Brave new world - loot
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Loot - Muse
Loot - Naimon
Loot - Bishop
Loot - Logan
Loot - Percy
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Item | Allocated To | Source | Details |
Headband | #9 | If you have ForceShield you can cast it and it (1) gives you a bonus to the ablative shield (2) Makes resist temp ablatative as well 1pt per rank, but have to resist every time you use it | |
Crystal - tk rage | #5 | Lets you increase your rank of your TK rage spell by 1 | |
Plate mail made out of crystal | #1 | Transparent crystal, can cast in, feeds on your FT. Heavy. | |
Crystal - battery | #4 | Sacrifice expp to create a protected power bank. The bank is raised by sacrificing sequential amounts to it, starting at 1 expp. Each time a prime is sacrificed, the capacity of the power bank is increased to the value of the previous prime in power. For example, when 7 expp are sacrificed (28 expp in total) then the bank becomes 5 power (the prime before 7). The bank can be filled by spending power, which can be recovered in the usual way. | |
Naimon | |||
Bishop | |||
Spirit Trap device | Bishop | #9 | This necrotech device is 10cm across in diameter and 20cm long. It looks like it's made from glass, but it can't be seen through - like lalique glassware. There is a brass strap runs around the top of it and a bakelite plug that goes over top. This device can trap spirits. |
Cone of Incense | Bishop | #4 | No automatic chance of breaking your concentration. |
Device | Bishop | #4 | Spider with a clockwork key coming out of the back |
Sword - device | Bishop | #1 | Chain sword |
Scimitar | Bishop | #9 | 61 Base SC. 2d10! Base damage. |
2xPhial | Bishop | Vamps outside church | potions of remorse |
Muse | |||
Scroll | Muse | #7 | Wizard Eye, Charm, Paralysis (fail, you're paralysed), Immolation (either does heat damage or cold damage, but also gives you 20pts of defense and 1rollupd10 fire / cold damage) |
Crystal battery | Muse | #7 | Sacrifice expp to create a protected power bank. The bank is raised by sacrificing sequential amounts to it, starting at 1 expp. Each time a prime is sacrificed, the capacity of the power bank is increased to the value of the previous prime in power. For example, when 7 expp are sacrificed (28 expp in total) then the bank becomes 5 power (the prime before 7). The bank can be filled by spending power, which can be recovered in the usual way. |
Pair of Figurines | Muse | #4 | Associated with Astrological signs - hands, one is Crab (strong pincers), other is Scorpion (Sting) |
Red Crystal | Muse | #3 | Like an invested, but use at purification time. Choose from 1 of 3 effects. (1) Body purification, if you are afflicted with poison / disease, you get to apply your purification bonus to resisting. (2) If you are struck by energy of some kind, if you resist, you avoid it completely, if you resist at 20% or less of your resistance, you reflect it back at the caster. (3) Dark vision by seeing through other minds |
Ranged hand device | Muse | #3 | can wind the hand up and if you have an appropriate spell, give yourself manual dex and 1 handed str at range |
Buckler | Muse | #1 | Made with some kind of stabilised Hydrargyrum. 4pts of defense per rank. Adds the same value to the bearers resistance to pyrogenisis and flash of light. If you roll under 20% of magic resistance to an attack, can reflect it back at the caster. |
Vial | Muse | #1 | Swallow it and it gives you a poison gland that you can spit / bite with (if you have fangs). |
Hood | Muse | Vamps outside church | Hood - 3pts spell armour |
Healing Potion of Smaragdine Excellence
This small phial weighs 4 oz. If it is worn on a belt or the like, it may be taken without Preparing it. However, if a Specific Grievous injury is inflicted in the same part of the body, ,it will have been shattered and its magic lost unless a percentile roll of 70 or less is made. For this reason, it's location must be recorded.
When it is drunk, it heals 5 rollup D10 + 23 Damage Points.\
Phial of Iron Web
Dashing this phial on a surface causes oil to spread upon it as the Iron Web is written out on it. It creates a maze 10 feet high, consisting of eight independent paths that lead to the maze'scenter. The web maze extends for 75 yards around the point of impact, closing over the top of the maze walls.
The Iron Web isolates each character, randomly assigning them to 1 (+1 per 3 or fraction Ranks) separate paths (roll randomly to see which character ends up on which path. Each path leads only to the center of the maze, and do not intersect. Characters moving faster than half their TMR must make a 2 x Agility Check in order to move through the maze. Failure inflicts 2 rollup D10 damage as the web's magical barbs tear at them. The Protection value of their armour applies against this damage.
The web lasts for 3D rollup 10 Pulses.
Papyrus of Thunderclap
Spell:Rank 15 Thunderclap x 1
Range: 320 feet
Duration: Immediate
Base Chance: 75%
Target: Volume
Effects: The Adept causes the air in the targeted area to violently compress with a loud crash. The target area has a diameter of 25 ft. The entirety of the affected area must be within the caster's spell range for the spell to be effective. All those within the area suffer [1 rollup D10 + 8] concussive damage (resist for half — round up).
Those failing to resist can hear nothing except a loud ringing for Rank pulses. On a Double or Triple effect any entities which fail to resist are also stunned (normal stun recovery applies). Note that this spell can be heard from a distance just like normal thunder.
Papyrus of Gravity
Spell:Rank 15 Increased Gravity x 1
Range: 285 feet
Duration: 19 hours
Base Chance: 47%
Resist: Active
Target: Area of Effect
Effects: When this spell is cast, a contiguous surface within range will provide normal gravity until the spell expires. Note that although the surface must be contiguous, it need not be in line of sight.
Flanged Mace
The head of this mace is an inverted tetrahedron made of blackened bronze on a nightwood shaft. It weighs 5 lbs, requires 16 PS and 9 MD to wield.
It has a base Strike Chance of 61% and inflicts 1 rollup D10 + 4 C Class damage, and has 2 points of Penetration (i.e. it ignores 2 points of Protection).
It acts as a Spell Lock for the Short Weight Incantation.
Ogre Glaive
This large glaive has a haft made of yew, a blade made of hardened obsidian and weighs 10lbs 8oz.
