Item Collection - Aqualina

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Battle Bikini

Morgor the Shaper has shaped, at the request of Aqualina, a Battle Bikini. It is made from fish scales and seaweed, enchanted to be very studded hard leather. It offers the wearer the following:

  • Fatigue armour 8 points which can stack with other items to a max value of MA.
  • Endurance armour 6 points which can stack with other items to a max value of MA.
  • +4 TMR up to a max of MA.
  • +3 PC up to a max of MA.
  • Leaves a train of wet footprints behind.
  • The armour will stay on the wearer regardless of physical forms or transformation.
  • 20 points of ablative armour, against Fatigue blows while under water. This ablative armour can be renewed by casting any water special knowledge spell on it, and the rank of the spell will regenerate the same level of ablative armour points. Ie rank 8 water breathing cast on it will give 8 points.

Any specific grievous damage done to the armour can be repaired by a rank 4+ Armourer while underwater at a cost of 1,000 sp per point, and half a day to repair.
Aura Magical, Plane of Origin: Alusia. Wgt: 4 lbs, Value: Quest

Ring of Protection

This finely crafted true-silver and ruby ring confers the following benefits while worn

  • +1 point of Damage Reduction versus physical damage.
  • +5% to Defence

This will stack with all other protection except for other rings of protection.

Aura Magical. Plane of Origin Alusia. Weight: 2oz, Value: 25,000 sp.

Sash of Protection

This sash is the badge of office of the Emperor's personal guard in the Empire of Cyruse (Plane: Theme Park F). The sash consists of a strip of finest red silk, approx 4 inches wide, with a thin gold stripe down the center. The overall length is 5 feet. It is designed to be worn from shoulder to hip and belted at the waist but this sash has been damaged and can only be worn from shoulder to hip. A seamstress/tailor may tailor clothing to fit around the sash without interfering with the magic, this requires five ranks of skill.

When worn between living humanoid skin and open air, the sash provides protection equal to 2 pts of armour and adds 20% to the wearer's defense. The defense will not stack with any other magical defenses.

Value: 5000sp

Enchanted Adept's Platemail Armour

This enchanted Adept's Platemail armour is enchanted to fit anyone 7 foot or less in size. It is shapely and will fit a female. It appears to be made of metal. The armour offers the wearer:

  • 9 points of protection from Fatigue blows
  • 7 points of protection from Endurance blows
  • 5 points of protection from any incoming damage spell (not ablative)
  • It will stack with other protection items and spell enchantment up to a maximum of 18 points of fatigue protection and 11 endurance protection
  • Up to 20 points of ablative armour, against Fatigue blows
    • The ablative armour can be renewed by the wearer casting any special knowledge spell on it, and the rank of the spell will regenerate the same level of ablative armour points. Ie rank 8 special knowledge spell cast on it will restore 8 points.
  • The armour has modified 3 x Willpower points of stored mana which has to be used for any spell casting instead of normal fatigue
    • Other stored mana can be used once the armour's stored mana is gone.
    • The stored mana will recover 5 points per seen sunset (max one sunset per 12 hours).
    • If no stored mana is available no casting is possible.

Any specific grievous damage done to the armour can be repaired by a rank 8+ Armourer at a cost of 1,000 sp per point, and half a day to repair.

Aura Magical. Plane of Origin Alusia. Wgt 25lb. Value 25,000sp

Enchanted Assassin Leather of the Fallen

This enchanted, light-weight, dark leather armour will fit anyone of size 6 or less. It has the following properties -

  • No agility modifier from the armour
  • +3 WP at night.
  • 3 points of protection from Fatigue and Endurance blows.
  • It will stack with other items and enchantments that give protection.
  • Ablative Fatigue and Endurance blows protection of the total ranks of up to 7 special knowledge spells cast into the armour.
  • The ablative armour can be renewed by the wearer casting any special knowledge spell into the armour, and the rank of the spell will regenerate the same level of ablative armour points. Ie rank 8 special knowledge spell cast on it will restore 8 points.
  • The current ablative armour protection can be used as a negative modifier to the dice, after the percentile dice roll has made, on any assassin ability or melee strike check, using up that value of ablative armour protection.
  • They can heal endurance damage with any successful general knowledge spell cast on themselves. The healing is equal to the rank value (ie Rank 6 spell will heal 6 points of EN).
  • As a pass action they can make a 1 x PC check to see any entity within 2 hexes.

