A friend in need ...

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Scribe Notes


Adventure: A Friend in need ...
GM: Chris
Season: Autumn 816 wk
Night: Tuesday - at Chez Ellis
Level: Low-Med

  • Everan - Human, Necromancer, Elderly - played by Dean
  • Cassandra - Human(f), Celestial Shadow - played by Michelle
  • Zardoz Graves - Halfling Celestial Shadow - played by Martin
  • Jerome - Human, Necromancer - played by Andrew
  • Heddi - Giant(f), Rune, Warrior - played by Julia
  • Rahne of Blackshore - Human(f), E&E, Warrior - played by Stephen
Klara la Forgette
Cassandra had received a dream message from her friend from her time at the Southhaven_Academy_for_Girls who has asked for her help at an upcoming family gathering of the La Forgette family at their familial estate.

Scribe Notes

Day 30

We meet in a guild meeting room 30 days into the season. Cassandra is looking for people to go to a party , which has bad omens.

We have an appointment at 'la Grenoille' Manor (its something Uncle Sebastian remembers from his youth) at 6pm , heading to Arns ferry an old lady gives us directions to the manor. There is a portal due to open at 6pm

Stepping through the portal we arrive in a room with an uncovered mirror, with runes . There is a mad (long term creeping senility) uncle in the room playing chess with a revanant. Introductions are made he is Sebastian and one of his uncles is an Amir. He tells us he is 58, he is a long lived sentient. He takes clarity pills that Klara knwos about and has given him to stay 'sane'.

Day 1 Harvest

Dawns stormy but the food is good. Sebastian has two female servants Alicia and Vermelda who help him with day to day tasks. Today we expect to travel with a caravan however the weather may have other plans and the weather causes the caravan to be delayed. We pass the day spending money at the bazaar

Day 2 Harvest

The day downs with better weather and 8am sees us all at the Sukhoty Caravanserai and starting the journey to Castle Montfychet. We start to get to know our fellow travellers.

Research and Reference

Some of the La Forgette family left the Western Kingdom with the La-Rayfiles family around 500 wk when Vampires were a big problem.

La Forgette
  • 'Uncle' Sebastian - senility controlled by drugs. Long lived sentient but appears to have/had the life span or a normal human. Has Rune mirror used to open portal from Arn's Ferry and a good library.
  • Fawlk - Sebastian's ghostly manservant.
  • Alicia - a brunette slave of Sebastian's
  • Vermelda - a red headed slave of Sebastian's

La Forgette (Met as fellow travellers travelling by Caravan to Castle Montfychet)
  • Elise de Soisson (f) (b735, d) - widowed wife of Olivier la Forgette (b732, d797) ‘ex Baron of Sardrock until 800wk’. Married 752wk
    • Louis la Forgette (b753, d) ‘ex Baron of Sardrock, 800wk - 814wk’ = M-771 = Fleur de la Roche (f) (b755, d)
      • Valere la Forgette (b772, d) ‘Baron of Sardrock 814wk +’. Remained behind in Sardrock
      • Talon la Forgette (a) (b773, d)
        • Briana la Forgette (f) (b792, d)
      • Isabelle la Forgette (f) (b775, d) = M-795 = Lyall Alagaad (b776, d)
        • Novarina Alagaad (f) (b796, d)
    • Goslin la Forgette (b754, d808)
    • Robert la Forgette (b755, d) = M-775 = Nycole de Contades (f) (b757, d)
      • Urson la Forgette (b775, d) = M-795 = Briana de Guesclin (b777, d)
        • Hostilian la Forgette (b796, d)
      • Audra la Forgette (f) (b780, d796)
      • Nouean la Forgette (f) (b775, d) = M-797= Herman von Habsburg (b773, d)
        • Louis von Habsburg (b797, d)
        • Corrin von Habsburg (f) (b798, d)
        • Aleksei von Habsburg (b799, d)
        • Sophie von Habsburg (f) (b800, d)

Three main religions: Karmic and reincarnation, Ancestor Worship, Spirits and Shamans.
Most priests are bald and wear bright robes, orange, saffron.
Temples vary. Statuary, animals given offerings to influence next incarnation.
The temple spirits report
  • people are misusing magic, it has weakened the barriers between worlds. Things have got out of hell
  • spirits are in pain further into the mountains
  • maybe we should talk to the spirits in the mountains. Although they are more likely to lash out.
  • Abdul El Rachim - Caravan master. Caravansary Market at north end of town. About 30 miles per day, 4 days to castle.


(and expenses)

Herbs Glaive Spear Book Honey Necronomicon Battle Axe Monkey

Item Qty Effects Ev Cs Za Je He Ra
Black Myrrh 4 3,800sp / 5 days -
Healing Potions 10 Heal 10 dmg
Restoratives 10 Rk 8 -10+20
Herbs Gypsum for Amulets +5 vs E&E and Wicca.
Henbane - Distilling essences, love potions.
Hellebore - cures madness
Rue - FT tea and Impotence.
Rune Bones 50sp to be carved for casting runes. Incl Satyr knuckles. 1
Books 85sp include Giantish book w/ DTJ variant 1
Pair of Battle Axes 100sp 1 Rk 8 smithing, silvered, can be joined together. 1
Giant Glaive 200sp 1 Rk 6 smithing, silvered... 1
Giant Spear 52sp 1 Rk 6 smithing, silvered. 1
Shadow Bee Honey 50sp 3 1
Necro Book (read) Life Prolonging, Wraithcloak, Life Drain. 1 1
Rune Book (read) Rune Portals
... ...

Buffs & Mil Sci

Lucky Numbers
Rahne Everan Cassandra Zardoz Jerome Heddi
42 22 83 67 15 27

Long Term (assumed always on)

Magic (caster) Rk Effects Dur Ev Cs Za Je He Ra
Greater Ench. (R) 19 +20% to 3 of Res, Mag, Com, S&S. 5 days RMS RMS RMS RMS RMS
Ench Armour (R) 12 +26% Def +1 AP 2 DR vs Phantasm/Nightmare. 6 1/2 hrs
Dark Vision (Je) 6 cast at night 12 ½ hr (enh) 1 1 1
spell (pc) 0
Self Only  
Mind Shield 6 13 hrs 6

Short Term

Magic (caster) Rk Effects Dur Ev Cs Za Je He Ra
Ench Weapon (Rahne) 10 +11% SC +5 Dmg 15 mins
Smite (He) ?

Watch Order

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Heddi Everan Jerome Heddi
Cassie Zardoz Rahne

Marching Order

Skirmish Formations (Front)

Heddi Rahne
Everan Cassandra
Jerome Zardoz

Double File

Heddi Rahne
Everan Cassandra
Jerome Zardoz

Single File



Autumn: Fruit (4)
Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
Lugnasad 1 Guild Meeting 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 Arn's Ferry, Sebastian. 1 Shopping 2 Caravan.. 3 4
Autumn: Harvest (5)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 Equinox 16 17 18
19 Harvest Moon 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 1 2
Autumn: Vintage (6)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 Blood Moon 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Beerfest