When it is wielded by someone of ogre size or larger, it has a base Strike Chance of 67% and inflicts 3 rollup D10 + 8 B or Class damage. In the hands of someone whose size is 5 or 6, the base Strike Chance is 61% and inflicts 2 rollup D10 + 4 B Class damage.
It holds one charge of Converse with the Dead. This may be used to ask three question of the dead. On rare occasions, the target may agree to teach the wielder an ability they know, in which case no other questions are answered.
Once used, it may only be recharged by plunging the blade into the heart of a sentient, thus slaying them.
This Named quarterstaff has a base Strike Chance of 45%, requires 10 PS and MD to wield, and inflicts 1 rollup D4 damage. This damage is squared if the target does not die of old age.
Wooden Lamellar Armour
This wooden banded mail is made from lengths of lacquered, hardened wood. It has a Weight Factor of 4, provides 6 Protection, penalises AG by 1 and Stealth by 5.
Mild Steel Plate Armour
This armour is made from mild steel, is sized for an ogre and weighs 72lbs. It provides 6 points of Protection, 6 points of Spell Armour, reduces AG by 3 and penalises Stealth by 20.
This armour may be improved by an Armourer of sufficient Rank.
Mild Steel Chainmail
This chainmail is made from mild steel, is sized for an ogre and weighs 63lbs. It provides 5 points of Protection, 6 points of Spell Armour, reduces AG by 2 and penalises Stealth by 10.
This armour may be improved by an Armourer of sufficient Rank.
Ogre Skin x 16 sizes
sell for 50gs each
This ogre skin can be made into leather armour that provides a base of 4 Prot and Spell Armour 1. It has a weight factor of 3 and does not inflict an AG penalty. If the wearer is targeted by a Healing spell, then three Ranks will be added to the spell, making it easier to cast and more effective.
To make it will require the arts of a Rank 4 Armourer or greater, who will charge at least 20% more than cost.
Kobold Chain Mail of Buoyancy
This chain mail reflects pale metallic blue light, is size 9, provides 7 Protection, penalises AG by 2, Stealth by 15 and has a Weight Factor of 8. It may be improved by an Armourer who knows how to make chain mail.
The wearer has a Base Chance of 74% of casting the Buoyancy spell on themselves at Rank 3 and a Base Chance of 48% of casting Water Breathing on themselves at Rank 2. These values may be modified by the wearer's MA bonus.
Witch Robes x 2
These robes have been made from canvas boiled in the oil of a singing whale then bound to a frame of thin laths of spruce to form a corset. It provides 4 Prot and Spell Armour 5. It has a weight factor of 2 but inflicts an AG penalty of 1 and increases the wearer's PB by 3 to a maximum of 19, but only with respect to male humanoids.
It may be cut down by an artisan tailor of Rank 6 or higher who will charge at least 10 gold shillings.
Prayer Beads of the Recollecti
Prayer Beads may be used as a Free Act unless stated otherwise.
- Calm Emotion
Once a day, the votary may Prepare and Cast Compelling Obedience as a single Free Act at a cost of 5 FT. The votary may suppress any effect that charms or frightens any target(s) within range. When the duration of Compelling Obedience expires, the charm or frighten effect resumes unless it has worn off by then.
Alternatively, targets can be made indifferent to creatures that they are hostile toward. This will end if they are attacked or they see their friends attacked. When the spell expires, the targets will generally become hostile again.
- Shield of Faith
Once a day, the votary may increase their Defence by 10 and reduce poison, disease or wounding damage from spells by 2. This requires a Free Act, costs 5 FT and lasts for 1 minute.
- Prayer of Protection
Once a day, the votary may halve damage from elemental magic. If the modified die roll result is 01 or less, then the damage is entirely avoided on them and the hex they occupy. This requires a Free Act, costs 5 FT and lasts for 1 minute.
Sea Silk Coat
This brocade coat is embroidered on to yellow sea silk. It has a weigh factor of 1, provides 6 points of Prot and 8 points of Spell Armour. It has four pockets that can hold one thing no wider than 3 inches and weighs less than 5 Kgs, and this encumbrance is halved. It may be worn over armour no heavier than leather.
Shirt of Glam
This white shirt has no Enchumbrance value and provides 3 Protection and 5 Spell Armour. This does not stack with any armour not made of cloth. In addition, the wearer must wear the shirt in such a way as to expose their chest. Exposing secondary sexual characteristics is at the discretion of the wearer but provides no furtheer benefit.
Rune Shield provides its normal abilities except that a heart-striking Specific Grievous injury cannot be avoided.
One (1) Wiccan amulet may be worn as a medallion, nestling on the wearer's exposed breast, and this amulet stacks with another of the same kind. Only standard Wiccan amulets may be used in ths fashon.
The wearer's Rank in Troubadour is increased by 1, even beyond Rank 10.
It will magically adjust itself to it's wearer size, so long as they fall between 7 and 2, inclusive.
Knight of Wands
Conjure the Hornets of Pharpharash
Range: 20 feet
Duration: Immediate
Resist: None
Target: Hornets of Pharpharash
Effects: If the cast is successful, the Hornets of Pharpharash will appear with a combined Fatigue and Endurance of 15 (+ 5 / Rank) appears as a cloud of large, flying, stinging insects within 20 feet. The Adept may automatically cast a Spell of Controlling Animal to see if they control this elemental force. This requires a separate Cast check and additional FT to cast, but does not require any Preparation, being cast in conjunction with this one.
The Hornets appear as a swarm with vagueily cylindrical proportions, Rank feet high and 15 feet across (+10 feet per 10 full Ranks). It will expand to fill a volume and may even move around corners. It may fly at a movement rate of 500 yards per minute
PS: | 2 | MD: | None | AG: | 22 | MA: | None | EN: | 4 | FT: | 6 |
WP: | 9 | PC: | 17 | PB: | 5 | TMR: | 10 | NA: | None |
- Weapon
- The Hornets attack as a swarm on its Engaged Initiative Value without needing to make a Strike Action, although venom damage is applied at the end of the Pulse. Armour does not Protect against the attack unless specially sealed against it, in which case it is normally effective. Instead, the following schedule is consulted.
