The Middle Way: Treasure
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Throne Remains
40 Wheel
10 Eye
15 Glass
15 Colour
Tincture of Aconite and Passionflower
This aromatic tincture is contained in a glass bottle that weighs four ounces. It changes the perceptions of whoever drinks it so that everything they see is more beautiful for Rank hours. Add two times the rank of the Herbalist who prepared the tincture to the PB of anything that they look upon. It can be added to wine or other liquor, thus diluting it's effect. Adding it to a bottle of wine would reduce the effects to about a quarter of the usual bonus and a quarter of the duration. Thus, a Rank 8 Tincture (+16 to PB) diluted in this way would increase PB by 4 for 2 hours. All fractions are truncated.
The Rank of this draughts is 8.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic
Value | Cursed | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | City of Brass | Formerly living | Beautification
400sp | ![]() |
Jim Arona 021-076 9376
Potion of Pentecost

This potion is contained in a heavy glass vial and requires a pulse to prepare. It weighs 4 oz and does not break easily.
A flame appears on the brow of the imbiber as soon as it is drunk. Its effects will last until the season end festivalt, or until the flame is extinguished. For the duration, the imbiber acquires the language of whoever they speak with at one Rank less. They may use the time speaking that language as 'immersion' for the purposes of calculating training time if they choose to Rank that language.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic
Value | Cursed | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | City of Brass | Magical | Communication
5,000sp | ![]() |
Jim Arona 021-076 9376
Potion of Restoration

Rank 10 Alchemy
The potion has one of two possible effects:
- If the imbiber has no deficit to EN or FT, then they will increase their maximum FT by one but not beyond racial maximum, unless their FT cap has been removed.
- If the imbiber is alive but has taken harm, then it will restore half the damage they have taken. Sum ALL deficit to EN and FT then halve to generate the amount the imbiber will be restored by. It will, however, permanently reduce the imbiber's FT value by 1. It will not cure EN lost to Specific Grievous injuries or Afflictions but will restore FT lost to exhaustion and spell casting.
The FT may be bought back in the usual way.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | City of Brass | Formerly living | Enhancement | 15,000sp | ![]() |
Potion of Greater Restoration

Rank 10 Alchemy
The potion has one of two possible effects:
- If the imbiber has no deficit to EN or FT, then they will increase their maximum FT by three but not beyond racial maximum, unless their FT cap has been removed.
- If the imbiber is alive but has taken harm, then it will restore ALL deficit to EN and FT, but permanently reduce their maximum FT by three. It will not cure EN lost to Specific Grievous injuries or Afflictions, but will restore FT lost to exhaustion and spell casting.
The FT may be bought back in the usual way.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Enhancement | 45,000sp | ![]() |
Healing Potion
This potion weighs 4oz. It may be drunk without Preparing, so long as it is worn somewhere convenient outside armour or clothing (a belt, etc).
When drunk, the imbiber recovers D+5 EN lost to damage, but does not in anyway cure damage inflicted by Specific Grievous Injuries.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Healing | 500sp | ![]() |
Restorative Potion

This potion weighs 4oz. It may be drunk without Preparing, so long as it is worn somewhere convenient outside armour or clothing (a belt, etc).
When drunk, the imbiber's EN is reduced by 12 (which may be restored by Healing) and any FT lost from damage, exhaustion or spell casting is restored to a maximum of 24 or their FT value, whichever is lowest.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Cycles | 500sp | ![]() |
Scent of Good Fortune

Rank 4 Herbalism
This ampoule weighs 1 oz. It is fragile and must be crushed to release the volatile scent within. This requires a Free Act or a Pass Action at the discretion of the wearer, the effects lasting for 6 Pulses or until used.
Whoever breathes in the scent reduces the value of the "10s" die on their next percentile roll, so long as that would make the result 0. If the die cannot be reduced to 0, it has no effect at all. The die must be reduced to 0 if it can be, for example a result of "10" will become "00".
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Fortune | 3000sp | ![]() |
Celerity Draught

Rank 9 Herbalism
This draught weighs 4 oz. Its container is fragile and may be drunk without requiring a Prepare Action, so long as it is attached outside armour.
The effect of the draught is to double the imbiber's Initiative Value for nine pulses. Although bonuses to Initiative from Military Scientist and Magic are not doubled, bonuses from Weapon Skill, Warrior, AG and PC are.
If the imbiber wins, they make act on their Initiative, and again, at half (rounding down) that value. If they win by more than double their opponent's Initiative, then not only do they act twice before their opponent, but they reduce their number of possible Actions in the Pulse by 1 to a minimum of 1. Special attacks like Multi-Hex Strike or Dual Strike are not affected by this.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Enhancement | 3000sp | ![]() |
Orange Crush

