This Quintessence of Dust: Treasure
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Tincture of Aconite and Passionflower
This aromatic tincture is contained in a glass bottle that weighs four ounces. It changes the perceptions of whoever drinks it so that everything they see is more beautiful for Rank hours. Add two times the rank of the Herbalist who prepared the tincture to the PB of anything that they look upon. It can be added to wine or other liquor, thus diluting it's effect. Adding it to a bottle of wine would reduce the effects to about a quarter of the usual bonus and a quarter of the duration. Thus, a Rank 8 Tincture (+16 to PB) diluted in this way would increase PB by 4 for 2 hours. All fractions are truncated.
The Rank of this draughts is 7.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Lands of Chaos | Formerly living | Beautification | 200 sp | ![]() |
Potion of Pentecost

This potion is contained in a heavy glass vial and requires a pulse to prepare. It weighs 4 oz and does not break easily.
A flame appears on the brow of the imbiber as soon as it is drunk. Its effects will last until the next Solstice or Equninox, whichever comes first, or until the flame is extinguished. For the duration, the imbiber acquires the language of whoever they speak with at one Rank less. They may use the time speaking that language as 'immersion' for the purposes of calculating training time if they choose to Rank that language.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Lands of Chaos | Magical | Communication | 5,000sp | ![]() |
Spider Dust

This dust was collected from the carapace of a spider the size of a dinner plate. It weighs 7 oz.
It is a legal target for the Ritual of Manufacturing Poison Dust. When thus Enchanted, the effect of the poison dust is to halve the PS, MD, AG and EN value when thrown in the victim's face. The process is gradual, taking about half an hour, and is not resistable. It will take at least an hour for the victim's body to fight off the toxins, at which time they must roll under 3 x their original EN to recover. This will take about half an hour or so.
If the EN check fails, then they must wait until dawn the following day to attempt to recover. However, their chance is now 3 x (EN/2). If this fails, they lose 1 EN point, and can only attempt to recover on the following dawn, the chance being 3 x ((EN-1)/2), and so on until they recover or die.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Feralie | Formerly living | Spider | 1,500sp | ![]() |
Lilac Wine

Each dose allows the imbiber to see or sense whatever they want to for about half an hour.
Whenever the imbiber stops drinking lilac wine, they add +5 to their die rolls until they get over it by rolling 3 x EN or less on percentiles. They are entitled to make this roll once a day at dawn. All additions to the die roll arise from the withdrawal effects of not taking lilac wine and are cumulative.
Drinking lilac wine removes all of these additions to the die rolls (but not those that arise from other causes) for about 8 hours.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Beguilement | 300sp | ![]() |
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 |
Rune Sticks
Rune Stick of Sacrifice

This carved stick weighs 5 oz and has runes carved on it in reverse.
If blood is poured onto the stick (costing 2 FT) and the stick pressed against the forehead, then the Runes of Death will be imprinted there for 110 seconds. If, within this duration, they touch an opponent, they may release the spell.
If the victim fails to resist the Adept immediately drains all current Fatigue and Endurance from the victim. Up to Rank points each of this can be used to heal damage and restore fatigue respectively.
If the victim has zero or less current fatigue and Endurance nothing is gained.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Rune | 3250 sp | ![]() |
Greater Heart Rune Stick

This carved stick weighs 5 oz and has runes carved on it in reverse.
If blood is poured onto the stick (costing 2 FT) and the stick pressed against the target's heart, then a Rune of Healing will be imprinted there. The rune will heal the target 8 Endurance, immediately, or when the target next takes endurance damage.
The rune can be washed of easily with water
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Rune | 1500 sp | ![]() |
Dwarf Gruel*

Each serving of this gruel weighs 2 oz.
It is less than usually unappetising, but is a nutritious meal. In fact, it is so nutritious, anyone who eats it for breakfast will recover 1 point of FT for every 2 Ranks in the Artisan Cook of the person who prepared it. Bonuses from Herbalist do not apply.
Anyone can eat dwarf gruel initially, but to eat it for a second consecutive breakfast, they must succeed in a 2 x WP check, and for a third consecutive breakfast, 1 x WP check. Dwarfs increase the modifier by 1, and those with Resist Pain add 5 (+1 per Rank) to their chance.
Whoever has eaten dwarf gruel for 3 or more consecutive breakfasts gains +3 to EN. This bonus stacks with all other enhancements to EN, except those that derive from Herbalism.
Dwarf gruel is very light and very cheap, each serving costing 2 farthings.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Sparlainth | Construct | - | 2 cf | ![]() |
These pale brown, talc-like stones may be turned into the potion described by an Alchemist of Rank 6 or higher. Each potion will take seven days and cost 1,400sp to make.
Brimstone Potion

This potion weighs 12 oz and takes a Pulse to prepare.
It is not drunk, but it is consumed as part of the Casting process to increase the Cast Chance of any magic that works by opening a rift between planes by 20. This will work with spells like Shadow Walking, the Ritual of Creating Rune Portal, the various Rituals of Summoning of the College of Summoning Magic, or similar summoning/teleportational effects. The DM may rule that this does not apply where they deem the magic not to create a rift between planes.
In the case of the Ritual of Creating Rune Portals, the portal so created is
- linked to another Rune Portal. You cannot create networks, only paired locations.
- permanent, although only one entity may pass through at a time.
- passage is effected simply by touching the Rune.
- it always strips FT, which cannot be Healed back. Sufficient rest or Restoration will recover the loss, however.
A Rune Portal may be created that will connect with a proximate plane. In the case of most places like Alusia, the Astral Plane is the most commonly proximate plane, although others subtend from time to time. This reduces the Base Chance of the Ritual by 20 (20-20 = 0 bonus).
The portal will be irreparably destroyed if a Special Knowledge Counterspell of the College of Rune Magics is cast over at least one of the Portal runes or if one of the Runes are defaced.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Seventh Plane | Magical | Dimensional | 3,000sp | ![]() |
This silvery, fluid metal may be turned into the potion described beneath by an Alchemist of Rank 7 or higher. Each potion will take seven days and cost 1,400sp to make.
Hydrargyrum Potion

This potion weighs 12 oz and takes a Pulse to prepare.
It is not drunk, except by the insane or those hoping to be. Instead, it is used up as part of the Casting process. When this happens, it will make permanent any magic that is transformational in nature. A coal may be permanently transformed into a diamond by this means, for example.
This has no effect on magic which is an enhancement, there must be a change associated with it. Thus, while it will work with Animal Growth, it will have no effect on Strength of Stone or Trollskin etc.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Seventh Plane | Magical | Transformation | 1,500sp | ![]() |
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 |
Strange Shield

This magical shield has an absolute weight of 10 lbs but when wielded it encumbers as if it were only 3 lbs. There is no penalty to MD, and it provides 4 DEF for every Rank in Shield (20 DEF at Rank 4). It provides this bonus unless the wielder is dead or unconscious, so even vs attacks from a rear hex, when casting or when they are stunned.
While the shield does not provide any direct bonus to Magic Resistance, the wielder may avoid the effect of any magic that they are not willing to endure at some cost. A D10 is rolled after they have made their MR Check and the result applied as FT damage, EN when FT is exhausted. This damage can stun. If this value is less than or equal to their Rank in Shield, then they, and the hex they are standing in, are rendered immune to that magic. In the event that the wielder is the target of a Charm spell or Charm-related effect, and the wielder chooses to resist it, then they are considered to have rolled a 4 on the D10.
This function has been added to the shield by the gift of a Sundancer met on the Adventure 'This Quintessence of Dust'.
- Call the Noonday Sun
- The wielder may take a Magical Fire Action and invoke this ability on a megahex centred on them. This will brightly light the area for a pulse and inflict 4 rollup D10 damage. Everyone except the wielder must roll under 2 x AG to avoid this damage and under 2 x PC to avoid being blinded for the rest of that pulse and the next one. Those who are vulnerable to sunlight take half damage even if they make the roll. The wielder must complete a Ritual of Purification with the shield by noon at the Solstice or Equinox to recover this ability.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Immortal Longings | Spring 810 | Beyond the Veil | Undefined | Indeterminate | 12,500sp | ![]() |
Bow of the Winds

