The County Palatine of Borovia is located north of Midheim in the foothills of the Drachenzahnberge Mountains at the farthest navigable point of the Ruv River.
The County covers about 3500 square miles, although most of this area is rugged foothills and deep forest. Settlements consist of one major town Borovia (population: approx 5,000), and a number of small villages in the surrounding farming areas.
The population of Borovia is around 12,000: 8,000 human [including 2,000 native (Old) Borovians, and 1,000 Domani.]; 1,500 elven; 1,000 halfling; 700 dwarven; 500 Erelheine; 300 other races.
Seat of government is the Rabenschloß (Castle of the Raven) which stands on a high bluff overlooking the town. Heads of State since 787 WK are Countess Anestasia Desiree and Count Kree Taijin. Head of the civil government is Mayor Ismark.
A variety of languages are spoken in the County. Most people speak at least some Common; other languages in frequent use are Elven (30%), Old Borovian [a derivative of Old Kravonian] (20%), Erelheine (15%).
There is no official religion, but about 10% of the population (mostly the older native Borovians) have some association with the Raphaelite sect of the Elohim. There is some adherence to other religions, including Erelheine animism.
There is no official currency, but most common currencies can be freely exchanged, and merchants from many parts of the Baronies can be found in Borovia. Trade runs south along the new road into Midheim, by river down through Borderlay, by canal (via subterranean tunnel) to Alfheim, and by permanent portal gate to the city of Kyoshin in Kinlu.
An unusual point of interest is the Mechanician's Guild and Seige Warfare training facility run by Katerina, daughter of the late Duke Frederick of Aquila and wife of Baron Silverfoam, Admiral of Borovia, which lies at the foot of the hill upon which is perched the resplendant blue-and-silver Chateau Neuf-de-Pap, the Baronial abode.
- Borovian Navy, This fleet is commanded by Admiral Silverfoam