Redwood village

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Redwood Village map

LOCATION: Redshire, Newhaven
STATUS: Manor of Count Engalton OM
GOVERNMENT: County of Newhaven
POPULATION: 926 (District); 192 (Settlement)

Redwood is the seat of the County of Newhaven. It was first settled about a 796. Logging of the large forests that dominated the local area was the first source of work for the settlers. Most of the wood was carted to Newhaven town, to the west of the village. As a outlaying settlement of the town and on the main road to the other two manors and villages settled at the same time, it has grown from the trade. It is the manor and market village for the local three hamlets in the area.

The local Lord and Sheriff is Engalton, one of the Founders of Newhaven. The shire moots are held with some irregularity. The Baron leaves Redshire much on its own. The Sheriff leaves most of the administration to Matthew his highly competent administrator. Matthew is in his mid forties, quiet and studious, with an eye for picking the right person for the job. He is on good terms with the Mayor of Newhaven, Marath.

The College of Higher Wisdom is being established to the east of town on the coast road (just off the local map). The college will be home for a staff of twenty and about sixty five students. When the builders have finished in about four months time, the college will be opened. Temporary accommodation for the teachers and other staff is being made available at Redwood, until work at the college is completed.

Redwood Taxes
Property Tax (Residential): 9% per annum
Property Tax (Guild): 6% per annum
Hawking Licence Rate: 11% of goods' value
Bonding rate (per month): 1% of goods' value
Poll Tax (Spring): 3sp per adult

Local Map Key

  • 1 Metalsmith (Gyran of Ranke)

Size:4 Rank: 6 Prices: Ave Race: Human Gyran is a competent, and very busy metalsmith, well known locally for his solid, reliable products and reasonable prices.

  • 2 Woodworker (Devon of Devon)

Size:3 Rank: 4 Prices: low Race: Orc Devon's small establishment does a good business with the local community and with the merchant Rodger (see 7), who trades Devon's goods in Newhaven Town. His prices are low because most of the common wood that he uses are readily available in the large stock pile in the North Common.

  • 3 The Red Wood Inn (Kelsie of Orcland)

Size:5 Rank: 3 Prices: Ave. Race: Human The Red Inn, was named by Kelsie after the red bricks that it is made from. The six private rooms available upstairs have a good view out to sea, and the unremarkable common room is downstairs. The stables and hay barn along side, and Martin the Ostler makes use of the north common. The Inn carries a wide range of imported wines and spirits, but at a high price.

  • 4 Miller (Patrick of Hope)

Size:6 Rank: 3 Prices: N/A Race: Human Patrick is the local miller. The Windmill was imported from Seagate. Patrick also runs a sizable warehouse which contains many goods from other craftsmen.

  • 5 Tailor (Dydin of Hope)

Size:5 Rank: 2 Prices: ave Race: Human Dydin is not known for her skilled work. Nevertheless, she is the only tailor in Bowmanor, and more likely to help the poor than not. She is liked by most of the locals. She is the only sister of Patrick (see 4).

  • 6 Hideworker (Bar of Novalar)

Size:8 Rank: 3 Prices: high Race: Human

  • 7 Merchant (Rodger of Seagate)

Size:4 Rank: 4 Prices: ave Race: Human Rodger maintains a wide range of goods imported form Newhaven in his general store. He is open most days with his family running the store when he is out of town. He is known to have arrange deals with the merchants in Newhaven town and the other villages.

  • 8 Bow Manor (Matthew of Greenwood)

The house of Engalton of Newhaven, lord of Bowmanor. The manor has a 12 foot high thick wooden wall strapped to the outside of the 15 foot stone outer wall. The 40 foot high tower is in the northeast corner. The gatehouse is also of stone and stands 25 feet high. The manor has a 8 foot deep ditch surrounding it. The ditch is reinforced with a heavy inner wooden wall on the manor side. Inside are: a) The Great hall, b) Stables, c) Forge & Workshop, d) Gatehouse, e) Tower.

  • 9 Blacksmith (Tintin of Seagate)

Size:3 Rank: 4 Prices: ave Race: Human

  • 10 Constable (Brian of Destiny)

Brian holds his land for military service. He is the village constable, and he also works as one of Sheriffs constables.

  • 11 Marketplace

Bowmanor marketplace is held every third day starting at dawn and finishing mid afternoon.

  • 12 Orchard (Sweetman)

Size:2 Rank: N/A Prices: N/A Race: Human Sweetman speaks very little common. The six types of apple in the orchard are made into Cider for local use.

  • 13 Graveyard

Their are presently only four graves, all are from victims of old age. A family crypt has been build by the Sheriff.