Any specific grievous damage done to the armour can be repaired by a rank 8+ Armourer at a cost of 3,000 sp per point, and a day to repair.

Aura Magical. Plane of Origin Alusia. Wgt 2½lb. Value 22,000sp.

Swamp Kraken Wetskin Armour

This is a rather slick and darkly iridescent looking set of armour. It is plainly crafted but it appears to be made of some sort of thick but supple skin. It is, in fact, made of swamp kraken hide. When wet, it functions as soft leather, when dry, it functions as hard leather except it always weighs as much as hard leather and always has 5 pts of armour unless, of course, it gets damaged. The suit takes 5 minutes immersion in liquid to become wet, and will remain wet out of water for 1 hour.

In addition, when worn underwater, a layer of water becomes trapped in the armour and will keep the wearer warm in cold water for ten times what a normally clothed person could stand.

Value: 2450sp

Enchanted Cloth Armour of the Nahoolong

Crafted of black silk with Five-Sister dragon motifs

  • The suit will soak 3 EN damage per strike
  • It can do this 9 times before it must be repaired
  • The repair cost is 1000sp per 3 points if the suit is taken to the Five Sisters and you can find a mage/armourer to fix it
  • There are traders in Seagate that can have it fixed for 3500sp per 3 points and it will take three months to return it.
  • The suit will be completely destroyed (non-repairable) if it takes 10xEN blows before it is repaired
  • It has 3 armour points, no movement penalties
  • It cannot be used in conjunction with any other armour or armour enhancement
  • There is no head covering to the suit although any sort can be worn with it.
  • The suit affords a 5% bonus to stealth

Value: 8500sp

Eog Armour

Aqualina's armour has been manufactured by the artificer and Heka forger, Kernow of Lyonnesse at the request of Lorefakir. The armour is of translucent blue eog, a magical ore than responds to the psyche of its owner for a limited number of form changes. Aqualina's armour has the ability to mould itself to either human or merman form, the transformation taking one full pulse. The transformation is activated by exposure to water or by command of the wearer. In either form the armour weighs but 20 lbs., provides a defense rating of 8 and has an agility penalty of 2. The armour includes a full helm, which does not limit vision, and a kite shield of blue eog weighing 3 lbs. The shield moulds to the armour when not in use. The armour includes a sandwich of elemental water between the layers of eog from which the armour is made. This provides the wearer with a +10% saving throw vs all fire attacks and subtracts 10 points from any damage sustained.

Should the armour or shield be damaged, it requires a Rank 8 armourer and the services of a Rank 8 alchemist to repair. Alternatively, if damage occurs in either Greyhawk or Lyonnesse, repairs may be made by a Rank 9 Heka forger. A Water Mage wearing the armour is treated as if they were within 10 feet of the sea, unless some greater a bonus applies. This bonus is not cumulative with any other bonuses of this type.

Leather armour

This leather armour was made to fit Aqualina by a rank 9 armourer in the city of Novadon. The leather has been selected for suppleness and strength, with the result that the complete suit, conferring 3 points of armour, weighs only 8lbs, and confers +10% to stealth. The leather has been dyed a deep blue.

Value: 300sp

Soft Dwarven Armour of Warmth and Comfort

  • Plane of Origin: - Hibernia
  • Nature of Magic: - Comfort
  • Physical Appearance: - This is beautifully crafted leather armour in grey embellished in bronze
  • Dimensions: - This armour will fit a dwarf or human between 4ft 0 and 5ft 6.
  • Effects: - This is a suit of skillfully crafted soft drake skin leather armour giving 7 points of protection against fatigue blows and 2 points of protection against endurance blows. It comes with no agility modifier and confers +5% stealth which increases to +10% in rough terrain. In addition, it magically keeps the wearer warm and comfortable even in arctic temperatures. The wearer may sleep restfully in this armour. Should it be damaged, the armour can be repaired by a Rank 5 armourer requiring 1000sp worth of materials per armour point lost.
  • Value: - 10000sp