This bow weighs 2 lbs and has a base Strike Chance of 55. The Damage Modifier is +2, the maximum Range is 60 hexes and it Ranks as a Short Bow.
If wielded by an Adept of the College of Air Magic, every Rank in Short Bow increases the wielder's effective MA by 1 in the same way that Purification does, while they are holding it.
In addition, if they have cast Arrow Flight, they may fire as many arrows as their Rank in Arrow Flight would allow them (2 + 1/2 Ranks) or as many as they have remaining, whichever is less, in a single Pulse. This can be done only once a week, resetting on a Tuesday.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Nualis | Formerly living | Wind | 12,000sp | ![]() |
Giant Khopesh**

This large, bronze weapon weighs 25 lbs.
It has a base Strike Chance of 74 and the base Damage Modifer is +10. It may not be thrown. It is treated as a Giant Axe for all other purposes. Non-giants cannot wield this weapon.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Summer 811 | Nualis | Magical | Enhancement | 8,000sp | ![]() |
Giant Rod**

This giant mace weighs 10 lbs.
It has a base Strike Chance of 66 when wielded in the left hand, otherwise 50. The base Damage Modifier is 8 and it may only be wielded by a giant.
If the giant is right-handed, and uses this weapon left-handed, then their modified Strike Chance would 46 + MD + 4 * Rank with Giant Mace, etc. If dual-wielding, then the modified Strike Chance would be 36 + MD + 4 * Rank with Giant Mace, etc.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Nualis | Formerly living | Enhancement | 8,000sp | ![]() |

This dagger weighs 10 oz and is made of orichalcum. It has a base Strike Chance of 47 and base Damage Modifier of 1.
Whoever bears Thirst reduces their Magic Resistance vs Dehydration or similar magic by half. If this curse is removed, the enchantment fades and becomes no more than a bronze dagger.
When the wielder is in close combat, these special abilities are available:
- The base Strike Chance of the weapon becomes 70 and the base Damage Modifer increases to + 3.
- It ignores the first 3 points of armour or natural armour. Thus, armour that provides 6 points of Protection only offers 3.
- If a bleeding wound is inflicted, then the amount bled increases by 1: 1 point bleeders become 2, 2 point bleeders become 3, and so on.
- The wielder makes two Strike Checks and chooses the best one. Damage is only rolled once, however.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Victoria | Magical | Cruelty | 14,000sp | ![]() |
Serpent Staff*

This wooden quarterstaff weighs 4 lbs, and has a snake wound around its haft. The base Strike Chance is 77%, and the base Damage Modifier is D+2.
If the target takes any damage from the blow, then they must immediately Break 100 + 2 x EN. If this roll fails, they may not benefit from any healing potion or spell for 12 Pulses. Successive strikes stack, which will render the victim an illegal target of most healing abilities. Curing performed by someone with the Healer Skill remains effective, however.
Whenever damage is rolled for the staff, the player must check whether the number on the damage die is 5 or less. If it is, then the wielder will be healed by the number rolled on the die or the amount of damage inflicted, whichever is less.
- Example
- The wielder hits a goblin and rolls damage dice, getting a 1. He inflicts 3 damage but this bounces off the goblin's armour. No healing.
- The wielder hits a goblin a second time, rolling a 10. He inflicts 12 damage, 9 of which gets through. No healing.
- The wielder hits a goblin a third time, rolling a 3. He inflicts 5 damage, 1 of which gets through. Wielder is healed for 1.
EN deficit is healed first, wrapping to FT deficit. It will not cure tiredness FT. This will cure damage from drain.
The quarterstaff inflicts A and C class Specific Grievous injuries. Whenever 5 or 7 is rolled on the damage dice, and damage is inflicted on the target, the snake has bitten the opponent and inflicts 11 points of poison damage.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Nualis | Living animal | Life-giving | 12,000sp | ![]() |
Lightning Strike

This scimitar is a Named weapon. It weighs 3 lbs, has a Base Strike Chance of 80% and the Damage Modifier is D+5. For every 4 Ranks in the Individual True Name of this blade, damage is increased by 1.
In addition, the wielder may choose to act first, obviating any need to check for Initiative. If this function is chosen, it may not be used again until 20 seconds have passed.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Feralie | Magical | Lightning | 18,000sp | ![]() |

This short sword weighs 1 lb. It is particularly easy to conceal, so that the wielder gains +20 to their Stealth when attempting to hide it. It is a legal target for the Blending spell.
This weapon has a Base Strike Chance of 65%, Damage Modifier is D+5 and is rated for Melee and Close combat.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Sparlainth | Magical | Battle | 11,500sp | ![]() |
Fulminating Blade

This falchion is made of amber coloured horn. It weighs 3lbs.
It has a Base Strike Chance of 60% and a Damage Modifier of D+4.
The wielder gains a +10 bonus to cast any spell with 'Lightning' in the title.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Feralie | Formerly living | Lightning | 7,000sp | ![]() |
Shield of Primes

This shield weighs 3 lbs. It provides 4 points of Defence per Rank and penalises MD by 1.
In addition, any damage that attacks the wielder through their front hex is ignored if that damage amounts to a prime value, i.e. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 and so on. This includes magical damage of any kind, but not from magic that attacks an area or volume.
Blows directly to EN or Specific Grievious Injuries may not be avoided by means of the shield, although it may be cloven to reduce any damage being done to the wielder's armour.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Abyss | Formerly living | Chaos | 25,000sp | ![]() |
Plastron of Primes

This breastplate is made from the plastron of a chaos creature. It weighs 8lbs, will fit someone of size 4, and is considered to be leather armour.
This breastplate does not increase the Protection value of the wearer's armour. Instead, it allows the wearer's Protection to apply against Spell damage if that armour is leather or cloth.
It provides two distinct bonuses of use only to Sorcerors of the Mind:
- An extra point of Cast Chance for every point their WP exceeds their target's. If the wearer has 5 more WP than their target, their bonus to Cast Chance is +10, not +5.
- The wearer's WP is increased by 5 for the purposes of Resisting magic of the College of Sorceries of the Mind only.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Abyss | Formerly living | Chaos | 14,000sp | ![]() |
Chalcedony Bracer

This bracer weighs 4 lbs.
It must be worn on the left arm, and provides the wearer with 3 more points of Protection, to a maximum of 11.
In addition, Resistance vs any magic cast by undead is increased by 10 if an amulet of chalcedony is worn openly.
The bracer has no virtue if any armour other than leather or cloth is worn.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Feralie | Magical | Chaos | 9,500sp | ![]() |
Sundancer's Mail

