Thorns Landing

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The village of Thorn's Landing consists of 27 cottages, each with its own 1/4 acre (more or less) of garden and a 2 storey stone Inn.
Founded in the summer of 808wk, the village of Thorn's Landing has population of 130-180 people most of whom are laborers on the farms that help to support Bolton Manor or their dependents.

The village is sited astride the last ridge of the hills of the Pallisades were they drop down into the northern edge of the coastal swamp; below this ridge a harbour has been constructed to serve vessels up to 80 tons.
A long rock and boulder seawall curves out from the beach acting as a breakwater protecting vessels in the harbour from large seas. To the north of this breakwater a stone quay forms a shorter arm that provides shelter to small vessels in the harbour and allows for the easy transfer of cargo on and off coastal cutters.

The cottages are single storey with a loft, constructed mainly of wattle and daub with timber frames, stone chimneys and thatched roofs. Most are set around 3 sides of the village square with the balance being on either side of the road from the village to Bolton Manor. The Inn and a space set aside for a future church, make up the fourth (northern) side of the village square.

The road leading from the Quay directly up the hill to the north side of the village square is very steep, to help alleviate this and prevent washing out large blocks of stone have been used to create a series of long sloping steps. However this means that wheeled traffic must use the southern road. Other than the ‘Stair’ the road surfaces in the village are dredged up shingle.

Three to four hundred yards to the north and higher up the ridge than the rest of the village is a larger than usual cottage, it is home to the giantess Grizelda Fieldspar. The cottage is larger than the others in the village as it has been scaled up appropriately for a hill giant. Grizelda’s cottage has 5 acres of gardens and orchards, she also keeps at least one hive of bees in her orchard and the sound of humming fills the air nearby.

Thorns Landings serves as harbour for fishermen working the bay and enables Bolton Manor to conduct sea trade with the rest of Carzala.
The village also serves as a base for a farm labor force close to the coastal fields and with the inclusion of the Inn, the manor house staff are able to seek entertainment away from the castle in their time off as well as any traders a place to stay.

As of Autumn 808 Aqualina, has also taken up residence with the view of surveying the bay, and determining the possibilities of growing oysters. With her arrival, there is now a pod of dolphins permanently resident in the bay.