Dwarven Shield of Arrow Reflection

  • Plane of Origin: Hibernia
  • Nature of Magic: Enhancement, Reflection
  • Physical Appearance: This as a beautifully carved wooden shield embossed with bronze.
  • Dimensions: This is a large wooden shield about 3ft in diameter.
  • Weight: 10lb
  • Effects: This is a skillfully crafted hard wooden shield conferring 5% per rank in shield and having a -2MD modifier. In addition, it is somewhat anti-missile, having an unmodified 10% chance of reflecting any missile back to strike the shooter.
  • Value: 5000sp


Black Dirk

This is a fine dagger made of Black Steel by the Dwarves of Am Lannan Dubh, the Black Blades. It is one of a pair, given as a reward to Aqualina by Clan McLoad and is designed to be used with the matching maingauche. The blade is black, non-reflective, and hard to see in the dark. The handle is also wound in black.

The black dirk does an extra point of damage, due to the extra exceptionally keen edge allowed by the black steel it is made of, and another due to crafting for a total of +2. It is well balanced and has a 5% to SC. It counts as a silvered weapon for the purpose of determining what it will hit, but is not magical and allows weapon spells.

Plane of Origin: Alusia. Nature of magic: None. Weight: 10oz. Value: 640sp

Black Maingauche

This is a fine maingauche made of Black Steel by the Dwarves of Am Lannan Dubh, the Black Blades. It is one of a pair, given as a reward to Aqualina by Clan McLoad and is designed to be used with the matching dirk. The blade is black, non-reflective, and hard to see in the dark. The handle is also wound in black.

The black maingauche does an extra point of damage, due to the extra exceptionally keen edge allowed by the black steel it is made of, and another due to crafting for a total of +2. It is well balanced and has a 5% to defense (stacking with any forms of defense except shield defense) which increases to 10% if used with the matching black dirk. It counts as a silvered weapon for the purpose of determining what it will hit, but is not magical and allows weapon spells.

Plane of Origin: Alusia. Nature of magic: None. Weight: 16oz. Value: 1280sp

Shocking Trident

  • Plane of Origin: Alusia
  • Nature of Magic: Air
  • Physical Appearance: This Merfolk-style trident has a electric blue fork which appears to be faintly sparkling when charged.
  • Dimensions: The trident is approximately six feet long.
  • Weight: 5lb
  • Effects: This magical trident does an additional +1 damage and +5% to hit. When triggered, at a cost of 2 fatigue, it may deliver a shock to the next target successfully hit by the wielder. If the target fails to resist, it is stunned, and takes D+2 additional damage. This device functions normally under water.
  • Value: 7500 sp

Normal Bone Trident

The trident is entirely made from bone, with three prongs at one end and a blunt mace at the other. The prongs are very sharp. It grants the following benefits:

  • It is extremely well made, granting a +10% strike chance (weaponsmith rank 10 equivalent) due to quality.
  • If an endurance or better blow does any effective damage, the wielder can leave the trident stuck into their opponent, which will lower their AG by 5 and does D+12 damage if removed in combat.
  • Being constructed from bone, this weapon is not cold iron and will not interfere with the casting of magic in any way
  • Aura: Formally living: White Whale
  • Plane of Origin: Alusia
  • Nature of Magic: None
  • Magically trapped, warded or cursed: No
  • Value: 2000sp


  • Plane of Origin: Kalamar
  • Nature of Magic: Necromantic, Destruction
  • Physical Appearance: This sword is a well-crafted tulwar, of Kuo-toan manufacture, made of barbed shark bone, magically hardened to the strength of steel.
  • Dimensions: The blade of this weapon is three feet long, the haft and pommel adding another eight inches.
  • Weight: 4lb
  • Effects: The crafting of this tulwar adds +5% to its strike chance and +1 to damage. The blade is magical, and adds +10% to the adjusted strike chance when attempting to disarm. Furthermore, should an attempt to disarm lead to a result that would normally cause an endurance blow, the opponent's weapon will be broken. If the disarm attempt lead to a result that would cause a specific grievous injury, the opponent's weapon will be shattered beyond repair.
  • Value: 5600 sp

Truesilver Maingauche

  • Plane of Origin: Iska
  • Weight: 1lb
  • This maingauche is made of fine truesilover with a sharkskin grip. It bears the name of its maker (Heldin) in dwarven runes. Due to the skill of the maker, it adds +6 to SC.
  • Value: 2976sp

