Fairy Folk

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Faerie folk are all roughly related, though their natures have diverged since the time when they could claim a common ancestor. Brownies, Leprechauns, Nixies, Pixies and Sylphs all take [D - 2] damage from physical contact with cold iron (due to burning) in addition to any other damage that may be inflicted by a weapon made of that substance. Other faerie folk do not suffer this effect, but prefer to use substances other than cold iron for tools and artefacts.

Only the Elves and Merfolk have overcome their fear of the substance to the extent of habitually forging and using fine iron and steel weapons. All faerie folk have witch-sight.

More information about their culture and habits can be found on the Fae page.


Natural Habitat
Rural (Farms)
Generally Seelie
1-2 (1)
Alus are similar to Brownies however they only live near farms.
The Aluxob often arrive when a farmer builds a little house on his property, most often in a maize field. For seven years, the Alux will help the corn grow, summon rain and patrol the fields at night, whistling to scare off predators or crop thieves. At the end of seven years, the farmer must close the windows and doors of the little house, sealing the Alux inside. If this is not done, the Alux will run wild and start playing tricks on people.
Alux specialise in using minor magics to assist in keeping order, repairing minor damage, and doing light work around human dwellings. They can bless or curse crops in the same manner as a Witch.
Movement Rates
Running: 150
PS: 7-8 MD: 20-25 AG: 20-25 MA: 17-19 EN: 4-5 FT: 10-11
WP: 17-19 PC: 16-19 PB: 12-16 TMR: 3 NA: None
Alux have no natural weapons. They carry small swords (treat as daggers), but do not use armour. They may also carry bows which will have the same characteristics as the self bow.


Natural Habitat
1-30 (6)
Brownies are "little people" similar to leprechauns, but more sociable. They tend to be benevolent toward those who are not of faerie (unlike their wilder kindred who despise humans).
Brownies will aid the human inhabitants of an area in exchange for food (a dish of milk left out each night). If disaffected, they will seek out and give information to the household's enemies.
Brownies specialise in using minor magics to assist in keeping order, repairing minor damage, and doing light work around human dwellings. They can bless or curse crops in the same manner as a Witch. Their small help can also be turned to mischief if they are affronted in any way. This might take the form of falling roof tiles, collapsing floorboards, or other small disasters.
Movement Rates
Running: 150
PS: 7-8 MD: 20-25 AG: 20-25 MA: 17-19 EN: 4-5 FT: 10-11
WP: 17-19 PC: 16-19 PB: 12-16 TMR: 3 NA: None
Brownies have no natural weapons. They carry small swords (treat as daggers), but do not use armour. They may also carry bows which will have the same characteristics as the self bow.


Natural Habitat
Swamps and Fells and other boggy or muddy locations
1-4 (2)
Boggans are short fae with long spindly arms and legs which look too thin and weak to support their weight. They are generally covered in a thick coating of mud and may be decorated with weeds, reeds or heather depending on the location.
Theses are generally solitary and antisocial fae that are less than helpful unless they can directly profit from the association.
Movement Rates
Running: 150
PS: 7-8 MD: 20-25 AG: 20-25 MA: 17-19 EN: 4-5 FT: 10-11
WP: 17-19 PC: 16-19 PB: 12-16 TMR: 3 NA: Mud coating absorbs 3 DP
Boggans use enchanted balls of mud to attack the unwary.


Natural Habitat
Plains, Woods
2-20 (4)
Centaurs are half-human, half-horse. They are human down to the hips, but they join the body of a horse where the neck would normally be. Their lower half has hide, just as a horse's, while their top half is that of a normal human.
Centaurs cannot resist alcohol and become violent when drunk. Centaurs will only rarely let a human ride them, and only then at pressing need. They eat raw flesh (including human flesh), and will often abduct young maidens for food and immoral purposes.
Centaurs can have all the abilities and skills of a human. Centaurs in general are good with bows and at hunting, and have an affinity for healing and the art of prophecy.
Movement Rates
Running: 600
PS: 10-30 MD: 5-20 AG: 10-23 MA: 5-23 EN: 12-20 FT: 20-30
WP: 7-26 PC: 10-30 PB: 12-17 TMR: 12 NA: Hide absorbs 3 DP
Centaurs use weapons, favouring bows and spears. They will usually have Rank 3-6 in one or more of their weapons.


