Guild Meeting June 2024
From DQWiki
DQ Guild Meeting 9th June 2024
On Discord Channel Link
12:30 GMs Meeting
Adventures Going Out
- as listed below
Rules Issues
- no issues to vote on
Campaign Report
- WK armies massing south of Jurgenmark to invade in Summer. Planning dangerous levels of geomancy to 'open' the mountains.
- Western Church Inquisition has been re-formed and is increasingly active. Increased Church vs State friction.
- Horrors more active in the southern oceans. Zealandia-Pasifika trench.
General Business
1:00 Guild Meeting
Online on Discord, Meeting Link, Invite Link expires 15/06.
Adventure Summaries
- Grymeron Out of Shape - Medium - Mon - Dean - St Johns
- Witch Hunt - Low/Medium - Jacqui - Online/Mangere Bridge - Tuesdays
- Friendly Fire - Medium - Well done. - Bernard - Online - Wednesdays.
- Red Laughter - Medium - Jim - Online - Sunday (21:00 to 01:00)
Adventure Announcements and Sign-up
- Gold Fever - Med - Mon - Martin
- ?? - High - Wed - Sam (Birdlands)
- Overflow if needed?? - Keith
- Smartest
- Bravest
- Solas - There's a giant shark-like thing with a 200' maw and locate shows our quarry inside it. While we're hoping there's another way, Sol bravely leads the charge, flying into the maw. 4
- Boom Boom - Stepping out in front of the party to face the dragon-lizards 3
- Vixen - Charging into and through a cathedral resisting Dwarf Star. 5
- Eugene - trying to consecrate a demonic temple while standing in it. 0
- No Vote - 0
- Stupidest
- Best Death
- No Vote - 0
- Best Kill
- Kurt - Killing Drow with Hands and Magma. 4
- No Vote - 4
- Star of Alusia - No nominations
- Jammiest B'stard
- Boom Boom - Not dying from his 'bravery' because he had drunk a potion to prevent it. 2
- Gnash - While trying to detach the charmed dragon-worm from the tree, he got its claw caught in his ribs (Spec Grev) - making himself both the bait & the hook. 2
- Lady Arcadia - Testing the safety of the giant whale-shark stomach acid by diving in. Saved by aquaphobic stone. 8
- No Vote - 1