Racial Modifiers 2013

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Per 2010 Rulebook:

Humans learn faster than non-humans. Learning is represented in game by spending Experience Points (EP). Divide any experience points a character gains by the "racial modifier" and then spend the result normally.
Race Modifier

  • Dwarf 1.1
  • Elf 1.2
  • Halfling 1.1
  • Hill Giant 1.5
  • Human 1.0
  • Orc 1.1
  • Shapechanger 1.4

Addition Guild Meeting March 2013

For every 25,000 Experience Points (EP) the character has spent towards the 'racial modifier' it is lowered by .1 (but not below 1.0) or after 20 adventures (when PC reaches racial max), the EM becomes 1 (whichever happens first). E.g. once a giant has lost 25,000 EP to their race, their 'racial modifier' it then lowered to 1.4 Once they spend an additional 25,000 EP to their new 'racial modifier' of 1.4 it would become 1.3.


RM Amt earned that
cost 25k
Amt spent that
cost 25k
1.5 75,000 50,000
1.4 87,500 62,500
1.3 108,333 83,333
1.2 150,000 125,000
1.1 275,000 250,000