Looking Glass Lost

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Scribe Notes


Adventure: Looking Glass Lost
GM: Michael_P
Season: Summer 820wk
Night: Friday chez SMITH, Mangere Bridge [7pm start?]
Area: Off-plane, "Home", according to its locals (but Namers call it Lilac ) ... a single-continent planet approximately half the Size of Purple or Alusia
Level: Medium (ish)

The Party

Mages (if possible); and spies or courtiers definitely preferred to thugs/fighters.
NOTE: Must be non-human and "non-monster" — preferably Elven, Dwaven, Hobbit, or "Being",
maybe even a miniature giant if small, light, & very well behaved.
Definitely NOT Orcs, goblins, undead, lycanthropes (besides, Lilac has no moon)

  1. Aurora - f. Elf, Airmage (played by Keith)
  2. Pierre_the_Halfling - m. played by Ian A.
  3. Veor - played by Bernard
  4. non-draconic Starflower - f. elf played by Jacqui
  5. Lila - Formerly human Celestial played by Kelsie
  6. Thaeuss - Elven Binder played by Stephen

Mission overview

Mission: Hired to go off-plane (transport provided by Employer), to RECOVER the Employer's missing magic Looking-Glass and perhaps resolve related problems — especially any caused by the party. Do NOT introduce non-­native species without permission.

Employer: The Wiccan/Wicked Queen, resident in the "Elvish Territories" on the Plane named Lilac
via her Head Huntsman (and general trouble-slayer), who looks human, mostly, much less so under Witchsight (GTN, Being).

Pay: You will be granted 13 magical boons upfront, with a cash bonus if you complete the mission within 250 days or less. Actual value depends on how Discrete and effective you are.

What Happened in the Guild

Address to the Guild by the employer’s agent, who looks Human, but somehow, when he looks straight at you gives a definite vibe of NOT being so.

Toto is bout 6’4”, with a LEAN & HUNGRY look”, he moves with GRACE and implied menace.
And when he starts talking those of you with Witchsight definitely notice a “SURGE” in his face (now a somewhat furry face with large ears, big teeth, and big but very cold eyes) and a SURGE in his very big hands with very sharp claws)

I am Svatoplúk … (pauses for non-response) … but you can call me Toto.
I am Head Ranger of The Wiccan Queen (a.k.a. The Wicked Queen)

I am come to you off-plane Guild because out Trade allies on Purple say MOSTLY Good things about you.
Her Dread Majesty would like to lease 5 or 6 of your {airquotes} “Heroes” to DISCRETELY RECOVER her Magical Looking-glass.
And even more discretely deal with any IRREGULARITIES arising from the theft & its INSTIGATORS.
You will be paid upfront with 13 magical boons to be distributed amongst your party.
(as an aside) And, if I know H.W.M., how your political leader & military strategist distribute those boons ... THAT will also be a test.

You will also be paid a cash bonus if you succeed within 250 days. Actual amount according to your behaviour, intelligence, competence, and discretion.
And if you fail ??? — Perhaps have an unavoidable reason or else things may get ...unpleasant.

'***Party to do pre-adventure stuff (discuss in first session)***'

Possible Astrology reading?

I’ll be at charges for a Looking-Glass. (Rich.III, i, 3)
Too little payment for so great a debt (T. of Shr, v, 2)
I am right loth to go (Mer of Ven., ii, 5).
There’s warrant in that theft / Which steels itself (Macb., ii, 2)

NPCs by session

Session 1

You will encounter the Company of the vessel Move Along (fake name & appearance) a.k.a. the Funky Albatross. All hobbits except for Higgs

  • Captain Perdita Poppy.
  • First officer Bartholemew Trickle.
  • the Boatswain, Mr Higgs (a dwarf).
  • the Medic/Cook, Coca Sal
  • Hands: Flick & Flack (interchangeable twins), Hans, Merry, New Timmy, and Pineapple Pete.

Scribe Notes


Usual days pattern?

Ft recovery

Herbalist Tea, rank 8, +5 Ft recovered * 3 / day.

Buffs & Mil Sci

For a 1 hour group ritual, each person can cast 1 buff on the whole group with a single cast. Preferably once a day in the 'morning' so as not to spend all day doing rituals.

Long Term (assumed always on)

Magic (caster) Rk Effects Duration Au Pi Ve St Li Th
Force Shield (St) 17 +23% defense 230 mins
Shadow Form(Li) 15 def +32 melee & ranged, +16 in close 8 hrs
Wings of the Phoenix (St) 6 flight 36 mph 210 mins
Air Flight (Au) 20 50 mph range 525 miles 10 targets 10.5 hrs
Shadow Wings (Li) 6 36 mph, 126 miles range 3.5 hrs
Instil Flight (Th) 10 40 mph, 650 lbs limit 5½ hrs
Feather Fall (Au) 10 5.5 hours
Vapour Breathing (Au) 10 5.5 hours
Resist Cold (Au/Ve) 6/? 2 gauge, -2 cold damage, 5 targets/? 7/? hours
Witchsight (Li) 7 4 hours
Mind Shield (St) 8 +26% vs M.Att. 17 hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mind Speech (St) 12 communication (on-plane) 3 hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y
Disguise (Pi) 16 17 hrs
Modify Aura (Th) 6 +/- 3 Levels 7 hrs
Linking Lifeforce (Th) 19 Reflect health within 2000 miles Perm
Linked R&S Golems (Th) 12 May hold your spirit on death ...
Greater Heart Rune (Ve) 10 Heals 8 En on taking En damage 1-17 days.
Rune of Willow Healing (Ve) 6 3 En healed for 8 pulses, free action trigger. 20 hrs
Ritual of Rune Creation (Ve) 16 4 Tattoo's per entity (Healing, Protection, Shield, Weapon usually) 17 Days
Fire Armour (L+) 10 44 ablative fire protection 11 Hrs
Fireproofing (L+) 10 Fireproofing 11 Hrs
Sense Danger - 83% - 48%*

Mil Sci (St) +9 Defence and Initiative when engaged.
Pass without Trace (St)

Short Term

Magic (caster) Rk Effects Duration Au Pi Ve St Li Th
Strength of Darkness (Li) 12 +7 PS 130mins
Lightning Strike (Li) 5 [D-4]+7, save for 1/2 5hrs
Barrier of Wind (Li) 4 20 def vs missiles, 15 in melee or close 150mins
Walking Unseen(Li) 6 7 hrs

Watch Order

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 2 3 1
4 5 6

Marching Order:

Skirmish Formations (Front)

Starflower 2
3 4
5 6

Double File

Starflower 2
3 4
5 6

Single File


Loot and Expenses


Winter: Frost 820 (7)
Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
Samhain 1 Guild Meeting 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 1 2 3 4
Winter: Snow 820 (8)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 Solstice 16 17 The Duke of Carzala's Winter Ball 18 Yuletide
19 Days of Chaos 20 DoC2 21 DoC3 22 DoC4 23 DoC5 24 DoC6 25 DoC7
26 DoC8 27 DoC9 28 DoC10 29 DoC11 30 Twelfth Night 1 2
Winter: Ice 820 (9)
3 4 5 6 First Plough 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30