This armour is made of woven lengths of elemental bronze. It is sized for a human and weighs 24 lbs. It reduces AG by 1, and penalises Stealth by 25.
It provides 7 points of Protection and reduces all damage by 3. In other words, the wearer will take no damage from a FT blow of 10 damaage or less. It will not predict against the special damage of a Specific Grievious Injury.
In addition, summonable entities that attack the wearer must add 3 to the results of their attack rolls.
The wearer's PS is increased by 3, which stacks with any other bonus.
Once a day, the wearer's weight can be doubled at the utterance of a special word, and this requires a Free Act. It may not be used in the same Pulse in which the wearer casts a Spell, and the effect lasts for 12 Pulses.
Finally the owner of the armour can sacrifice EN to the mail, which will increase its Damage Reduction by 1. The EN sacrifice doubles for an increase of 1 to Damage Reduction. Thus, the first EN sacrifice costs 1, then 2 then 4 and so on.
The sacrifice can only be performed once per season or adventure, whichever is least.
If the Protection value of the mail is reduced by Specific Grievous Injuries, then it may be repaired by the arts of an Armourer of Rank 6 or higher in conjunction with an Artisan Weaver of at least Rank 8, who may be the same person. Each point of Protection will take 2 days to repair and cost 400sp. They may charge more for their labour at the DM's discretion.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Feralie | Formerly living | Earth | 25,000sp | ![]() |
Phylactery of Spellbreaker

This scroll has had the power word Shatterwill inscribed upon it in ink made from the liquor of a Great Emerald. The language it is written in bears a striking similarity to Volksprach. It has been itemised and remembles an iridescently green pin, weighing 4oz. Whoever wears it openly above their heart knows this Power Word.
- Break 100: percentiles + 3 x Adept's WP - Caster's WP. Subtract 100 from the result. If this number is greater than the Rank of the spell to be broken, then it dissipates before it can take effect.
- Break 100: percentiles + 2 x Adept's WP - Caster's WP. Subtract 100 from the result. If this number is greater than the Rank of the spell to be broken, then it dissipates before it can take effect..
- Break 100: percentiles + Adept's WP - Caster's WP. Subtract 100 from the result. If this number is greater than the Rank of the spell to be broken, then it dissipates before it can take effect.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Feralie | Magical | Power Word | 15,000sp | ![]() |
Phylactery of Stagger

This scroll has had the power word Stagger inscribed upon it in ink made from the liquor of a Great Emerald. The language it is written in bears a striking similarity to Volksprach. It has been itemised and remembles an iridescently green pin, weighing 4oz. Whoever wears it openly above their heart knows this Power Word.
- Break 100: percentiles + 3 x Adept's WP - target's WP. The target loses a non-magical pass action until they recover. This requires a 2 WP at the end of the Pulse, followed by a 3 x WP roll next Pulse, then a 4 x WP roll. Recovery is automatic after that.
- Break 100: percentiles + 2 x Adept's WP - target's WP. The target loses a non-magical pass action until they recover. This requires a 2 WP at the end of the Pulse, followed by a 3 x WP roll next Pulse, then a 4 x WP roll. Recovery is automatic after that.
- Break 100: percentiles + Adept's WP - target's WP. The target loses a non-magical pass action until they recover. This requires a 2 WP at the end of the Pulse, followed by a 3 x WP roll next Pulse, then a 4 x WP roll. Recovery is automatic after that.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Feralie | Magical | Power Word | 15,000sp | ![]() |
Phylactery of Lifesurge

This scroll has had the power word Lifesurge inscribed upon it in ink made from the liquor of a Great Emerald. The language it is written in bears a striking similarity to Volksprach. It has been itemised and remembles an iridescently green pin, weighing 4oz. Whoever wears it openly above their heart knows this Power Word.
- Break 100: percentiles + 3 x Adept's WP + Rank in Healer. Record the amount and use it to restore EN and FT lost to damage. Next Pulse, and each Pulse thereafter, reduce the amount of thereafter,subtract 10 from the result until the healing is gone.
- Break 100: percentiles + 2 x Adept's WP + Rank in Healer. Record the amount and use it to restore EN and FT lost to damage. Next Pulse, and each Pulse thereafter, reduce the amount of thereafter,subtract 10 from the result until the healing is gone.
- Break 100: percentiles + Adept's WP + Rank in Healer. Record the amount and use it to restore EN and FT lost to damage. Next Pulse, and each Pulse thereafter, reduce the amount of thereafter,subtract 10 from the result until the healing is gone.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Feralie | Magical | Power Word | 15,000sp | ![]() |
Phylactery of Spark

This scroll has had the power word Spark inscribed upon it in ink made from the liquor of a Great Emerald. The language it is written in bears a striking similarity to Volksprach. It has been itemised and remembles an iridescently green pin, weighing 4oz. Whoever wears it openly above their heart knows this Power Word.
- Inflicts 2D10 fire damage or ignite a flammable object.
- Inflicts 1D10 fire damage or ignite a flammable object.
- Inflicts 1 fire damage or ignite a flammable object.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Feralie | Magical | Power Word | 8,000sp | ![]() |
Major Amulet of Amethyst

This amulet weighs 4 oz.
Aside from allowing the wearing to recover FT 10% faster while sleeping, once a day, it provides an extra hour of sleep.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Feralie | Magical | Wiccan | 9,000sp | ![]() |
Tiger Amulet

This amulet weighs 4 oz.
It provides the wearer with 2 points of Magic Resistance and 3 points of Defence. This stacks with an Amulet of Luck.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Feralie | Formerly living | Wiccan | 4,800sp | ![]() |
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 |
Blank Phylactery

This is a scroll that appears to be itemised so as to form a brooch. A spell may be invested in the phylactery at five times the normal cost. From that point on, the phylactery can be read as a scroll (taking two full pulses), but instead of being used up, the spell will become reinvested on the following dawn.
The cast chance of the invested spell is the Base Chance plus three times the Rank. Bonuses from Enchantment and College modifiers are only applied when the cast check is made, the investor's Enchantment or situational modifiers have no effect. No bonus (or penalty) for Magical Aptitude is ever considered.
If the roll of the Cast Check should ever fall on a number fully divisible by 10 (e.g. 10, 20, 30, etc), then whoever is reading the phylactery must resist versus a Backfire, or the phylactery will be destroyed. If that number would be a success, then the spell is cast even if the MR versus Backfire fails destroying the phylactery.
Cast Chance:_______% Range:____________ Duration:____________ Rank:_______ Effects:________________
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Spell Storage | 10,000sp | ![]() |
A Stone from a Plover's Nest
This stone may have one charge of Invisibility invested in it at no cost. When the spell is discharged, it may be reinvested in the same way.
Cast Chance:_______% Duration:_______ Range:_______ Rank:______
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Lands of Chaos | Magical | Spell Storage | 5,000sp | ![]() |
Belt of the Calamar

This belt weighs 1 lb and is made from the dried remains of an extra-planar creature.
If the wearer spends 1 FT, this belt reduces their weight down to 1/3rd, 90 lbs becomes 30 lbs, etc. This effect lasts for 10 minutes, and can be renewed as long as the wearer pays the FT cost.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | The Void | Formerly living | Force | 8,000sp | ![]() |
The Sack of Swarms

