Examples and discussion

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Given the apparent disparity in loots give out I thought a positive way to address this would be a greater sharing of ideas. Ive put together a list of items for people to both comment on and add to.

Please do not place items written by other GMs to this list without checking with them first. See talk

I believe a constructive way to use the example page would be to

1.Consider the level of the item. Add items you think are appropriate for various levels.

2.Put up items you think are well/poorly written. Why? What can we learn?

3.Share any gotchas or loopholes you've found. Save future GMs from suffering!

The dont even need to be existing items, make them up!

Some keen wiki person should sort these by level.

Emerald Moss Potion


Portals III

Level Medium

Emerald Moss Potion

Plane of Origin: Khoras
Nature of Magic: None
Physical Appearance: This herbal potion is contained in a ceramic potion bottle, glazed green and carved with an apothecary's mark.
Dimensions: The potion bottle is 3 inches high and 2 inches in diameter.
Weight: 1/2 lb
Effects: This herbal potion cures the imbiber of HALF of their currently lost fatigue and endurance damage (round fractions down). A second similar potion heals half of the remainder and so on, ad infinitum...
Cost: 500 sp JP Smith Autumn 804

A well written item and balanced item. As a 20pt healing potion is valued at 1000sp, I would value this higher ~5000sp. - terry
I would probably put it in as 1000, but 500 is ok. I presume it doesn't restore spell fatigue. That should probably be mentioned but all in all an excellent 'healing potion' mechanic. Mandos 13:24, 20 Sep 2006 (NZST)
So this will heal EN and FT independently, rather than EN then FT? It is possible to interpret as "work out the amount of damage to be fixed as (EN lost/2 + FT lost/2), but fix all EN before fixing FT". I think the first is what is intended.

It's unlikely that this will heal less points than a 20pt HP (and generally in a more useful way), I would have thought that 1,000sp would be nearer the mark, but no biggie.

Siren's Prize


Portals III

Level Medium

Siren's Prize
Plane of Origin: Kalamar Nature of Magic: Enhancement Physical Appearance: The Siren's Prize is a large pearl of magnificent, milky white beauty. Dimensions: The pearl is ½ inch in diameter. Weight: Negligible Effects: If possessed for a month or longer, its owner will gain the benefits of a +2 increase to both Magical Aptitude and Willpower (which may exceed both personal and racial maximums). Once the abilities are gained, then after that time if the Siren's Prize parts with its owner for longer than 24 hours, then both Magical Aptitude and Willpower will drop to 8 permanently, remove curse or any other means (including a wish, miracle, act of power, or regaining the pearl) notwithstanding. The only way to increase those statistics once the possessor loses the Siren's Prize is to be reunited with the pearl and have it remain in possession. After a month, the statistics will begin returning to normal at a rate of one point per month each. Cost: 20000 sp JP Smith Autumn 805

Increating stats, particularly above racial max, is very tough. The downside is very damaging. - terry

What happens if the Pearl is destroyed? Does it leave the previous possessor crippled or does the effect go away? Mandos 10:40, 18 Sep 2006 (NZST)

Ashen Steel hand and a half sword


Into the Valley

Level Medium

Ashen Steel hand and a half sword
This hand and a half sword is made from an incredibly hard and durable dull grey steel. The hand grip is bound with a dark grey material of indeterminate nature. It is very simple design yet has been made extremely well (Rank 16 weaponsmith).
The weapon grants the wielder a number of benefits:

  • +16 to strike chance – this is due to the weaponsmith rank and maybe augmented by spells.
  • The weapon is able to strike any creature that is living, dead, undead or associated to a power (darkness, light or neutral) regardless of their state i.e. whether they are corporeal or not. E.G. it can hit spectres, people in gaseous form or in other non-corporeal states.
  • If the weapon is used to kill or destroy an entity (i.e. MA 0 or greater) then the wielder will receive -10 to all dice rolls associated with the wielding the weapon for 6 pulses. This duration will be reset with each new death. The dice modifier only applies to actions directly involving the weapon e.g. attempting to strike something.
  • The weapon will not suffer damage due to fumbles, breaks, overstrengthing or other 'natural' causes.
  • No shadow is cast by the sword regardless of the lighting conditions.
  • If the weapon is held by a Power or an entity that is pacted to or associated with a power (light, dark or otherwise) none of the swords abilities will function and the entity will take a D10 damage every pulse.

