Arrindales Lair

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In the middle on the Plateau of Decay is a 3 story tower of black stone. A single door at the base provides entrance to one of the largest underground cavern systems on Alusia.

The Tower

The tower consists of three levels with all three containing circular rooms surrounded by a spiral staircase. The rooms are empty apart from the markings of ritual circles engraved into the floor. The mana level is very high here and provided huge bonus's to Druidic Earth Mages.

Beneath the tower the spiral staircase continues to wind it's way down into the bowels of the plateau.

Level 1: The Residence

This level is around 30 feet below the surface and is richly appointed. A network of 40 rooms extends from the stairwell but has not yet been explored by Guild parties.

Level 2: The Barracks

Another 50 feet down lies the barracks.

Level 3: Living Quarters

80 feet below the barracks are the living quarters for the slaves. These have since been abandoned after the slaves were rescued by a Guild party.

Level 4: The Workshop

50 feet below the Living Quarters are the workshops.

Level 5: The Mine

100 feet below the living Quarters are the mines themselves. Unlike traditional mines this one is effectively an open cast mine underground with a vast open space 5 miles in diameter hollowed out. The roof is held up with large crystalline structures made of Kyanite Crystal. This level was believed to have been collapsed by a Guild party when they destroyed all the Kyanite supports, however the supports have crumbled leaving the main chamber intact.