Armour | D10 |
Cloth | =<3 |
Leather | =<5 |
Scale | =<6 |
Lamellar | =<6 |
Partial Plate | =<6 |
Chain | =<7 |
Full Plate | =<8 |
A victim who rolls the indicated number or less has been protected by their armour and has not been stung, 10 always being a failure. The DM may adjust these values by 1 to reflect especially good or poor quality armour. Those who fail take D10 - 3 + 1 per 2 full Ranks. This venom works for 3 Pulses.
The swarm has no Protection value, but attacks can inflict no nore than 7 damage on it for each target (e.g. Rank 10 Necrosis will inflict D10 + 20 damage on 4 targets for a maximum of 28 per Cast upon the swarm). Attacks that affect volumes (Lightning, Fire Ball, Dragonflames, Blackfire and the like) may inflict normal damage at the DM's discretion.
Controlling Animals
Range: 20 feet
Duration: Concentration, no maximum
Resist: None
Target: Flying Entity
Effects: The Adept may attempt to control the Hornets of Pharpharash they have just summoned who do not get to Resist. If successful in establishing control over these elemental forces, the Adept maintains control until their concentration is broken or they banish the Elemental with a General Knowledge counterspell of the College of Air Magics. If they fail to gain control of the Elemental or gain control but have their concentration broken, the Hornets will immediately attack them. The Adept cannot banish them if they do not control them.
Ancient Cantrip
Ancient cantrips are similar in many ways to standard minor magicks: they must be Prepared, cost 1 FT normally and the base Cast Chance is 3 x MA.
Deep Breath
Range: Self
Duration: MA Pulses
Effects: The Adept does not begin to suffer the effects of anoxia until the duration ends. It may be cast underwater, but not again until they have taken another breath.
Range: 10 feet
Duration: Rest of the Pulse
Effects: The Adept may add their MA bonus (i.e. MA - 15) to the Cast Chance of another's spell. In other words, if the Adept's MA is 20, they may increase the Cast Chance of another's spell by 5. In addition, they may pay all or part of the FT cost for the other Adept.
Range: MA feet
Duration: MA minutes
Effects: The Adept may conjure to their hand a light source of about the same size and brightness as a lantern in the central hex (20% light) a torch in each hex surrounding it (10% light) and a candle in each hex surrounding those (5% light). The lumen may be moved away up to MA feet away, and will travel with them.
Shadow Shape
Range: Self
Duration: MA minutes
Effects: The Adept may alter their shadow so that it can be sculpted into various shapes and animated or to increase their Stealth by their MA - 15 for the duration. This effect will end when the Adept enters an area of 80+% Darkness or 95+% Light
Spinning Grass
Range: Touch
Duration: MA minutes x 10
Effects; The Adept may weave grass, leaves and twigs into homespun clothing of average quality. They will protect against the elements no better than normal clothing. Ranks in Artisan: Weaving and Tailoring may be added as a bonus instead of Ranks in Troubadour.
A shaman attends to the ancestor spirits of their community. They act as messengers, visionaries and advisors. Their skills are intimately bound up with the realm of spirits and the underworld so their abilities largely depend on the mana level.
Where dice are specified, they are roll up dice, but the number of faces will vary dependent upon the availability of mana and spirits. A shaman usually has access to at least one kind of spirit of Man, and may also have one or more kinds of spirit of the Land (Land, here, meaning type of environment, for example Forest, Desert, Lake, etc. Note that environment is different to element), or, more rarely, Totems.
The shaman has a Conjuring Dice Pool equal to their Rank in the Shaman skill. Unless specified otherwise, all of the dice in the pool are roll-ups and the number of faces is defined by this schedule:
Available Mana | Faces |
None | - |
Low | 6 |
Normal | 8 |
High | 10 |
Industrialisation | Modifier |
Bronze Age | -1 |
Iron Age | -2 |
Age of Steam | -3 |
Atomic Age | -5 |
If the number of faces is reduced below 2,then Conjuring cannot be used.
A shaman can only raise a spirit that is appropriate to their current environment. This means that they cannot wake, say, a Lake spirit when they're in the caldera of a volcano.
Waking Spirits.
A shaman may waken a spirit when they are in the appropriate environment. They gain a bonus to this equal to 1 roll up die for every five full points of Magical Aptitude, and they can add some, none or all of the dice from the Conjuring Dice Pool. The size of each die is determined by the Mana level of the environment, modified by the level of Industrialisation.
The shaman chooses a target number (T) and rolls their dice. Each result which equals or exceeds T is a success and wins a service from the spirit. A service that draws the spirit out of their environment automatically fails and the spirit returns to their realm however many remain. The same thing happens at dusk or dawn.
Wakening a spirit wreaks a terrible toll on the shaman, draining 3 x T directly from FT. They may resist the drain by rolling 1 D6 for every five full points of Willpower, plus as many as they choose from what remains in their Conjuring Dice Pool. The target number is T, and every success reduces the drain by T. However, if T is greater than one quarter of their Magical Aptitude, then the drain is applied to EN as well as FT. Each success to avoid drain applies to both FT & EN, but the shaman is always Stunned.
