A son of Baal who takes the form of an immense sea-dragon or sea-serpent some five miles in length, and whose powers lie (unsurprisingly) in the oceans and waters.
It is not known whether Leviathan died in the battle that brought down Baal, and some evidence suggests that he escaped alive, and hid himself for many millenia in an abyssal trench in the ocean between Western Alusia and Terranova. His slumber appears to have been the cause of mana storms in the Western Ocean, storms now largely absent since his awakening.
A prophecy carved on an undersea pillar near an underwater abyss in Terranova appeared to foretell his release, and in the summer of 801 WK his brother Apollyon completed a ritual to summon Leviathan back from the depths.
From then Leviathan assisted Apollyon in his attempts to push north into the Drow lands and free Baal, providing water for Apollyon's Spawn troops, and flooding the silt sea in the centre of the Drow lands.
Leviathan is believed to have been with Apollyon's northern army when the eruption caused by Istu's treachery destroyed them, and his fate is unknown at this time.
Translation into Common of an Elven inscription on a crystal pillar at the lip of an abyss of unknown depth, near the site of a destroyed sea-elf city.
Below the thunders of the upper deep;
Far far beneath in the abysmal sea,
In his ancient, dream-swept, unresting sleep
Leviathan waiteth: all shadows flee
From his phosphoric sides: around him swell
Huge storms of thaumatic element and might;
And encircling within the sickly light,
In many a hideous grot and secret cell
Unnumber'd and warp'd anathema
Winnow with great fins the slumbering green.
There he hath lain for ages and will lie
Spawning foul and curse'd seaworms in his sleep,
Then once again by mortals to be seen,
With kin and kind shall rise and to the surface hie.