This dirty, torn, old sack weighs about 3lbs. If an Adept performs a Ritual of Summoning Animals over it, then they do not make a cast check. Instead, the actions of the Ritual are stored to be released at a later time by the Adept.
The cast chance is the Base Chance plus three times the Rank. Bonuses from Enchantment and College modifiers are only applied when the cast check is made, not when the ritual was performed..
If the Cast Check is successful, then a swarm of hopping, crawling and slithering vermin appear at a point within one hex per Rank of the Ritual (minimum of 1), and may be directed by the summoner.
- Rank 0, the swarm is barely sufficient to cover a hex.
- Rank 5 it will cover a mega-hex.
- Rank 10 it will cover an area 5 hexes in diameter
- Rank 15 it will cover an area 7 hexes in diameter
- Rank 20 it will cover an area 9 hexes in diameter
The swarm lasts for one Pulse per Rank of the Ritual. Anyone caught inside it has limited vision unless they are within one hex of the edge. In any case, their TMR is halved immediately and they must make a three times WP check every pulse ( less the Rank of the Ritual (Resist Pain helps)) to do anything other than attempt to get out of it. Finally, each Pulse the creatures inflict a rollup D10 physical damage from scratching and biting, less the protective value of armour etc. This can never stun nor can it generate strikes directly to EN or Specific Grievous Injuries. It increases to two rollup D10 damage at Rank 10 and three at Rank 20.
Even at very low levels, the number of creatures summoned is quite large. Attacks and magic that target individuals will be next to useless against the swarm. The stats of a typical member are given below:
PS: | 1 | MD: | None | AG: | 20 | MA: | None | EN: | 1 | FT: | 1 |
WP: | 10 | PC: | 15 | PB: | 12 | TMR: | 7 | NA: | 1 |
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Lands of Chaos | Magical | Calling | 15,000sp | ![]() |
Mind Crystal

This crystal weighs 10 oz and is about 15 cms long.
If it is inside the area of an ESP, Telepathy or overlapped by a Mind Speech spell, it will begin to glow. The brightness of the light will depend on the Rank of the spell. Treat the Rank of the light equal to the Rank of ESP, Telepathy or Mind Speech spell, less five.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Feralie | Magical | Reason | 9,000sp | ![]() |
Reserve Crystal

This crystal weighs 2 lbs and is large enough to fit in the palm of an adult's hand.
A Sorceror of the Mind may expend FT to charge the crystal, so that they may draw upon this reserve at a later time by holding it in the palm of their hand. The maximum amount of FT that the crystal can store is 17, the process taking about a minute per point of FT. Recovering from investing FT into the crystal is unusually taxing, FT recovering at only half the rate until fully recovered. If the crystal should hold a value which is not a prime, the reserve FT will fall to the next lowest prime value: i.e. 17=>13=>11=>7=>5=>3=>2=> empty.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Feralie | Magical | Reason | 18,000sp | ![]() |
Gremlich Disguise
This disguise has been made from leather, cloth and papier maché for a humanoid of size 6. It may be cut down to a smaller size by a Rank 6 Tailor or Seamstress who will charge 300 sp for each size reduced. It has a weight factor of 1.
If the wearer of this disguse is the target of a Disguise spell to make them appear like a Gremlich, then they will assume its actual physical form.
The creature has the following characteristics:
- Description
- Gremlichs appear as five to six foot high humanoids, but with horns and barbed tails. They tend to be wiry and muscular. Their skin may be blue, green, or purple, but is usually brown. They have yellow eyes, flecked with silver and their teeth (including prominent incisors) are made of silver.
- Comments
- Gremlichs are dangerous creatures in that they have a cruel sense of humour that they are not averse to visiting upon their enemies and even their friends. They may not be bound or forced to speak true, so there is no way to really control their actions. They will lie, steal, sow dissension, or play practical jokes (magical or non-magical) on average once per day.
- Abilities
- Gremlichs have no special abilities beyond their immunity to being bound or forced to speak true.
- Movement Rates
- Running: 350
PS: | 15 | MD: | 17 | AG: | 20 | MA: | Wearer's | EN: | 16 | FT: | Wearer's |
WP: | Wearer's | PC: | Wearer's | PB: | 4 | TMR: | 7 | NA: | 3 DP |
- Weapons
- Gremlichs usually attack with weapons but can use both their horn and poisonous tail. They may not wear armour. Poison from their tail occurs after effective damage.
- Horn: BC 20%, [D - 1], Close, Max. Rank 10.
- Tail: BC 30%, [D], Melee & Close, Max. Rank 9.
- Poison: 2 DP per pulse.
While the Disguise spell is running, the wearer's Aura will reveal the same information as if the wearer were actually a Gremlich, but this information will be a deception. Banishing while in the form of a Gremlich will not send them to Hell, but their GTN will appear to be 'Gremlich' and aura strength will be 'long-living sentient'.
Each natural weapon may be Ranked by spending the same Experience cost as for Unarmed Combat.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | New Terra | Formerly living | Masques | 9,000sp | ![]() |
Wand of Darkness
This wand is made of ebony and nightsilver, and weighs 8oz. It may be used in conjunction with the Investment Ritual to store Darkness spells. The Ritual may be performed upon the wand, even if it still contains charges, so long as the investment process does not take their number beyond 20. Investing the wand takes no more than 1 day per charge, unless it would otherwise take less, regardless of the Rank of the spell or the ritual.
Regardless of the way the spell is defined, when cast from the wand, Darkness manifests as a curtain:
- Range: 10ft (+10ft per Rank)
- Duration: 15 minutes x Rank (minimum 1)
- Target: Area
- Effects: Darkness is a curtain 20 feet high by 30 feet long. This area can be increased by 300 square feet and does not have to be uniform, nor does it need to be attached to a surface.
20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 |
10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Feralie | Formerly living | Darkness | 5,500sp | ![]() |
Book of Names
This heavy tome weighs 3 lbs. It is bound in a thin, cloudy glass-like material, apparently the hide of some creature which stalks the astral plane. It is filmy blue in colour and is translucent although the writing inside the covers cannot be made out.
An Individual True Name can be recorded in this tome to the limit of the owner's Rank in that Name. Doing this has implications for Naming Demons, although any summonable entity who benefits from Rank with respect to Individual True Names may also be affected at the DM's discretion. The Rank at which an ITN has been recorded into the tome reduces all Naming Demon's Rank in that ITN by a similar Rank + 1.
- If an ITN is recorded at Rank 17 in the tome, all Naming Demons will lose 18 Ranks in that ITN, if it is recorded at Rank 20, they will lose access to the ITN completely. It takes a day for each Rank to write the ITN into the tome, taking 3 half days to advance the ITN in the tome from Rank 17 to Rank 20, and they are considered Magical Training.
Should the ownership of the tome change to someone else, the ITNs in the book will fade to illegibility and once more become known to the Naming Demons (and others), although the page will have been used, and this is not retrievable.
There are 8 pages left in the tome:

ITN | Rank |
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Sparlainth | Formerly living | Naming Incantations | 24,000sp | ![]() |
Grizelda's Fetish Bag

This fetish bag weighs 8 oz, and must be worn openly to have an effect.
While it is so worn, Grizelda is somewhat luckier in certain areas. Whenever she must make a roll which is purely a stat roll, she may subtract 5 from the result of the percentile check.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Spirit | 8,000sp | ![]() |
Winter Skep