Weight 4lbs
Plane of Origin: Valley of Death
Aura: Magical
Nature of Magic: Enhancement
Value 7500sp Magically Trapped/warded/cursed: No
GM Callum

A well written item. I would price this higher - terry

Bone Bracer


Into the Valley

Level Medium

Bone bracer (Right arm)
This finely constructed bracer is made from a dull grey steel inset with bone it is made for the right arm. When placed on a person's bare forearm it will mold itself to the arm securely attaching itself. This will permanently reduce the wearers EN by 1 point that can only be bought back (2500 EP) once the bracer is removed. The bracer maybe safely removed on the death of the wearer or by a rank 6 healer spending 4 hours. If the bracer is removed in a rush it will cause 3D10 EN damage to the wearer. Once in place the bracer will prevent the wearer from being stunned unless they receive more than 25pts of damage from a single blow.
Weight 0.5lbs
Plane of Origin: Valley of Death
Aura: Magical
Nature of Magic: Fortitude.
Value 2500sp
Magically Trapped/warded/cursed: No
GM Callum

A well written item. - terry



Little Ragnarok

Level Med ???

Magical Claymore. Tyrfing (lit. Tim's thing) has a golden hilt, and shines and gleams like fire. It will never miss a stroke, will never rust, and will cut through stone and iron as easily as through clothes. It will kill a man in each battle it is used, and it is doomed to kill each of its wielders.
When using this weapon, a completely unmodified percentile roll is made. As the curse is a blood-doom, no effects allowing die modifications, re-rolls, avoidance of circumstances, time magicks or any other mechanism for avoiding a single honest dice-roll is allowed. This includes Lesser enchantments, Aspects and any normal or extraordinary effect. The opponent's defence is also ignored.
01-05 Tyrfing will automatically kill a normal foe. Extra large or extremely magical foes will at least be crippled in some dramatic manner.
06-90 Tyrfing will hit the foe for D+8 damage, ignoring all mundane armour & cover.
91-97 Tyrfing will hit the wielder for D+8 damage, ignoring all mundane armour.
98-00 Tyrfing will automatically kill the wielder.
The damage inflicted is with no further modifications due to strength, skill, magic or other circumstances.
If a fight ends before Tyrfing has killed, none of the wounds inflicted by Tyrfing will heal, regardless of the power of healing or miracles, until someone dies from their wounds.
Any Divine-level magic used to deliberately avoid any part of Tyrfing's doom on its wielder will result in the immediate death of its wielder.
This sword may not be disposed of, given away, sold or lent except while the owner is dead due to Tyrfing. No owner will willingly part with it.
Provenance: Svafrlami, king of Gardariki and grandson of Owen, trapped the Nilfs Dvalin and Durin, and forced them to forge Tyrfing. Svafrlami was killed by the berserker Arngrimm, who was in turn killed by Angantyr. Angantyr and his eleven brothers were all slain by the champion Hjalmar and his blood brother Orver-Odd, but Hjalmar died of his wounds. Tim the Vain then killed Orver-Odd and claimed Tyrfing.
When Fenrir Ulfr was leashed with the unbreakable bond Gleipnir, Tim placed his hand in the giant wolf's mouth as surety of release, but kept hold of Tyrfing to prevent temptation. After discovering Gleipnir could not be broken, Fenrir bit off Tim's hand, impaling himself on Tyrfing in the process. Some centuries later, when Fenrir broke free of Gleipnir, Tyrfing was extracted by his descendant Jason Moon-stalker. It was presented to a Guild party in part payment for helping free Fenrir so he could destroy the world, and because no Jotun would want it. Tyrfing will be known by anyone with knowledge of Norse sagas, and any agents of the Norse gods or similar forces.
Guild Valuation: 30,000sp
Weight: 5 pounds
GM: Andrew Withy


Great writeup.- terry

Bucket of Carrying


Little Ragnarok

Level Med ???

Bucket of Carrying
This four-gallon canvas bucket with a folding frame of willow branches is bigger on the inside than the outside. It can be used for carrying vast quantities of non-magical liquids.
For mundane liquids:

  • The empty bucket weighs 1 pound.
  • Each pint up to 1 gallon (8 pints) will weigh one pound.
  • Each additional gallon up to 10 gallons will weigh one pound.
  • Each additional ten gallons up to 100 gallons will weigh one pound.
  • Each additional hundred gallons up to 1000 gallons will weigh one pound.
  • The bucket will not hold more than 1000 gallons of liquid.