This potion weighs 4 oz, it's container is robust, even though it appears fragile, and will never be broken accidentally. It may be drunk without Preparing it, so long as it is worn outside armour (a belt, etc).
The imbiber reduces C Class damage by half for the next 8 Pulses This may include falling damage at the discretion of the DM.
Each subsequent potion will last only half as long, resetting at noon. So, the next potion will last only four Pulses, the next 2 and so on to a minimum of 1.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Earth | 5000sp | ![]() |
Elixir of Sensitivity

This potion weighs 4 oz, and must be Prepared before it is drunk.
When it is drunk, the imbiber's normal senses become powerfully enhanced for 10 minutes. The effect is to subtract 20 from any die roll where any normal sense is used. This applies to hearing, normal vision (but not Witchsight, Nightvision etc), scent, taste and touch. This supresses the Talent Resist Pain.
No other penalty is applied, except that if the imbiber is called names, abused verbally or simply given a stern look, they must Break 100 + 2 x WP, and if they fail, will sulk or burst into tears.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Mind | 5000sp | ![]() |
Elixir of Healing

This potion weighs 4 oz, and must be Prepared before it is drunk.
Whoever drinks it gains the Healer Skill at Rank 7 for the next act of therapy. Unfortunately, they begin to see the body they are working on as a canvas and their Healing as a creative work, with consequences at the discretion of the DM, who is encouraged to be diabolical.
Every time one of these elixirs are taken, the imbiber must Break 100 + 3 x WP, or become permanently afflicted by this obssession. 10 is added to the target number for each elixir taken. If three such potions have been taken, even if years apart, then the imbiber must Break 130 + 3 x WP or become possessed of the desire to work their creative will on the bodies of their allies.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Healing | 7000sp | ![]() |
Potion of Leviathan Strength
This potion weighs 4 oz, and must be Prepared before it is drunk.
Whoever drinks this potions makes their PS 65 for the next hour, unless their PS is greater than this, in which case it has no effect.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Beast | 3000sp | ![]() |
Invested Items
Dust of Ages

This sachet and its contents weighs 4 oz and contains sufficient dust to fill a volume 2 hexes by 2 hexes by 2 hexes. The dust will spread to fill a volume whilst this is practical.
Anyone in the volume of effect must roll under their EN or fall immediately into a coma (reduce EN, PS, MD and AG to 0). Those that make their EN check reduce the value of their physical stats by half or 20, whichever is the least reduction.
If those in a coma are not cured of the poison, they will age at a rate such that when they have been in the coma for more than half the value of their Modified EN (before it was reduced by the dust), then they will have aged to death and may no longer be Resurrected.
Those that made their EN check age at a rage of 1 month per Pulse (a year a minute) until the poison is cured.
If the dust is enchanted by the workings of the Poison Dust Ritual, then the EN check is penalised by the Rank of the Ritual.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Uncertain | Formerly Living | Uncertain | ![]() |
Stone Dust

This sachet and its contents weighs 4 oz. It can be sprinkled over 6 sizes of entities, who will then be affected by its magic.
Entities affecte by the dust are entirely unaffected by magical transformations of the stone and earth. Thus, they are unaffected and may walk through areas affected by the following spells: Smoking Magma, Earth Tremor, Wall of Stone, Earth Transformation, Hands of Earth, etc.
An entity affected by this dust will not fall if the ground is Tunneled out beneath them and may, indeed, appear to walk on air. However, they remain at all times in contact with the earth. Paradoxically, they may walk into a Tunneled out space if they so desire.
Additionally, Earth Elementals may not affect them at all, parting around them.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Ages | Magical | Stone | 5000sp | ![]() |
Estoc of Spell Penetration

This estoc weighs 2 lbs, has a base Strike Chance of 67% but does not inflict damage.
It inflicts D+7 (which may be enhanced by Weapon Rank, Skill Rank, special abilties and weapon spells) as a penalty to Magic Resistance. If the wielder struck an opponent and rolled 15, which modified down to 5 as a result of Protection and Damage Reduction, then they would experience a penalty to their Magic Resistance of 5. The victim must record this separately. If the victim loses track, then the DM decides, perhaps by rolling percentile dice and applies this as a penalty to their Magic Resistance.
The penalty to Magic Resistance can be removed by healing effects which can cure EN or FT, but healing that only repairs damage to EN or only repairs damage to FT has no effect. Therefore Greater Heart Rune, Healer: Cure Endurance Damage, Healer: Transfer Fatigue, Willow Healing or Restoratives will not help relieve this affliction.
If the Strike Check is in the range for a hit directly to EN, then the Protection value of armour is ignored. If the Strike Check is in the range for a possible Specific Grievous Injury, then the Protection and Damage Reduction values of armour are ignored.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Nualis | Magical | Affliction | 15000sp | ![]() |
Paired Mains Gauches

