal text.
Amulet of Diamonds
Increases all of the wearer's Strike Chances by 2
Amulet of Elder Flowers
Makes the wearer proof against the Evil Eye
Amulet of Hypericum
Increases the wearer's Magical Resistance by 10 to any magical act performed by a Demon or Daemonic being
Enhanced Amulet of Iron
This amulet, when it is worn openly around the left wrist, will grow warm when the wearer is within 25 feet of a half devil or imp. Wearing this amulet prevents the wearer from using non-racial magic.
Enhanced Amulet of Jade
This green jade amulet, when it is worn openly around the neck, increases the wearer's Initiative by 8 versus the undead. In addition, any Cast or Strike check vs the undead that ends in an 8 will be treated as ending with a 1 and any damage roll of 1 on a D10 becomes 8.
Enhanced Amulet of Jet
This polished jet amulet, when it is worn openly around the neck increases the wearer's Initiative by 8 versus demonic or diabolic entities from any plane. In addition, any Cast or Strike check vs these entities that ends in an 8 will be treated as ending with a 1 and any damage roll of 1 on a D10 becomes 8.
Amulet of Luck
Made from tiger's or alligator's teeth. It increases the wearer's Magical Resistance by 3 and adds 2 to the wearer's defense
Amulet of Black Amber x 2
This amulet when it is worn openly in the left ear increases the wearer's Initiative Value by 7.
- Description
- Evening has soft fur of deepest black, is 16 inches long and weighs 2lbs. She is slim, and utterly vicious with cold, calculating eyes.
- Comments
- She is very curious, and has very basic drives, including the desire to breed and raise a family. She is promiscuous and unlikely to pair with another sable for any length of time, but if mating is successful, there is an 80% chance her litter will number 4-8 young. She is quite bloodthirsty, and will gladly take on much larger creatures. Lacking an opposable thumb, Evening is not a tool-user, but this is something on her list of things to get.
- Abilities
- Evening can withstand the gaze and breath of the basilisk, and is immune to fear from any source. Once a week, resetting at midnight on a Friday, Evening can massively increase in size for one minute.
- Movement Rates
- Running: 250
PS: | 5 | MD: | 29 | AG: | 29 | MA: | 16 | EN: | 7 | FT: | 12 |
WP: | 23 | PC: | 17 | PB: | 12 | TMR: | 8 | NA: | Fur absorbs 1 DP |
- Weapons
- Evening may bite.
- Bite: BC 108%, [D – 4], Close, Rank 0.
- Enlarged
- Movement Rates
- Running: 250
PS: | 23 | MD: | 29 | AG: | 29 | MA: | 16 | EN: | 23 | FT: | 12 |
WP: | 23 | PC: | 17 | PB: | 4 | TMR: | 8 | NA: | Fur absorbs 3 DP |
- Weapons
- Evening will bite and claw twice with no penalty.
- Bite: BC 122%, [D + 4], Close, Rank 2-4.
- Claw: BC 93%, [D + 2], Melee & Close, Rank 1-3.
A Paragon of Halfling Virtue (Enhanced)
As a consequence of a brief encounter with primal chaos, Muse is, at least on first acquaintance, considered a halfling of the greatest probity. Subsequent experiences may disabuse others of this notion. However, he has these special enhancements:
1 Hobbit Appetite
- So long as he maintains a dietary regime of 6 meals a day, Muse recovers 1 extra FT for each of the three main meals of the day.
2 Hobbit Pool
- He may increase one, two or three Primary Stats (including PB) to halfling racial maximum. The Stats come from a Hobbit Pool of three, and each one lasts for a Pulse. Each choice is a Free Action (not a Free Act), so several can be taken in any given Pulse.
3 Infravision
- His Racial Talent of Infravision has been upgraded so that it may be advanced in the same way as Infravision from the College of Fire Magic.
4 The Gift of Stones
- His Ranks with Rock and Sling are increased by two, even beyond their Rank limits.
