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Natural Habitat
Rural, Woods
1-30 (6)
Nymphs are beautiful female humanoids with goat-like lower limbs covered in soft curly hair. They generally prefer to go about naked, but will wear light robes in cold weather.
Nymphs dislike the intrusion of humans, but will attempt to charm and seduce a particularly handsome man with their beauty (40% chance) if they do not first flee (50% chance) If they flee, they will attempt to punish those who frightened them. Nymphs can move from place to place by entering the trunks of trees and then teleporting from one trunk to another. It takes them 30 seconds to enter the trunk of a tree and one second to teleport to any other trunk within 100 feet of the tree they currently occupy. Nymphs have little sense of normal human anatomy or capabilities and will kill a human lover with their demands by permanently reducing his Fatigue or Endurance at the rate of 1 point from either (GM's choice) per week until the lover dies or escapes. The lover may make a check against 2 times his Willpower at the end of each week to see if he runs away from his sweet captors (leaving behind most of his weapons, armour, and other possessions in his state of befuddlement). They will usually be accompanied by satyrs.
Nymphs will have some abilities of either the College of Illusions or of the College of Earth Magics. They will have twice the stealth of humans. In addition, any male character who looks at a naked nymph must roll 4 x WP or less or he will be charmed and will desire only to spend his days frolicking with the nymph (or her sisters).
Movement Rates
Running: 250
PS: 10-12 MD: 14-18 AG: 14-22 MA: 18-22 EN: 8-12 FT: 16-24
WP: 18-24 PC: 18-24 PB: 25-33 TMR: 5 NA: None
Nymphs do not use weapons or fight in any way. They rely exclusively on their beauty and magic for protection.