This slender pair of hilted daggers, together, weigh 1 1/4 lbs, and are considered either daggers or mains gauche at the wielder's choice.
Their base Strike Chance is 52 and they inflict 2 rollup D10 damage. They may be thrown to a range of 8 hexes and ignore range penalties. They return to the thrower in the Pulse subsequent to the one that they were thrown in, but cannot be Readied until the Pulse following. E.g. if they were thrown in Pulse 1, they return in Pulse 2, but cannot be readied until Pulse 3.
If one of the mains gauche is wielded in the left hand, then the wielder's Defence is increased by twice their Rank in Main Gauche or Dagger, and this applies against A Class Ranged weapons as well. This does not require any special Action on the part of the wielder, and they can execute other complicated activities such as Spell Casting etc.
If one of these weapons is lost or destroyed, then the other loses all of its special functions and becomes an ordinary dagger of its type.
Note: The main gauche must be in their left hand, and this prevents them from using other items in it and impedes those actions which require the use of both hands.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Nualis | Magical | Wind | Quest | ![]() |

This hilt has been braided with fine orichalcum wire. It adds 8 oz to the hand and a half sword it is attached to.
When it is attached, the weapon becomes sentient. And a boorish, recalcitrant sentient it is. It will make its opinions known frequently, unflatteringly and in the loudest manner possible.
It has no special expertise, but this will not stop it from "giving forth" in a confident and credible way, usually to the detriment of the bearer.
It does have some minor control over the weapon it is bound to, but will rarely do anything except make distracting comments in the midst of combat, which will reduce the effectiveness of the weapon by 20.
It is, however, a legal target of the Ritual of Binding Wills, whereupon
- it becomes entirely biddable.
- the weapon may be stored in the Astral, becoming instantly available to the Adept, only requiring a Free Act to Prepare it. This is not detectable by Detect Aura, but Spirit Vision may reveal its presence.
- the Rank of the Ritual is added to the Strike Chance of the weapon on which the hilt is bound.
- the Damage Modifier of the weapon to which the hilt is bound is increased by 1 per 4 Ranks in the Ritual. At Rank 20, instead of adding +5, an extra D10 is added to the damage, and all dice are considered roll up.
- weapon spells overwrite the weapon enhancements (only) of the Ritual, unless the wielder cares to Resist.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Magical | Binding | 17000sp | ![]() |

This hilt has been braided with fine orichalcum wire. It adds 4 oz to the dagger it is attached to.
When it is attached, the weapon becomes sentient. It is a snide and caustic sentience. It rarely says anything except to snicker at the misfortune of others.
These outburts will always appear to come from the owner, ensuring that the wielder is taken to have expressed enjoyment at the discomfiture of others, usually their betters.
The wielder may not use the Courtier Skill while this sentience is unbound.
It is, however, a legal target of the Ritual of Binding Wills, whereupon
- it becomes entirely biddable.
- the weapon may be stored in the Astral, becoming instantly available to the Adept, only requiring a Free Act to Prepare it. This is not detectable by Detect Aura, but Spirit Vision may reveal its presence.
- once a day, from dawn to dawn, the wielder may restore as much health deficit lost to damage as their Rank in Dagger. This requires a Free Act.
- the wielder may retain consciousness for a number of Pulses equal to their Rank in Dagger so long as they are not actually dead.
- it is a focus for this Talent. The wielder must be actually wearing the dagger to which the wire braiding has been bound. When the Talent is Ranked to 20, the braiding is no longer required.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Magical | Enhancement | 15000sp | ![]() |
Ghoul Sling

This sling is made of leather and weighs about 1 lb. The Base Strike Chance is 52% and the Damage Modifier is +3.
The wielder may move half their TMR before, during or after executing a Fire Action with the sling.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Sand Dragon | 19,250sp | ![]() |
Ghoul Khopesh
This bronze khopesh is Ranked as if it were a battle axe. It weighs 3 lbs.
The base Strike Chance is 68% and the Damage Modifier is +6. Blows directly to EN are inflicted on 20% of the modified Strike Chance, and possible Specific Grievous Injuries on 10%.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Magical | Enhancement | 12500sp | ![]() |
Sand Dragon Armour