Dwarven Waraxe

  • Plane of Origin: Hibernia
  • Nature of Magic: Enhancement
  • Physical Appearance: This is a large war axe with a shaft about 2ft long, a blade 8in across and a vicious back hook.
  • Weight: 5lb
  • Effects: This weapon has a strike chance of 70% and does D+6 damage in the hands of most users. In the hands of a dwarf, the battleaxe gains an additional 5% to strike chance and +1 damage. This weapon can deal both A and B class spec grevs and deals an extra D10 damage against giant creatures. It is a valid target for weapon spells.
  • Value: 7000sp

Enchanted Dagger of the Drowning Deep

This dagger in the hands of a water mage is a powerful item. If the watermage kills themselves with this item (taking a one x Willpower check to do) they can choose for the dagger to do one of the following -

  • All undead within 100 feet & light of sight take a total of ranks in Talent, General knowledge and Special Knowledge spells damage save for half damage.
  • All elementals within 100 feet & light of sight take a total of ranks in Talent, General knowledge and Special Knowledge spells damage save for half damage.
  • All devils within 100 feet & light of sight take a total of ranks in Talent, General knowledge and Special Knowledge spells damage save for half damage.

(to be used only in emergencies)

Aura Demonic. Plane of Origin Alusia. Wgt 1 lb. Value 15,000sp.

Weapon belt of the black rocks

This magically enchanted leather and stone weapon belt can hold up to ten weapons & scabbards on it at any one time. Only weapons that the wearer can use, count as a weapon that can be carried on the belt. When the weapons and scabbards are on the belt they do not encumber or slow the wearer and do not weigh anything. The belt is also enchanted so that items normally cannot be removed without the wearer noticing. The weapons can almost always be readied for use within a single action. Weapons & scabbards that are currently on the belt are (shields may not be carried):

  1. Black Dirk
  2. Silvered Dagger
  3. Shocking Trident
  4. Dwarven War Axe
  5. Enchanted Dagger of the Drowning Deep
  6. Kuu-Ta
  7. Crossbow
  8. Normal Bone Trident
  9. True Silvered Maingauche
  10. Black Maingauche

Aura Magical. Plane of Origin Alusia. Weight: 2lbs. Value: 5,000 sp.


Belt of Merform

This magical belt is made of merfolk skin and looks like fish scale. When placed around the waist, so that the ends meet, it becomes part of the flesh of the entity wearing it and cannot be removed, except by the performance of a curse removal (as per lycanthropy). It can be activated by the entity and, over a five minute period, the entity will undergo a shape-change into the aquatic form of a merman or mermaid.

This confers the merfolk ability to breathe air and water and their underwater movement rate (350), TMR (7), and natural armour(2). However, they will also suffer the three point loss of FT then EN per hour when out of water in merform. No other physical activity may be undertaken during the changing process, and the process takes as long to reverse as it has been in progress should it be interrupted. It also takes five minutes to transform back to the original form. However, should the wearer spend more than an hour in merform, there is a chance that the change will be permanent until the belt is removed (as above). This chance = 1% * (hours spent in merform) -1 (rounded up)).

Brush of Disentanglement

This coral hair brush, inlaid with mother-of-pearl, has the magical property of instantly and painlessly removing knots and tangles from the hair or fur of any living entity when used for grooming. It will not function on hair which is not part of a living entity. It comes with a matching mirror which has been rendered as strong as steel by an unbreakability spell.

Value: 1000sp

Enchanted Bracer of the Fallen

This enchanted Bracer doubles the duration of weapon spells on the wearer's weapons. On the primary action (at that time, but not taking an action) the wearer can transfer any amount of damage they have already taken to another living entity within 20ft if the target fails to resist Rune Special (MR). If the target successfully resists Rune Special, the wearer (if a living entity) will take double damage.

Aura Magical. Plane of Origin Alusia. Wgt ½ lb, 15,000 sp

Enchanted Small Belt Bag

This enchanted small belt bag can hold 30 lbs of objects that can fit into a 6 inch by 4 inch bag opening.

Aura Magical. Plane of Origin Alusia. Wgt 2lb 5,000 sp

Enchanted Seashells

This enchanted seashell sounds of the sea. The seashell allows Water mages to cast Wave Riding spell +2 ranks of effect on all entities in adjacent hexes (up to six others & themselves) with a single cast.

