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Slavery is officially illegal is most of the Western Kingdoms and Baronies but the underground trade in slaves persists, is legal in some places, and is rumoured to be unofficially sanctioned by many nobles.

Types of Slavery

Chattel Slavery

Where the slave is considered property no different in the law from a piece of furniture or an animal.

The offspring of chattel slaves are usually slaves as well.

Chattel slaves are most often acquired through kidnapping, raids, and war.

Bond Slaves

AKA Indentured Slaves

The slave is bound to a fixed term of Slavery to repay a debt or crime.

Bond slaves usually have some rights as a person as they will (theoretically) become a freeman again in the future.

The offspring of bond slaves are usually free, though in some case they incur a debt for room and board while they are dependent and their parent is enslaved and become bond slaves themselves to clear this debt.

Conscripted Labour

Usually limited to captured criminals and enemies, put to work in some form of manual labour as part of their incarceration. But nobles in need of a quick unpaid workforce have been known to conscript workers from the lower echelon of society.

Indentured Servants

Technically not slavery but usually only varies from Bond Slavery in name and quality of room and board.


Technically not slavery, but many liberals argue this is semantics and Serfs are slaves by another name.



Bond and Chattel Slavery are normal parts of the society and trade of Arabie.
Lunar Empire
The Lunar Empire allows a form of Bond Slavery.
Freedom may be achieved by serving in the army.
Slavery is no longer legal in Sanctuary, although it does run an active education campaign to enlighten other communities as to the economic and social advantages of open labour markets. Sanctuary is the main supplier of seasonal workers between the Baronies and Arabie.
Soulport, Eltrandor
Soulport once hosted a thriving slave market, but is now officially cleansed of slavery and is attempting to establish itself as a trading port.
Calder, Brandenburg
The trade in slaves is officially illegal, but unofficially occurs from time to time and is mostly ignored by the authorities.