This leather armour is size 6, and may be fitted by the arts of a Rank 4 Armourer who can work leather, which will cost 800 sp. If the armour is to be cut down to fit someone of smaller size, then the Armourer must pay 2000sp for each size category reduced. It has been made from the foreskin of a sand dragon, who was probably not willing and likely to feel quite resentful about it.
Nevertheless, it is very elastic, and does not penalise AG or Stealth. Indeed, in a sandy environment, the wearer increases their Stealth by 15.
It has a weight factor of 2, provides 8 points of Protection, and because of the slightly spongy quality of the leather, 1 more Protection (to 9) is added vs C Class damage.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Sybarite | 15750sp | ![]() |
Eye Glass Amulet

This eye glass encumbers as if it weighed 4 oz.
The effects of a Force Shield spell, create 11 unseeable pentagonal planes of protection that float around the wearer on all sides. This increases their Defence by 5(+1/Rank) against all attacks at any range or from any direction. In addition, the spell deflects the first 1 DP per Rank of the spell, minimum 1, per pulse. This only applies to physical damage and has no effect on magic etc, although it can be applied to damage from spells like Diamond Javelins, Ice Bolt or Ice Projectiles. Nor does it protect against hits directly to EN or Specific Grievous Injuries.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Nualis | Formerly Living | Eye of Discord | 16500sp | ![]() |
Baleful Eye Gem

This gem is about two centimetres across and encumbers as if it weighed 4 oz.
It acts as a focus for the Evil Eye spell, and if they know it at all, the holder of the eye will cast this version of it.
Once a day, when the spell is in effect, the eye can be made to orbit the holder about 3 times a Pulse. The eye's Defence is twice the Adept's or their Defence + 20, whichever is closest to 100. When the gem does not share the same hex as the Adept, this drops to the Adept's Defence or the Defence - 30, which ever is the closest to 80.
The "glances" may be stored in the gem by casting the Spell Preparation Ritual of the appropriate spell.
- Only spells that
- have a baleful effect
- target the mind, spirit, soul or personality of an entity
- do not inflict damage as part of their spell description
- do not require a gesture or utterance
- have Experience Multiples of 350 or less
may be stored in the gem. The Charm spell is allowed, regardless of its Experience Multiple.
Spells that target multiple entities are allowed, but the version stored in the gem will target only one entity. Spells that affect Areas/Volumes of Effect or objects are not allowed, and neither are spells that require a touch, gesture or word.
The gem may hold as many as 1 charge per 3 or fraction Ranks, but no more than one spell of each name.
- Casting from the gem requires
- a glance, thus the Adept need only spend a Pass Action or a Free Act at their preference. However, the gem may not be used in this fashion more than once a Pulse.
- a clear line of sight from the Adept to the target. Targeting by Crystal of Vision (or similar) is not possible. Neither is Wizard's Eye sufficient, unless the gem is co-present with the sensor.
- Example
Allowed | Disallowed | Reason |
Charming | Mockery | Requires utterance |
Compel Speech | Confusion of Tongues | Area of Effect |
Enchanted Sleep | Bolt of Energy | Inflicts damage |
Slowness | Quickness | Not baleful |
Hallucination | Flash of Light | Targets the Adept |
Hypnotism* | Control Person/Animal | Requires concentration |
Mental Attack | Mass Fear | Area of Effect, exceeds Exp. Mult. |
Lesser Enchantment** | Damnum Magnatum | Exceeds Exp. Mult. |
Fear | Torment | Inflicts damage, requires gesture |
Rune Curse*** | Trapping Spirits | Requires drawing |
Damnum Minatum | Levitation | Targets the body |
Harming Entity | ||
Creating Plague |
* Concentration spells are not allowed, however when cast as a "glance", Hypnotism can be used to plant 1 post-hypnotic suggestion. Sustained hypnotic effects are not possible.
** Used only to curse.
*** Only if the Curse Rune is inscribed on the Adept's Runewand.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Nualis | Formerly Living | Eye of Discord | 13750sp | ![]() |
Ring of Advancement

This engraved ring weighs about 2oz. Its magic will only be effective if it is worn on the ring finger of the right hand.
The bearer may advance their Rank beyond 20 for any of the following spells:
- Enchanted Armour, Armour of Earth, Circle of Protection (or similar magic) and Force Shield.
Whoever wears the ring may benefit from this enhanced Rank. For example, if they were to suffer the loss of the right hand as a consequence of a Specific Grievous Injury, then the Rank of the spell would be no more than 20.
Only one person can be the bearer of this ring at a time, although others can wear it. The bearer of the ring is the one who has last used it to advance their Rank in the aforementioned spells beyond 20.
This does not remove the Rank from the previous bearer, but they will not be able to cast at the enhanced Rank until they have recovered a Ring of Advancement of the appropriate spell.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Magical | Advancement | 18000sp | ![]() |
Ring of Advancement

