Campaign Committee

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The campaign committee exists to foster belief and encourage the use of the shared role-playing environment of Alusia. This is to be driven by

  1. Encouraging and developing multi-GM story arcs focussed on Alusia.
  2. Providing, enabling or rediscovering detail and information about the shared world, to assist in a consistent world view for players and to record and disseminate this information.
  3. Connecting GMs and encouraging conversation to allow GMs to work together to create the shared experience across groups.

The campaign committee is not a governance body, it has no say over the campaign and simply exists to guide GMs into working together and to encourage activity on Alusia.

Current Details


Chris C joined to enable more work to be done here, new members are of course welcome to help contribute to the wider game.

Work to be done on:

  1. geopolitical news
  2. Commercial influence in the wider world (guild influence)
  3. tba

Current Members

Former Members

Member on Sabbatical

Current Projects

  • Developing new story arcs for GM's and players to be part of.
  • Detailing area's of Alusia to assist in the development of the shared world.
  • Assisting GM's in sharing the information for area's available to multiple GM's.

New Campaign Story

The campaign committee are presently working on a new multi-GM campaign story. At the present it is very much in development stages.

If you are interested in working with the campaign committee on this project please register your interest with a committee member.


Email campaign at