Talk:Sea of Grass
From DQWiki
Has anyone done a map showing the full expanse of the Sea of Grass?
--Keith 09:25, 21 Mar 2007 (NZST)
Note that Waterford is somewhat larger than the little yellow strip on that map. It meets Tuscana in the mountains, and it's E border is on the river E of the yellow patch. --Errol 10:03, 21 Mar 2007 (NZST)
I don't have Jono's address here at work. Can someone let him know that so that he can update the map? Mandos 10:04, 21 Mar 2007 (NZST)
He knows, he and Clare haven't got together to update that map. Other maps showing that bit are far less misleading (e.g. Lands_of_Alusia#Western_Alusia).--Errol 10:14, 21 Mar 2007 (NZST)