This skep has been woven from time-bent withes of winter and weighs 10 lbs whether it holds bees or not, and it can hold 1,000 bees.
Any bees inside it are always considered out of range of magic, and so may not be harmed by Fireballs, neither may they be Summoned, etc.
If it is held in any magic that reduces weight while leaving the volume untouched, the withes will immediately unravel. This applies to bags of holding, portable holes, Deep Pockets spells, or any similar magic. It does not apply where it or it's bearer have been reduced in size or transformed into something smaller.
The skep may be rebuilt by the arts of a Rank 6 Artisan Strawcrafter, which will take three full days.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Nualis | Formerly living | Winter | 4,750sp | ![]() |
Sundancer Veils

These light, silken veils weigh 12 oz, and may be worn over just about any clothing.
The wearer will be less subject to privations caused by the Sun. The wearer is considered to have the Talent Resist Temperature of the College of Sorceries of the Mind at Rank 0. However, this only applies where the terrain is hot, sunny and desert-like.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Nualis | Formerly living | Sundancer | 4,750sp | ![]() |
Rebirth Stone

This green stone with flecks of crimson weighs 1 lb.
It may be used to store a Resurrection from a Healer, which will cost them 1 permanent EN. It may be bought back in the usual way. The Rank of the Resurrection is the Rank of the Healer, and different Healers may store a Resurrection into the stone. Therefore, each charge must have the Rank recorded.
When the Rebirth Stone is to be used, the possessor places it against the body of the fallen, and spends an amount of FT equal to the Rank of the Resurrection, regardless of the actual cost of Resurrection. The operation takes at least as long as it would take a Healer normally.
Refer to 37.3 Healer, page 113 of the Rules to determine the base chances and effects. No bonuses or penalties from Aspect apply.
There are, at the moment, six empty slots and one charged slot.
Healer | Rank |
Sundancer | 15 |
Once each charged slot is used, it is gone, and may not be used again. After seven Resurrections, the stone will lose all enchantment and become a mundane rock.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Nualis | Magical | Summer | 15,750sp | ![]() |
Cloak of Displacement

This cloak is made of the fur of some magical beast, and weighs 3 lbs.
While it is being processed, it is elastic, and may be made to fit any single entity from size 3 to size 10. It may not be re-sized at a later time without destroying its magic.
It has these properties:
- The first attack against the wearer by an entity always misses, regardless of how well they succeeded. This is per entity, not per weapon.
- 5 is added to the Strike Check of anyone who attacks the wearer.
- 5 is added to the Cast Check of anyone who casts magic at the wearer. This does not affect magic which attacks the mind, personality or spirit, but does affect magic that attacks their body. Area of effect magic is similarly unaffected. Thus, Hellfire and Disruption would be affected, but not Dragonflames, Mental Attack, Knockout Gas etc.
Finally, once a day, resetting at midnight, the wearer may attempt to make an attempt at Stealth, even when in plain sight of observers. The following constraints apply:
- Their chance is equal to their (Stealth Base Chance - (3 x the best Perception of any observers))/2.
- While under the effects of this special cloaking, they may only move at 1/3 of their TMR (every three Pulses, they move their TMR). Moving faster than this automatically breaks the cloaking.
- The effects of this special cloaking last 12 Pulses (one minute).
- Casting magic or making an attack automatically break the cloaking.
While contact does not automatically break the cloaking, touching up people while concealed in this fashion is sure to raise the alarm.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Faerun | Formerly living | Displacement | 18,500sp | ![]() |

Meg is a very powerful female creature who is not human. She is either extremly long-lived or immortal, and can manifest effects which are most like an Elder version of the Wiccan College.
She is, herself, an Agent of a great Power of Primal Darkness, and it is believed that she can hear the plight of those who act on her behalf when this great Power deems it appropriate.
- She has
- great power over the elements, night and darkness
- middling power over plants, stones, Herbalism and Healing
- minor power over spirits, Alchemy and poisoning
Her strength is enormous, rivalling that of Titans. She can see in any degree of light or darkness and may cast magic while in contact with iron. She knows all C Class weapons to 1 greater than maximum Rank and many other weapons to their maximum Rank. She does not advance Missile weapons, aside from Sling, which is Rank 9.
While she will never acknowledge it publicly, she has great affection for rogues, and will often leave out troves of scrolls, potions and draughts for anyone cunning enough to avoid her traps.
Call Meg
Racial Talent
Exp. Mult.: 300
Base Chance: 20%
Effects: Grizeldea may, attempt to call her plight to Meg's attention and gain help, guidance or communication. The exact nature of the help rendered is at the GM's discretion, and may range from nothing, the casting of a benefiical spell, through to a full manifestation. The ability takes at least one Pulse to enact, and Grizelda may not engage in any other activity that requires verbalisation. For example, Grizelda could Call Meg whilst engaged in combat, but not while spellcasting.
The chance to Call increases by 10 if Grizelda is in an area of 60% Darkness or greater, caused by any source.
- In the past, Meg has
- Empowered healing magic to ressurrect the fallen.
- Called a lightning strike to inflict extremely high damage.
If Meg does not respond, Grizelda may try again the next Pulse. The Talent doesn't backfire directly but if the Call Check is in the range of a backfire, then Meg has become irritated with Grizelda and may choose not to respond at all or to respond with some display of that irritation.
If Grizelda has not Called Meg that season, Meg may, depending on the aid requested, require service or some token in exchange for her aid. She will consider the urgency and severity of Grizelda's needs, against how closely they align with the requirements of her great Power's aims, as she understands them.
The next time in that season that Meg responds to Grizelda's Call, then in addition to the costs outlined above, Grizelda will lose 1 point of EN permanently. This may be bought back in the usual way.
Note: This does not apply for each attempted Call, but for each Response from Meg.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | GM |
Horns of the North | Winter 811 | Alusia | Michael Young |
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 |
Copper Scroll: Plans for a House of Life

These plans show how to make a building containing resurrection chambers. All building must be completed within six months of the start as the scroll crumbles progressively, revealing the next step in construction until it is entirely reduced to dust.
Although those who are Death-aspected can build a resurrection chamber, they may never return to life by means of one, their spirit being drawn off to the Valley of Death.
The House itself is octagonal in shape, and must have a diameter equal to 10 feet per chamber and cost 500sp per ft of radius. It will take two weeks per chamber to construct. The time to build the House is reduced by one week per Rank of the most advanced Artisan: Mason and one week per Rank of the most advanced Artisan: Carpenter. The minimum time may be no less than a month.

Each chamber must be built by the hand of the intended user, and no particular Skill is required, the process happening magically to some degree (although still requiring the time and hard work of the user). It will take a month to build the chamber itself and cost 10,000sp in materials. Counter-intuitively, the more money spent on the appointments of the chamber, the faster it will be built. If an extra 1,000sp is spent on decorating it, the chamber will be completed in one less day. The time taken, however, can never be less than a week, although, of course, it can be made ever more beautiful.
Once completed, then the user may prepare the chamber to receive their spirit and regenerate their form should they be so unfortunate as to require it. The following conditions apply:
- The user must sacrifice 3 EN to the chamber. Once sacrificed, the EN are converted to points of their Aspect (the most unusual part, otherwise it will be the Element part).
- Subsequently, if they die, then their spirit will travel back to the House of Life, resurrecting uninjured a year and a day later unless they are resurrected earlier by other means.
- Obviously, the resurrectee's itemry will be lost unless other means supervene.
- In the event that the resurrectee has succumbed to a Dark Sphere (not a Light Sphere), then a number between 1 and 10 is nominated by the player, and a D10 is rolled. If the number is equal to a 1, 2, 3 or the one nominated, then they will be resurrected. Otherwise not.
- The place of death must be proximate to a plane that is proximate to a plane that is proximate to the location of the House of Life for the spirit to be able to find its way to the resurrection chamber.
- For example
- if the resurrectee dies on Tanuel, which is adjacent to the Astral, which is adjacent to the Abyss, which is adjacent to Alusia, then they are close enough to resurrect.
If this special resurrection is used, the House of Life and the chamber itself remains. However, until another 3 EN is sacrificed it is simply magical architecture.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Tanuel | Magical | Resurrection | Quest | ![]() |
The Swan of the Pavilions of Summer

