Hi Jono
Was this page intended to be deleted or should the changes be rolled back?
Mandos 09:44, 17 May 2006 (NZST)
Have Rolled it back. If there are issues let me know.
Mandos 10:45, 18 May 2006 (NZST)
--Jono Bean 15:21, 18 May 2006 (NZST)
Whats a crowner? Chris 1st July 2007
- The origin of the term coroner, for one. Sounds like an office with potential for Adventurers! --Errol 12:55, 1 Jul 2007 (NZST)
yes a crowner is the holder of the pleas of the crown or what is now known as a coroner.
a medieval crowner investigates Murder, Rape and Wrecking. They can also be called upon to investigate any fellony (fellony's means that the crime is of a value over 1 gold shilling,)however fellonies are normally the domain of the sherif. If you would like Erzsabet as a bureaucrat to pay for crimes to be investigated let me know and I can donate some monies toward this. If you have an adventure/ investiagation that you want a namer with low ranked Geas, compel, DA, divinate, most counter spells at rank 8, and a courtier complete with an assistant (NPC) Rune mage to play on. that would be cool --Mebh 23:16, 8 Jul 2007 (NZST)