This engraved ring weighs about 2oz. Its magic will only be effective if it is worn on the ring finger of the left hand.
The bearer may advance their Rank beyond 20 for any of the following spells:
- Shadowform, Wraithform, Immolation, Rune Armour.
Whoever wears the ring may benefit from this enhanced Rank. For example, if they were to suffer the loss of the left hand as a consequence of a Specific Grievous Injury, then the Rank of the spell would be no more than 20.
Only one person can be the bearer of this ring at a time, although others can wear it. The bearer of the ring is the one who has last used it to advance their Rank in the aforementioned spells beyond 20.
This does not remove the Rank from the previous bearer, but they will not be able to cast at the enhanced Rank until they have recovered a Ring of Advancement of the appropriate spell.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Magical | Advancement | 18000sp | ![]() |
Falcon Petroglyph Brooch
This stone brooch weighs 4 oz and must be weighed on the upper right arm to be effective.
It provides +2 Defence, +1 Magic Resistance, +2 TMR (to a maximum of 8) stackable with an Amulet of Luck, only. TMR bonuses do not stack at all, the highest effect applies.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Magical | Khnum | 7500sp | ![]() |
Petroglyph Brooch
This stone brooch weighs 4 oz and must be weighed on the upper right arm to be effective.
It provides +3 Defence, +2 Magic Resistance, stackable with an Amulet of Luck, only.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Magical | Horus | 9000sp | ![]() |
Enhanced Matrix
This gem is attached to a Spell Rack and will increase its weight by 1 oz. The gem will enhance one matrix so that two Incantations of the same spell may be applied at once. Some negotiation may be required with the DM in cases where the possible results are not clear, and in any case, may always be ruled unacceptable.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Magical | Meta magic | 15500sp | ![]() |
The Tome and the Enchiridion

This tome is covered in fair wood and the leaves are made from heavy sheepskin. The pages are densely covered in poorly formed handwriting. Each cover is about 60 cms wide and about 1 metre tall. Although it is only about 3 centimetres thick, it weighs 20 lbs.
The Adept must sacrifice a point of EN to the tome, which may be bought back in the usual way, and this will make them its owner. Ownership can only be transferred by passing the tome on to someone else who must, in their turn, sacrifice a point of EN. This will void the ownership of the previous holder. Possessing the enchiridion does not provide access to a non-owner, although the owner requires it to access the tome.
The magic of the tome allows it to contain one charge each of the spells of the standard canon (the standard canon being those spells that exist in the DQ rulebook).
The enchiridion

weighs 8 oz and is barely big enough to fill a large man's hand.
Whenever a spell is read from the enchiridion, it is cast at the Rank of the Adept's Rank in the appropriate counterspell. If they wish to cast a General Knowledge spell, then the Rank of their General Knowledge counterspell is used, and the same with respect to Special Knowledge magic.
- Note
- only the Rank of the counterspell is used. Base Chance, Rank, Range, Duration, Damage and other effects are calulated normally.
- the Adept must abide by the restrictions that apply to the college being cast from. This means situational base chance modifiers apply and a cast may not be attempted where the rules do not allow it (i.e. the Adept may not cast a Fireball whilst completely immersed in water or in a void).
The Adept need not declare which spell they will draw from the tome until they make their Cast Check. However, they must declare which counter spell when Preparing it, if the DM requires such things, and this will limit which spells they can draw from the tome.
- the Rank of the Adept's General Knowledge counterspell is used when spells of the General Knowledge of a college are drawn from the tome, the Rank of the Special Knowledge counterspell for spells of the Special Knowledge.
- spells drawn from the tome are lost regardless of their success.
- targets of these spells must Resist vs the College and body of knowledge that is drawn from the tome, i.e. Resist vs Air Special Knowledge to resist Whirlwind Vortex.
- laying a counterspell of the Adept's college, General or Special Knowledge, is sufficient to deny the Adept the ability to draw spells from the tome.
These spells have already been used:
Waterspout, Blackfire, Torment, Wind Walk
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Nualis | Formerly Living | Metamagic | Quest | ![]() |
Carta Arcana-The Key

This image is painted on a slim plaque of marble and weighs 4 oz. The card becomes effective if the owner frees someone who is unfairly bound, imprisoned or in chains or if they bind, imprision or chain someone who should be. They must Break 100 + 2 x WP, and if they succeed, they may choose Turnkey or Lock, the choice being irreversible. The card itself will only hold one of these effects at any given time.
- Turnkey The card may be used to open a lock, portal (window or door), or Maze spell, so that any one may enter or leave without hindrance. It may also be used to set a Runelock on a closable object, equal in Rank to the amount of FT the wielder spends at the time.
- Lock The card may be played to create 1 Lock. Only 1 Lock may be kept on the trump, so far.
If the holder of the card should be targeted by Death Curse magic, they will not be affected, instead reducing the number of Lock by 1.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Formerly Living | Trump | Quest | ![]() |
Seraph's Wing Carpet