Thus the bucket containing 1000 gallons will weigh only 36 pounds. However it may take a long time to fill or empty it. Strongly magical or living liquids will weigh their normal amount, and the bucket will not hold more than 4 gallons. Provenance: Unknown, though undoubtedly of Nilf manufacture. Used in the kitchens of Ashgird since time immemorial. Presented to the guild party as part payment for warning the Ash of the Jotan invasion starting Ragnarok This bucket will be known by anyone with knowledge of Norse cooking, and any servants of the Norse gods or similar forces.
Guild Valuation: 8,000sp
Weight: 1 pound (empty)
GM: Andrew Withy


Great writeup.- terry

Waters of Relaxation


Loot from Insel der Freiheit -

Level Med ???

Waters of Relaxation
This is a 2pint skin filled with water. This water makes it easier for Mages to cast. It provides high mana for 1 spell per dose consumed. A dose is 1/3 pint. Multiple doses may be consumed up to a maximum of 2 pints. The effect will increase exponentially as per the table below.
After the last spell enhanced in this way has been cast the adept will lose 1 pt from all stats each pulse until they fall asleep. If any stat reaches 0 the adept will fall asleep immediately. This sleep is the same as a Rk 10 sleep, but it cannot be countered with counter-spells or healing magic's. The duration of this sleep varies as per the table below.

Doses consumed Number of spells that may be cast Duration of Sleep
1 1 2 hours
2 4 8 hours
3 9 18 hours
4 16 32 hours
5 25 50 hours
6 36 72 hours

Doses: 1 2 3 4 5 6
GM Mandos
Value: 200sp /dose (1200sp)
Weight: 2.75lbs including container.
Aura: Magical
Plane of Origin: Alusia
Nature of the Magic: Relaxation
College: No Answer
Magically Trapped/Warded/Cursed: No
Best Before Date: This water will lose it's potency on the 1st of Breeze 809WK


Nice writeup.- terry

Potion of Animal Growth


Loot from Insel der Freiheit -

Level Med ???

Potion of Animal Growth
This potion when consumed will act as a Rk 10 Animal Growth doubling all physical stats for 2 hours, it also acts as a troll-skin for the duration of the potion.
GM Mandos
Value: 2000sp
Aura: Magical
Plane of Origin: Alusia
Nature of the Magic: Enhancement
College: No Answer
Magically Trapped/Warded/Cursed: No


Replicates an existing spell, providing stat changes that are lacking in the spell description. The addition of the trollskin prevents the death of the animal. Nice writeup.- terry

Blessing of the Heart

Game Lurking Evil
Level Medium

Blessing of the Heart
If Jet is standing in the light of the rising sun they may choose to completely heal any one injury.
Charges: 5 4 3 2 1
Nature of Magic Healing GM Terry Spencer

What was it valued at Terry? Mandos 13:32, 20 Sep 2006 (NZST)
I didnt value this. Im open to suggestions. - Terry
Will this regenerate lost limbs, or simple heal the remaining stump? You have not put this heal or injury in contex to DQ, so this may lead to a wide range of interpatations from GMs. I take it since you have said heal and not regenerate that this will heal the stump. You say injury and do not say damage anywhere so I take it Jet would be able to heal lost attributes, that would have recovered with time? (say drained Willpower) Is this your intention?

--Jono Bean 19:45, 22 Sep 2006 (NZST)

My interpretation would be that it heals one Spec. As they are Specific Grevious Injuries. The term isn't used elsewhere. I would assume it would remove all damage and effects of one Spec Grev. It will most likely save a healer 12-30 hours worth of work to fix. I would probably value it at around 15,000sp (3000sp/charge).Mandos

Pearl of Health

Game Lurking Evil
Level Medium

Pearl of Health
If swallowed the pearl will bestow the following benefits for the following week:
· All healing effect at higher ranks (5 for skills, 10 for magic)
· Will not bleed
· +50% to resist infection
Weight: 0 lb
Aura: Magical
Nature of Magic: Healing
GM: Terry Spencer

Terry. If a character swallows the pearl does it affect the healing performed on the character or by the character? Mandos 10:33, 18 Sep 2006 (NZST)
Well spotted, that isnt clear. It effects healing recieved.

i.e. when a rank 3 healing ability is used on the target make calculations as if they were rank 8. (it doesnt make the r3 healing rank 8, they cant resurrect the target) a rank 5 healing spell have the effect of rank 15.