Spirit Types
Spirits of Man
PS: | T * 4 - 8 | MD: | T * 4 | AG: | T * 4 | MA: | T * 4 | EN: | T * 4 + 4 | FT: | T * 6 |
WP: | T * 4 | PC: | T * 4 | PB: | T * 4 - 8 | TMR: | T - 2 | NA: | T |
City Spirit
- Powers:
- Accident, Concealment, Confusion, Fear, Guard, Possession, Search
- Accident, Concealment, Confusion, Fear, Guard, Possession, Search
Field Spirit
- Powers:
- Accident, Concealment, Guard, Possession, Search
- Accident, Concealment, Guard, Possession, Search
Hearth Spirit
- Powers:
- Accident, Concealment, Confusion, Guard, Possession, Search
- Accident, Concealment, Confusion, Guard, Possession, Search
Spirits of the Land
Desert Spirit
PS: | T * 4 + 4 | MD: | T * 2 + 2 | AG: | T * 2 + 2 | MA: | T * 4 | EN: | T * 4 + 4 | FT: | T * 6 |
WP: | T * 4 | PC: | T * 4 | PB: | T * 4 - 12 | TMR: | T - 2 | NA: | T |
- Powers:
- Accident, Concealment, Possession, Movement, Search
- Accident, Concealment, Possession, Movement, Search
Forest Spirit
PS: | T * 4 + 4 | MD: | T * 2 + 2 | AG: | T * 2 + 2 | MA: | T * 4 | EN: | T * 4 + 4 | FT: | T * 6 |
WP: | T * 4 | PC: | T * 4 | PB: | T * 4 - 12 | TMR: | T - 2 | NA: | T |
- Powers:
- Accident, Concealment, Possession, Confusion, Fear, Guard, Materialisation
- Accident, Concealment, Possession, Confusion, Fear, Guard, Materialisation
Mountain Spirit
PS: | T * 6 + 10 | MD: | T * 2 | AG: | (T - 2) + 2 | MA: | T * 6 | EN: | T * 5 | FT: | T * 6 |
WP: | T * 4 | PC: | T * 4 | PB: | T * 4 - 14 | TMR: | T - 2 | NA: | T * 3 |
- Powers:
- Accident, Concealment, Guard, Materialisation, Movement, Search
- Accident, Concealment, Guard, Materialisation, Movement, Search
Prairie Spirit
PS: | T * 3 + 4 | MD: | T * 2 + 2 | AG: | T * 2 + 2 | MA: | T * 4 * 4 | EN: | T * 4 + 4 | FT: | T * 6 |
WP: | T * 4 | PC: | T * 4 | PB: | T * 4 - 12 | TMR: | T - 2 | NA: | T * 2 |
- Powers:
- Accident, Concealment, Guard, Materialisation, Movement, Search
- Accident, Concealment, Guard, Materialisation, Movement, Search
Spirits of the Sky
Mist Spirit
PS: | T * 4 - 2 | MD: | T * 4 | AG: | T * 8 | MA: | T * 4 | EN: | T * 4 + 2 | FT: | T * 5 |
WP: | T * 4 | PC: | T * 4 | PB: | T * 4 | TMR: | T | NA: | T |
- Powers:
- Accident, Concealment, Confusion, Guard, Materialisation, Movement
- Accident, Concealment, Confusion, Guard, Materialisation, Movement
Storm Spirit
PS: | T * 6 | MD: | T * 4 | AG: | T * 8 | MA: | T * 4 | EN: | T * 4 + 2 | FT: | T * 5 |
WP: | T * 4 | PC: | T * 4 | PB: | T * 4 | TMR: | T *2 | NA: | T + 2 |
- Powers:
- Concealment, Confusion, Guard, Materialisation, Movement, Search
- Concealment, Confusion, Guard, Materialisation, Movement, Search
Wind Spirit
PS: | T * 4 - 2 | MD: | T * 4 + 2 | AG: | T * 7 | MA: | T * 4 | EN: | T * 4 + 2 | FT: | T * 5 |
WP: | T * 4 | PC: | T * 4 | PB: | T * 4 | TMR: | T | NA: | T |
- Powers:
- Accident, Concealment, Guard, Materialisation, Movement, Search
- Accident, Concealment, Guard, Materialisation, Movement, Search
Spirits of the Water
Lake Spirit
PS: | T * 4 + 4 | MD: | T * 4 | AG: | T * 4 | MA: | T * 4 | EN: | T * 5 + 3 | FT: | T * 6 + 3 |
WP: | T * 4 | PC: | T * 4 | PB: | T * 4 | TMR: | T | NA: | T * 2 |
- Powers:
- Accident, Engulf, Fear, Guard, Materialisation, Movement, Search
- Accident, Engulf, Fear, Guard, Materialisation, Movement, Search
River Spirit
PS: | T * 4 | MD: | T * 4 | AG: | T * 4 | MA: | T * 4 | EN: | T * 5 + 3 | FT: | T * 6 + 3 |
WP: | T * 4 | PC: | T * 4 | PB: | T * 4 | TMR: | T | NA: | T |
- Powers:
- Accident, Concealment, Engulf, Fear, Guard, Materialisation, Movement, Search
- Accident, Concealment, Engulf, Fear, Guard, Materialisation, Movement, Search
Sea Spirit
PS: | T * 6 + 8 | MD: | T * 4 | AG: | T * 4 | MA: | T * 4 | EN: | T * 5 + 3 | FT: | T * 6 + 8 |
WP: | T * 4 | PC: | T * 4 | PB: | T * 4 | TMR: | T | NA: | T * 3 |
- Powers:
- Accident, Concealment, Confusion, Engulf, Fear, Guard, Materialisation, Movement, Search
- Accident, Concealment, Confusion, Engulf, Fear, Guard, Materialisation, Movement, Search
Swamp Spirit
PS: | T * 4 | MD: | T * 3 | AG: | T * 4 | MA: | T * 4 | EN: | T * 4 + 3 | FT: | T * 5 + 3 |
WP: | T * 4 | PC: | T * 4 | PB: | T * 4 | TMR: | T - 3 | NA: | T |
- Powers:
- Accident, Entangle, Concealment, Confusion, Engulf, Fear, Guard, Materialisation, Movement, Search
- Accident, Entangle, Concealment, Confusion, Engulf, Fear, Guard, Materialisation, Movement, Search
- A spirit with Accident can cause a seemingly normal accident to occur. The exact nature of the accident depends on the circumstances and surrounding environment.
- Possible consequences include: tripping, getting a mouthful of leaves, banging knee painfully, dropping something, accidentally ejecting the clip from a gun.
- Accident isn't dangerous in itself, but the situation can make it so, e.g. tripping on a narrow mountain ledge, etc. In particular, if Accident is used against a vehicle, it can force the driver to make a Driving check to avoid a crash.