This is the Individual True Name of a unique entity. There are only 21 Ranks available. In other words, every Rank this Name is raised by one individual, reduces someone else's Rank by the same amount amount.
However, if the Spell of Name Change is known, and their Rank in the Generic True Name 'Swan' is Ranked to 10 or higher, then they may assume this shape:
- The Swan of the Pavilions of Summer
- This creature is a swan with a wing span of 5 metres. Its feathers are shifting shades of blue and grey.
PS: | 12 | MD: | 15 | AG: | 18 | MA: | Adept's | EN: | 12 | FT: | Adept's |
WP: | Adept's | PC: | Adept's | PB: | 13 | TMR: | Special | NA: | Special |
- Weapons
- The swan can batter opponents with each wing in Extended (up to 1 hex away) or Melee Combat
- BC: 45%, D10+2 damage in the same Pulse, without penalty.
Wings inflict C Class injuries, and may be Ranked to 10 using the same Experience Point cost as Unarmed Combat
- Every 4 Ranks in this Name increases PS, MD, AG, EN and PB by 1. This stacks with bonuses for the Generic True Name of 'Swan'.
- The Protection value of the feathers is 2 (+1 per 4 Ranks in the Name).
- The shape provides 1 point of Damage Reduction against all known forms of damage for every 10 Ranks in the Name.
- The swan has a land TMR of 2, a swimming TMR of 2 and a flying TMR of 7. TMR is increasd by 1 per 4 Ranks in the Name. At Rank 20, the flying TMR becomes 16.
- The shade of the plumage may be subtly altered so that an attempt to use Stealth while in the air is feasible. This will not work against an observer who is above the Adept, however. The colour shifting property of the plumage is not unlimited so that in situations where there are dark storm clouds or the sky is a peculiar colour that is not in the blue to grey range, the DM may choose not to honour the results of a Stealth roll.
- The swan has the following flight properties:
- flying requires a clear space around the swan of about a hyper-megahex.
- the swan must maintain an airspeed equivalent to TMR 7 to avoid stalling and beginning to fall.
- maximum rate of climb is an angle of 45°, and each Pulse climbing like this costs 1 FT. Climbing at a rate of 1 hex per 2 horizontal hexes does not cost FT.
- the swan may ride a sky current at altitudes of 15 metres or higher, the current's direction can be determined at will. The movement rate is 880 yards per minute (30 mph), plus 30 yards per minute (+1 mph) for every Rank in the Name.
A Battleform may also be assumed and changing between this and the swan form

requires a Pass Action. Spectral blue swan's wings emerge from the Adept's back, passing through clothing and armour. The wings let the Adept fly at their normal TMR +1(+ another 1 per 5 Ranks). At Rank 20, the bonus to flying TMR is +10. These wings do not provide the Adept with a flying movement rate.
The Battleform provides 1 point of Damage Reduction against all known forms of damage for every 10 Ranks in the Name.
- The wings have the following flight properties
- flying requires a clear space around the Adept of about a hyper-megahex.
- the Adept must spend 1 FT at the beginning of every Pulse that they intend to fly.
- the Adept must maintain an airspeed equivalent to TMR 7 to avoid stalling and beginning to fall.
- maximum rate of climb is an angle of 45°, and each Pulse climbing like this costs an additional point of FT. Climbing at a rate of 1 hex per 2 horizontal hexes does not cost additional FT.
In addition, wings may be used to batter opponents in Extended (up to 1 hex away) or Melee Combat
- BC: 45%, D10+2 damage. Two wing attacks may be made without penalty unless the Adept is using other weapons, in which case only one wing attack is allowed.
Wings inflict C Class injuries, and may be Ranked to 10 using the same Experience Point cost as Unarmed Combat. They may Strike at spectral or insubstantial creatures and will not conduct a draining attack.
Adventure | Season | Value | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Quest |
Personal Ricochet
Experience Multiple: 150
Base Chance: 3 x EN + 3 x PC + 12 x Rank
Effects:The chance of executing the first bounce is the Base Chance listed above, subject to any penalties the DM believes are appropriate. This chance is halved for each subsequent bounce, x 1 for the first bounce, x 0.5 for second bounce, 0.25 for the third, and so on. The Adept's course is plotted before they execute it, and if any bounce fails, the entire attempt fails, potentially quite catastrophically, depending on the sadism of the DM (who is encouraged to be vindictive).
The Adepts movement rate with the Rebounding Spheroid is increased by 30 yards per minute per Rank in this Adventuring Skill (1 MPH per Rank).
Adventure | Season | Value | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Quest |
Glyph of Fire

This glyph takes 2 days to learn and costs 1,000 Experience. From then on, the Adept may reduce their Cast Chance with Ritual of Warding with Runes by 20 and introduce the property of fire into the ward, so that those who fail to resist it take Rank fire damage.
Adventure | Season | Value | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Quest |
Mental and Physical Fortitude
This character may advance their FT by 1 per Adventure or Season, whichever is less.
There is no upper limit to which their FT value can ascend.
This costs 3 EN which may be bought back in the usual way.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Spider Lore | Quest |
Dellith's Eye of Silver

Dellith's eye has been replaced by magically bound and enchanted quicksilver.
- It has the following properties
- It provides the normal function of an eye and so the Specific Grievous damage caused by the loss of the eye may be healed back. If Dellith sacrifices 1 EN to the eye (which may be bought back in the usual way), then the eye will become a part of her, and to some extent reflected in her ITN. If this is done, and she were to lose the eye again, it could be restored by the Arts of a Rank 10 Healer or similar means
- The eye allows Delllith to see past the enchantments and deceptions of devils and demons, whether they come from the Seventh Plane or some other, as yet unnamed, place. This is treated as a Talent, with an Experience Multipe of 150. The Rank of the eye is compared against the Rank of the concealment or illusion magic, and if it is the same or higher, then she may see them revealed for what they are. This works against Invisibility, Walking Unseen, Blending, Disguise Illusion or similar magic.
- The eye allows Dellith to ignore the effects of a spell that increases the Defence of her opponent if they are a devil or demon, whatever their plane of origin. The Base Chance is Perception (+5 per Rank) - the target's WP.
- The eye may be invested with a Silver Spray. This spell-like effect may be triggered by a Magical Fire Action and manifests as a shower of molten silver which will cover a conical volume 10 hexes long by 6 hexes wide at the base. Firearmour protects most entities and objects, except devils or demons, whatever their plane of origin. The eye is recharged by the arts of an Alchemist who knows how to make the Suspension of Water onto Fire and requires enough Hydrargyrum to cover a groat (300sp) per Rank. This is poured into Dellith's eys and a D10 is rolled. If the result is less than the Alchemist's Rank, the eye is charged with Silver Spray (which will glow but not brightly enough to read by) If the roll is the Alchemist's Rank or higher, the eye will be burnt up within a Pulse. Silver Spray inflicts 1 rollup D10 for every 2 Ranks of the Alchemist.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Alchemy | Quest |
Become the Sky