Amulet of the Scorpion
- Requires Rank 5 Astrology
"It is a most excellent Remedy against all Poyson and Diseases thereby infected. It is excellent and admirable for Souldiers, Captains, and such as are in daily Controversies: Also, if such an Animal as follows be made of pure Iron, when Mars is Lord of the yeer, and the Sun enters the first degree of Scorpio; afterwards when Mars is in his own House in Aries, let it be engraven as follows. Then let it be applied in the hour of Mars: the House wherein it is hanged, it defendeth safe from all Scorpions; and all Serpents that are alive will flie out of it: it is a most excellent Remedy against all venemous bitings: mightily helpeth Souldiers in Fights: and is very good against the Leprosie to be worn, and the Patient to drink potable Gold."
This amulet is a most excellent Remedy agaynst all Poyson and Dysease thereby sufferred. It is excellent and admirable for Souldiers, Captains and such are are in daily Controversies: Also, if such an Animal as follows:

be made of pure Iron when the Warrior is Lord of the year, and the Sun enters the first degree of the Scorpion; afterwards, when the Red Wanderer is in the House of the Ram, let it be engraven as follows:
Then let it be applied at the hour of Skittering; The House wherein it is hanged, it defendeth safe from all Scorpions; and all Serpents that are alive will flye out of it: it is a most excellent Remedy against all venemous bitings: mightily helpeth Souldiers in Affraies: and it very good against the Leprosie to be worn if the Patient drink potable Gold.
If an amulet is made from 3oz of pure iron and cast in the shape of the Scorpion when the Warrior is ascendant and the Sun enters the first degree of the Scorpion (three days after the Eostre Sacrifice).

If the amulet is engraved with the sign of the scorpion, and it is hung in a home, it will slowly drive out scorpions and serpents over a period of a fortnight.
The wearer subtracts 7 from the die roll when Resisting the poison of a scorpion or serpent.
Once a season, their Initiative die roll becomes 100, modified by their PC and Military Scientist bonus, if applicable. This ability resets at the next end of season festival.
If the wearer suffers from Leprosy, and if they drink Potable Gold, then their next Recovery from Disease check will be considered 10 or less on percentiles.
Wearing the amulet prevents the wearer from using non-Racial Magic.
Copper Scrolls
- Scroll of Finding Familiar

This copper scroll teaches the reader this ritual as if it were part of the General Knowledge of their College:
- Ritual of Finding a Familiar
Range: 1 mile + 1 mile / Rank
Duration: Concentration: No maximum
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 40% + 4 / Rank
Resist: None
Storage: Investment
Target: Entity
Cast Time: 1 hour
Material: A piece of food acceptable to the familiar being summoned
Concentration Check: Standard
Effects: The Adept may attempt to summon a small animal that will serve them as a familiar. The type of animal is chosen by the Adept and may be a small creature about the size of a cat, dog, bat, rat, toad, weasel, falcon, owl, goat, monkey, trout, etc, and must be native to the area where the summoning is performed. If the summoning is successful, the potential familiar will arrive at the Adept's location in (25 - Rank) minutes. The ritual allows the Adept to communicate with it when it first arrives. The Adept must promise to feed and protect the familiar. The GM should roll a reaction check for the creature. If the result is Enraged, it attacks, if Belligerent it leaves immediately.
If neither of these results are achieved, the familiar agrees to serve the Adept. Regardless of the result, the Ritual confers no further ability to communicate with the animal. If the Adept fails to feed the familiar on a regular basis, or mistreats it in any way, the familiar may run away, and a new familiar must be found. The familiar will serve the Adept to the best of its ability, warning them of danger, and so forth. If the Adept is unable to communicate with the familiar magically it will attempt to warn them by tugging at their cloak, whimpering, or whatever, as appropriate. If the familiar is killed, the Adept suffers [D + 5] points of damage in the form of a magical backlash. This damage may not be resisted. An Adept may only have one familiar at any one time. A familiar is not an enchanted creature. The range of the summoning caused by this ritual is 1 mile (+1 / Rank).