Natural Habitat
Jungle, Woods
1-30 (10)
Dryads are insubstantial spirits living within the wood of a specific tree. They can leave their tree and wander about, but may never stray more than a mile from the tree. They usually appear in small colonies.
Dryads can only be harmed if their tree is killed by chopping or burning it down. They are not usually inimical to man, though "Black Dryads" do exist who practice druidic rites (including blood sacrifice). They will usually aid travellers, but are mainly concerned with the well being of their trees.
Dryads tend to be Adepts of the College of Earth Magics, though some may be members of the Colleges of Illusion or the Sorceries of the Mind. They will not usually be very powerful in Colleges other than Earth, however. They have the special ability of being able to take refuge deep within their tree if threatened.
Movement Rates
Running: 200
PS: None MD: None AG: None MA: 8-20 EN: None FT: None
WP: 12-16 PC: 12-15 PB: 16-24 TMR: 4 NA: None, but see below
Dryads use no weapons of any kind.

Elf (See Elves for more detail.)

Natural Habitat
Anywhere (prefers Woods)
1-200 (20)
Elves are lithe humanoids. They are unusually fair in appearance.
Elves are nearly immortal, and tend to have an eclectic set of skills and magic at obscenely high ranks. Over their life span they often pick up unique or unusual abilities and talents.
Movement Rates
Running: 300
PS: 4-24 MD: 5-25 AG: 6-26 MA: 6-26 EN: 4-24 FT: 18-24
WP: 6-26 PC: 6-26 PB: 10-26 TMR: 6 NA: None
Elves prefer bow weapons, and will have rank 6-8 with them. Rapiers are also commonly used. Elves will not generally wear metallic armour, although they may do so in unusual cases.


Natural Habitat
Any Terrain
Very Rare
1-3 (1)
The Fachan (Fak-kahn) has one of everything - one head, one eye, one ear, one arm, one leg, one toe, etc. - all centered directly down the middle of his hairy and feathered body.
Fachan are solitary Fae, known for their grumpy nature and nasty dispositions.
Fachan are earth mages, often specialising in any magics they can use to lure prey into their reach. They are often highly skilled with large clubs that they wield with surprising ease despite their odd form.
Movement Rates
Running: 50
PS: 20-25 MD: 16-22 AG: 15-17 MA: 20-25 EN: 10-15 FT: 16-20
WP: 16-18 PC: 10-15 PB: 8-10 TMR: 2 NA: 1-2
Fachan will try to lure creatures close so as to hit them with their large clubs.


Natural Habitat
Very Rare
6-12 (8)
Fossegrim look much like gnomes and are about the same size. However, they are water dwellers and have a water-breathing capacity in addition to their air-breathing capacity. They will always be found in or near their lairs, which will be located at the foot of waterfalls or rapids wherever possible.
Fossegrim are carnivores and especially delight in feasting on "the bigs" as they call humans, elves, and their kindred. Except for their special magical abilities which they use to lure the unwary into their halls, they possess little magic and few skills or talents. What other magic they possess will be Water Magic.
Fossegrim have the ability to cast very weak and limited illusions over water so as to make shoals and rapids appear to be safe channels. They also have the ability to cast a charm over an individual, causing them to swim into their lair (which will be in an underwater cave) and be drowned. This works like a talent. Victims must roll 2 x Willpower or less or succumb to the charm.
Movement Rates
Running: 150; Swimming: 100
PS: 8-12 MD: 18-20 AG: 15-17 MA: 12-14 EN: 8-10 FT: 16-20
WP: 16-18 PC: 15-17 PB: 8-10 TMR: 3-2 NA: None
Fossegrim often bite. They may also use small simple non-missile weapons (knives, short swords, and the like).
Bite: BC 40%, [D - 2], Close, Rank 0.