Aura Magical. Plane of Origin Alusia. Wgt ½ lbs Value 5,000 sp

Harp of Tunefulness

This lap harp, of merfolk manufacture, has a frame made of coral, carved with waves and sea-creatures. The strings are of shark gut and enhanced with unbreakability so to be as strong as steel. The harp is magical with the nature of the magic being self-tuning. It never requires re-tuning either in water or air.

Value 2000sp

Crystal Decanter (Set of 3)

These crystal decanters are carved to rank 7, each holding a litre of liquid. They have a blue stained crystal stopper and are valued at 100sp each. Each weighs 5 pounds when empty.

Value: 300sp

Ocular of Observation

This lens is a monocle rimmed with gold. Should an object or area which is magically trapped, warded, or cursed (in the sense of being able to project a curse) be viewed through this lens, there is a chance that it will be visible as a violent purple glow around the object or occupying the area of the ward etc. This chance is equal to 70% + Rank of Warded Spell, Curse or Trap - 5% per 5ft separating viewer from target. A success may be interpreted as answering the standard DA question 'Magically trapped, warded, or cursed'.

Value: 8000sp

Mermaid Suit

This is a full mermaid suit complete with tail. It is metallic blue in colour. The suit enables the wearer to swim at 2 ranks higher (max rank 10) if the wearer has swimming skill. If the wearer has rank 10 swimming already, they gain a +10 bonus to swimming maneuvers. The wearer's swimming TMR is improved by +1 (max 7). Quickness spells can improve this.

Value: 1500sp

Nixie Medallion

This is made of bronze, depicting a kraken. Once a day, it allows the wearer to summon 20 pike which are uncontrolled but not actively hostile to the user. It cannot be used where a pike cannot go and where there are no pike within five miles.

Value 1500sp

Song of the Great Sea

The plaque discovered by Aqualina and company is part of a lost mosaic titled the Song of the Great Sea, an artifact of Good of great power. None know how many plaques formed the Song of the Great Sea, nor what full powers were. It is known that none of its parts may be safely used by those not favored by the powers of Light. What effect use has on the unworthy is unknown. The part of the Song of the Great Sea, held by Aqualina, is a minor Gate to the Elemental Plane of Water. As such it can supply a constant stream of clean water at the rate of one gallon per minute.

The plaque also radiates a faint dweomer of Divination and Healing magic. This Dweomer is only visible to Water Mages, those seeking forgiveness, the cursed, or the hopeless. The light appears as a soft blue, the sun seen from the deeps of the sea. Those suffering curses or ills relating to memory, fear, despair and forgetfulness may touch the plaque and see these afflictions washed away - treat as a Rank 25 Remove Curse. The plaque may perform this action but once for any particular person and never more than seven times in total in any one year.

The plaque has other benefits. Any Water Mage within 20 feet of the plaque is treated as if waist deep in pure water - casting rolls are at +10. This bonus is not cumulative with similar magics, the greatest effect applies. Natural water creatures are automatically well disposed to the bearer and sentient water creatures view the bearer as friendly until proven otherwise.

Once per week the plaque may Purify Water and make it clean and wholesome - a volume up to 25 feet in radius may be purified of pollution, acids, defilement etc.

Once per month the owner may conjure a Wave from the Great Sea. This is a fire action. The Wave appears as a foaming breaker up to 25 feet long, 12 feet thick and 15 feet high. The wave may appear on any surface and is connected to the plaque which must be held in its center for the Wave from the Great Sea to appear. The Wave lasts up to one hour but may be released earlier by lowering the plaque. When the wave breaks (by ending duration or lowering the plaque) those within 25 feet of the front of the wave take D + 20 points of impact damage as the wave crashes. Missile fire through the wave is impossible and those inside the wave are protected from bolt spells and Fire Magics. Any water collected from the Wave from the Great Sea disappears as soon as the duration is ended. Releasing the Wave from the Great Sea is a pass action.

If the plaque is held near the ear, the Sound of the Great Sea can be heard. Those who sleep within twenty five feet hear the Sound of the Great Sea in their sleep and are lulled by it, recovering fatigue at three times their normal rate.

The plaque is unbreakable except on the Elemental Plane of Water and acts as a water source for the purposes of casting Water Magic. It is said that in the hands of the Holy it may wash away Sins.