- A spirit with Concealment can mystically hide itself or others, or, alternatively, hide something that people are looking for. Concealment subtracts the spirit's Magical Aptitude full any Perception Tests to locate the concealed subject. Concealment can be used on a number of targets simultaneously equal to the spirit's T and concealed subjects can see each other if the spirit allows it.
- A spirit with Confusion can befuddle a victim so that the target is unable to make decisions, loses their sense of direction, remember what they were doing, and so on.
- The victim may attempt to shake it off by taking a Pass Action and rolling under 2 x WP%.
- A spirit with Engulf can draw victims into itself or the terrain it controls. It is a Close attack and cannot usually be avoided. Damage is automatic as the victim is bound in its grasp (but observe Earth Engulf). Engulfed victims may not move, although they may attempt to Withdraw from Close on their Initiative.
- In general, a spirit inflics 1 roll up D10 for every two points of T.
- The secondary effects of engulfing attacks:
- Fire Engulf: The victim takes Fire damage. Unless armour is especially resistance to fire, its Protection value is reduced by the number of dice the attack generates. This reduction is cumulative and when the armour is entirely overcome, indicates that it has been destroyed.
- Water Engulf: The victim automatically takes FT damage, EN damage when FT is exhausted because the spirit is capable of exerting great pressure on the victim. Protection from Armour does not apply, although Damage Reduction may.
- Air Engulf: The victim automatically takes FT damage, EN damage when FT is exhausted because the attack is treated as suffocation and pressure attacks against bronchial tissue. Protection from Armour does not apply, although Damage Reduction may.
- Earth Engulf: The victim takes Physical damage, and the Protection value of armour applies. However, the spirit can deliver two additional attacks in Melee or Close which have a Strike Chance of T * 10%. This is usually C Class damage but ultimately depends on the constitution of the spirit.
- A spirit with Fear can force a victim to roll on the Fear Table adjusting the result upward by its Magical Aptitude.
- The victim may attempt to shake it off by taking a Pass Action and rolling under 2 x WP%.
- A spirit with Guard can prevent normal environmental accidents and hazards (both natural and those induced by the Accident power), such as preventing someone from succumbing to heatstroke or saving someone from drowning. Guard can also be used to prevent a glitch from occurring. Guard may be used on a number of characters at once equal to the spirit's T value.
- A spirit that can Materialise is capable of projecting themselves into the material world, thus allowing them to interact with physical beings. When materialised, they may affect physical
targets but are generally Immune to Normal Weapons.
- The spirit may multiply or divide the target's movement rate within the terrain it controls by its T value.
- The spirit can project themselves into the material world, by possessing an object or place allowing them to interact with physical beings. Such a spirit may affect physical targets.
- The spirit may seek any person, place, or object. To find the target, the spirit makes a Break 100 roll => Magical Aptitude + Perception. The spirit must have seen what it is searching for before or be provided with a mental image of it from their summoner.
- If the target doesn't want to be found, then the target is 100 (+ WP). If they are actively hiding, then the target is 100 (+ 2 x WP).
The College of Thaumaturgy and Animating Devices (Ver 1.2)
Members of the College of Thaumaturgy and Animating Devices
specialise in magic that animates, shapes, creates or destroys
non-living matter; they are commonly
known as Tinkers. Tinkers tend to be less concerned
with the theory and philosophy of magic than members
of the other Thaumaturgical Colleges, and are
usually more inclined to fiddle around with something
until it works. They are often accused of lacking
empathy, because of the amount of time they spend
associating with inanimate objects. However, many
Tinkers cultivate an impish sense of humour, which
their College gives ample opportunity to develop.
The College is not well known. Much of the Tinker's
knowledge was lost many years in the past. They are found
almost exclusively in highly developed and civilised
Most Colleges are scornful of Tinkers, due to their
reputations as tricksters and their lack of direct combat
magics. They are also mocked for their strong
association with the artisan trades, such as Carpentry,
Jewel-Crafting and Smithing. Many Tinkers possess at
least one such skill, Mechanician, or Philosopher specialising
in engineering, mechanics and the like, as all of these abilities complement the College's style of magic.
Traditional Colours
Tinkers do not have traditional colours, but tend to wear practical work clothes, usually with a leather apron anchored in place, and bedecked with tools.
Traditional Symbols.
The College's traditional symbol is that of many cogwheels,
each turning others, in an endless chain.
- 13.1 Restrictions
A Magical Aptitude of 17 is required to join the College. Members of the College of Thaumaturgy and Animating Devices may operate without restriction.
- 13.2 Base Chance Modifiers
The following modifiers are cumulative with all other
modifiers (including those specified in §7.4).
Per 10% extra spent on Ritual materials +1
Per hour of Ritual Spell Preparation +3
Per Rank in Mechanician +1
- 13.3 Talents
Detect Enchantment (T-1)
Range:1. 30 feet (+ 5 / Rank) 2. Touch
Experience Multiple: 50
Base Chance: 1. PC + 3% / Rank 2. PC + 5% / Rank
Effects: This talent determines whether an item, person,
or area in line-of-sight and within range is currently
under an enchantment or magical effect. The
Adept can tell whether the enchantment is a current
spell or ritual, a warded, invested, or permanent effect,
is contained in a trap or is a curse. A double
effect will reveal the general nature of the spell (eg;
defensive, summoning, damaging) and the effective
Rank or remaining duration of the enchantment. In
addition, a triple effect will tell the Adept the exact
name of the magic (eg; Wall of Bones, Hellfire), or
the College of the spell.
Once the initial, most recent, magical effect has been
successfully detected, older enchantments on a target
with multiple layers of magic may also be detected.
This may be continued while the Adept continues to
succeed in detecting Enchantments. However, only
one attempt per quarter may be made to detect any
given enchantment. If a new enchantment occurs,
the Adept may attempt to detect it, though this in no
way affects the status of the old layer. If an old, unsuccessfully
detected enchantment expires, the Adept
may attempt to detect any newly revealed magic beneath
If the Adept is in contact with the target then the base
chance of this talent is higher.
