Guild Meeting March 2021

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DQ Guild Meeting 14th March 2021

Club Committee Meeting

Saturday 6th Mar 2021 at 11:00 - Discord online meeting

Attendees: Stephen M, Errol, Keith S, Jacqui. Apologies: Julia.


  • Review and confirm 2020 Financial Statement Confirmed 4 / 0 / 0
  • Set Budget and Fees for next year
    • Budget for SGT stays at $5 per person ($1.25 per person per edition) Confirmed 4 / 0 / 0
    • Fees: $30. +$20 for Family membership. NB this includes the SGT cost. Confirmed 4 / 0 / 0
  • With the reduced hosting costs, we are planning to reduce the fees for 2022, proposed to be $15. +$10 for Family membership.

Meeting closed 11:15am

12:30 GMs Meeting

At Parkside Cafe.

Adventures Going Out

Current GMs may book themselves on adventures at this time.

Rules Issues

Campaign Report

What's going on and what's coming up from the campaign committee (that we need to know). And what other people could help with or contribute to.

General Business

1:00 Guild Meeting

Venue: Mt Albert YMCA, Mezzanine Room.

Club AGM

_ Voting members present.

  1. Receiving any minutes of the previous Society’s Meeting(s)
  2. The Chair’s report on the business of the Society
  3. The Treasurer’s report on the finances of the Society, and the Annual Financial Statements
    • Fees set at $30 for individuals, $50 for households
    1. Vote to accept the 2020 Club Financial Report Yes _ No 0 Abstain 0
    2. Vote to not require an audit Yes _ No 0 Abstain 0
  1. Election of Committee Members
    1. Chair - Nominees:
      1. Stephen M Yes _ No 0 Abstain 0
    2. Treasurer - Nominees:
      1. Errol C Yes _ No 0 Abstain 0
    3. Secretary - Nominees:
      1. Keith S Yes _ No 0 Abstain 0
    4. Editor - Volunteers:
      1. Jacqui S
    5. Campaign Coordinator - Volunteers:
      1. Julia
  2. Motions to be considered - none.
  3. General business - none.

AGM Closed 1:_ pm

Adventure Summaries

Adventure Announcements and Sign-up


  • Smartest
    • Jessica - Attack (Necromancers) from where we are not
    • _
    • No Vote - 0
  • Bravest
    • _
    • No Vote - 0
  • Stupidest
    • _
    • No Vote - 0
  • Best Death
    • _
    • No Vote - 0
  • Star of Alusia - No nominations
  • Jammiest B'stard
    • Lady Cher: For taking two consecutive Breath Attacks from Ice/Cloud Dragon (d100 pts, resist for half); GM openly ro11ed Max (a 1 in 10,000 chance), but Cher resisted & was still standing!
    • No Vote - 0

General Business

2:00 Hall Closes