Green Hag

Natural Habitat
Ocean, Marsh, River
1 4 (2)
Green hags are hideous humanoids with long flowing hair, sharp teeth & green skin.
Talents, Skills, and Magic
Any being that sees a green hag & does not make their WP roll to resist fear loses half their PS for up to (2D + 4) hours. Green hags may only be harmed by magic or silvered weapons.
Movement Rates
Running: 200; Swim: 350
PS: 30-35 MD: 15-18 AG: 18-21 MA: 1-5 EN: 20-25 FT: 25-35
WP: 25-28 PC: 18-24 PB: 0 TMR: 4/7 NA: Skin absorbs 3 DP
A green hag can make two clawing attacks in Close & Melee combat (Base Chance: 50%, D+3 Damage).
Green hags prefer to pull their victims into the water if they can and then hold them under until the victim drowns.


Natural Habitat
Plains, Woods
Very Rare
1-30 (8)
Leprechauns are similar in almost all ways to brownies, but wilder and shyer of man. They tend to dress in muted shades of brown and green and to seek out the deep woods where they are most at home. They have 3 to 4 times the stealth of an average human and will, as a result, seldom be seen unless they wish to speak with a party.
If a leprechaun is captured and cannot escape, they will buy their freedom either by revealing the location of their treasure (300-400 Gold Pieces) or by granting the warder three wishes. The leprechaun will attempt to grant these wishes such that they turn to the disadvantage of the recipient (usually in some really grisly way).
Leprechauns possess the same Talent Magic as brownies. In addition, they will usually be masters of either the College of Illusions or the College of Earth Magics. They have the ability to teleport themselves limited distances (no more than a few yards) by blinking. Leprechauns also have special skill with the Spell of Sleeping (regardless of their College) and add 10 to the Base Chance for the spell.
Movement Rates
Running: 200
PS: 7-8 MD: 19-22 AG: 25-28 MA: 19-21 EN: 5-6 FT: 10-12
WP: 15-18 PC: 14-17 PB: 9-14 TMR: 4 NA: None
Leprechauns have no natural weapons. They will usually have short swords (treat as daggers) and will use self bows.


Natural Habitat
Coastal, Ocean
1-100 (1)
Merfolk are half human, half fish, the top half being the human half. Merfolk lose 3 points of Fatigue (and Endurance when Fatigue is exhausted) for each hour they remain out of water. Merfolk are aquatics, and must keep a flow of water over their gills in the same manner as fish.
Merfolk will often sit on a beach, waiting to ensnare a human of the opposite sex, whom they will then bring down into the deeps with them as lovers. They give the human a cap woven of gold, which has magical properties that allow the human to live, and breath under water. Down under the sea, the merfolk will have cities and societies much like those on the surface, with wars, diplomacy, trade, etc. Great treasure will often be found in the sea-peoples' underwater lairs, often including gold from sunken wrecks. The merfolk are not usually hostile to man, but they will occasionally force a boat to turn back if it is trespassing on water they consider sacred or otherwise not appropriate for man.
Merfolk get along very well with the indigenous life of the sea, and they can summon fish of various types, although they will only rarely summon the larger predators. Some merfolk will have powerful magic, while others will be ignorant of magic. All breathe air and water.
Movement Rates
Swimming: 350
PS: 10-25 MD: 14-25 AG: 16-21 MA: 13-23 EN: 12-14 FT: 20-24
WP: 13-18 PC: 14-20 PB: 18-30 TMR: 7 NA: Skin absorbs 2 DP
The merfolk ride seahorses and can use weapons underwater. They prefer pole-type weapons (especially tridents) and stabbing knives and swords. They will wear fish-skin armour (similar to leather armour) or seashell armour (similar to lamillar armour) when going to war.


Natural Habitat
Coastal, Wetlands
1-40 (20)
Nixies are aquatic humanoids with pale skin (through which can often be seen green veins), golden hair, webbed fingers and toes, and gills. They are recognisable by their sharp teeth, which are covered in green slime.
Nixies are fond of human flesh, though they will sometimes refrain from eating a particularly beautiful humanoid member of the opposite sex in order to enjoy their company longer. They are capricious and cowardly and prefer to destroy their prey by guile whenever possible. An invitation to a nixie feast is usually a prelude to treachery.
Nixies will almost always have limited abilities as Adepts of the College of Water Magics. They will have no skills to speak of, but will have the talent of being able to automatically summon [D + 1] x Rank with their talent (1, if unranked) large pike to their aid. Since these "water wolves", as they are called, have a special fondness for nixies, there will always be pike in the area.
Movement Rates
Swimming: 350
PS: 13-23 MD: 10-20 AG: 14-21 MA: 10-18 EN: 10-18 FT: 12-24
WP: 14-20 PC: 14-22 PB: 8-18 TMR: 7 NA: None
Nixies often bite. In addition, they will often carry bone weapons and shields and may wear fish-skin armour (similar to leather armour).
Bite: BC 35%, [D – 2], Close, Rank 0.
Known Locations


