Coral Sea Colony

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Scribe Notes


Adventure: Coral Sea Colony
GM: Keith
Session: Winter 820
Night: Tuesdays
Location: Smiths/Online - Roll20 link - Discord link
Level: Mediumish


  • Rhiain - Ice mage, Female human (Wants to be known as a Lesser Noble) played by Chris R.
  • Sno - Ice mage, Female, Sea Elf (Party Leader) - played by Annuskha
  • Minerva - Solar Celestial Blast Mage, Human Female (Military Scientist), - played by Jacqui
  • Elderan - Air mage, Male Elf, - played by IanA
  • Christopher - Ice Mage Warrior - Male Human - played by MTB
  • Lim - Water Mage, Male Elf (Scribe) - played by Bernard


  • Octavia. A well trained music loving Warhorse, Beast Mastered by Rhiain.
  • Storm. A magic warhorse, attached to Christopher
  • Shadow. A dark coloured Wildcat, Beast Mastered by Sno.
  • Eagle (it has a name). A Large but short winged Eagle. Beast Mastered by Minerva.

Employer: Aqualina/The Merkingdom
Plane: Alusia
10k cash + expenses up front. extra 10k on completion. Note, Further negotiation is happening on this due to the mission creep. Days on Adventure:

Aqualina's To Do List for the Party:

  • Lost colony in the north west of the Coral Sea - as well as missing adventurers including Ursula.
  • Escorting the Diplomats to the The Great Shallows
  • Evilish undersea temple - see SGT98
  • Pan-Ds in the Abyss - see SGT98

Missing NPCs

  • Aquana - Bard
  • Ursula - Sister to King Kierl - Shriver and Necromancer (reformed)

Scribe Notes

Guild Day

Cliff note version, will be expanded further. Party meets up at the guild meeting with Aqualina, she talks a lot and the story gets worse & worse and worse the more she talks. Soon it's a story about how Shrivers & Demons & Horrors from beyond the known realms are ravaging Pasifika and we are expected to go into the middle of this in order to rescue some senior high nobles who shouldn't be going anywhere without armies to keep them safe. We ask for more money as the initial offering won't even cover the cost of Greaters for an adventure this dangerous.
Transport is discussed, Aqualina seems to think walking 700 miles inland is a good idea, we make plans to buy a Caraval and crew it with the party. An order is made, party goes drinking and some make far more of a spectacle of this than there should be.

2nd Frost

A few suffer from hang overs, the correct goblin way, we inspect a Caravel currently laid up in dry dock, I suspect the owners hoped a guild member would buy it, it has a suspicious name of 'The Squall Eater' and allegedly several other interested parties. We rename it 'The Sand Tiger' in the language of the Five Sisters. We start discussing cargo for it.

3rd Frost

We buy suitable cargo from the markets, focusing mainly on wool, cloth & alcohol, along with some valuable but light items like local herbs which always sell well. We get some locals to help load it over the day and next day.

5th Frost

We leave harbour, the Harbour Master is apparently under pressure from the Duke as they demand an accounting of our plans, so we tell them we are heading to Freetown. We head West.

8th Frost

Clear the Kingdom of Flugelheim to our North and head out into the true open sea. The party have all found their sea legs, even magical help doesn't do it in a single hour.

10th Frost

Sail spotted to the West, identified as a Destinian ship, moving at clearly magical speeds also, I believe we have the edge on them in pace but not significantly. Neither of us attempt to close with the other and we pass at about a miles distance.

12th Frost

Measurements indicate we are at the right place to turn south, the Elven Isles are visible to the SE by the clouds above them.

14th Frost

We pass through a storm. Sufficient to endanger a ship without a water or air mage, but of little consequence given we can ignore the natural wind and calm the waves.

15th Frost

We enter the Pasifika region, noticeable easily by the sudden slowing of the Mage Current, thankfully the Caravel itself still has a good speed allowing us to make swift passage regardless. We travel down the East Coast of Rangiwhero.

16th Frost

We reach anchor at the Pasifikan Trading post near evening. Sufficient time is available to meet with Aqualina & Princess Ariel of the Merfolk, as well as see about hiring a few local crew to be lead by Aqualina's brother to keep the ship safe when we depart from it to investigate points of interest.


Sketch map of area

Disclaimer, this is a player made map, it may not be entirely accurate.


