This name is used for two related beings and one potential entity:
- An ancient dragon, one of twins, the youngest sons of Baal and Anu, with his twin brother Abaddon.
- A demonic emperor, believed to be a chimera of both twins.
- A manifestation of the End of Days. This entity is not diabolical or demonic, although certainly horrifying, and pernicious to mortal life. He awaits the coming of the Fifth Angel. Until that time, he rests in an uncertain state, somehow only conditionally extant.
It appears that when the twin sons of Baal were slain in the war that slew their father, their spirits remained in the mortal realm and joined to become a single, demonic entity. This entity continued to use the name of one twin, and it does appear that the powers of Apollyon, the Lord of Light are dominant in the demon.
Apollyon was imprisoned in the wake of the War of Tears, in much the same fashion his brothers Ahriman and Istu. He was entombed in an obsidian pyramid which was sunk to the bottom of a lake in the highlands of central Terranova.
As the tomb lay in the lake it leaked power which seeped into the surrounding rocks and formed Warpstone, which in turn altered the local fauna, creating a race of sentient and humanoid frog creatures: the Spawn.
The Spawn raised stone pyramids over the tomb and worshipped Apollyon as their god; though trapped he could whisper in the minds of the Spawn priests directing them to his bidding.
Apollyon was released from his prison by the actions of a Guild party around 796 WK and set about marshalling his forces with a view to releasing Baal.
In the summer of 801 WK his forces completed a year long ritual that summoned Leviathan back from his abyssal hiing place and the two began a long campaign to force a passage north into the Drow lands and to eventually capture Kadath and free their father.
Forging north the Spawn army was opposed by forces loyal to Ahriman, who were subsequently (apparently) bypassed.
Leviathan flooded the sea of silt in the central Drow lands to aid the army's passage a great battle ensued in the craggy mountain walls around Kadath against Ahriman's forces, elementals loyal to Istu, and troops of the Ruby Scourge. At the climax of the battle, Ahriman's forces withdrew, and Istu's elementals undermined the crags surrounding Kadath, causing the sea to flood the lava fields around the city. An enormous explosion obilterated Apollyon's army, and destroyed the city.
In the wake of the disaster the few survivors of the northern army, along with the other Spawn forces have withdrawn back to their highland lake.