Lunar Statue of Victory
This ancient and unique large stone statue which is named the Lunar Statue of Victory, which weights 195 tons is carved and enchanted and made from part of 'The Block' which rests in the Lunar Empire, next to Lunar City. The statue is erected within Logan's Lunar Palace (in the upper sections of Lunar City).
It is a wedding gift to Logan, by Emperor Titus Flavous Valentius Stabilius (The Emperor of the Lunar Empire). Logan can use it as he sees fit within the confines of the Empire.
It allows Logan (or other Adepts of the E&E college), to cast a Greater Enchantment Ritual, at one rank higher (but not above rank 23). It gives +10 to BC on Greater Enchantment.
It allows the Logan to write (up to Greater Enchantment rank) names into the base of the statue which will allow those named individuals to gain a permanent duration greater enchantment (until death or dispelled), in which case their name will vanish from the base of the statue.
It will also allow Logan (but not other enchanters) to cast Greater Enchantments on a target with the special bonus as follows for normal duration. The ritual will affect the target's fortune in all of the following areas:
- Resistance - Magic Resistance, Fear, Fright & Awe Checks.
- Magic - Talent, Spell, and Ritual Base Chances.
- Combat - Weapon Strike Chances and Stun Recovery.
- Skills and Statistic Checks - Skill Base Chances and General Statistic Checks (e.g. 1 x PC or 4 x AG).