2006 Rule Changes
These are the Rule Changes voted on and accepted by the Gods (up to March 2006) since the 2004 Rulebook, along with a few items that are not strictly rule changes. They are in the 2006 Rulebook (Edition 1.6). There were also many changes to the Rulebook that did not require a Gods vote, see 2006_Minor_Fixes.
The items detailed below used to be in Pending Rule Changes. See also Noticed Rulebook Issues for errors and issues with the 2006 Rulebook.
2 Character Generation
- 2.4 Elemental Aspects - "Ice magic is not affected" should, for completeness, read "Ice and Celestial magic is not affected"
- Social Status table - As per the original document, the range of Goodman should be 30-44, not 30-40.
- Conception chances - should they go to GM's Guide or Bestiary? Move the paragraph that says how often to use them, and the chance for each race in section 2.2, to Adventure, Health and Fitness for this edition.
- remove lines with "Base Conception Rate" x 7, and "Conception Any rolls against Conception Chance should only be made once in any 48 hour period."
5. Health and Fitness
Add new section after 5.7 Infection
Move text from Character Generation to new section:
The natural conception chances for character races are:
- Dwarf : 3%
- Elf : 1%
- Halfling : 4%
- Hill Giant : 2%
- Human : 6%
- Orc : 10%
- ShapeChanger : 5%
Checks against the relevant chance should be made no more often than once per 48 hours of appropriate activity.
6. Ranking
- Add after "The character may rank any combination of two things at the same time, providing the character does not rank magic (i.e. spells or rituals) at the same time as non-magic (i.e. weapons or skills)."
- Time spent training for a particular rank of an ability may be interrupted by other activity (including being on adventure). However training for a given rank must be completed within 6 months of starting training for that rank.
- Note ability to learn subskill without gaining a rank in skill
- para break after "(Rank to be achieved, minimum 1)."
- "Some skills include specific abilities (subskills) which are learnt when increasing your rank in the skill. It is possible in some skills to learn subskills by spending time and EP without increasing your rank. See &55.2 and each skill concerned." (new para)
- Improve entries for Names per Learning Names Wording
7. Magic
7.2 How Magic Works
Add after "Rituals may also cause a multiple effect similar to spells."
Some spells and rituals require material components. These materials must be present to perform the magic. If the spell or ritual also has a Material Cost then unless stated otherwise in the description, these materials are consumed during the casting of the magic regardless of the success or failure of the casting.
7.7 Backfires
- Resolve inconsistency between 7.2 How Magic Works (rituals backfire on +30) and 7.7 Backfire (+40). Former is correct, per Rulebook History October 7, 1999 (Change to ritual description in general magic. Rituals now backfire on BC + 30% ...)
- Old text: Particularly inept Spell casts or Ritual performances may cause backfires. If the Mage's Cast Check fails by more than 30 for a 5 second Spell preparation, or 40 for a longer Spell preparation or Ritual performance, the Magic backfires.
- New text: Particularly inept Spell casts or Ritual performances may cause backfires. If the Mage's Cast Check fails by more than 30 for a 5 second Spell preparation or Ritual performance, or 40 for a longer Spell preparation, the Magic backfires.
- Move references to alternate backfire tables to GM Guide.
7.10 The Colleges of Magic
Knowledge Limitations
- Old Text: (except Ritual Spell Preparation, and the General Knowledge spells of Namers).
- New Text: "(except Ritual Spell Preparation, and as specified in the Namer College)."
13. The College of Binding and Animating Magics
13.13 Golem Statistics
Change MA: 0 to MA: None to reflect text of rituals.
Golem Weights
Add a column to the Golem statistics table to specify the average weight of golems based on size and type.
- Rag & String
- Weight (lbs) = Height (feet). Range: 0.5 to 2.5 lbs.
- Clay
- Weight (lbs) = Height (feet) squared * 8. Range: 72 to 648 lbs.
- Wood
- Weight (lbs) = Height (feet) squared * 6. Range: 24 to 486 lbs.