This carpet is made from a seraph's wing. It is about a metre and a half wide by 2 metres long, weighing about 12 lbs.
The Adept must sit upon the carpet when they Purify. When they complete the Ritual, the carpet itself will disappear (and no longer count against their encumbrance). If they have at least 3 hours duration remaining on their Purification, they may activate the carpet. From this point on, their feet will be surrounded by an iridescent blue-green nimbus and they will leave faintly glowing footprints of their passing, the glow fading after a minute or so. Activating the carpet requires a Magical Pass Action, a point of FT and 3 hours of the duration of the Adept's Purification. While they continue to spend 3 hours of duration and 1 point of FT, they may 'tread the path of a seraph' for an hour at a time.
By adjusting their relationship with the plane they are on and those adjacent to it, the Adept may increase their TMR +1 per 5 Ranks in Purification. This will not stack with any other TMR enhancement. They may increase their movement rate to 440 yards (15 miles/hour), plus 30 yards (1 mile/hour) per Rank in Purification.
By continuously folding themselves into and out of a vaguely two-dimensional form, they may walk on air. They must advance along their narrowest axis, and this has the following implications:
- They may rise no more than one hex for every two that they travel horizontally (30 degree rate of climb). They can descend one hex for every hex traveled horizontally (45 degree rate of descent).
- While folding, the Adept's field of view is much more planar. In general, it means that they have difficulty seeing things above or below them (or to the left or right if they turn their head) which are less than seven hexes away.
- They are much more fragile whilst folding. If there is a chance that they will be snagged by a terrain feature, then a Strike Check (Strike Chance - Folding Chance) should be made. If this is successful, the obstruction is avoided but may still cause harm as a result of the stresses involved in getting out of harm's way. The damage from being snagged is a function of speed, according to this formula: Damage = 3 x v(Adept's speed in miles per hour). The effects of being snagged or struck are resolved in the following way. Misses are considered FT blows, successful strikes are considered hits directly to EN. Hits directly to EN are considered possible Specific Grievous Injuries. If the Check falls in the range of a possible Specific Grievous Injury, two rolls are made. Damage is only applied if a B class Specific Grievous Injury is rolled. The Adept ignores all damage if the roll(s) fall in the range for A or C class injuries.
- The Adept's form folds through planes that reduce their ability to avoid damage from heat or cold, and increases it versus lightning and electrical effects, as well as magic that attacks their internal structure, like Necrosis, Disruption, Hand of Death, etc. Thus, they may completely avoid harm from this kind magic on a successful MR check. However, their MR versus magic that heats, burns, freezes or chills is halved and the damage is doubled. Where Magic Resistance is reduced by the magic (e.g. minus 20 MR as a result of a triple effect), the halving occurs before the subtraction.
Although this form of movement might reasonably be called Flight, it does not benefit from the Adventuring Skill: Flying. The Adept, instead, must advance a new Adventuring Skill Folding: Experience Multiple: 125, Base Chance: WP + PC + 5 x Rank-speed in miles per hour. Each Rank in Folding increases movement rate by another 30 yards (1 mile/hour).
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Seraphim | 11,450sp | ![]() |
Well of Water

This bluish, glass like disc is a well. It is cold to the touch, flexible and weighs 6lbs.
It may be placed on the ground, where it will become bound, and so long as it is undisturbed a year and a day, it may be used in the following way: If 1 EN is sacrificed to the well, then each year, 1 Water may be withdrawn from it.
If it is moved, then a year and a day must pass before Water may be harvested from the well. This means that the production of the well for the year and a day is lost.
- The well is now installed in Kerberoth where it will be used by Lord Tirwh and his people.
- The following adventurers are permitted free access to it and have invested in it:
Adventurer | Braegon | Eric | Grendel | Tegan | Thorn | Nereus |
EN (Date) | 1 - 08/11/812 | 10 - 08/11/812 |
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Magic | Metamagic | 16000sp | ![]() |
Throne's Eyes

Throne's Eyes are about 10 cms long and perhaps 5 cms high. They have no appreciable depth, but encumber as if they weighed 4 oz.
2 Eyes can be attached to a breastplate, large round shield (or larger) or a cloak. Only one can be attached to smaller articles of clothing/armour.
When four are worn obviously, then they provide 1 point of Damage Reduction to a maximum of 12. In other words, they will add 1 to the wearer's current Damage Reduction so long as it never advances it to 13 or higher.
Once attached, the Eyes are bound to the article of clothing or armour, and if less than 4 are worn at once, they provide no benefit at all.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Magical | Protection | 2500 sp each | ![]() |
Sand Dragon's Eye

