Copper Sands and Broken Dice
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Adventure: Copper Sands and Broken Dice
GM: Jono Bean
Session: Winter 814
Night: Starting Wednesday the 11th of June starting at 6:30pm
Location The Quadrant, 12 Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland CBD
Level: Low -- Medium.
Information: Information from players for Jono.
House Rules: Quickness & Slowness, No 'B' Colleges please
The Party:
- Quincey Honeymead of Finger Bottom - played by Brett
- A new character ... - played by Tim
- A new character ... - played by Paul
- A new character ... - played by Kelsie
- Billy Rubin played by Craig Harper
- A low level character - played by someone.
Employer & others
An Elven Ranger named Silver Wind, who has been watching the stars of the night sky wishes to employ an Elf, a Hobbit, a Human with blood in the northlands and a The Gythia of Hel and a Dwarf.
He understands that some creature is at risk of returning from the Gatar Depression and wants to talk to the group of adventurers he has seen in the night sky.
He has secured payment in the form of favors to the value of 30 Arcane Points each from the court of the Duke of Carzala with the Mages of Freetoun.
Scribe Notes
It was a dark an stormy night ....