Suggested re-word

This item enhances any healing performed upon the entity who swallows it for 1 week.
Anyone using Healer abilities may calculate their base chances, times, amounts healed etc as if they were 5 ranks higher (may go above 10). This does not bestow any additional abilities gained at higher ranks to the healer.
Any spell magics will take effect as if 10 ranks higher. This gives no benefits to the caster in terms of cast chance. Mandos

Is the item destoyed or does it pass to be used again like others I've heard off Michael

Amulet of Hora

Game A timely Ghost
Level High
Description Amulet of Hora

These amulets are small and intricately made hourglasses 1 inch long edged with true-silver and gold. Instead of sand they have a small pool of liquid star-silver.

The amulet is tied to XXXXX and may only be used by them. Each High Holiday the amulet will store 5 seconds of time which may be used at whim by XXXXX. When activated all time will stop for everyone else and XXXXX may use the pulses stored within the amulet to take actions. These actions are restricted only in that XXXXX may not make contact with any other living creature while they are outside time.

Alternately the time stored may be used to take the users physical state back a number of pulses returning them to how they were that many pulses ago.Should the user die and the amulet is charged, the amulet will automatically discharge all time stored in this fashion.

GM Mandos
Value: 30000sp
Aura: Magical
Plane of Origin: Allusia
Nature of the Magic: Storage
College: No Answer
Magically Trapped/Warded/Cursed: No

Having had a thorny problem solved by what I believe to be this item, I am grateful for its existance. When you say "may not make contact" do you mean "can not"? Or does the effect wear off if the user contacts a living creature? What is contact? What is a living creature? Swarm of bees, Swarm of undead, Swarm of undead bees? Greg G
I explained this bit verbally to the players that received them :-) I wanted the leave the judgment for that in the hands of the GM. This is why I didn't explain what would happen if you did touch something. The idea being that most possible abuses or conundrums would be caused by touching living creatures and the GM is able to see how the item is being abused and can apply punishment as they see fit at the time. If I tried to detail it all the item would be twenty pages long and complex legalese. Best to leave it clear in terms of intention and leave interpretation to the GM at the time. Mandos 11:20, 19 Sep 2006 (NZST)
Eexcellent... (taps fingers together :-) ) Greg G

Piercing of Permanence

Game The Scary Door
Level Extreme
Description Piercing of Permanence

These metallic barbs may be pierced through the flesh of an entity to make one non-permanent spell or ritual permanent. This will affect any spell/ritual that has an effect on a single target entity and has a normal duration of more than one hour. Only one piercing may be worn by a living entity however those of an undead persuasion may use as many as they wish. The ritual will dissipate as soon as the piercing is removed. The piercing also drains life force to maintain the ritual and so the user's maximum endurance is reduced by 3 while the piercing is in effect.

GM Mandos
Value: 40000sp
Aura: Formally Magical
Plane of Origin: Haven
Nature of the Magic: Suspension
College: Shaper
Magically Trapped/Warded/Cursed: Yes

Is it resistable? Greg G
I had not considered the possibility of people attaching them to unwilling victims. So no it isn't. An unwilling victim can simply remove it anyway unless they had their will bound or similar. Mandos 10:52, 19 Sep 2006 (NZST)
So binding will/enchanted sleep/mental attack/ agony??? etc would be permanent on an unwilling victim? Still, at 40,000 it's not cheap. Greg G
Until they pull it out. After all it doesn't require anything special to remove it. Mandos 11:20, 19 Sep 2006 (NZST)

Estoc of Stat Swap

Game ?? 10+ years ago
Level Medium?