The eye weighs about 27 lbs and is 9 inches in diameter.
It may be enchanted by the Ritual of Creating Crystal of Vision, and it will behave as a normal Crystal of Vision, regardless of any refinements the Enchanter may have. With one exception: The owner may cast a Mind Speech spell through the eye to communicate with people on the other side. The centre of the Mind Speech is considered to be the point of view of the eye at the time of casting.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Sand Dragon | 19,250sp | ![]() |
Dragonskin Scale Mail

This scale mail has been cut to fit a humanoid of size 3 and weighs 18 lbs. It will provide 12 points of Protection and 1 point of Damage Reduction. The wearer reduces their AG by 2 and their Stealth by 10.
It cost 10,000 sp to make and required the arts of a Rank 7 Armourer (Scale Mail).
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Sand Dragon | 22,500sp | ![]() |
Dragon Scale Shield

This shield was made from the folded rhomboid scale found in the head of a sand dragon. It is about 2 feet long by about 18 inches wide. It is very light and very strong.
At a cost of 12,000 sp and requiring the arts of a Rank 9 Armourer or Lindener, it has been made into a shield with the following properties:
- It weighs 5 lbs, penalises MD by 2 and provides 5 points of Defence per Rank in Shield.
- It is a legal target for an Armour of Earth spell. This magic does not add to Defence, however, any Grievous Blow to the target will dissipate the spell. In that case, however, the specific grievous injury will not be applied to the target.
- If the shield is cloven or damaged such that at least half of it remains, a Trollskin spell may be cast over it taking at least 10 hours of Ritual Spell Preparation. This will restore the shield.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Sand Dragon | 18,000sp | ![]() |
Ressurrection - Bone
On the event of her death, Tegan's player may choose that she Rise from the Dead. Her remains will dissolve to bone dust over the period of the next Pulse that the decision is made, or up to 5 Pulses later. She may appear up to 50 feet away from the point of her death
Her EN is permanently reduced by 1 (which can be bought back in the normal way) and loses all magic or itemry that does not survive a death. Itemry that is somehow bound to her soul will magically appear upon her.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | None | Bone | Quest | ![]() |
Enhanced Fatigue - Bone
The adventurer must permanently sacrifice 3 EN (which may be bought back in the usual way). From then on, they may advance their FT by 1 per Adventure or Season, whichever is less.
There is no upper limit to which their FT value can ascend.
In addition, 'Bone' is added to their Aspect, e.g. Spring/Air will become Spring/Air/Bone. Should they be gathered by those learned in the arts of Alchemy, their heart blood may be harvested for 3 Bone.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | None | Bone | Quest | ![]() |
The White Rose of Gerantia

Any attempt to take cuttings or seedlings of this rose will fail unless performed by a Rank 6+ Herbalist.
Once established, however, the rose is hardy and needs very little care. The plant will grow about 10 metres per year, in any condition of light so long as there is some natural light available. It prefers an arid environment, but will still thrive in humid conditions, so long as the soil is appropriately drained. In terms of maintenance, the plant requires 160 hours of care a season, divided by the Herbalist's Rank. The least amount of time that must be spent cultivating the rose is 4 hours. If this maintenance time is not met or exceeded, the plant will wither and die.
The rose will tend to grow around upright structures, and are generally planted just outside the walls of dwelling places. If the roses are allowed to grow over the graves of the dead for a year, then no attempt to raise the interred as undead will succeed.
The hips, which may be harvested in Autumn, are said to be useful in the production of Herbalist draughts that restore virginity. The petals, when appropriately prepared, are said to act as a sovereign against Charms or Seduction.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Living Plant | Discipline | Quest | ![]() |

