Lake Panatanala
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Lake Panatanala
This is a large lake which borders Cauldersfield, Eltrandor, and Drakenburg; and is fed by many highland lakes and the water flows down towards the bay of Felice down the Shadowspin River. The lake is on average around 600ft deep but has a number of spots dropping down much further as well as having a number of islands rising from the lake floor. The islands that rise from the lake floor are all heavily cragged and jagged rock, covered in vegetation, moss, lichen and such like. They are generally either low-lying (of a max of 6ft above the water) therefore subject to frequent flooding OR tall rocks rising a minimum of 100ft from the water.
Points of interest - in or around the lake shore
This is the capital of Cauldersfield and is a town of around 3,000 beings