- Iron
- Weight (lbs) = Height (feet) squared * 11. Range: 176 to 1,100 lbs.
- Stone
- Weight (lbs) = Height (feet) squared * 13. Range: 325 to 1,872 lbs.
Binding Permanency
See Permanency Rituals Changes
15 The College of Illusions
Add "Concentration check:Standard" to all five rituals to match format of other colleges
See Permanency Rituals Changes
17. The College of Naming Incantations
17.2 Namer Benefits
- Improve entries for ranking per Learning Names Wording
Namer True Seeing (S-10)
- Clarification Only
- The area affected is the spell range as a radius centred on the Adept
- Anyone (not just the Adept) may attempt to observe revealed oddness
- The spell does state that "observers" may make PC checks but this is not as explicit as it could be
- Suggestion: minor True Seeing wording change in next edition to clarify the above points.
18. The College of Air Magics
Control Weather (R-3)
The description of effects doesn't match the Weather Table.
- old text "Precipitation, Density"
- new text "Precipitation, Degree"
Weather Scale Table
- change Version #
- Remove asterisks and references to rank-based limits
- add ref to 'normal climatic range' to R-3 note
- Change last column of 3rd sub-table
- Degree
- mm / Hour [was Inches / hr]
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 2
- 0
- 3
- 1
- 4
- 2
- 5
- 3
- 6
- 4
- 7
- 5
- 8
- 10
- 9
- 15
- 10 *
- 20
- 11 **
- 25
- 12+***
- 35
19. The College of Celestial Magics (Ver 1.3)
Shadow Form / Coruscade (G-4)
- Confirm that this spell does not stack with other spells that increase defence
- Reword to confirm that spell increases target's DEF rather than modifying striker's SC
Specific new Shadow Form / Coruscade wording
Failing Star (S-10 Star)
Change name to "Falling Star (S-10 Star)"
25 The College of Necromantic Conjurations
- Stream of Corruption (S-14)
- Reword to include 'corrosive', and make explicit that it affects all entities, including undead and constructs.
- Shaping Flesh Golems (R-4)
- Add sentence saying that they are sentient (to match given MA of 0)
- Old Text: A Flesh Golem will always obey its creator, but the GM must determine...
- New Text: A Flesh Golem will always obey its creator and is barely sentient, but the GM must determine...
26 The College of Rune Magics
- Remove the 'no new characters' restriction on Rune College.
- Add a stronger than normal warning that the college will change at some date.
- Which version (if any) to include in the Rulebook is currently under discussion.
27 The College of Witchcraft
Special Alchemy (T-2)
Update reference to conception chance location
- Old Text: The Base Chance of conception for races may be found under the Conception in Character Generation. A roll for conception should not be made more than once in 48 hours.
- New Text: See Conception (&5.8) for conception chances.
29 Adventuring Skills
29.1 Climbing
- Remove separate skills for claws and ropes per Climbing
- remove ref from EP cost table
31 Armourer
31.1 Restrictions
31.2 Benefits
- Problem: The current equation for figuring armour construction times, [1 + Rank / 2 x Base number of days] is ambiguous. Read according to mathematical rules the equation results in all Effective Rk 0 armour requiring 1 day to make. The original intent was that Effective Rk 0 armour takes Base days to construct, with the Base days sepcified for each type of armour.
- Solution: Correct the formula to: (1 + (Rank / 2)) x Base number of days.
38. Herbalist
38.1 Benefits
4. At Rank 3 a herbalist ...
- Old Text: At Rank 3 a herbalist may prepare, using uncommon herbs, healing salves that will enhance the healing of wounds to Rank x normal rate (for example a Rank 10 herbalist treating a deep sword cut that would normally take 20 days to heal would cause it to heal in 2 days).
- New Text: At Rank 3 a herbalist may prepare, using uncommon herbs, healing salves that will enhance the healing time of wounds. Divide the normal rate by their rank. For example a Rank 10 herbalist treating a deep sword cut that would normally take 20 days to heal would cause it to heal in 2 days.