- 13.4 General Knowledge Spells
Adhesion (G-1)
Range: 10 feet + 10 / Rank
Duration: 5 minutes + 5 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 175
Base Chance: 35%
Resist: Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Volume
Effects: The surface of a non-living solid, up to 1
cubic foot (+ 2 / Rank), is magically enchanted to adhere
to any objects coming into contact with it. Once
stuck, an object is released when the spell's duration
expires, or the applied PS + D10 exceeds the spell's
PS of 10 (+ 2 / Rank), which tears the object free (the
durability of some objects may be less than the force
required to tear them free from the spell). Several
individuals may combine their PS to free an object.
Being broken free of the area of the Adhesion, or resisting
a particular contact, in no way protects the object
from becoming stuck if brought into contact with
the affected area again; nor is the spell in any way
broken by having an object torn away; the area remains
as adhesive as before. Except for the crowding
of the area, there is no limit to the number of objects
that may be stuck with this spell. The chance of a
person coming into contact with an adhesive portion
of a hex is 10% / Rank applied to that hex.
Animating Objects (G-2)
Range: 10 feet + 5 / Rank
Duration: 10 minutes + 10 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 300
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Object
Effects: This spell may be used to animate any one
object, of up to 10 pounds (+ 10 / Rank) in weight.
By taking a pass action the Adept may control the
actions of 1 (+ 1 / Rank) previously controlled animates
within range. Once set in motion, the animates
will attempt to carry out the action until ordered otherwise.
The animates will move about in a manner
applicable to their shape. Their TMR will not exceed
Animates have a nominal PS value of 5 (+ 1 / Rank)
though this will have limited effect on objects made
of flimsy materials. Their strike chance will be no
more than 20% (+2% / Rank), with a maximum of
D+2 damage. The animate will cease to function if
the object is destroyed, or a Tinker General Knowledge
Counterspell is cast on it. An animate is an object,
but may also be targeted as an Entity. If an animate
is created through the use of a Ward or Magical
Trap, it will receive one command determined when
first cast.
Bound Speech (G-3)
Range: 1 foot + 1 / Rank
Duration: 1 day + 1 day / Rank
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 40%
Resist: Passive
Storage: None
Target: Object, Area of Object
Effects: This spell allows the Adept to record a verbal
message in an object, and defines the conditions
under which the message will be replayed. This spell
operates in most respects similarly to the Ward ritual,
except that the range is the range of this spell or
touch, and a message is stored instead of a spell. The
message is replayed exactly as the Adept recorded it,
and may contain any verbalisations that the Adept is
capable of. The message may not exceed 5 words (+
3 words / Rank). Unlike the Ward ritual, the message
may be triggered one additional time per two
full Ranks.
Durability (G-4)
Range: 10 feet + 5 / Rank
Duration: 10 minutes + 10 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 25%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Object
Effects: One object weighing up to 2 pounds (+ 2 /
Rank) may be made more resilient and less susceptible
to damage. The item becomes almost as strong as
steel of the same thickness, without losing any flexibility.
The item cannot be broken unless exposed
to stresses beyond that which steel could withstand,
given the object's size and shape. The strength is improved
with rank to a maximum of slightly stronger
than steel.
This spell does not protect against soiling, corrosion
or fire or any forms of damage other than physical
A weapon treated with this spell allows the wielder
to add 2% per Rank of the spell to any roll to save
the weapon from breaking. Armour protected by this
spell will have 2 extra Protection ( + 1 / 10 full ranks)
to a maximum of the equivalent Steel armour. At
Rank 20, 1 may be added to this maximum.
Note that the added Protection replaces (rather than
adds to) any other Protection bonuses due to a material's
strength (eg Armourer bonuses). If the item
is broken, or armour suffers damage from a Specific
Grievous, the magic is dispelled.
Mending (G-5)
Range: Touch
Duration: Immediate
Experience Multiple: 150
Base Chance: 40%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment
Target: Parts of an Object, Golem
Effects: Any single object weighing up to 10 pounds
(+ 10 / Rank) becomes exactly as it was before it
was broken or deformed. Any pieces missing when
the spell is cast will remain missing when the object
is mended. Mending used to fix objects with an effective
Artisan Rank greater than that the Adept possesses
will degrade the object's effective rank. Magical
items made mundane through breaking will remain
mundane even after the use of a Mending. The
Spell of Mending may be used on a living creature
that has been transformed into stone, and subsequently
broken. This requires that the Adept be
a Sculptor of at least Rank 8. A Spell of Mending
may be used to repair one of their animates. It may repair either
a Specific Grievous injury, or all general Endurance damage.
Modify Aura (G-6)
Range: 5 feet + 5 / Rank
Duration: 1 hour + 1 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 100
Base Chance: 30%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Object, Entity
Effects: This spell allows the Adept to able to modify
the aura strength of any one object or entity. The
target object may be up to 20 cubic feet (+ 20 /
Rank).The strength of the aura increases or decreases
by up to 1 + (1 / 4 Ranks) on the table below. This
spell does not alter the target's aura in any other way.
Aura Equivalent
0 No Aura
1 Magic (magical wall, illusion)
2 Formerly Living Composite (chair, stew)
3 Formerly Living (dead orc, log)
4 Non-Sentient Animates (stone golem)
and Non-sentient Undead (skeleton)
5 Living Plants (rose, oak)
6 Living Animals (dog, cat)
8 Sentient Animates (flesh golem)
and Sentient Undead (vampire)
9 Living Sentient (human, sphinx)
10 Long Living Sentient (dragon, titan, elf)
15 Avatar (material form of a Demon, etc.)
Minor Creation (G-7)
Range: Touch
Duration: 15 minutes + 15 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 40%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment
Target: Object
Effects: The Adept may create a simple, common
object from a larger source of its constituent substances
by reaching into the source and withdrawing
the object. For example, the Adept may reach into
a tree and produce a staff. One (+ 1 / 5 full Ranks)
different substances may be combined into a single
finished object with this spell. The substance sources
are in no way damaged or reduced by the spell. The
created object will be a common example of its type
and may not exceed 1 cubic foot (+ 1 per Rank) in
volume, nor 1 lb (+ 1 lb / Rank) in weight. The object
is physically real with all normal attributes. The object
may not be created enclosed by or enclosing anything.