As the ritual is Ranked, the familiar gains abilities according to the following schedule:
Rank 0 - While it is in contact with the Adept, the familar is considered out of range of most magic and beneficial spells that are cast on the Adept apply to the familiar as well
Rank 2 - The Adept may cast spells that target themselves on their familiar
Rank 4 - The Adept may see through the familiar's eyes once a day
Rank 6 - The Adept may draw upon the FT of their familiar to pay the FT cost of a spell or ritual. In addition, they can add to their familar's FT at a rate of 2:1
Rank 8 - The Adept must spend 10 minutes communing with their familiar to store the Prepare Action of a spell, which they may use as a Free Act at a later time
Rank 10 - The familiar can hold 1 spell matrix. This will not unrack unless the spell or incantation specifies that it will. The Adept must be in contact with the familiar to use the matrix
Rank 12 - The Adept may now sense through their familiar twice a day, plus they can hear as well as see
Rank 14 - The Adept must spend an additional 10 minutes communing with their familiar to store a second Prepare Action
Rank 16 - The Adept may see & hear through the familiar's eyes a third time a day
Rank 18 - The familiar stores a special pool with a maximum capacity of 5. This may be used to reroll a failed Magic Resistance or Casting check. It costs 1,000 Experience to add 1 to the pool
Rank 20 - The spell matrix becomes a spell lock, which the familar can Cast on the Adept's behalf. This will not unrack unless specified by the spell or incantation
Personal Ricochet
Experience Multiple: 150
Base Chance: (base EN + AG + PC) + 12 x Rank
Effects:This Skill lets the bearer manoeuvre as they bounce around, From time to time, the DM may require the bearer to make a Ricochet Check to determine if they could have avoided obstacles, landed upright or executed a particularly difficult activity while careening around terrain features. In general, the Ricochet Check is penalised by the bearers movement rate in MPH. Further penalties may be assigned depending on how difficult the task seems.
In addition, it allows the bearer to deliver a Charge attack by bouncing off terrain features in a bewildering and potentially acrobatic way. This increases their Strike Chance and Defence while executing a Charge attack. Penalties for not using a weapon rated for Charge are ignored, although bonuses are not, and they may move their full TMR and deliver the Charge with any weapon. They must bounce off a number of different surfaces, each such bounce increasing their Strike Chance and Defence by +5. Subsequent bounces on the same surface do not count, the bearer must bounce off different ones. For example, they bounce off the floor (1) then the left-hand wall (2), the ceiling (3) and the right-hand wall (4) for a bonus to Strike Chance and Defence of +20. They could bounce off these surfaces again, provided they have the TMR, but they no longer contribute to the bonus.
The Base Chance is halved for each subsequent bounce, so Base Chance x 1 for the first bounce, Base Chance x 0.5 for second bounce, Base Chance 0.25 for the third, and so on. The bearer's course is plotted before they execute it, and if any bounce fails, the entire attempt fails, potentially quite catastrophically, depending on the sadism of the DM (who is encouraged to be vindictive).
Summon Lesser Barghest
This incantation behaves very similarly to the Summoning and Controlling Earth Elemental spells. It empowers both Summoning Enchanted Creatures and Controlling Animals to affect Lesser Barghests. Both spells are Prepared and then in the following Pulse both are Cast if the Summons is successful.
Summon Enchanted Creature - Summon Lesser Barghest
Range: up to 10 feet
Duration: 2 minutes
Target: Lesser Barghest
Effects: This incantation summons 1 lesser barghest (+1 per 5 Ranks):
- Description
- Lesser Barghests are large, savage, magical dogs of almost human intelligence. They have been enchanted and bred to be attack beasts. These creatures do not occur naturally.
- Abilities
- Lesser Barghests are exceptional trackers and never forget a scent. They are treated as Rank 7 Rangers with a 20 point bonus with respect to tracking by scent. They have no favoured terrain.
- Movement
- Rates Running: 400
PS: | 13 + 2/Rank | MD: | 15 + 1/4 Ranks | AG: | 15 + 1/4 Ranks | MA: | - | EN: | 13 + 1/4 Ranks | FT: | 15 + Rank |
WP: | 14 + 1/4 Ranks | PC: | 18 + 1/4 Ranks | PB: | 4-(1 / 5 Ranks) | TMR: | 8 | NA: | Fur absorbs 5 DP |
- Weapons
- Lesser Barghests may bite.