39. Languages
- New languages added to 39.6 Language Families and 39.7 Language groups.
- Kipchak[8] (Central-Human, Nomadic)
- Eloran [9e,w] (Eldar, Elvidic)
- Merfolk is Rk8, Mer alphabet, Perfidic Group
46. Spy
- New Version per original resolution
- Clarify that get to choose an optional ability at Rank 0
47. Thief
Remove from 47.2 Benefits "If a character's Rank as a thief is greater then their Rank as a spy, the character expends onehalf the necessary Experience Points to acquire or improve the latter skill. The reverse is also true."
50 Weaponsmith
50.1 Restrictions
- New text immediately after heading "The skill is related to that of armourer, and a weaponsmith who is a more skilled armourer expends only three quarters of the necessary Experience Points to acquire or improve this skill. The reverse is also true."
50.2 Benefits
- cost of adding ranks (point 2 of 3), order of terms changed, add pointer
- Old text: ...Base Cost as shown in the weapons table x (effective Rank + 1 + DM increase) silver pennies.
- New text: ...Base Cost as shown in the weapons table x (1 + effective Rank + DM increase) silver pennies. See also #50.4
(Derived from Accepted Weaponsmith Proposals)
- Reduce time required if more than effective rank (point 3 of 3), example corrected
- Old text: or produces a +1 Damage sword, no BC modifier, in 54 hours rather than 60.
- New text: or produces a +1 Damage sword, no BC modifier, in 51 hours rather than 60.
50.4 Silvering and Gilding weapons
- Rewrite so that Weaponsmiths get discount on silvering etc, and ranks applied don't effect cost of silvering
Specific wording to be added to each affected skill. Skill Experience cost table needs to be modified as well
- Add "without increasing in rank" to appropriate place in each skill.
- Add para to Ranking 6.5
That the cost for purchasing addtional subskills for the following skills be changed to:
Skill | Subskill Cost |
Armourer | 5,000ep |
Beastmaster | 5,000ep |
Courtier | 1,000ep |
Mechanician | 2,500ep |
Merchant | 4,000ep |
Military Sci | 3,000ep |
Spy (pending) | 2,500ep |
Thief (proposed) | 4,000ep |
Troubadour | 1,000ep |
Weaponsmith | 5,000ep |
- All these subskills to take 4 weeks.
- For these skills, additional subskills can be learned at any Rank.
- That the additional subskill EP & time to be reduced to 75% at Rank 8 and 50% at Rank 10.
SubSkill EP Calc
It has been requested that the calculation method for the EP values be recorded in the Wiki, in case other skills are changed later.
Start with the EP cost for Rank 4 in the skill. Multiple by the number of ranks required to get a new subskill. Round +/- 10%. For exceptions (e.g. Merchant) change the subskill multipler if needed.
Note that this method shouldn't be used for Philosopher, which already has a perfectly good method, based on its linear EP progression. Also, this method probably shouldn't be used for Ranger, which is for changing a specilisation, not adding a new one, as it is liable to over-estimate a fair price.
Always apply common sense.
55.2 Skills EP table
Notes re-organised and updated
56.1 Weapons Table
- Note F old text: or three targets in one pulse
- new text: or three targets in one action
56.2 Shield Table
- Add note symbol (†) after "(Rank 0 is counted as a Rank"
- Move the below to before "†The main gauche does not.."
- When a shield is not prepared, it is considered slung on the back of the figure carrying it. All shields except the tower shield and main gauche are constructed of wood and hides and do not affect the flow of mana in regard to Adepts.
- Add "No defense bonus is gained at Rank 0." after "to rise in Rank in both."
Minor Catch-all
A separate page to list minor fixes that people have found, and how they have been resolved.
Found Issues
Issues needing vote found during editing, not resolved in 2006 Rulebook
See Also
<= Rules