Ethics of Gabriel

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Gabrielite Ethics

The ethics described below, while fitting the archetypical Gabrielite, are not followed by all Gabrielites; nor do only Gabrielites share these values. Gabrielites are communicators and convertors, preachers and educators, and somewhat doctrinal in their outlook. Their subtlety of thought and communication can lead to convolution, but they are ultimately interested in the good of the whole community.


The rules are clear, but apply to everyone slightly differently. Each person must be encouraged and cajoled by their community and spiritual guides into making the right choices, but ultimately makes their choice alone. The effect on others is the most important attribute when weighing up moral decisions. Ethics should be openly debated and discussed, taught and lauded. A commuinity is best judged by its collective ethics, and the tenor of its society.


Justice is partially Punitive, partially Retributive, but also essentially Compensative. The victim is the one that has suffered, and must be compensated as fairly as possible. The community at large must feel that a correct degree of punishment has been meted out. The wrong-doer must be detered from performing a similar act. Capital punishment is not unreasonable or undesirable, but the punishment must be proportional to the crime, and should not be at the expense of compensating the victim and society in general. Debtors should work off their debt, not rot in debtor's gaol. Slavery, while a practical way of gaining instant compensation and retribution, violates free-will and perpetrates further injustice, and should not be allowed.

Argentum Analysis

Gabrielites as viewed by a different ethical theory. The primary Ethical virtue embodied by Gabrielites is leadership, through communication and inspiration, and leading communities in decision making. Their habituation to Moral Virtue is less than any but the Sammaelites, but they can teach what virtues they have effectively, and are excellent judges of others' moral vices. Prudence is sometimes lost in their enthusiasm, particularly when associating with Michaelines for too long. Their weakness would have to be their Competency, often over-reaching themselves in their desire for drama and effect.