Guild Meeting December 2012

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DQ Guild Meeting 9th December 2012

Venue: Western Springs Garden Community Hall

12:30 GMs Meeting

Adventures Going Out

Current GMs may book themselves on adventures at this time.

Rules Issues

Wanting to table for March meeting.

Racial Modifiers

adding this bit:
For every 10,000 Experience Points (EP) the character has spent towards the "racial modifier" it is lowered by .1 This is to say that once a giant has lost 10,000 EP to their race, their "racial modifier" it then lowered to 1.4 Once they spend an additional 10,000 EP to their new "racial modifier" of 1.4 it would become 1.3 None humans can not go below 1.1 modifier.


For every 10,000 Experience Points (EP) the character has spent towards the "racial modifier" it is lowered by .1 This is to say that once a giant has lost 10,000 EP to their race, their "racial modifier" it then lowered to 1.4 Once they spend an additional 10,000 EP to their new "racial modifier" of 1.4 it would become 1.3 None humans can not go below 1.0 modifier.

Campaign Report

What's going on and what's coming up from the campaign committee (that we need to know). And what other people could help with or contribute to.

  • Bounty on the Guild, Stolen True Silver. Something has changed, rumours seem to have more substance.
  • Food Prices in the WK - we still have several months until harvest, what are the early signs, will it be a good or bad one.
  • Up date on the war.

General Business

  • 23 paid up members ?

1:00 Guild Meeting

Adventure Summaries

Adventure Announcements and Sign-up


  • Smartest
    • No Vote
  • Bravest
    • No Vote
  • Stupidest
    • No Vote
  • Best Death
    • No Vote
  • Star of Alusia
  • Jammiest B'stard

General Business

Annual club membership fee
Account Num 38-9014-0022834-00

2:30 Hall Closes


Seagate Guild of Adventurers

Minutes of the Guild Meeting

Summer 813WK

0) Gods Meeting Minutes

  1. E&E playtesting still in progress. Still waiting on some feedback.
  2. Warrior III - again still testing. Many of the subskills have been tweaked and made better.
  3. Armour stacking should be treated on a case by case basis, depending on writeup. If unclear or ambiguous, best to seek clarification from the original GMs.
  4. New racial modifier rules have been tabled.
  5. Campaign News.
    1. The south east of Aladar in the Western Kingdom is up to its armpits in Drow.
    2. The Barratary River has swamps along it at irregular intervals.
    3. Drow raiding parties are all over the Western Kingdom. They seem to be spending this session looking for a better hammer to smash the resistance to their advances.
    4. The Guild Council are wondering if Drow should be allowed to join the Guild
    5. Speculation in trading seems to has fallen off as the future seems more uncertain.
    6. The Elven Islands have already been taken over by Drow.
    7. Prophesies about the missing True Silver have turned up nothing. Certainly no one has turned up with it.

1) Adventures Going Out.

  • William - Erol Smith from North Aladar. He doesn't care about the invading drow, elves or fae, but is more concerned about the orcs, trolls and ogres in the area. Will help with training. Medium, Tuesday, Glen Eden.
  • Craig - The Sorceress in Silver would like a party to assist her with air spirits in Aladar and Aquila. Mondays.
  • Jono - Irene, a Wiccan from the mages of Freetaun, is recruiting a party to recover three drow warlords. Pay is 20,000sp per person & letters of marque. Medium, Thursdays, Grey Lynn
  • Bernard has offered to run an overflow.

2) Award - Smartest

  1. Lath used a ritual that wiped out the opposing forces. The fact that it also nearly froze the party was considered a feature, not a bug.
  2. Vychan. Having the idea to wipe out the drow with flash floods.
  3. Tari - There was a altercation with a party member (who will remain nameless as it wasn't their fault) who tried to abscond with the loot. She had the idea to teleport ahead of the fleeing person.
  4. Tegan - kept coming up with clever ideas while the rest of the party were scratching their heads.

Winner - Vychan

3) Award - Bravest

  1. Ben Gaul - attempting to go in close with a dragon
  2. Tee Hee - The party were storming a temple and had just been badly beaten up by undead. The next encounter was a drow priest about to sacrifice the person they were sent to rescue and was surrounded by more nasty undead. Despite this, TeeHee charged in to block the dagger as it was descending

Winner - Tee Hee

4) Award - Stupidest.

  • Vychan - The flash floods were carried by arrows and Vychan claimed he could hit his target while shooting with one hand and blindfolded. All he had to do was to hit the ground - but he actually hit the mast of the ship the party were on. Much scrambling to get rid of the arrow before the flash flood hit.
  • Ben Gaul - Attempting to close with the rear end of the dragon and being swatted into the ground.
  • Ibrihim - The party were on a boat fighting blood magic and had to disperse a cloud of dried blood. Ibrihim used a wind storm and took out every mast in the fleet.
  • Tari - Giving the evil artifacts to the party member who had the best chance of absconding with them.

Joint Winners - Vychan and Ibrihim

5) Award - Best Death

No nominations were received.

6) Jammiest Bastard Award

Awarded to Tegan who drank the heart blood of a sand dragon with a very high risk of dying - and succeeded in doing so.

7) General Business

The vote for admitting Drow into the Guild as members was split.