Styx Grain trading syndicate

The syndicate holds the lease on an area of land around Byson & Tims from Duke Leto DeWinter. The syndicate is owned by members of the Styx merchant trade guild, based in Seagate.
Villages of Byson & Tims
They have rights to water and access to the main Tiana river which runs downstream to the Sweetwater and then Seagate. Access to the river is opposite the village of Southgrove. The area of land is a wide strip that runs between the river and the Dark Wall.
The syndicate farms land on the edge of the Sweet Riding of about 4 miles deep and 8 miles long. The area is seeded with large amounts Grain, Oats and Rye. The area has excellent weather, light & rain and is blessed by Wicca.
Deposit & Processing
These days they have been turned into a guild deposit and processing areas. Twice a year a small tent city of migrant workers is erected for a couple of months. Wheat, corn, grains is processed and siloed. Hay barns are common with many thousands of large haystacks.
The Harvest
The harvest size is around ~819,200 bushels of - summer wheat, rye, grains and hay which come from the 32 square miles of the Sweet Riding just on the other side of the Dark Wall. The harvest happens on a single stormy night by mystical means. The bushels are processed locally and then barged down to Seagate overnight. Around a tenth of the harvest goes with Silverfoam to the Superstition Mountains‎‎.
Given blessing on crop, excellent soil, sunlight, temperature yields are around 30 to 40 bushels per acre.