Natural Habitat
Rural, Woods
1-30 (6)
Nymphs are beautiful female humanoids with goat-like lower limbs covered in soft curly hair. They generally prefer to go about naked, but will wear light robes in cold weather.
Nymphs dislike the intrusion of humans, but will attempt to charm and seduce a particularly handsome man with their beauty (40% chance) if they do not first flee (50% chance) If they flee, they will attempt to punish those who frightened them. Nymphs can move from place to place by entering the trunks of trees and then teleporting from one trunk to another. It takes them 30 seconds to enter the trunk of a tree and one second to teleport to any other trunk within 100 feet of the tree they currently occupy. Nymphs have little sense of normal human anatomy or capabilities and will kill a human lover with their demands by permanently reducing his Fatigue or Endurance at the rate of 1 point from either (GM's choice) per week until the lover dies or escapes. The lover may make a check against 2 times his Willpower at the end of each week to see if he runs away from his sweet captors (leaving behind most of his weapons, armour, and other possessions in his state of befuddlement). They will usually be accompanied by satyrs.
Nymphs will have some abilities of either the College of Illusions or of the College of Earth Magics. They will have twice the stealth of humans. In addition, any male character who looks at a naked nymph must roll 4 x WP or less or he will be charmed and will desire only to spend his days frolicking with the nymph (or her sisters).
Movement Rates
Running: 250
PS: 10-12 MD: 14-18 AG: 14-22 MA: 18-22 EN: 8-12 FT: 16-24
WP: 18-24 PC: 18-24 PB: 25-33 TMR: 5 NA: None
Nymphs do not use weapons or fight in any way. They rely exclusively on their beauty and magic for protection.


Natural Habitat
Very Rare
1-100 (10)
Pixies are small people about 2 feet in height, with transparent wings, pointed ears, and almond-shaped eyes.
Pixies are very hard to hit in combat (+30 to their normal defence). They are highly mischievous, and they will often play pranks to annoy the foolish traveller who enters a forest where pixies are said to dwell.
Pixies are naturally invisible, but can become visible at will. They can create full-fledged visible and audible illusions, and can appear to change their form. They are also able to use most counter spells, read peoples' minds, and cause disorientation and the inability to think clearly in the victims of their pranks.
Movement Rates
Running: 150; Flying: 250
PS: 3-4 MD: 18-21 AG: 17-20 MA: 10-15 EN: 3-4 FT: 8-10
WP: 12-16 PC: 10-14 PB: 10-17 TMR: 3-5 NA: None
Pixies use daggers. They may wear leather armour. Their bows have a range of 50 feet, and fire three types of arrows with BC 60%.
Damage Arrow: [D – 6].
Sleep Arrow: [sleep]. Resist 4 x WP.
Amnesia Arrow: [amnesia D – 4 days ]. Resist 4 x WP.


Natural Habitat
Rural, Woods
1-10 (6)
Satyrs are always males, and have the upper halves of a man and the legs of a goat or horse. They have bristly hair, and short, black horns. Their skin is a deep mahogany in colour.
Satyrs are much like centaurs in mentality: they enjoy drinking, dancing, and generally making merry. In general they dislike men, although they will occasionally attempt to seduce human females. They will usually be accompanied by nymphs.
Satyrs are somewhat magical. Their magical abilities are usually focused through a pipe, which they play to charm, delight, or otherwise influence those around them. They are also 3 times as stealthy as humans, and can blend in with surrounding trees (90% chance they will be undetected if they remain still. Satyrs have the same power over women that nymphs have over men.
Movement Rates
Running: 400
PS: 12-22 MD: 19-22 AG: 18-20 MA: 15-18 EN: 10-18 FT: 18-28
WP: 15-18 PC: 18-20 PB: 9-12 TMR: 8 NA: Skin absorbs 2 DP
Satyrs use simple weapons like spears. Usually they will have Rank 1-5 with the weapons they use.