Any attempt to take cuttings or seedlings of this bush will fail unless performed by a Rank 6+ Herbalist.
Once established, however, the bush is hardy and needs very little care. It cannot abide a humid environment, and requires a heavily sunned position. In terms of maintenance, the plant requires 80 hours of care a season, divided by the Herbalist's Rank. The least amount of time that must be spent cultivating it is 4 hours and if this maintenance time is not met or exceeded, it will wither and die.
The branches sprout wicked, white thorns, which are supernaturally sharp and hard, but the withes, themselves, are wiry and supple. If a stake can be made from the withes, and plunged into the heart of a vampire, it will instantly destroy it as if it had been exposed to sunlight.
If a crown is made of these vicious thorns, the wearer can buy 1 WP (at the normal cost). The crown must be worn for at least a season, and the pain will permanently reduce their EN by 2 (which may be bought back in the usual way). This increase is beyond the normal 5 allowed but
- Racial maximums may not be exceeded and,
- Only 1 point of WP may be bought in this way.
The Herbalist can produce Rank withes of whitethorn per year. A stake, if the means of production is known, requires 1 withe, a crown of thorns requires 2.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Tanuel | Living Plant | Discipline | Quest | ![]() |
Permanent Trollskin
Tegan is the target of a Trollskin spell which will
- stop her from dying as a result of damage
- regenerate 1 point of EN per Pulse
unless the damage is caused by fire. Heat, by itself, is not sufficient to defeat the spell, although flameless burning may apply at the DM's discretion.
Special abilities that render her dead will still apply, for example Frozen Doom, Whitefire, Disintegration, etc.
The spell can also be Dissipated or Dispelled, and in this case, its Rank is 20.
There is no means by which this special enhancement can be sustained beyond death.
Adventure | Season | Value | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Quest |
Control Person - Dominate Will
Spell: Control Person
Effects: When the Adept casts this incantation of Control Person, the target must be conscious, and the duration becomes 1 hour + 1 hour per Rank. The victim is compelled to obey the Adept as if they had been subjected to a Ritual of Binding Will.
Victims of this spell are never in any doubt that they have been controlled, and if they were not hostile before, they will almost certainly be afterwards.
Cost: 3000
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
Adventure | Season | Value | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Quest |
Hypnotism - Suggestion
Name: Suggestion
Spell: Hypnotism
Effects: This incantation of Hypnotism allows the Adept to target and make a single Suggestion verbally or by means of the Telepathy spell. If Telepathy is used, the projection of the Suggestion is entirely mental, and the Adept need not meet their victim's gaze nor speak their language.
The Suggestion is implanted at the time of Casting, and the duration is Immediate, although its effects may last for 3 hours (+3 hours per Rank).
Note: Because of the indirect nature of this magic, the DM may rule that hostile targets may be affected by this incantation.
Cost: 3000
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
Adventure | Season | Value | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Quest |
Circle of Protection vs Animals - Circle of Protection
Name: Circle of Protection
Spell: Circle of Protection vs Animals
Effects: The Adept is protected to some degree against incoming damage. A circle of green light will appear around them and absorb an amount of incoming damage equal to the Rank of the spell every Pulse. This effect will last for 10 minutes (+ 10 minutes per Rank).It does not protect against the damage from a Restorative potion, poison or the action of a disease.
In addition, an amount equal to 1 (+1 per 5 Ranks) is added to the result of the Cast or Strike Check of whoever attacks the Adept.
Cost: 5000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 5.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Value | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Quest |
Water Breathing - Minor Area of Effect
Spell: Water Breathing
Effects:The spell affects all legal targets within a megahex.
Cost: 500
Constraints: The spell must be cast at a single hex, unracks the spell.
Adventure | Season | Value | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Quest |
Evil Eye v. Jono
Range: Self
Duration: 30 mins + 30 mins / Rank
Experience Multiple: 300
Base Chance: 30%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion, Investment
Target: Entity
Effects: When the adept casts Evil Eye on themselves, a third eye grows from the forehead, which is normally invisible but is able to be seen by Witch-sight and similar effects. When the adept is under the effect of the Evil Eye, targets of their spells reduce their Magic Resistance by the Rank of this spell unless the target is wearing an Amulet of Elder Flowers.
Adventure | Season | Value | GM |
The Middle Way | Spring 812 | Quest |
Sense Danger (T-3) v 1.1
Range: Self
Experience Multiple: 300
Storage: Potion
Effects: The Adept may sense the presence of a hazard to the Adept's life or wellbeing. Generally this may be interpreted as a 'bad feeling' about a person or an object, or a sense of foreboding about a situation.
This talent operates continuously and unconsciously. The Adept may also add 2 + 2 / Rank to the chance of detecting an ambush (see Ranger) and to the chance of detecting a trap (see Spy/Thief).
In combat, the Adept has the ability to see a moment or two into the future and may modify their actions so as to avoid harm. This can only be attempted once per pulse. Usually, the harm must emanate from a source that is adjacent to the Adept so the workings of this Talent are rarely helpful against ranged attacks, although the DM may rule otherwise on a case-by-case basis. The Adept must 'Break 100' by rolling percentiles and adding 5 (+1 per Rank) to the result. If that number is equal to or greater than 100, they avoid the harm.
Enchantments, bonuses to base chance and subtractions from die rolls do not apply to attempts to Break 100.
In addition, they may add their Rank in this Talent to their Agility for the purposes of avoiding tramples and attacks of a similar nature that the DM deems appropriate.