ESTOC Wgt: 2lbs BC:50% DM +7
This Estoc is Enchanted to provide an additional +5% to BC and +2 Damage. The bearer of this sword receives:

+1 PS
+1 EN
+2 FT
-8 MA (min result 0)

Should this reduce their MA to 0 they will be stunned until the weapon is released, normal stun recovery thereafter. MA is recovered a 2 MA per full hour.
Value: 15,600sp
Aura: Magical
College: N/A
Nature of Magic: Enhancement
GM Jono Bean

This weapon suited Darien at the time wonderfully. He had/has lots of spare MA, and for some time gave him an extra DP required to stun. Destroyed in a magical conflagaration in a magical forest ~3 years ago --Errol 23:26, 19 Sep 2006 (NZST)
Nice item, well balanced and a good clear description of the downside. I like it. If anything I would value it a bit lower but it a cool weapon. Mandos 13:38, 20 Sep 2006 (NZST)

Aquilan Estoc

Game Orb of the Western King '93
Level Medium?

This is an extremely well crafted magical estoc. It is inset with two rubies and has an inset marble hilt-piece engraved with an Aquilian baronial coat of arms on it. It is also heavy, weighing 4 pounds. (rank 6 weaponsmith DM +1, BC + 1%, magic DM +1 BC +6%) total DM +2, BC +7%
Value: 16,000sp
GM Alistair Ramsden

I've managed to avoid taking this anywhere where the arms on it would be an embarrassment (or have had an Illusionist), and only used it to bluff being a minor noble once (off-plane) --Errol 23:26, 19 Sep 2006 (NZST)
Wow Alastair items are pricey. Mandos 13:38, 20 Sep 2006 (NZST)
But look, pretty stones! :-) I was young and inexperienced at the time of bought it, as well as (obviously) flush, especially for a Low character. To add insult to injury, I got the Stat swap one shortly afterwards, and left this one in the cupboard until the other one got slagged.--Errol 14:01, 20 Sep 2006 (NZST)

Depraved Ring of the Gigolo

Game The Lunar Winter Games -
Level High
Description WGT: 2 oz Value: 5,000sp

This small magical ring is made from gold, and pure silver, with red stone set on the top with delicate support work as a band around the set stone.
This ring when worn gives the following benefits if they have had sex with;
A person within the last 24 hours (stats cannot go above personal maximums):

+1 PS, +1 MD, +2 EN, +2 Ft and +5 IV

Two different people of the same family within the last 24 hours (stats can go above personal maximums):

+3 PS, +3 MD, +5 EN, +5 Ft and +10 IV

Three different people of the same family within the last 72 hours (stats can go above racial maximums):

+5 PS, +5 MD, +8 EN, +10 Ft, +20 IV, and +10 MR

The wearer also gains +10% resistance to diseases and/or illness that they could have contracted from these liaisons. They are also 50% less fertile than a normal person, but if a child is conceived then the unborn child will gain the appropriate 'stat bonus' as listed above (except for the IV and MR), as a blessing on unborn child. GM: William Johnson-Dymock, Jon McSpadden, Jono Bean (ph 828 2959)
Aura: Magical
Plane of Origin: Alusia
Nature of Magic: Enhancement/Draining magic
Magically Trapped/warded/cursed: No
Game: Lunar Empires Winter Games 806

We play in a world that has slaves and brothels. With some research/effort I can see no reason to not allow the max bonus to always be gained. Easy achievable stat bonus are not desirable in the game. Additionally MD provides a XP discount to some skills, so the item allows free XP, another feature not desirable in the game. terry
Such stat bonuses are not usable for training purposes e.g. You cannot use the various standard magical means of increasing PS to give you the stats to rank a weapon that you don't have the natural PS for. Stat bonuses only count for training if the write-up specifically says they do. (Hmmm, is this written down as a rule anywhere?)--Errol 10:16, 18 Sep 2006 (NZST)
Yes and no.

Only your natural stats count for XP discounts (unless explicitly stated otherwise in the item) - probably not in the rules but reasonable and well established.

But using stat boosting items and spells to rank weapons you cannot normally use does happen and is accepted - you just need to make sure you pay the associated costs in time/money/favours/backfires/... -- Stephen 10:27, 18 Sep 2006 (NZST)

Darn, another example of why these rulings should be written down (Yay Wiki!)--Errol 10:44, 18 Sep 2006 (NZST)
With some research/effort I can see no reason to not allow the max bonus to always be gained.