The plaque weighs 2 pounds and is 8 by 6 inches.

Formal Gown

This elegant gown in shades of blue silk embroidered in silver with images of the sea, was made by a rank 10 seamstress in the city of Novadon. It is designed to subtly show off Aqualina's athletic figure and on her confers +1 PB and 5% to reaction rolls.

Value: 1500sp

Haversack of Holding

  • Plane of Origin: Tir Nan Og
  • Nature of Magic: Faerie, Illusion
  • Physical Appearance: This appears to be a very ordinary medium-sized brown leather backpack.
  • Dimensions: The backpack measures roughly 12" wide by 18" high, by 6" thick.
  • Weight: 5 lb
  • Effects: Although a backpack of this size should only hold around around 70 pints volume, Aqualina has found that it seems to hold around three times that much material. It cannot however, hold items which are too large in any dimension to fit in a medium-sized backpack. Thus, a folded tent can fit in the backpack, but a broadsword cannot. Items in the backpack have a effective weight of one third their normal weight. The backpack protects items inside it against inclement environments, and keeps them safe even if Aqualina opens the backpack under water. On occasion (when it suits the GM) the haversack seems to respond to Aqualina's wishes, and items which she can't remember putting in her backpack are there to be found. These are always mundane items, and they tend to disappear after a period of time as if they were never there. The haversack was a gift from the Faerie Lord Cystennin.
  • Value: 6000 sp

Amulet of Jasper

  • Plane of Origin: Lyonesse
  • Nature of Magic: Wiccan, Protection
  • Physical Appearance: This amulet is a necklace holding a wooden pouch faced with a polished oval of red jasper.
  • Dimensions: The pouch is two inches square.
  • Weight: 1 oz.
  • Effects: The wearer receives a magical resistance check versus the draining effects of the Undead and similar abominations. This magical resistance may be modified by enchantments, but not by counterspells.
  • Value: 8000 sp

Orb of Power

This crystal, if held in the hand, allows the maintenance of a concentration spell when it would otherwise be broken. The orb does not impair spell casting (i.e. you can cast with the hand holding the orb) and provide a 20 point bonus to making concentration checks. Should the wielder be running two concentration spells and circumstances dictate that they lose concentration, the spell held in their feeble organic mind is lost. (borrowed by Lath)

Value: 15,000sp

Conch of Calling Merfolk

  • Plane of Origin: Alusia
  • Nature of Magic: Communication
  • Physical Appearance: This is full-sized conch shell, stained shades of blue.
  • Dimensions: This shell is about twelves inches long.
  • Weight: 1 lb
  • Effects: When this shell is dipped into the ocean it may be used to send a message through the currents and the waves to reach the ears of merfolk known to the user much as a Whispering Wind spell at Rank 10. It may be used to send a broadcast to any nearby merfolk within 10 miles. Each use of the conch drains two fatigue.
  • Value: 4000 sp

Belt of Sahuagin Form

  • Plane of Origin: Alusia
  • Nature of Magic: Illusion
  • Physical Appearance: This is a belt made of Sahuagin hide.
  • Dimensions: This belt will fit a normal sized adult human.
  • Weight: 4oz
  • Effects: This belt has a permanent disguise spell shaped into it, giving the entity who wears it the physical appearance of a Sahuagin. It does not change the wearer's aura, enable a person to speak Sahuagin or convey any of the abilities of a Sahuagin.
  • Value: 1000 sp

Preserved Spyglass

  • Plane of Origin: Alusia
  • Nature of Magic: Preservation
  • Physical Appearance: This is an ordinary leatherbound brass ship's spyglass
  • Dimensions: The spyglass is 2ft long, and 4 inches at its widest diameter.
  • Weight: 4 lb
  • Effects: The spyglass has been magically preserved to protect it from the weather.
  • Value: 600 sp

Dalran Crystal of Vision

This cut piece of Rose Quartz is a half-sphere some 10cm in size with one side of the sphere being cut flat to provide a viewing surface of 10cm by 10cm in area. The crystal weighs 1lb and has an innate value of 400sp.

When activated successfully, the crystal will display the view from a vantage point selected by the user, over a location within range of the crystal's 'vision'. The viewer may also hear as at the point of vision.

