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Location | Western Insel der Freiheit |
Government | Principality ruled by House Papiria. |
Current Prince | Prince Audens Clovius Papiria |
Population | 527,500 |
Urbanisation |
52,500 - 11% |
Major Towns |
Pamangkal Pop:26,500 Mamporaih Pop:10,500 |
Imports |
Exports |
Whale Bone Oil |
Keisarangan is a small province at the northwestern tip of the Island. The province is bordered to the northeast by Serawak, to the southeast by Pontaningal. To the north and west is the sea.
The rivers in Keisarangan are less navigable than other provinces and as such the bulk of the populous live along the coast and living from the sea. The whaling fleets in Mamporaih are famous through the Isle and the bones, oils, fats and associated products are the provinces main export. In the highlands of the province are two towns well away from the waters.
- Pamangkal(Capital)
- Mamporaih
- Monterado
- Singkawang
- Sambas
- Pengkajang
Places of Interest
- Mt Roeapoet (4921ft)
- Mt Nioet (5577ft)
Prince | Prince Audens Clovius Papiria |
House Colours | |
House College | |
Allies |
Enemies |