Bite: BC 60%, [1 rollup D10 + 1 rollup D10 / 10 Ranks], Melee & Close, Rank 0 + 1 / 2 Ranks.
Control Animal - Control Lesser Barghest
Range: 15 feet (+15 feet per Rank)
Duration: Concentration: max 1 hour + 1 hour / Rank
Target: Lesser Barghest
Resist: Passive, only
Effects: The Adept controls the actions of one Lesser Barghest (+ 1 per 5 Ranks) that does not successfully Resist. They will serve the Adept as long as they maintain their concentration. If the Adept chooses to release them or has their concentration broken, they
may attack them or flee. The Cast chance is reduced by 5 if the Adept cannot Communicate with the creature. If the Adept cannot make eye contact, the Base Chance is also reduced by 5.
Cost: 2500
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by two
Blessing Livestock - Animal Protection
Range: up to 20 feet
Duration: 1 hour (+10 minutes / Rank)
Resist: None
Target: Non-sentient living entity
Effects: This incantation of the spell may be cast on 1 non-sentient living entity (+ 1 per 5 / Ranks) that are visible and within range. These animals will increase their Resistance to Magic and Defence by the Rank of this spell In addition, they halve damage from B Class swords before Protection from natural armour is subtracted..
Cost: 500
Constraints: Unracks the spell
Book of Witchery
Damnum Minatum - Ray of Sickness
Effects: A sickly green ray leaps from the Adept's finger to strike the first entity in its path. Even f the target Resists, they take 1 rollup D10 damage as they are wracked with illness but if they fail to Resist they take another rollup D10 at the end of the Pulse. If the Adept's Rank with the spell is 20, the damage increases to 2 rollup D10.
Cost: 1250 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
Damnum Minatum - Lesser Curse
Duration: Concentration Max: 1 Pulse (+1 per 5 Ranks)
Effects: If the Adept's target fails to resist, they may afflict them with one of the following curses:
- if the victim should succeed in a Cast or Strike Check against the Adept, they must roll again and accept the worst roll
- the victim is penalised on all Resistance Checks by the Rank of this spell
- whenever the victim takes damage from the Adept, they take an extra rollup D10 damage from the disruption of their organs
If a Double or Triple Effect is scored, the Adept may afflict their victim with 2 or all 3 curses, respectively.
Cost: 750 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
Storm Calling - Lightning Bolt
Duration: Immediate, during Pulse
Range: 60 feet
Resist: Active, Passive
Target: Entity, Object
Effects: The Adept may throw a single bolt of lightning 60 feet long from their fingertips. The bolt must extend the entire 60 feet and will deflect off stone until it reaches its full extent. All targets that are in the path of the bolt must resist or suffer [D + 5] (+ 1 / 3 Ranks) damage (save for half damage). In addition, any target who fails to resist is automatically stunned.
Cost: 500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
Igniting Flammables - Extinguish Fire
Target: Volume
Effects: When successfully cast, this spell will extinguish all fire in a 10 foot (+ 10 / Rank) radius sphere. All the volume affected must be within range of the spell. If the range is doubled or tripled the volume may likewise be increased. Magical fires are not affected.
Cost: 250 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell.
Damnum Magnatum - Polymorph
Target: Sentient entity
'Effects: The Adept transforms a willing sentient into a mundane beast no larger than a bear and no smaller than a lark. The target's PS, MD, AG and EN become the least value of the chosen creature, but they retain their own MA, WP, PC and FT. The target acquires the creature's abilities, movement forms, etc and may end the spell by taking a Pass Action.. If the Rank of the spell is higher than 9 but less than 20, they are healed of 1 rollup D10 damage once they end the spell. If the spell is Rank 20, this rises to 2 rollup D10.