Natural Habitat
Cold Coastal waters
Very Rare
Generally Seelie
1-2 (1)
Selkies appear as seals in their natural form and live in coastal waters. In their humanoid form they are very beautiful and similar to Sylphs
Selkies are able to transform to human form by shedding their seal skins and can revert to seal form by putting their selkie skin back on. A selkie can only make contact with one particular human for a short amount of time before they must return to the sea. They are not able to make contact with that human again for seven years, unless the human is to steal their selkie's skin and hide it or burn it.
In general Selkies are benign and will help people in trouble, however beware an offended Selkie for they will lure men to the sea and never let them return to the land for the remainder of their short lives.
They are skilled in Water Magics.
Movement Rates
Swimming: 700; Running: 250
PS: 10-13 MD: 18-22 AG: 20-24 MA: 18-20 EN: 9-12 FT: 18-20
WP: 14-18 PC: 18-20 PB: 21-25 TMR: 14/5 NA: None
Sylphs do not use weapons or attack. They use only their magic to defend themselves.


Natural Habitat
Very Rare
1-2 (1)
Spriggans are small Fae folk that appear to have been assembled out of pebbles.
Spriggans are generally antisocial and cantankerous but have a love of alcohol which can over-power the baser emotions. Once drunk Spriggans are often friendly but quick to temper. They are often found guarding buried treasure.
They have the ability to swell to enormous size. Spriggans can appear as a pile of pebbles including masking their aura's making them almost impossible to spot. They can travel at great speeds burrowing through the ground. Spriggans are also able magicians, specialising in the powers of the College of Earth Magics.
Movement Rates
Burrowing: 700; Running: 250
PS: 10-13 MD: 18-22 AG: 20-24 MA: 18-20 EN: 9-12 FT: 18-20
WP: 14-18 PC: 18-20 PB: 21-25 TMR: 14/5 NA: None
Spriggans will avoid direct conflict where possible relying on magic and a keen ability to throw stones with great accuracy.


Natural Habitat
Very Rare
1-2 (1)
Sylphs appear as human females, but have large, almost transparent wings. They are usually very beautiful.
Sylphs will aid a humanoid in need or befriend one to whom they take a fancy. If somehow coerced they will have a large treasure with which they may buy their freedom but it will usually be hidden on a mountaintop. It will be worth 2-3,000 silver pennies
Sylphs can turn themselves invisible, and they are usually able to sense a party's intentions towards them, and so avoid harm. Sylphs are also able magicians, specialising in the powers of the College of Air Magics.
Movement Rates
Flying: 700; Running: 250
PS: 10-13 MD: 18-22 AG: 20-24 MA: 18-20 EN: 9-12 FT: 18-20
WP: 14-18 PC: 18-20 PB: 21-25 TMR: 14/5 NA: None
Sylphs do not use weapons or attack. They use only their magic to defend themselves.

Will O' Wisp

Natural Habitat
Marsh, Swamp
1-10 (1)
The Will O' Wisp appears as a ball of light. But in fact they are tall spindly insubstantial fae, who carry a lantern (or use glamours to replicate a similar effect) and use it to lure creatures into bogs.
Will O' Wisps are permanently insubstantial. They can frighten other sentient living creatures (3xWP or less to save) except for faerie folk. They have the glamour talent and may be Adepts of the College of Sorceries of the Mind (at low levels).
Will O' Wisps are pranksters, who try to mislead travellers into bogs.
Movement Rates
Flying: 1000
PS: None MD: None AG: 25-30 MA: 5-15 EN: 1-2 FT: 3-4
WP: 12-16 PC: 12-15 PB: N/A TMR: 10 NA: None
Will O' Wisps do not use weapons. They can only be affected by direct contact with Cold Iron and by those spells that do not cause loss of FT or EN. They are very hard to hit in combat (-40 to SC)