This will of course be up to the GM of the game being played in. In the Alusia I play and GM in, brothels with three members of the same family working there are not a dime a dozen and cannot be assumed to be available.
I think the amount of benefit gained would be psychologically addictive, you get to have sex and feel great afterwards!!!
A sufficiently wealthy character with loose morals could probably find a family in a town willing to be used for sufficient money. This is GM controlled and would normally require the situation to be played, sometimes with consequences.
A sufficiently immoral character could force themselves on a family in every village/hamlet they find to maintain the buzz. Most guild parties would put a stop to this fairly promptly and a good GM would introduce consequences which could quite reasonably included being handed over to the local law by the guild.
It is a potentially powerful item which will tempt abuse and that abuse will have consequences.
I look forward to playing with the temptation and seeing where that leads Aryan. If it turns out to be problematic then I am quite happy to review its effects with Jono and any other involved GMs.
-- Stephen 12:40, 21 Sep 2006 (NZST)

If the rules not written down then its quite likely a new player/GM to ignore it, and possible that older player make forget. I can recall multiple instances of experienced players, within various gaming systems, not agreeing on the unwritten rules. Theyre reasonable and rational players that have forgotten/misremember the rule. Only recently a clarification was required for shadowform as some players were stacking this with other defense spells.


Why do I think its reasonable?

We play with diverse cultures. Polygamy is alive an well in todays culture, the King of Swaziland has 15 wives. Its wouldnt be difficult to find a culture that support multiple wives and make an arrangement for your character. We play in a medieval world. Many instances in literature have the wealth price/merchant/whatever sweeping a peasant girl off her feet with his wealth. Many instances of multiple mistresses. Sure a brothel with three sisters is difficult, but once you've found one prop them a pile of cash and have them on tap.

According to the players guide it costs 6sp/night for a wealth private room 3sp/night for a large meal x 3 meal/day So thats just over 3K to main someone for a year x 3 = 10K year. Not a lot of money for an experienced adventurer.

As I said with effort/research I think its reasonable to do this. I would let a player establish this and provide them a write for the next GM. As a player Id always use it as a power up before the large fight I was aware preparing for. It can be setup/used regularly without any 'immoral' acts. The only downside is cost money.


Sawn off Falchion

Level High

This Falchion appears to have been pared down from a few feet in length to only one. It is formed of a darkened non ferrous metal. Elven runes reading "Last Chance" are etched into the blade. The weight of the weapon is one third that of a regular weapon. It still does the same amount of damage as a regular falchion. It still performs as if still weighted and balanced as per a full length blade. In addition it gives the user an extra ability to defend themselves. If the user is evading then they will always have a 5% chance of deflecting an incoming blow. ie: even if the attacker gets a successful strike the user may roll to avoid the blow. For each rank in warrior or assassin (but not both) the user may add 1 % to this chance. This will not stack with a weapon spell that enhances strike chance.
Value: 4,000sp
GM Greg Graydon

This was left over loot from a recent game I gmed. Total spoils for the party was 3,800 sp each Greg G

Sawn off Scimitar

Level High

This Scimitar appears to have been pared down from a few feet in length to only one. It is formed of a darkened non ferrous metal. Elven runes reading "First Chance" are etched into the blade. The weight of the weapon is one third that of a regular weapon. It still does the same amount of damage as a regular Scimitar. It still performs as if still weighted and balanced as per a full length blade. In addition it adds 5% to the users Strike chance regardless of the targets defence. ie: SC is never reduced below 5%. For each rank in warrior or assassin (but not both) the user may add 1 % to this chance. This will not stack with a weapon spell that enhances strike chance.
Value: 8,500sp
GM Greg Graydon

This was left over loot from a recent game I gmed. Total spoils for the party was 3,800 sp each Greg G

Fira Armour


Football of Purple Summer 801

Level Med

This Rank-10 armour consists of almost skin-tight soft leather made from Ugly-sheep (the texture of chamois) dyed black; the inside of the armour over the main body, as far as the upper thigh & upper arm, is lined with soft fur. Immediately over this armour is a metallic superstructure of a toughened Silver-Bronze alloy in a rococo design of flame-like curlicues and spirils [No penalty to casting]. There is a matching fur-lined helmet, crown-like in appearance, which leaves the face fully open but securely protects the top & back of the head. An almost impossibly unbreakable Cabochon garnet is set in the rim of the forehead. Besides sheer artistry of design, the Rank-10 armourer has gone into hardening the superstructure (+1 prot) & making it less restrictive (+1 AG). It has been fitted to the wearer, but may be adapted to a humanoid of approximately the same size by a Rank-10 armourer.
Thus the armour has:

Net Weight factor of 4
Protection of 3 vs A-Class weapons, otherwise 6 points
Agility penalty of 0
Stealth factor of 0

Should it be damaged it must be repaired by a Rank-10 armourer, or be temporarily down-graded. The armour is effectively non-magical (hence may have appropriate spells cast on it). However the Garnet allows the wearer to subtract 10 of the actual dice-roll (combinable with life/death aspect; but not Lesser Enchantment; doesn't affect a roll of 00) when resisting any Necromantic spell or ritual.

