Phaeton's Pact with Diancecht.
This pact is a minor pacting, with no direct claims on Phaeton's soul. It is intended to serve as a guide to Phaeton's loyalty & commitment as well as provide him certain benefits for worshipping Diancecht. Should he convince other healers to follow & pact to Diancecht, they will likely receive a very similar pact.
- New Spells gained at starting rank of 6. If not known at a greater rank already.
- Greater Heart Rune (Rune, S-5)
- Rune of Willow Healing (Rune S-9)
- Healing (Celestial S-1); This spell also has it's range changed to 10' + 10'/Rank over 10. Range not active until Third Great Healing task completed
- Awareness of body; Phaeton is aware of his own body & should he become poisoned, diseased or similar, will be instantly aware of this occurring. If he is sleeping he will have a 1*PC chance to wake up & react.
Neutral effects
- When Resurrecting, or being Resurrected, upon a successful skill check, an Emissary of Diancecht will appear, and ask for an accounting of the Entities worthiness for Resurrection from the Healer, or someone who was present at the Entities death. Should the accounting be insufficient, the resurrection will fail. Except in the case of great stupidity PC's should be resurrectable.
- Phaeton may only provide healing to those whom are worthy & in need. In situations where natural healing will be sufficient, he should let it take it's course. As above, PC's will generally be worthy baring great stupidity & probably even then.
- Phaeton must encourage other healers to follow the same philosophies of only healing the worthy if in need, and allowing nature to take it's course where possible.
- Phaeton may not use shaped items that affect the skill of Healing, or that provide healing magic of any kind. Invested items & potions may still be used.
- Phaeton must tithe 10% of his gross income to worthy healers who follow similar philosophies of healing.
- Phaeton may not work with Powers, or Agents of Powers who are opposed to healing. I.E. Powers who spread death & decay such as Astaroth or Malthus.
Sample punishments for moderate breaches of the Pact
- Ill luck major curse for X time. Deific level MA so can only be removed by another power.
- Healing skill & all healing magic reduced by X ranks for X seasons.
- No miracle level (Rank 8+) healing abilities for X seasons.
Call Patron
Not available until Third Great Act of Healing completed
To invoke Diancecht, Phaeton must dress in clean white robes, & spend at least 12 hours fasting, before attempting the ritual. Each invocation of the ritual takes three hours to perform. There is a 25% chance + 5% per consecutive ritual that an Emissary of Diancecht will respond to this invocation.
Additionally, as per Pg 63-64, GM's Guide, it is possible that Amdusias, the Unicorn Duke (Pg 106, GM Guide), or his minions may respond on behalf of Diancecht instead of the Emissary. If this occurs (GM whim on who responds), Amdusias will be serving the interests of Diancecht as well as his own.
Should Phaeton be killed, once his body is past resurrection (Be it instantly if the form of death is irresurrectable, subsequent destruction of his body, or after the resurrection period has lapsed), an Agent of Diancecht will appear at the site of his death. This will usually be in the form of a Sentient Silver Unicorn, with two attendant light spheres under it's whim. The Agent will attempt to slay Phaeton's attackers if present, or will demand information on them. If no-one is present or no information is available on the attackers current location, the Agent will collect Phaetons life-force & soul, & return to it's place of origin. As per Pg 65, GM's Guide.
Phaeton has been granted a Unicorn as a Familiar. It will act as a mount for him, or stay by his side & fight. It's stats are as per GM's Guide, PG 93, using the maximum of the stat ranges provided. It's skill in its weapons will be Rank 5. It may disguise itself as a white horse at Phaeton's request, but will loose access to it's magical abilities while it is disguised. The effective Rank of communication may be calculated using the Talent of Speak to Creatures of Light (Celestial T-1) even though the Unicorn is Sentient. Any Adept with this talent may talk to it in thus manner.
Should it die, he may request a new familiar on the Summer Solstice, depending on the manner of it's death Diancecht may demand a price for a new familiar, or may simply refuse to give one at all.
Primary Philosophies of Diancecht
- Knowledge, especially that of Healing, must be earned, not given away to all.
- The gift of healing must be earned, by ones actions.
GM: Bernard Hoggins - January 25th 2010