Adventures on Aquerius (Part V)

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Start Date: Thaw 1, 803 WK (01/10/803) Finish Date: Thaw 27, 803 WK (27/10/803) Duration: 27 days

Ty Trident 5405
Tulip 5900
Kel 2900
Everan 4500

Game MasterRoss Alexander
Party LeaderEveran
Party ScribeTulip
Military ScientistTy Trident
Party MembersTulip (Tricia Hunt) & wolf
Ty Trident(Zane Hembest)
Kel (Terry Spencer) & dog
Everan (Dean Ellis)

Commission is to locate and rescue Buzz, who got left behind on Aquarius after the party had to exit plane precipitously. Ishmael has provided a potion which will take us to Aquarius, but part of the mission is also to test that it works.


Date: 01/10/803

Party is recruited.

Date: 04/10/803

Take the potion and arrive on a cliff top in Aquarius. Travel north to Navalis, but don't enter, we travel around the city and take a trade route inland. Language is a problem, they speak a lunar-elven mix.

Date: 05-06/10/803

Travel along inland road. We are passed by mounted infantry escorting a half-elven female and aged human male, they appear immune to DA. The infantry are wearing insignia of a blue snake on yellow field (highest rnk weapon is 8), the group also carries a purple eagle standard. In the evening we reach a woodcutters village and spend the night. Large cats attack the watch but are defeated. Spend next day travelling along the road.

Date: 07-10/10/803

We identify the castle were we lost Buzz, and settle in to observe while remaining hidden in woods. Try summoning Buzz, doesn't work, and then send the dogs out to see if they can pick up his sent, they do, but its very old and goes away from the castle. We determine that concealing magic's do not work in the sunshine. We follow the sent trail identified by the dogs.

Date: 11/10/803

Follow the road, but as the population density increases the dogs loose Buzz's sent.

Date: 12/10/803

We travel approx another 1/2 day trying to regain sent, and find it on a track that follows a river southward. This road is quite busy and we see more troops with the eagle standard. We ascertain that this is a governmental symbol (of a ruling emperor). We find accommodation for the night.

Date: 13-15/10/803

We enter a walled port city, Porto in the evening, it is made clear there is no magic to be cast without specific warrant from the emperor. We locate Buzz in the "house serpens" inside a walled enclave inside of Porto. After observation and investigation we determine that he is in a very secure environment, and without magic we are wary of "stealing" him away. We visit the docks, and observe a large elven ship, on enquiry we find that there is an elven enclave in Navalis. We also work out that anti-magic spells are very strong here.

Date: 16-19/10/803

Take the road along the coast to Navalis were we visit the elves. The elven enclave is on an island pillar off the shore and is reached by a bridge. We gain entrance and discuss stuff with an elf who seems little interested in imparting information. However we do pass through several places of power, and we determine that the elves are "lunar" orientated while the emperor is "sun" orientated. While we are in the sun we are easily observed and traced. We find out that the elves were instrumental in causing this world to be inhabited, bring the humans, (and hobbits and dwarves) here from another plane. The elves appear to "manage" the humans but from afar with little direct interaction. The human politics is based around family "houses" and house serpens is one of the earliest and richest houses. Most people are bonded to a house, except in some of the trading cities like Solaris and Navalis where some independence has been achieved. The elves maintain the current political system ensuring some houses are protected and will also act on behalf of the emperor for "the interests of all". Everen and the elven lady talk, talk, talk. She suggests the Hobbits may be able to help us with our quest. We find a pair of young Hobbits quite quickly, they are willing to rescue Buzz for 300sp.

Date: 20-21/10/803

We leave Navalis and travel to the Porto area, moving only at night, on the way we are given a bit of a fright by 20 mounted imperial guard escorting 2 people we cannot identify, a divination of some sort floods over us. We detour, covering our tracks and being very sneaky to a ruined tower the Hobbits described to us.

Date: 22/10/803

We are aware of patrols of men, their emblem is a yellow orchid on a green field. We are not sure if they are looking for us specifically. Cal finds some rare herbs in the forest, we wait for the Hobbits.

Date: 23/10/803

The Hobbits return with Buzz, we pay them and contrary to Cal's wishes (as she wants to back and talk to the elves) we banish ourselves back to Alucia. We have troubles however going through the shadow-plane, it seems quite dangerous. Cal. tulip and Sabrina all have "black" wounds, Cal's dog dies. Buzz is not here! We all feel ourselves healing in the sunlight but are taking fatigue damage from the sun as well! The area we come back too seems very shadowy. Cal buries her dog, but later decides this was a bad thing as the "blackness" that killed the dog can fester and grow strong, she later returns to expose the dog to sunlight. We return to the Guild, and locate Buzz at the point which he left the plane, that is at the mad professor's who works for Sebastian.

Date: 24-27/10/803

We wait 4 days for Sebastian to return to the guild and enquire about retrieving Buzz, he is very accommodating (turning a door frame into a portal with a rod that is a single gem inlaid with intricate metallic symbols) and send us to the professor where we do indeed find Buzz. Buzz however has had runes carved into is flesh (with stone mason tools?), sooth pain and many hugs and kisses are in order. The runes however seem to be aiding Buzz, and they seam to be related to strength, water and blood enhancement. The Professor sends us back to the guild.


Start 01/10/803 WK
Finish 27/10/803 WK
Time 27 days
Time Playing4 sessions

Accommodation (Navalis-Castle) 40 sp
Accommodation (Porto) 60 sp
Accommodation (Porto-Navalis) 80 sp
Accommodation Navalis 30 sp
Accommodation (Navalis-Porto) 30 sp
Hobbits 300 sp
Locating Buzz 100 sp
Total Costs 640 sp
Net Profit NONE
Guild Tax (10%) NONE
Monies gained each NONE