Cost: 750 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
Blackfire - Black Lightning
Name: Black Lightning
Spell: Blackfire
This incantation of Blackfire inflicts half damage on those that succeed on their MR, and any who have failed are treated as if they had been touched by a Dark Sphere.
Any entity in the area of effect may Break 100 + 2 x AG or fall prone if they are in a state to care about such things.
Its effects on objects is devastating, the ravening arcs of the lightning tearing all non-metallic structures apart, leaving only ruin behind.
Cost: 3000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.
Increased Gravity - Short Weight
Spell: Increased Gravity
Range: Self
Duration: 20 minutes (+20 minutes per Rank)
Effects: The Adept's weight and Encumbrance is reduced so that:
- TMR is increased by 1 (+1 for every 10 Ranks).
- The weight of Encumbrance is reduced by 5% per Rank to a minimum of 5%.
- The Adept's weight can be increased or decreased by 10% per Rank, requiring a Free Act.
The Adept can end the magic by means of a Free Act while duration remains.
Cost: 1000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
Eyeworms - Migraine
Spell: Eyeworms
Duration: 10 seconds (+10 seconds / Rank)
Target: Entity
Resist: Active & Passive
Effects:Unless successfully resisted, this incantation causes the target intense pain for its duration of the spell. The target must check to see if their concentration is broken and must subtract 10 (+ 3 / Rank) from their Strike Chances whilst suffering the pain.
The difficulty multiplier for the Concentration Check is dependent on the Rank of the spell:
Rank | Multiplier |
0-5 | 3.0 |
6-10 | 2.5 |
11-15 | 2.0 |
16-19 | 1.0 |
20 | 0.5 |
No actual damage is inflicted as a result of this spell.
Note that Mind Mages will be somewhat unaffected by this spell, and may halve the reduction to their Strike Chances.
Cost: 750 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, FT cost of spell increases by 1.
Walking Unseen - Invisibility to the Undead
Spell: Walking Unseen
Effects: Renders the target Invisible (as the spell of the same name) with respect to the undead that are no closer than 25 feet less the Rank of this spell. Witchsight, Wizard Sight or Enhanced Vision of lesser Rank will not reveal the target to an Undead observer.
Cost: 1000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
- Spell Components
Each of these copper scrolls shows the reader how to make use of particular spell components. They must be bought from the appropriate artisan who will charge the base price plus whatever else the market will bear. Once it has been made, an Alchemist will treat the product and similarly charge what the market will bear. The Adept, Artisan and Alchemist may be the same person, to the Adept's pecuniary advantage
Material Components
Each component will take the appropriate craftsman the indicated amount of time to produce. An Alchemist will take 8 hours to empower it.
Dark Oil
Rank 3 Miner | 3 days |
Cost | 250sp |
Weight | 4 oz |
Rank 4 Alchemist | 200sp |
Oil that has never been exposed to sunlight may be processed by a Rank 4 or higher Alchemist who will charge no less than 200sp. It must, thereafter, be stored in opaque containers. If it is attached openly to a belt or bandolier, then it need not be produced from a pocket or pack etc, which normally require 1 or more Pass Actions to prepare. However, if the Adept receives a blow to the torso, then a %ile roll greater than 70 indicates that the phial is shattered and the contents lost.
If it is used, then the entire process of Casting a Spell of Darkness is silent, although the Adept may make noise by other means (e.g. dropping the phial, sneezing, tripping noisily down a flight of stairs etc.).
Rank 4 Armourer | 10 days |
Cost | 16gs |
Weight | 5lbs |
Rank 5 Alchemist | 3tsg |
A small round shield by an Armourer of at least Rank 4 must be covered with a thin layer of blackened silver. An Alchemist of Rank 4 or higher may prepare the shield, and will charge no less than 200sp. If the Increased Gravity spell is Cast upon whoever bears the shield, then the shield will absorb 30 points of damge (+3 for every 2 Ranks). At Rank 20, the absorption is 70. A record must be kept of this damage, which may be of any kind. When the spell ends, all of the damage is applied to the target instantaneously.
The shield need not be replaced, but the Alchemist's preparation will have to be.