Talk:Guild Meeting December 2012

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Racial Modifiers

For every 10,000 Experience Points (EP) the character has spent towards the "racial modifier" it is lowered by .1
This is to say that once a giant has lost 10,000 EP to their race, their "racial modifier" it then lowered to 1.4
Once they lose an additional 10,000 EP to their new "racial modifier" of 1.4 it would become 1.3
The racial modifier will never go below 1.0.

The 10k cost to reduce, values the benefits of those races at 10k, 20k, 40k, and 50k. While the benefits of the races are not consistent or balanced, overall I think that this valuation is low. In many cases it doesn't even cover the extra stat points let alone the arguable value of the other abilities.

I think that 20k or 25k per .1 is closer to the right amount.

Based on conservative XP awards and 5 adventures at bunny-low, 5 at low-med, 5 at med-high, etc. The number of adventures till it's paid off are:

Value/Cost 1.1 Hob/Dwv/Orcs 1.2 Elves 1.4 Shp Chg 1.5 Giants
10,000 7 11 13 16
20,000 13 18 24 26
25,000 16 21 28 31

I like the gradual tax reduction of this method, but if, as mentioned on Sunday, we were to look at a simpler rule that doesn't require quality record keeping and math then I suggest that for all races, the EM ends after 20 adventures (when you reach max racial PC).

And if anyone has the meticulous records and proof that at a cost of 25k per 0.1 that they have cleared their EM earlier and can convince a GM to look at their records and sign it off then they can reduce their EM before they reach max PC.

- Stephen 21:19, 12 December 2012 (UTC)

To give some weight to the above via example, and because I do have meticulous records :-) here is Sabrina based on the above:

Value/Cost 1.2 Elves
10,000 7
20,000 15
25,000 18

This is a little faster than the table, but does include some double adventures counted as one, and normal rather than conservative XP.

I quite like the max PC idea, except that non-mages would need a different rule given they start with higher PC. It would also value mini adventures higher. --Dean Ellis 23:06, 12 December 2012 (UTC)

I wasn't at the Guild Meeting, so I wasn't there to hear this.

I do not support the idea of reducing Racial Taxes. In fact, the only suggestion I would entertain is increasing them.

The reason is that experience is earnt in a linear fashion. On the other hand, it is spent, in alsmost all cases, in an exponential fashion. This is certainly the case for Magic, it is my analysis that the costs for Skills and Weapons increase at a rate congruent with a Fibonacci sequence, which is, in any case, approximately exponential in nature.

This means that the cost of advancing increases at higher Ranks, and therefore the effect is, when compared against a linear rate of income, that the inhuman will only be a few Ranks behind.

Assume a human has advanced a 100 Exp. Mult. spell to Rank 20 at a cost of 21,000 Experience.
A shapechanger would only be able to spend 15,000 Experience. It costs 15,300 Experience to raise the spell to Rank 17.

This is a rate, which means that because of the increasing costs of Ranking, the distance that a shapechanger will lag behind a human is going to be about 3 Ranks.

So, my objection is that the advantage of being human is nothing other than this, and I don't see it as being a particularly powerful motivation to be human. Any process that diminishes the one advantage (such as it is) that humans can have is an in-game motivation to choose something else.
- Jim Arona