Menolly GM Information

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Visible Value
Menolly appears average in wealth, with clothing readily available at any market. She carrys a wooden staff and not much else in the ways of noticable accessories apart from the animal pets.


Offensive: low-med (dagger, main gauche, self bow, staff, sling, grenado), low (net, unarmed)
Defensive: medium (Armours of Earth, Strength of Stone, Trollskin)


Long Term

To learn how to teach her non-flying pets how to fly when using magical means (ie bat wings)

Find someone called [Kareem] who she was told by a dragon could help her find a beastmaster teacher to learn the skill of teaching non-flying pets to fly using magical means.

Learn to speak and read Eldaran.

Short Term

Find a suitable large intelligent female dog to breed with Briar to produce large, strong, intelligent dogs.

Learn the spell Animal Growth.

Find ways of keeping her animal companions alive during Guild jobs.

Other Long Term ideas Menolly has thought would be cool

To learn how to talk to birds and bugs and other animals she can't talk to currently. (water creatures, fire creatures, air creatures, light creatures, magical beasts) (recently acquired the upgrade in her speaking spell to now do this)

Travel around the place, meeting new people and seeing new sites.

Learn a walking unseen spell variation where the pets she carries are also included in the 1 spell, and don't trigger being seen by travelling on Menolly.

Create a spell similiar to Animal Growth, but it has reverse affects, reducing the size of the animal, so large would become small. She wants a way of making her dogs smaller/lighter so she can carry them if she has to fly somewhere. And then people would underestimate them as targets, make useful in combat... small terrier increases back to normal size (wolfhound) and then doubles in size with really big teeth.


Friends and Allies
To be advised...
None that she knows of.
Gods and Powers
She likes dragons
She was cursed by He who shall not be mentioned! but that got better
Elvish (fluent)
Common (fluent)
Dwarvish (passable)
Folksprach (passable)
Halfling (passable)
Dryad (simple)
Moorish (simple)

Skills and Abilities

Party Roles
Backup healer, scribe and buffing spells.
Healer - Tactic Empathy (Rnk 6)
Horsemanship (Rnk 5)
Artisan (tanner/furrier/hide worker) (Rnk 3)
Beastmaster (Canines) (Rnk 3)
Dagger (Rnk 5)
Main Gauche (Rnk 5)
Stealth (Rnk 4)
Swimming (Rnk 4)
Staff: (Rnk 5)
Flying (Rnk 9)
Some climbing
Smattering of alchemist, ranger (woods), artisan - cartographer, navigator, artisan - animal husbandry, herbalist, artisan - cook, artisan - fishing
Smattering of weapons self bow, rock, grenado, sling, throwing dart, blowgun, net, unarmed
Main Spells
Armours of Earth (Rnk 12)
Lesser Enchantment (Rnk 13)
Strength of Stone (Rnk 10)
Converse with Animals (Rnk 20)(modified spell)
Trollskin (Rnk 13)
Walking Unseen (Rnk 7)
Healing (Rnk 8)
Earth General Counter Spell (Rnk 7)
Earth Special Counter Spell (Rnk 6)
Phoenix Wings (Rnk 6)(Fire College variation of Celestial Star/Shadow Wings)
Exsanguination Special Counter Spell (Rnk 0)
Ritual of Create Garden (Rnk 2)

Other Stuff of Note

Non-Standard magic
Detect Aura (Rnk 19)(modified to Namer variation)
Witchsight (Rnk 10)(Elf ability)
Aerial Affinity (Rnk 3)(Air College)
Interpret Runes and Symbols (Rnk 3)(Rune College)
Heroism (Rnk 5) (item) if others in line of sight during combat and Menolly being heroic
Doesn't like being around death (Life aspected)
Can see in the dark (elf)
Wearing a number of amulets (Aquilegius, Luck, Logan Bane, Necrogeny)
Ceramic heart thing to help with resurrections
Permanent Greater Enchantment on all 4 areas (+20 on dice rolls)