Airship Gryphon

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Airship Gryphon


First encountered during the events of Gold Fever the Gryphon is an airship converted from a carrack by the gnomes of Serraine, captained by Clovis Stonebrow and belonging to the dwarves of the Everforge Trading Company. Powered by a dwarven steam engine of Superstition Mountains design and held aloft by "advanced lift-gas" generated by a "Clockspan-Wogglebottom" engine, the Gryphon is capable of a steady speed of 6 mph while carrying up to 20 tons on cargo in addition to a full crew and additional passengers.

Crew of the Gryphon

The crew of the Gryphon during the events of Gold Fever.

Name Primary Roles Description
Clovis Stonebrow m Captain, ETC owner, cargo-master Short beard, easy smile.
Vianna Geldenhoff f ETC owner, accountant, scribe Beautiful, golden hair, largely keeps to her cabin.
Bjorn "Sawbones" Burgheard m Ship’s surgeon, (brewer) Gray-haired, hardnosed, dour, little patience for those that injure themselves foolishly.
Bjørg Bjørgsdottir f Quartermaster and dinner cook Tall, striking, long dark hair, exceptionally neat and tidy.
Gunduth Firebeard m Helmsman, Cartographer White-blonde hair and beard (once red).
Bláinn Billensen m Engineer Proud, stoic, sooty, goggles
Boso Ironglove m First Mate (Morning Watch), breakfast Cheerful, missing right eye, right hand (prosthetic), and right leg from an unfortunate griffon attack. Collects shanties.
Hilda Hammerfall f Second Mate (Midday and Evening Watch), lunch, rigger Lively and humorous, enjoys bawdy jokes, sharp when crossed.
Otto Motzsen m Third Mate (Night Watch), rigger. More ape than dwarf, lovable oaf, enjoys showing off his named and tattooed biceps: "Matta" and "Pompilina".
Ánarr "Gabby" Oddrún m Stoker Short, dark hair, beard, and eyes, gruff and entirely uncommunicative.
Matteus Flintknapper m Carpenter, rope and sail/balloon mender Slender, tall, and wiry for a dwarf
Njal "Happy" Thunderfoot m Rigger, carpenter Salty and coarse former seaman, seldom in a good mood.
Ulf Understone m Night watch, rigger Scarred and tattooed, always carries a pair of hand-axes, disdainful of magic users.
Rabscuttle m? General duties (badly) Mechanician constructed Dwarf-Golem, "Gearforged".
Balthazar “Pongo” Wogglebottle m Supernumerary, lift-gas expert Loud, egotistical, and fractious gnome. Possibly a genius. Claims to be.


Clovis Stonebrow, Captain of the Gryphon Vianna Geldenhoff, ETC owner and accountant "Sawbones", Ship's Surgeon Bjørg Bjørgsdottir, Quartermaster
Gunduth Firebeard, Helmsman Bláinn Billensen, Engineer Boso Ironglove, First Mate Left to right: Ánarr, Matteus, Njal, and Hilda
Otto Motzsen, 3rd Mate Ulf Understone, Rigger Rabscuttle, Dwarven mechanical crewman Pongo Wogglebottle, Genius Inventor