This crystal may be used once per day for up to 36 minutes. You may use up to the duration but may not save it for user 'later on'.

The crystal is enchanted to enable 3 extra jumps. This entails shifting the crystal's point of vision to anywhere within sight (but still within the ritual's range)

This may also be used to view visions (usually precognitive in nature) as concocted by the GM These are mystical devices, not telescopes or x-ray machines. It is not possible to use detection talents (such as Detect Aura) through a Crystal of Vision.

  • Effective Rank: 13
  • Range: Max 200 miles
  • BC: Auto
  • Number of jumps: 4 (This includes the first viewpoint)
  • Value: 4000sp

Boots of the Winterland

  • Nature of Magic: Ice, Protection
  • Plane of Origin: Hibernia
  • Physical Appearance: These are knee high fur lined boots.
  • Dimensions: These boots will fitr any human or similar sized entity.
  • Weight: 1 lb
  • Effects: This footgear bestows many powers upon the wearer. First the wearer may travel across snow at his normal speed, leaving no tracks, and without sinking. Second, the boots also enable the wearer to travel at normal speed across the most slippery ice (horizontal surfaces only, not vertical or sharply slanted ones) without falling or slipping. Finally boots of the winterlands are permanently waterproof, will not wear out, and keep the wearer's feet toasty warm.
  • Value: 4000sp

Goggles of Nightvision

  • Nature of Magic: Celestial, Binding
  • Plane of Origin: Hibernia
  • Physical Appearance: These are brown leather goggles with transparent brass lenses set in brass frames
  • Dimensions: The goggles are adjustable to fit the head of any human or similar shaped entity from halfling to hill giant.
  • Weight: 1lb
  • Effects: These dwarven made goggles serve to protect the eyes from acid splashes, shrapnel and the like (including result 13 on the spec grev table). More importantly they confer the Night Vision talent of the Celestial College on the wearer. This talent may be ranked with an EM of 100. In addition to the stated benefits, the goggles will allow the wearer to see through magical darkness of rank less than or equal to the rank of the talent, so that at Rank 20, the wearer can see through Rank 20 Darkness.
  • Value: 5000sp

Pixie Pin

This is a simple, magical silver pin, although the [invisible] blue shield on the pin's head is perceivable with witchsight. It automatically makes the wearer totally immune to Pixies' abilities to disorient people and cause confused thinking ... but it does not prevent the pixies from reading the wearers mind (you'll have to look elsewhere for that). However, should the wearer ever kill a pixie (even accidentally), the item is forever broken and the wearer GTN is automatically changed (Death-Curse, MA 20) to "Nasty, Nasty Killer of Pixies".

Value: 3500sp

Giant Carp Bracer

Because this bracer contains the "heart scale" of Giant Carp, you (its wearer) are TOTALLY IMMUNE to being swallowed whole by a Giant Carp or any other large aquatic (Whales, Sharks, Hippos, ... etc)
Unfortunately the bracer doesn't protect you from being eaten in multiple bites.
Nor is it particularly useful as a bracer — but must be strapped onto an arm, although you may wear it under clothing/armour You may breath water for up to 2x[your Rank in Swimming] Hours a day; and the water breathing time need not be all at once, but split sessions are rounded up to the nearest half-hour.

Value: 3200sp

Enchanted Ship Bottle

This enchanted bottle can trap an abandoned (ie containing no entities) sailing ship, when used by an adept of Water Magics whose ship strength spell is at Rank 8+. When the bottle is placed (by a water mage adept see above) on an abandoned ships topmast (highest point of the ship) it will quickly turn the ship to a wooden muck coloured stream of ruined wrecked water, which will flow into the bottle (over 1 min) in an unnatural way, and slowly turn back into a small ship again weighing 2½ lbs. The bottle cannot be magically enchanted to become unbreakable or stronger without destroying the bottles enchantments. The bottle has EN 20 points and a binder can repair damage with mending. If the bottle gets to zero EN it is destroyed and the ship is lost. When anyone opens the bottle for over ¼ of an hour, while over/next to a body of water, it will quickly turn the small ship to a wooden muck coloured stream of ruined wrecked water, which will flow out of the bottle (over 1 min) in an unnatural way, and turn back into a full sized ship.

Aura Magical. Plane of Origin Alusia. Wgt 2½ lbs Value 45,000 sp