Airship Gryphon
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First encountered during the events of Gold Fever the Gryphon is an airship converted from a carrack by the gnomes of Serraine, captained by Clovis Stonebrow and belonging to the dwarves of the Everforge Trading Company. Powered by a dwarven steam engine of Superstition Mountains design and held aloft by "advanced lift-gas" generated by a "Clockspan-Wogglebottom" engine, the Gryphon is capable of a steady speed of 6 mph while carrying up to 20 tons on cargo in addition to a full crew and additional passengers.
Crew of the Gryphon
The crew of the Gryphon during the events of Gold Fever.
Name | Primary Roles | Description | |
Clovis Stonebrow | m | Captain, ETC owner, cargo-master | Short beard, easy smile. |
Vianna Geldenhoff | f | ETC owner, accountant, scribe | Beautiful, golden hair, largely keeps to her cabin. |
Bjorn "Sawbones" Burgheard | m | Ship’s surgeon, (brewer) | Gray-haired, hardnosed, dour, little patience for those that injure themselves foolishly. |
Bjørg Bjørgsdottir | f | Quartermaster and dinner cook | Tall, striking, long dark hair, exceptionally neat and tidy. |
Gunduth Firebeard | m | Helmsman, Cartographer | White-blonde hair and beard (once red). |
Bláinn Billensen | m | Engineer | Proud, stoic, sooty, goggles |
Boso Ironglove | m | First Mate (Morning Watch), breakfast | Cheerful, missing right eye, right hand (prosthetic), and right leg from an unfortunate griffon attack. Collects shanties. |
Hilda Hammerfall | f | Second Mate (Midday and Evening Watch), lunch, rigger | Lively and humorous, enjoys bawdy jokes, sharp when crossed. |
Otto Motzsen | m | Third Mate (Night Watch), rigger. | More ape than dwarf, lovable oaf, enjoys showing off his named and tattooed biceps: "Matta" and "Pompilina". |
Ánarr "Gabby" Oddrún | m | Stoker | Short, dark hair, beard, and eyes, gruff and entirely uncommunicative. |
Matteus Flintknapper | m | Carpenter, rope and sail/balloon mender | Slender, tall, and wiry for a dwarf |
Njal "Happy" Thunderfoot | m | Rigger, carpenter | Salty and coarse former seaman, seldom in a good mood. |
Ulf Understone | m | Night watch, rigger | Scarred and tattooed, always carries a pair of hand-axes, disdainful of magic users. |
Rabscuttle | m? | General duties (badly) | Mechanician constructed Dwarf-Golem, "Gearforged". |
Balthazar “Pongo” Wogglebottle | m | Supernumerary, lift-gas expert | Loud, egotistical, and fractious gnome. Possibly a genius. Claims to be. |