Ilmarinen can, once per season, Become the Sky.
He vanishes from his current position, reappearing in his original hex (he is displaced by solids but displaces fluids) an hour later.
While in this state, he may search the area from horizon to horizon (before he Became the Sky). He may look for anything which might be visible from the sky which is bigger than, say, a leg of mutton. His chance to find what he is looking for is equal to his PC (+4 per Rank in the Windspeak Ritual).
This special ability may only be used once per season.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Chaos | Quest |
Grizelda, may, at the cost of 1 Silence from her Heartblood, execute a spell or ritual that normally requires an Uttered component. Alternatively, she may use the Silence to subtract 20 from the result the DM rolls for her Stealth Check.
Whenever Grizelda's player refrains from saying something that might be distracting or unnecessary, then the DM may allow her to recover 1 Silence to the maximum of her heartblood's capacity. This depends greatly on the DM's generosity, who should not feel compelled to allow the recovery.
Should she be gathered by those learned in the arts of Alchemy, her heart blood may be harvested for 3 Silence. This capacity may be increased by 1 sacrificing 1 EN, which may be bought back in the usual way.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Lands of Chaos | Silence | Quest |
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Lands of Chaos |
Rebounding Spheroid
Range: Self
Duration: 30 minutes (+30 minutes/Ranks)
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion
Target: Entity
Effects: This spell infuses the Adept's body with telekinetic energies, and, at the same time, transforms their body so that they are more elastic and resilient. If they should fall while under the effects of this spell, then they reduce the distance fallen by Rank feet, and in any case the damage is no longer applied directly to EN. Instead, it is calculated as if it were standard physical damage. E.g., if the spell were Rank 15 and the Adept were falling from a height of 55 feet, then they would take ((55-15)/10)2=16 FT damage. A fall from 105 feet would generate ((105-15)/10)2=81 FT damage, which is likely to be lethal.
As a result of their increased elasticity, the Adept may assume the shape of a ball, and in this form, travel at an enhanced rate. Their movement rate will be 440 yards per minute (15 miles per hour) + 30 yards per minute (1 mile per hour) per Rank of the spell. TMR increases at a rate of 1 per 4 Ranks in the spell. If they choose to 'bounce', they jump 5 feet (+5 for every 3 or fraction Ranks) horizontally, or 5 feet (+5 for every 10 full Ranks) vertically. Folding into or out of a spherical shape is a Free Act and can be combined with any Action.
Finally, the Adept may, by the use of the Adventuring Skill, Personal Ricochet, increase their Strike Chance and Defence while executing a Charge attack. They must start the Pulse in the shape of a sphere to unfold in their normal form as they are ready to make an attack. This attack never attracts a penalty as a result of not having a weapon rated for charging prepared nor a bonus if they do. They must bounce off a number of different surfaces, each such bounce increasing their Strike Chance and Defence by +5. Subsequent bounces on the same surface do not count, the Adept must bounce off different ones. For example, they bounce off the floor (1) then the left-hand wall (2), the ceiling (3) and the right-hand wall (4) for a bonus to Strike Chance and Defence of +20. They could bounce off these surfaces again, provided they have the TMR, but they no longer contribute to the bonus.
This spell is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
This Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Sorceries of the Mind | Quest |
Pyrogenesis-Burning Figurine
Name: Burning Figurine
Spell: Pyrogenesis, Igniting Flammables
Effects: This incantation is cast upon a specially prepared animal figurine made of straw. A burning creature of the same kind as the figurine will grow to normal size or up to a mass of Rank x Rank lbs, whichever is less. If the Rank of the spell is insufficient for a normal creature of its type, then it will fail. It is able to understand the instructions of the Adept, and will willingly obey them, lasting for 4 + Rank Pulses before the fires finally consume it.
The Adept must devise the stats of the creature. They are the minimum for the creature chosen, + 1 for every 4 Ranks of the spell, even if this would take them over the maximum for the creature.
The Adept must create their own straw figurines, by means of the Artisan Skill-Strawcrafting. Only one 'special' figurine per Rank of the Skill may be created per season (0 at Rank 0, 10 at Rank 10). No animal may be repeated, each must be of a different, mundane, non-sentient creature.
Cost: 750 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT by 1
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Feralie | Meta magic | Quest |
Walking Unseen - Unremarkable Appearance
Name: Unremarkable Appearance
Spell: Walking Unseen
Effects: The target of this incantation of Walking Unseen is not concealed by the magic. However, they are less generally noticeable. This does not entitle them to use Stealth in plain sight, but it does mean that if the target does nothing to attract attention, anyone who has seen them but does not recognise them will have to Resist or forget that they saw them. This MR check is penalised by the Rank of the Walking Unseen spell. If an observer successfully resists, then they may well remember the target if asked.
The spell always fails if the target does anything that would attract attention to them like drawing weapons or preparing spells. So will whistling, dancing naked on tables, or generally behaving inappropriately to the situation as determined by the DM. Casual physical contact, on the other hand, will not cause the spell to fail.
Cost: 500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Feralie | Meta magic | Quest |
Walking Unseen - Minor Area of Effect
Name: Minor Area of Effect
Spell: Walking Unseen
Effects: This incantation of the Walking Unseen spell affects everyone that the Adept's can touch at the time they cast the spell. So long as each target of the incantation stays within one hex (a megahex around the Adept), they will be concealed as if a spell of Walking Unseen has been cast upon them all. Contact with other recipients of the spell will not cause the spell to fail, although contact with other entities will. In addition, all recipients of the spell can see each other.
Cost: 500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Feralie | Meta magic | Quest |
Mental Attack - Mind Blast
Name: Mind Blast
Spell: Mental Attack
Effects: This incantation of Mental Attack fills a volume that is 5 ft wide (+1 per Rank) and 15 ft long (+5 per Rank). Entities in the area are not knocked unconscious, but any who fail to resist find themselves confused and disorganised, and may not act until they have spent 1 Pass Action for every 3 or fraction Ranks. At Rank 20, this increases to a maximum of 8 Pass Actions. The incantation is still a Mental Attack, so Mind Shield provides the usual bonus.
If victims of this effect are attacked even if no damage is done, then they may Break 100: PC + WP + Sense Danger to recover their senses.
Cost: 1000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Feralie | Meta magic | Quest |
Levitation - Accelerated Lift
Name: Accelerated Lift
Spell: Levitation
Effects: This incantation of Levitation can target an object or entity weighing less than or equal to [10 x Rank2] lbs. This effect will last for the standard duration, but it will rise (or descend) at a rate of Rank hexes per Pulse.
Cost: 500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Feralie | Meta magic | Quest |
Rune Wall - Rune Bridge
Name: Rune Bridge
Spell: Rune Wall
Effects: This incantation of Rune Wall allows the Adept to create a surface which will support entities and objects up to a weight of 1,000 lbs (+ 500/Rank). The dimensions of the bridge are a square 10' by 10'. This may be increased at a rate of 3'/Rank, applied wholly or partially to either dimension. Dimensions which occupy less than a yard require 3 feet of measurement.
It is not a wall spell, and may not be used like one.
The bridge must be anchored at each end, otherwise it will dissipate.
Cost: 500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Feralie | Meta magic | Quest |
Telekinesis - Triple Strength
Spell: Telekinesis
Effects: Multiplies the amount lifted by the Adept's Telekinesis spell by three.
Cost: 750 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Levitation - Half-Spin Charm
Name: Half-Spin Charm
Spell: Levitation
Effects: This incantation has a duration of Immediate (during Pulse) and it may be cast upon an object or entity. A fixed point, which must be anchored to a surface, must be chosen by the Adept.
Any unsecured object or entity which is less than half their Rank long in feet in every dimension will move swiftly through a semi-circular arc to impact heavily on a surface, if there is one there. The distance between the target and the fixed point is equal to the Rank of Levitation in feet. very large objects not being moved very far.
- To calculate the damage
- 1 Determine the length of the arc that the target travels through (multiply the distance between the fixed point and the target by 2, and multiply the product by 1.5).
- 2 Divide that product by 10, and truncate all fractions.
- 3 Square the result.
Sentient targets of this spell are entitled to Break 100 + 3 x AG to halve this damage. This does not obviate their Magic Resistance, they are entitled to both.
If the target cannot move through the entirety of the arc because there are obstructions (the roof is not high enough, for example, if they are falling onto spikes 10 feet high, this unfortunate but not obstructive), then the spell will fail. In general, the target must be able to move more than 50% of the arc described, the DM reducing damage as makes the best sense to them.
The direction of the half-spin is determined by the Adept at the time of casting, and can be towards them, left to right, right to left, away from them or any direction in between.
Cost: 750 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT by 2
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Nualis | Meta magic | Quest |
Shroud of Darkness (Replaces S-5 Shadow Wings)
Range: Self
Duration:30 minutes + 30 minutes per Rank
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 30%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion
Target: Sentient Entity
Effects:The Adept is wrapped in a shroud of darkness that will enhance their mobility in two ways:
- 1 When the Adept is in an area of 60% darkness or greater, they can direct ragged, tenebrous tentacles to attach themselves to a surface. By drawing themselves to such an anchoring point, they may increase their tactical movement.
- A reservoir of special movement is created. 1 hex of movement is committed to the reservoir for every Rank in this spell. However, a maximum of 1 hex per 3 or fraction Ranks may be spent in any single Pulse. This special movement may be added to another movement or Pass Action.
- Once exhausted, this reservoir refreshes at midnight.
- 2 The shroud will carry the target, and anything that the target can carry, at any speed up to 30 (+1 / Rank) miles per hour. (NB : 1 mph approximately 1.5' / sec = 1.5 hexes / pulse. The shroud covers an area of 30' and is insubstantial. In most cases, the shroud must be fully extended before flight may be attempted. If it comes into contact with an object it will collapse until it can extend itself unhindered (e.g. 30' of open ground is usually necessary in order to start using them). Note that normal precipitation (i.e. rain, mist, snow and hail) will not cause the shroud to cease functioning. The shroud will become become invisible or unseen if the wearer does, but extending the shroud will cause such spells to end. The shroud is clearly visible during the day and barely visible at night or in areas of 60% darkness or greater. Only sentient creatures can control the shroud.
- Since the shroud is made of darkness, it is clearly insubstantial and hence can be worn in confined spaces. It will only bear a humanoid creature of a size less than or equal to 3 hexes. For the purposes of determining Encumbrance in flight, the Adept's Rank in this spell is used in the place of PS, unless their PS is less, in which case PS is used.
This spell replaces S-5 Shadow Wings and is exclusive to it. If this spell is known, and an attempt is made to learn Shadow Wings, the Adept will lose all Rank with this spell and must begin Ranking the spell anew.
This spell is not teachable to others.
Adventure | Season | Value | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Quest |
Solid Darkness
Range: 5 feet (+5 ft per Rank)
Duration:15 minutes + 15 minutes per Rank
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 15%
Resist: None
Storage: Special
Target: Volume
Effects: The Adept may create 25 cubic feet of solid darkness (+ 25 / Rank) in any shape or shapes of the Adept's choosing. Any dimension that is less than 1 foot is considered to be 1 foot for the purposes of
computing volume. The bones always appear entirely within range of the Adept and may not appear on top of, or inside (partially or wholly), any entity. The
bones become increasingly strong with higher Rank:
Rank | Strength |
0-5 | Leather |
6-10 | Wood |
11-15 | Bronze |
16-20 | Iron |
Any part of such a construct will dissipate if it falls into the volume of a Light spell of equal or greater Rank.
This spell is not teachable to others.
Adventure | Season | Value | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Quest |
Lightning Bolt (S 10) v 1.1
Range: 60 feet
Duration: Immediate
Experience Multiple: 225
Base Chance: 30%
Resist: Active, Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Entity, Object
Effects: The Adept may cause lightning to arc between two or more nodes. The Adept has two nodes at Rank 0, themself and another. At Rank 10, they gain 1 more, and a 4th at Rank 20. Nodes that are within 10 feet of each other dissipate. All nodes and arcs must be within range. The Adept must be able to see the nodes, but not necessarily the path the arc might travel along. So, for example, they may put nodes on either side of a wall of stone to catch those cowering behind it.
The Adept must use 2 nodes, but does not have to use any more than that.
All targets that are in the path of the arc must resist or suffer [D + 5] (+1/3 Ranks) damage (save for half damage). In addition, any target who fails to resist is automatically stunned.
This spell is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Nature of Magic | College of Magic | Value | GM |
This Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Tanuel | Fulmination | College of Air Magic | Quest |
Spell of Name Change

