Racial Modifiers

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Proposal replaced by Racial Modifiers 2013

(Copied from Sep 2007 agenda page, with clarifications from email list added) I would like to add to the agenda for next gods meeting a proposed rule change for the next rulebook. I think it should go at the end of section 2.2 in the rulebook. --Jono Bean 09:31, 24 Aug 2007 (NZST) Guild_Meeting_September_2007

Racial Modifiers
A Racial Modifier above 1.0 will be lowered by 0.1 (to a minimum of 1.0) for each 200,000 experience points that the character has earned (before racial mod was applied i.e. 'Raw').

A Giant starts with a 1.5 Racial Modifier. Once the character has had 200,000 experience points their modifier will be lowered to 1.4 Racial Modifier. The same Giant after earning an additional 200,000 experience points will again lower their Racial Modifier to 1.3 etc.

Implemention Option A:
To be applied retrospectively i.e. EP already 'over-spent' (effect of Racial Mod applied to EP earned over each 200,000 block) is refunded.

Implemention Option B:
Adding option B because of general demand and the logistics of implemention. --Jono Bean 09:19, 29 Aug 2007 (NZST)
To not be applied retrospectively i.e. EP already 'over-spent' (effect of Racial Mod applied to EP earned over each 200,000 block) is lost and not refunded.

Discuss here.