Red Carpet Massacre

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The adventure involves the Isles of Freedom.


Adventure: Red Carpet Massacre
GM: Mandos
Session: Autumn/Winter 813 wk
Location: Chez Mitchinson
Level: Medium


Icarone - Human Solar Celestial played by Manu Erwin

Teeanna, A Fae Princess and Mind Mage played by Hannah

Adventure Full

There's not so many now, still standing on their feet

The knives are out and singing so sweet
Engaged with sharper minds that cut you when you meet
Ain't the place to mess around
When someone wants to take you down

The Guild.
A boat is noted to be leaving Seagate Docks on the 8th of Fruit 813 with a large number of corpses on board.
Double Guild Rate plus salvage

Scribe Notes

8 Fruit 813

Teeanna, Dr Sam and I are at Dramus' when a guild security member requests Teeanna's assistance (and ours by default as we happen to there) to approach the D'Abran fae regarding what they know about corpses on a boat leaving the harbour as well as everything else going on in the aisles of freedom. Easy!! The gold dragon Roche is involved. Something about the drow per modern histories. Stone elves that are buried. Oh yes, the world might end in three months or so.

"Madeiras Elvedas" may be the best fae court to talk to initially. Bunt is the "bispothetiste" of the court. We get wings from the Lord of the Bats who seems like he would like some company. I thank him and get triple duration!! We take the slow portal and then fly the rest of the way. Teeanna yells at us to not to land in the open space north of the village and east of the river due to many Fairy rings there. We find a clearing to land in and Sam notices a dragon shaped indent in the ground which also has a ritual on it of "release"! We spot the pixie trying to steal the gift to Bunt, and once it recognises who Teeanna is gets really worried. Bunt arrives and welcomes us to the court. He takes us to the court when we're introduced to Timp and Mary and tell us about Roche (their neighbour until five to six years ago) who years ago turned 10,000 elves into stone in preparation for some future battle. A guild party woke him about 5-6 years ago and he released the stone else and left. Timp reveals he is under compulsion and cannot tell us some information we likely need so we should visit the wisewomen who may be able to tell us more.

9th Fruit 813

I get up early-ish to purify and enjoy breakfast and a little later Teeanna & Sam also awake. Bunt takes us to the wisewomen, a very old dryad by the name of Trimble and her weeping willow. She has seen the future although also has compulsion so cannot tell all. What she can tell us is as follows;

  • a creature trapped in the Isles who others have been trying to free
  • there is a small number of Fae in the Isles, some are also trying to prevent the release
  • Roche cannot be foretold
  • We must ask the dragon elves (fae) about their business
  • The stone elves are in a location guarding a great evil and they are where the guild party left them
  • Lord Arrandel is active in the Isles, however she does not know if he is seeking to free the creature
  • Elder fae spirits know about the creature and placed the compulsion (geas) on Trimble and others as a "racial secret"
  • River of blood that needs to be stopped - is near a coast - will happen on a day of power - the most likely is end of "Vintage" as is a time of decay
  • Kit knows where or has communicated with the elder spirits
  • Haan, Taree, Everin, Kit are some of the people who may know more…..

She speaks in the voice of prophecy:

There's not so many now, still standing on their feet

The knives are out and singing so sweet

Engaged with sharper minds that cut you when you meet

Ain't the place to mess around

When someone wants to take you down

Trimble "glows" Sam's bulb and says it will grow purple flowers.

Trimble gives Teeanna a dryad tree seed to be the host for a dryad wisewoman should she need one.


A - Individuals we Met or Heard about

Trimble - Spoke to her about the secrets of Insel der Freiheit

B - Locations we Went

Madeiras Elevadas

C - Loot we acquired or expenses we incurred

  • Rock of Integration - Sam - Gift
  • Dryad Tree Seed - Teeanna - Gift


Autumn 813 WK: Fruit
Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
1 Guild Meeting 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 Hired and travel to the D'Abran area to meet local fae 9 Discover information about our future from a fae wisewoman 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30