Daily pattern

Travel Magics

  • Caravel + Mage Current / Mage Wind. 29 Miles / Hour. 696 Miles / Day.
  • Flying Cloud + Mage Wind.  ?? Miles / Hour.  ??? Miles / Day.
  • Celestial Wings.  ?? Miles / Hour.  ?? Duration.  ??? Miles / Day.

Watch Order

Day Watch
First - Second - Third -

Night watch
First - Second - Third -

Marching Order

Skirmish Formations (Front)
Double File Single File


General Buff Notes

Buffs listed in the table don't need to be detailed, other buffs not on the table must be mentioned at the time they are cast.
Y means always on, N/- means never on, 'Sit.' means when the party has time for buffs before a fight.
Weapon Spells which weapon/s it is going on normally should be noted also

  • Waterproofing can be cast on all packs, bows, cloaks & other items desired by people, duration 55 days. All items get effect when a possession anyway.

FT Usage & Recovery

  • Rhiain.
  • Sno. Recovers 3 Ft per hour of Sleep.
  • Minerva.
  • Elderan.
  • Christopher.
  • Lim. -6 Ft in morning, -3 Ft in evening. Recovers 5Ft per hour of Rest.

Restoratives are available as required. Minimum restorative is 8/16.
Herbalist Meals / Tea made by xxxxx give ?? Ft back Morning, Lunch & Dinner.

Long duration buffs

Magic Rk Effects Dur Christopher Rhiain Sno Elderan Minerva Lim Octavia Storm Shadow Eagle Space
Enhance Animal (Lim) 10 +3 Ft NA, +3 En NA, +15% SC, +2 DM, Magical attacks. 11 Day N N N N N N Y Y Y Y ?
Resist Cold (Ice) / Cold Resistance (Water) ?? / ?? / ?? / 10 Resist Cold, effect based on Rank / College. ? / ? / ? / 11 Hours ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Water Breathing (Lim) 15 Breath water, see through Water mage fog. 16 Hours Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ?
Buoyancy 10 Control depth, 25' up/down / pulse. 5.5 Hours Sit Sit Sit Sit Sit Sit Sit Sit Sit Sit ?
Water Proofing 10 Immune to negative effects of water. 33 Hours / 55 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ?
Coruscade (Min) ?? +x% defence ranged/melee, +y% defence in close. ?.? Hours Y Y Y Y Y ? ? ? ? ? ?

Short duration buffs

Magic Rk Effects Dur Christopher Rhiain Sno Elderan Minerva Lim Octavia Storm Shadow Eagle Space
Waters of Strength 20 [D-2]+20 PS 105 Mins Sit Sit Sit Sit Sit Sit ? ? ? ? ?
Weapon of Cold (Chr) ?? ???? ? Mins ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Arrow Flight (Eld) 6 +2Dmg +7sc 11 Mins ? ? ? Y ? Y ? ? ? ? ?
Name ??? ?? ???? ? Mins ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Name ??? ?? ???? ? Mins ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Loot and Expenses

SP & other cash value loot

  • Pay. 10k cash + expenses up front. extra 10k on completion

Significant Items



  • 8 * Heal over time potions (18 damage initial healed, + 9 damage healed the next 4 pulses) 1 Each, 2 extra are +1 Christopher, Rhiain.
  • Greaters (Villa, 13k each covered by Employer.).

Minor Items



Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
Frost (7)
  1 Guild Meeting 2 Bought Caraval 3 Bought Cargo 4 Loaded Cargo 5 Left Seagate 6  
7   8   9   10   11   12   13  
14   15   16 Arrived Pasifika 17 Unloaded Cargo 18 Departing for Coral Sea. 19   20  
21   22   23   24   25   26   27  
28   29   30    
Snow (8)
  1   2   3   4  
5   6   7   8   9   10   11  
12   13   14   15 Solstice 16   17 The Duke of Carzala's Winter Ball 18 Yuletide
19 Days of Chaos 20 DoC 2 21 DoC 3 22 DoC 4 23 DoC 5 24 DoC 6 25 DoC 7
26 DoC 8 27 DoC 9 28 DoC 10 29 DoC 11 30 Twelfth Night  
Ice (9)
  1   2  
3   4   5   6 First Plough 7   8   9  
10   11   12   13   14   15   16  
17   18   19   20   21   22   23  
24   25   26   27   28   29   30