Range: Self
Duration: Conc. Max 30 minutes + 30 minutes per Rank
Experience Multiple: 275
Base Chance: 1 %
Resist: None
Storage: Potion
Target: Sentient Entity
Effects: The Adept assumes the form or seeming of something whose Name they have Ranked.
If they wish to assume a physical form, then they must have at least Rank 10 in its GTN. When they transform they acquire the lowest value of the creature's physical stats: PS, MD, AG, PB and EN. They retain their own MA, WP, FT and PC. For every 2 Ranks in the GTN in excess of 10 they may add 1 to the form's physical stats.The Adept may not transform into a fantastical or sentient creature, nor one that weighs less than a few ounces (about the size of a mouse) nor more than 1000lbs (up to a large bull, but not a fully grown ox).
The cost to transform themselves is 12 FT - 1 per 2 Ranks in the spell.
They may assume the seeming of anything whose GTN they know. This will engage all of the usual senses. The size of the seeming can be no more than 1 hex per 3 or fraction Ranks in the Name. It is much harder to make a seeming that is smaller, however. If the Adept has Rank 10 in a Name, they can take the seeming of something half their size, one quarter their size at Rank 20.
The limits on a seeming are much less constrained than for a transformation.However, the appearance of a particular entity can be assumed only if their Individual True Name is known. In addition, the spell can only be sustained for either 30 minutes + 30 minutes per Rank of the spell or 10 minutes + 10 minutes per Rank of the ITN, whichever is lowest.
Each time an observer has reason to question the seeming, then they are allowed a Magic Resistance versus Namer Special Knowlege magic. The roll is penalised by the Rank of the Name used, but the observers gain a bonus to MR of their PC. If they fail this roll, but subsequently have reason to doubt the seeming again, they may make another roll. If they resist, they are undeceived.
Seemings never inflict any damage. Indeed, physical contact sharp enough to require a Strike Check will cause the seeming to dissipate.
The cost to change their appearance is 6 FT - 1 per 4 Ranks in the spell.
This spell is not teachable to others.
Adventure | Season | Value | GM |
Quintessence of Dust | Spring 811 | Quest |