Complicated or fine quality objects may not be
created without the appropriate artisan skill. No alchemical,
herbal or other quasi-magical objects may
be created. Created food provides no sustenance. At
the end of its duration the item vanishes. The object
is a magical construct and will have a magical aura,
regardless of its constituent materials.
Preservation (G-8)
Range: 5 feet + 1 / Rank
Duration: Special
Experience Multiple: 100
Base Chance: 40%
Resist: Passive
Storage: Ward, Investment, Magical Trap
Target: Volume, a dead / undead Entity
Effects: This spell preserves and protects one animate,
dead or undead entity, of up to 100 pounds (+
100 / Rank) or a collection of small objects of a total
weight not greater than 1 pound (+ 1 / Rank) against
the effects of time, decay, rust, erosion or wave action.
It does not confer any protection against magical
attacks. It will not suspend time with regard to
resurrection, poisons, curses, etc. Duration is 4 (+
Rank squared) days, but is permanent at Rank 20.
Transparency (G-9)
Range: 10 feet + 5 / Rank
Duration: 10 minutes + 10 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 175
Base Chance: 30%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Volume
Effects: This spell causes a volume of non-living
solid material to become as transparent as high quality
glass, but to otherwise retain its original characteristics.
One (+ 1 / Rank) adjacent 1 foot cubes may
be affected. The Adept may cause the volume to be
transparent from only a single direction, by reducing
the BC by 10.
Bubble of Force (G-10)
Range: Self
Duration: 20 minutes + 20 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 15%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion
Target: Sentient Entity
Effects: The spell causes an iridescent bubble of force to appear around the Adept, adhering vaguely to their form. The substance of the bubble reduces the first Rank damage from any source, calculated after any saving throw (e.g. Magic Resistance, etc.) but before any other form of damage mitigation. Damage that inflicts damage directly to the Adept's body, i.e. poison, disease, Putrid Wound, Disruption, Necrosis, Hand of Death, Torment or similar effects are unaffected by the spell. The Damage Reduction resets at the beginning of each Pulse.
The spell never regenerates more Damage Reduction than 20 in any given Pulse.
- 13.5 General Knowledge Rituals
Linking Lifeforce (Q-1)
Duration: Permanent
Experience Multiple: 300
Base Chance: 40% + 4% / Rank
Resist: Passive
Target: Object, entity
Cast Time: 1 hour
Material: Object
Concentration Check: Standard
Effects: This ritual allows the Adept to bind an object
to the life-force of an entity. The object will reflect
the entity's physical condition. If the entity is
well, the object will be in perfect order; if the entity
is sick or wounded, the object will appear appropriately
damaged; and if the entity dies, the object will
seem ruined. There is no limitation on the size or
type of object, but it must remain the entity's possession
during the entire ritual. Traditionally, apples,
roses, statues, paintings or diamonds are used. The
Life-force Link may be broken by destroying the object,
or by the object being beyond 100 miles (+ 100
/ Rank) from the entity. The death of the entity will
not break the Link. If 10,000 (-500 / Rank) is spent on
ingredients, the range is unlimited and the entity and
object may occupy different planes without breaking
the Link.
Petrifaction (Q-2)
Duration: Permanent
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 55% + 3% / Rank
Resist: Active & Passive
Target: Entity
Cast Time: 1 hour
Concentration Check: Standard
Effects: This ritual allows the Adept to either change
one entity to marble-like stone, or turn one magically
petrified entity back to flesh. The entity must
be present for the entirety of the Ritual. Any possessions
of an entity are (un)petrified with the entity.
A petrified entity is not aware of their surroundings,
and has time stopped for the purposes of poison, resurrection,
curses and ageing. Petrifaction is not fatal,
although a dead entity may still be petrified. If an
entity is damaged after petrifaction, they may be repaired
with the Mending Spell if the Adept is a Rank
8 Sculptor. Any damage will be applied when the entity
becomes flesh. A petrified entity weighs 3 times
their normal weight.
Ritual of Thaumaturgical Assembly (Q-3)
Duration: Until the following dawn
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 55% + 3% / Rank
Resist: None
Target: Disassembled device(s)
Materials: Blueprint(s)(not consumed)
Cast Time: 1 hour
Concentration Check: Standard
Effects: The Adept targets the dissassembled parts of devices they have learnt how to make. These devices have a value which is, generally, a reflection of its size. No device may have a value less than 1, and values greater than 20 may not be created by this Ritual. An Adept who has advanced it to Rank 6 may create 6 devices of value 1, or 1 device of value 3, 1 of value 2 and 1 of value 1, or any other combination which sums to 6 or less. The Ritual may be performed any number of times, but the total of device value assembled in a day never exceeds its Rank. A disassembled device of the kind that may be targeted by this Ritual must be learnt from a blueprint, or researched and a blueprint created by means of the Mechanician Skill. Such a blueprint will define the device's abilities, value and weight.
Once the device is assembled, it is a legal target for the Animating Objects spell if it does not exceed the spell's weight limit. As previously noted, the device's properties will likely differ from the spell's.
Item Divination (Q-4)
Range: Rank feet
Duration: Immediate
Experience Multiple: 150
Base Chance: 2 x MA + 3% / Rank
Resist: None
Target: Object
Cast Time: 1 hour
Concentration Check: Standard
Effects: Through this ritual, the Adept discovers
the exact nature of all enchantments, mechanisms,
curses, side-effects, etc. placed on an item. If an item
has been imbued with an Individual True Name, the
name will not be revealed, but its existence will be.
This ritual cannot backfire.
- Invocations
An invocation is an imprecation to an otherworldly Power or Force to alter magic in some way. These invocations are expressed when a spell is being Prepared. For it to be legal, the Adept's player must speak the imprecation in a loud, clear voice, and this reflects how obvious the invocation is to others. Generally speaking, anyone within 10 hexes will hear it, and therefore may be aware of what it does.
