What people do
- What can people do?
[M]aster R8+
[P]rofessional R4+
[A]pprentice R0+
Alchemist Sabastian[A], Belladonna[P]
Armourer Sabastian [M],
Astrologer Sabastian[A], Ishamael[A]
Artisan - Distiller Ishamael[M],
Artisan - Brewer Ishamael[P], Uzi [P]
Artisan - Caster Belladonna[P]
Artisan - Cook Uzi [A]
Artisan - Butcher Uzi [A]
Artisan - Glassblower Sabastian[P],
Artisan - Goldsmith Sabastian[P], Belladonna[A]
Artisan - Hunter/Trapper Uzi[A],
Artisan - Lapidary Sabastian[P],
Artisan - Locksmith Belladonna[A]
Artisan - Lumberjack Uzi[A],
Artisan - Miner Sabastian[A], Uzi[A],
Artisan - Painter Sabastian[M], Dalran[P],
Artisan - Sculptor Sabastian[M], Vapour[A]
Artisan - Tailor Sabastian[P],
Artisan - Weaver Sabastian[P],
(A)ssistant 'Greaser' Dalran[M],
Beastmaster Vapour [A],
Courtier Sabastian{P], Belladonna [P], Dalran[P},
Healer Uzi [A],
Herbalist Vapour [A], Belladonna[A]
Lock Picker Sabastian[P], VApour[A]
Mechanician Sabastian[M], Uzi [A],Belladonna [P]
Merchant Sabastian[P], Belladonna[A]
Military Scientist Uzi [A], Dalran [M]
Navigator Vapour[A]
Ranger Uzi, Vapour[A]
(S)Paying Attention - Belladonna[A], Dalran[M]
(T)ealeaf Dalran[M],
Troubadour Belladonna[P]
Warrior Vapour [A],Dalran[P],
Weaponsmith Sabastian[M],
- Ishamael
I do Shadow Wings (see FBN).
- Uzi
various skills that *cough* add to stealth [A-P] <looks at Dalran and sighs>
Mes cast Enhancing Enchantment to boost peeps - if da other E&Es <looks at Dalran> dont does betterz
Who da "inside dude"? Do da Gargs have somebodys we can bribe/subperv on ours side? or dey use slaves we put one of uz
- Vapour
Other specific "abilities" that may be useful are:
- Can teleport "back to the guild gates" once every 2 moons...
- Can teleport a small distance (50ft) once a day when in my armour.
- Can walk on air
- Belladonna
-mechanician specialty is small timed magical traps/mines/grenades
-dance naked around fires to divine information
-fire arc, and wild fire for transportation and teleportation
-talented linguist
- Dalran
I compliment Uzi's accomplished skills in E&E and look to help where I can possibly do so. I specialise in getting in places and out sometimes with more than I came in with, often with something else on my conscience (usually a Tick applied to a problem - hehe).
I can help facilitate the aid (or at least the non resistance) of others through various means.