Permanency Rituals Changes
Binding Permanency (R-1)
Range: 5 feet Duration: 1 Day (+1/Rank) or Permanent Experience Multiple: 400 Base Chance: 20% + 4% / Rank Resist: None Target: Spell or Ritual Cast Time: 1 hour Material: Special Concentration Check: Standard
Effects: This ritual enhances the duration of one of the Adept's spells or rituals belonging to the College of Binding and Animating Magics. The magic must have been cast previously, and have sufficient duration to last throughout the ritual. This ritual may not be used with any magics with concentration-based or indefinite, condition based duration. This ritual may be performed without material components to change the duration of the target Spell or Ritual to 1 day (+1 per rank). Or the Adept may use the material components to change the duration to permanent. Material costs for this ritual are 10,000 sp (- 400 / Rank) for General Knowledge Spells, 20,000 sp (- 800 / Rank) for Special Knowledge Spells and for Rituals. A spell that has been enhanced by this ritual may only be removed by a Ritual of Dissipation.
Permanency (R-3)
Range: 5 feet Duration: 1 Day (+1/Rank) or Permanent Experience Multiple: 550 Base Chance: MA + 4% per Rank Resist: None Target: Spell or Ritual Cast Time: 1 hour Material: Special Concentration Check: Standard
Effects: This ritual enhances the duration of one of the Adept's Illusion spells or rituals. The magic must have been cast previously, and have sufficient duration to last throughout the ritual. This ritual may not be used with any magics with concentration-based or indefinite, condition based duration. Once the duration of an Illusion has been enhanced, no changes are possible. The Illusion may be overridden by any similar spell for the duration, rather than queueing. This ritual may be performed without material components to change the duration of the target Spell or Ritual to 1 day (+1 per rank). Or the Adept may use the material components to change the duration to permanent. Material costs for this ritual are 5,000 sp (- 200 / Rank). A spell that has been enhanced by this ritual may only be removed by a Ritual of Dissipation or the Adept's own Special Knowledge counterspell.