Guild Valuation: 14,400sp
GM: Michael Parkinson


Ring of Resistance to Pain


Was in 1994


The wearer of this ring increases the Effective Damage required to Stun them by +2 (eg. a character with 18 EN would need to be struck by 9 points of Effective Damage rather than 7 to become Stunned).

Guild Valuation: 3,000sp
GM: If they want to ID themselves, they can


Rotting Heads of Ill luck

Game Rio

These evilly aspected heads allow the wearer to reduce change a dice roll by 1 per head carried, this may be either the tens or ones dice and affects any roll, including damage.

They can also be sacrificed in order to avoid any single blow, with the head taking the impact instead.

The heads are from the recently deceased and will last until the flesh finally rots off them ((1st Blossom 806WK) They exude a foul odour as they rot as well as attracting flies lice and other such creatures. They may not be preserved in any way or the magic will dissipate. The stench requires willpower checks as per Noxious Vapours for the entity carrying the head with an effect equal to 5 ranks for each head carried. Eg 3 Heads gives an effect identical to Rk15 Noxious vapours.

If used by Orcs the wearer must make a check (10% per head cumulative) or become infected with a magical infection requiring a Rank 5 Healer and 30 hours to cure. The infection will cause D+2 Endurance damage each 24 hours and the damage caused may not be healed until the infection is removed.

For non-Orcs the chance of infection is 100% as soon as the head is touched and requires a rank 8 healer to heal the infection.

The heads do not last long (2 weeks from time of creation).

Gm: Mandos
Weight 4lbs/head
Value: 2000sp /head
Aura: Magical
Plane of Origin: Alusia
Nature of the Magic: Aspect of Evil
College: Necromancy
Magically Cursed: Yes

These were not actually available to the players as they got used up by the enemy trying to avoid dying.

Spell Crystal

Game Crystal Ship

This shard of Kyanite crystal has been attuned to receive a single spell cast. Once a spell has been cast at the crystal it may not be changed and additional casts will have no effect. The spell may be triggered from the crystal periodically and it will recharge over time. The BC for the trigger is 99%.

The rank of the spell cast at the crystal determines the speed at which the crystal will recharge. A partially charged crystal may be triggered and will have a chance equal to the amount charged of working E.g A rank 14 spell that was used 12 hours ago will have a 60% chance of working. If any trigger fails the crystal will be destroyed.

  • Rank 0-4 Spells take 5 hours to recharge.
  • Rank 5-9 Spells take 10 hours to recharge.
  • Rank 10-14 Spells take 20 hours to recharge.
  • Rank 15-19 Spells take 50 hours to recharge.
  • Rank 20 Spells take 100 hours to recharge.
GM Mandos
Value: 15000sp
Weight: 2oz
Aura: Magical
Plane of Origin: Alusia
Nature of the Magic: Storage
College: Shaping


Ceramic Heart of the Restrained Soul

Game Skin Trade

This item is formed from two pieces of ceramic which can be placed around a living heart by a Healer who can resurrect. Once in place the item ties the users soul to their body such that if they die a Healer of Rank 5 can resurrect them. If the resurrection is performed by a healer of less than Rank 8 there is a chance the heart will be broken of (9-Rk))*10% (so 40% chance of breaking if the resurrection is performed by a Rank 5 healer. Healers of Rank 8+ may resurrect the user with a +20% to their base chance.

Rank 8 Healers who are elves and normally restricted from resurrecting may also resurrect users of this item as per a Rank 5+ Healer.

GM Mandos
Value: 10,000sp
Aura: Magical
Plane of Origin: Allusia
Nature of the Magic: Storage
College: Shaper
Magically Trapped/Warded/Cursed: No

Characters who have one of the original write-ups please see me to organise a replacement with the version detailed above. --Mandos 12:50, 8 Jun 2008 (NZST)