Invocations call upon the properties of an artefact of some kind, a demi-power, a power (but not a deity), a place (on an alternate plane, usually) or some other thing, and these are marked in the description. A Philosopher who has the Magical World realm and the appropriate field has a 40% chance (+3 / Rank) of identifying the invocation and what it does. This value is halved if they do not have the appropriate field, and halved again if they do not have the Magical World realm.
In general, it takes seven half days of meditation (magical training) to learn an invocation, although some may take longer, the Adept must pay the listed Experience Point Cost and they will attract an influence, of which a record must be kept. For each season that the invocation is not used, 20% of the Experience Points are refunded, to a maximum refund of 80%.
Once used, the Invocation is lost until is learnt again (i.e. the Experience point cost is paid again).
- "By sky-striding Sarennan!"

Spells: Bolt of Energy, Illusionary Bolt, Bolt of Starfire, Bolt of Fire.
Sub-Field: Power.
Experience Cost: 750.
Attracts:1 Astral.
Effects:The Adept's spell becomes a javelin of lightning (or levin bolt) that they cast at a target or object. It will inflict 1 rollup D10 (+1/Rank) Lightning damage on the first entity or object that the bolt encounters unless they Break 100 => AG x 2. Any living entity that does not avoid the levin bolt loses any unused Actions for the rest of the Pulse and suffers a penalty of 20 to any Action until they spend a Pass Action to recover, which requires a Break 100 => WP x 2.
If the target is holding or wearing more than 5 lbs of metal, no Protection, Spell Armour or Damage Reduction may be applied.
- "Regard the discs of the Crimson Harpax!"

Spells: Bolt of Energy, Illusionary Bolt, Bolt of Starfire, Bolt of Fire.
Sub-Field: Power.
Experience Cost: 1,000.
Attracts:1 Abyss.
Effects: The Adept's spell creates a number of crimson discs equal to 1 (+1 per 3 or fraction Ranks) that will inflict 1 rollup D10 (+ 1 per Rank) B Class damage (for what it's worth). A target of an initial disc takes full damage, but the damage of each subsequent disc is halved, truncating all fractions to a minimum of 1. Discs may be sent one at a time or all at once. So, an Adept has 5 Rank 10 discs, which, having rolled a "5" on the D10, will inflict 15 damage. The Adept chooses to spend them one at a time. The first target fails to Resist so takes the 15 damage modified by Spell Armour. The next disc inflicts 7 damage but the target seems only to take 1 or 2 points. The Adept considers that a disc that inflicts 3 points of damage would be a waste, so switches to someone else, assuming that if they fail to Resist, they will take 15 damage (again, less Spell Armour).
Observe that a target Resists the spell but once. If they fail, then they will fail against all of the discs, if they succeed, they succeed against all of them. Spells that inflict half damage on a successful Resistance check do not benefit from this Invocation.
- Ladybird Automaton

Materials: Coloured glass
Cost: 10 gold schillings
Value: 3
Mechanician Rank: 4
This small, jewel of a ladybird weighs 1 oz and is a legal target for the Animating Objects spell.
When it is thus animated, it may be worn as a brooch on the chest, and will provide the Adept with warning on the first occasion that it senses the approach of danger. It will detect this danger by Breaking 100 + Adept's PC + Rank in Animating Objects.
- Wasp Automata

Materials: Citrine or Ruby
Cost: 100 gold schillings
Value: 2. initially, then 1 for each extra automata
Mechanician Rank: 3
These small, jewels of wasps weighs 1 oz each and are legal targets for the Animating Objects spell. When they are worn as brooches on the chest or cloak, the spell need not be Prepared, however wearing them makes the Adept look unusual and memorable, and no more than 5 may be worn at a time. A Pass Action is required to attach each wasp.
When one is thus animated, it will fly to an object or entity who is within range (of the spell) and inflict [D-4]+ Rank magical damage unless they Resist.
Once they have delivered their payload, the wasps will fly back to the Adept unless otherwise prevented, whereupon the animating magic will dissipate.
- Butterfly Automaton

Materials: Amber & gem chips
Cost: 500 gold schillings
Value: 5
Mechanician Rank: 6
This small, jewel of a butterfly weighs 1 oz each and is a legal target for the Animating Objects spell.
When it is thus animated, it will fly with a movement rate of 700 yards per minute. When it is
- stationary
- in a natural environment
it may Blend (at the Rank of the Animating Objects spell). If the Adept is within 15 feet (+15 ft/Rank of the spell), then the butterfly will send them visual images of what is in its field of view. It may only send Rank minutes of visual imagery back to the Adept. Although this does not have to be continuous, parts of a minute are considered to have taken a full minute.
At any time, the butterfly can be directed to retrace its route when the Adept wants it to return, so long as the duration of the Animating Objects spells remains.
- Scorpion Automaton

Materials: Bronze
Cost: 10 gold schillings
Value: 5
Mechanician Rank: 5
This bronze casting of a scorpion is a foot long, 9 inches wide, weighs 3 lbs (unloaded) and is a legal target for the Animating Objects spell.
When it is thus animated, it will have a movement rate of 250 yards per minute along the ground, vertical surfaces, walls but not ceilings. Its TMR is 5.
It is hollow, and its abdomen contains a space into which a grenado may be placed.
PS: | 6 | MD: | 15 | AG: | 18 | MA: | None | EN: | 15 | FT: | 18 |
WP: | 15 | PC: | 11 | PB: | 4 | TMR: | 5 | NA: | 0* |
*Note that the natural armour is solid bronze and therefore reduces all damage by 6.
- Weapons
- Bite: BC 25%, [1 rollup D] , Close, Rank =1 per 2 Ranks in spell.
- Claw: BC 50%, [1 rollup D] , Melee, Close, Rank =1 per 2 Ranks in spell.
- Sting: BC 40%, Varies , Ranged, 15 hexes, Rank =1 per 4 Ranks in spell (treat as a missile attack).
"Sting" damage depends on the payload of the grenado. The scorpion has no special protection from the consequences of this activation, although being made from solid bronze, it is reasonably robust and will be unlikely to suffer any harm from the workings of Greek Fire or Methane. The DM will have to adjudicate when the preparation is of a more excitatory nature.